An Owl's Rise

Chapter 232 232 A New Target

Chapter 232 232 A New Target

While flying along through the tunnels of the burrowing owls' home, Evelyne and Rehni further discussed the other valuable resources that could be found in the desert that Otis knew about.

"Are you serious!? There is really a magic crystal deposit that close to here!" Rehni said when Otis told them about the nearest treasure to be found in the desert.

"Yes, I do not know much more than it exists and what manner of beasts have taken it as their home, but I am certain that a large deposit exists around one hundred thirty kilometers from here." Otis replied.

Rehni then grilled Otis about it, but he really did not know anything else of use.

"I see. So, a pack of beasts called brass jackals live there and have the run of the area." Evelyn said after Otis explained all he knew.

Apparently, these brass jackals were quite strong and one of the top groups of beasts that lived in the Velinis desert just like the burrowing owls.

However, unlike the burrowing owls they were not currently weakened by a huge loss of their most powerful members.

"I am sorry that I do not know anything else. They are outside of our normal territory, and we have silently agreed not to get involved with each other.

If the two groups were to go to war with each other it would lead to a huge drop in overall power that would likely see both of them wiped out in the aftermath by other competitors.

"It sounds like it may be more trouble than it is worth to take the magic crystal deposits, but I believe we can still go and check it out at least. Perhaps we will get lucky, and their current strength is not all that high. I would not wish to risk your flock in a fruitless battle." Evelyn said to Otis.

He thanked her for her consideration and soon after they had finished their discussion, they arrived at the chamber that would be serving as Evelyn, Rehni, and Bylur's room during their stay with the burrowing owls.

"Hm, it looks to be more than comfortable enough. Thank you again for setting this up for us Otis." Evelyn said once she had finished examining the room.

"It was our pleasure. You are our savior Lady Evelyn, and we would have likely faded into one of the weaker groups in the desert without your help." Otis said while giving a slight bow.

Once Evelyn, Bylur, and Rehni had finished setting up a few things in their room they promptly prepared for bed.

It had been a fairly long day for all of them and they were in need of some rest before their mission tomorrow to scout out the magic crystal deposits that the brass jackals had claimed.

"There I have set up the detection magic string that will go off if anyone passes over it, but are you sure it is necessary? I do not think any of the burrowing owls would ever even contemplate harming you." Rehni said.

"Yes, I believe you are correct, but it is better to be prepared. We are not in the Roost anymore but in the wilds. It is possible that some type of beast specializing in stealth could sneak in and try to kill us in our sleep." Evelyn said, her cautious nature still mostly intact.

At the very least she did not suspect the obviously loyal burrowing owls and was instead being especially careful on the off chance of an outside danger.

Once Evelyn was satisfied with their safety precautions the three of them moved to their sleeping locations and prepared to rest.

"Bylur are you not a bit too close to me?" Evelyn said, noticing his proximity.

The room they were in was quite spacious, yet he had moved himself relatively close and was only a few feet away.

"Ah sorry, I just felt that this spot was the most comfortable. But if it is making you feel anxious, I will move." Bylur said, a slightly disappointed expression on his face.

He then inched away to what was the minimum acceptable distance away from Evelyn and closed his eyes.

'Whatever.' Evelyn thought before closing her eyes herself and letting unconsciousness take her.

Upon waking the next day, they found that once again Otis had prepared as lavish a meal as he could for them.

It was plain but high-quality fair and better than they would normally except to eat out in the wild.

"Now, have you prepared the team of burrowing owls that will be accompanying us?" Evelyn asked after she finished eating.

"Yes, I have selected our strongest scouts, and among them is Po who is the leader." Otis said, before beckoning them in.

Five borrowing owls then shuffled into the room and stood in a line.

Two of them were at the high tier of the awakened rank, Po being one of them after having advanced during the last instance of the magic spring activating. josei

The other three were all mid-tiers and Evelyn recognized them as those she had fought alongside against the ospreys.

"I see that they are all familiar faces. I am certain I can expect good things from them." Evelyn said, satisfied with the personnel that Otis had picked out.

Otis himself actually wanted to accompany them to make sure that Evelyn stayed safe, but as the leader of the burrowing owls and their strongest combatant he had to stay at the base to make sure that it was secure.

He was already sending away the majority of his best fighters and losing any more strength would put their home at risk.

With her team assembled Evelyn handed out a small pouch that contained a healing potion and bottle of magical energy replenishment pills to the five burrowing owls that would be accompanying them.

"These are more of the items like the ones I handed out when we fought the ospreys. Make sure not to be conservative with them. If you need them, take them." Evelyn said with a sharp tone. "Now, let us go and scout out these brass jackals.

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