An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1197

Chapter 1197

Chapter 1197

Chapter 1197

Under Lei Wanjun’s shout, a life and death certificate was brought up.

The two of them didn’t talk nonsense. They signed the life and death certificate and took their fingerprints.

In a duel in the ring, life and death have always been determined by destiny, but there is generally no deep hatred and hatred. The victor will be merciful. This is an unwritten rule.

However, after signing the life and death certificate, this rule was broken.

There is no holding back, no retreat, only fighting for one’s life.

Either life or death, there is no other choice.

“Lu Chen, this is the stupidest decision you have ever made in your life.”

After signing, Lei Wanjun’s whole aura became different.

From the previous elegance, he became sharp-edged and powerful.

A mountain-like pressure was released from his body, instantly covering the entire place.

Immediately afterwards, the warriors in the audience felt their bodies sink, as if there was an invisible boulder pressing on their shoulders, and their breathing became rapid.

The weak ones were panting and sweating profusely.

“What a terrifying grandmaster’s pressure. Is this the true strength of the martial arts leader?”

Everyone’s hearts trembled, and the eyes they looked at Lei Wanjun became even more awe-inspiring.

A second ago, the Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows and had a peaceful face.

The next second, King Kong glared angrily, with terrifying power.

The majesty of the martial arts leader and the power of the first person in Jiangnan martial arts were truly revealed at this moment.

“Lei Wanjun, if you do evil, you will die. Today is the day of your death!”

Lu Chen stepped forward.

As the ground cracked, an equally terrifying pressure surged out instantly and began to compete with Lei Wanjun.

Both of their auras were very powerful, and after they collided in the air, they formed a translucent barrier.

The barrier is like a dividing line, dividing the arena into two parts.

On the left is Lu Chen’s domain; on the right is Lei Wanjun’s domain.

Although the two have not fought each other, they have already begun to secretly wrestle.

“Lu Chen, I have to admit that you are indeed very strong. Looking at the entire Jiangnan, and even the entire world, I probably won’t be able to find a martial arts genius like you.”

Lei Wanjun began to approach step by step, his aura gradually increasing, like a bulldozer, crazily squeezing Lu Chen’s space: “If it takes another ten years… no, another five years, you will You are all qualified to fight me; but now, you are still too young.”


As Lei Wanjun advanced, the translucent barrier began to slowly move forward, and bursts of explosions were made during the squeeze.

Although Lu Chen stood motionless, the aura around him was being compressed little by little.

From the surface, it was obvious that Lei Wanjun had the upper hand.

“We haven’t even fought yet, but we’ve lost a lot of momentum. How can we fight?”

“If you don’t have diamonds, don’t take the porcelain job. How can it be so easy to challenge the martial arts leader?”

“Young people are too arrogant. They sign life and death certificates for nothing. Isn’t this cutting off their own future?”

“Hmph! The guy who overestimates his own abilities deserves to die!”


Seeing Lu Chen being pressed closer and closer, everyone in the audience started talking.

There is regret, pity, worry, disdain, and gloating.

In their opinion, Lu Chen’s defeat was already sealed.

The only difference is, how long can it last?

“Master Wu, how about you guess how many moves this guy Lu Chen can block from Leader Lei?”

In the audience, Lei Qianzhong suddenly said something out of nowhere.

“As expected, ten moves can determine the outcome.”

Wu Hongda spoke calmly.


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