An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

What and what?

Isn’t it because of the power and position, and to become famous in the world, that’s why you challenge the leader of the martial arts alliance?

Why does it sound like it’s for revenge?

Is there any grudge between the two of them?

“Bold bastard! You dare to openly insult the leader of the martial arts alliance. It is an unpardonable crime!”

Lei Qianzhong stood up and shouted angrily.

The members of the Wu League were also filled with indignation and clamored.

Lei Wanjun is the face of the entire martial arts alliance, so he cannot tolerate being slandered in public.

“Okay, everyone, be quiet.”

Lei Wanjun slowly raised his hand to stop the noise of the members of the Martial Alliance, and then said without changing his expression: “Lu Chen, justice is in the heart of the people. I, Lei, have always acted openly and aboveboard. Do you think you can slander me by making random nonsense?” My reputation?”

“Slander? Huh…”

Lu Chen snorted coldly: “You betrayed your trust and deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors. You are worse than a pig or a dog! A sanctimonious hypocrite like you will be punished by everyone!”


Lei Wanjun’s face darkened and he said angrily: “Lu Chen! I think you are a junior and I don’t want to argue with you. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

“Scaring me? Lei Wanjun, do you think I came here today just to joke with you?”

Lu Chen suddenly turned up the volume and spoke loudly: “Prick up your ears and listen! In this challenge, we will not only differentiate ourselves, but also fight for life and death!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

“What? A fight between life and death? Is this guy crazy?”

“I…did I hear correctly? This kid actually wants to have a life-and-death fight with Alliance Leader Lei?”

“You are overestimating your abilities! You are really overestimating your abilities!”

“If it is just a challenge, it can be regarded as a commendable courage. If it is a life and death fight, it can only be described as stupid!”

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Lu Chen’s arrogant words shocked all the warriors.

Challenging the leader of the martial arts alliance is bold enough, but now asking for a life-and-death fight is simply an act of lunacy.

“Senior Brother Lu is too impulsive. Why do you have to fight so hard when you are so good?” Lin Rong looked nervous.

As we all know, there is only one outcome in a life-and-death fight, either you die or I die, and you can’t even admit defeat.

If there was no deep hatred between the two parties, it would never be possible for them to do such a thing.

“How could this happen? Why risk your life for fame and fortune?” Zuo Xinyue frowned, very worried.

Challenging the leader of the martial arts alliance is an honor even if you lose.

Even if you lose, no one will say anything.

But now, the situation is completely different. Losing means death.

“This kid is really asking for his own destruction!”

Yang Jie smiled coldly, a little gloating.


Tao Yang shook his head, his face full of contempt.

“Young people really don’t know the heights of the world. If they fight tooth and nail with the martial arts leader, wouldn’t they be like moths flying into the flame?” Wu Hongda sneered.

In order to be in the limelight, there is no way to escape. No matter how talented this kind of person is, it is difficult for him to become a great person.

“It’s wonderful, it’s really wonderful. It’s hard for you not to die now!”

Jiang Xiuzhen smiled ferociously and almost couldn’t help but applaud.

“You don’t know how to live or die, you are digging your own grave!”

Lei Qianzhong grinned, looking like an idiot.

Anyone who dares to fight for his life against the martial arts leader is either a madman or a fool.

“good very good!”

Lei Wanjun walked up to the ring step by step, with a sneer on his lips: “Since you want to fight to the death, then I will help you!”

Then, he suddenly raised his hand: “Come here, bring me the life and death certificate!”

“In today’s battle, we will not only differentiate ourselves, but also decide our life and death!”


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