An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236

The old man walked like a dragon and a tiger, his face full of majesty, but he also exuded a chilling air that made people feel cold.

”It’s Old General Murong! Old General Murong is here!”

”Oh, dog buyer! What happened today? Why did even the reclusive old general come forward?”

”It’s broken! The Shangguan family is going to change!”

When they saw Murong Zhenguo, the whole scene was in an uproar again.

The appearance of Xia Yongkang was already shocking enough, but now even Murong Zhenguo has heard about it, which is really unbelievable.

As a former general who protected the country, Murong Zhenguo had great achievements and was a highly respected minister.

He spent his life fighting and gained disciples all over the world.

Regardless of power, connections, or influence, he is the leader in the entire Jiangnan.

Even Xia Yongkang, the Governor of the Southern Province, will be overwhelmed.

”Little guy, I’m here to support you today. I want to see who dares to be presumptuous!”

Murong Zhenguo didn’t talk nonsense, stood directly beside Lu Chen, and publicly stated his position.

However, this move once again caused everyone to be in an uproar.

”What? The old general came here because of this boy? Is that right?”

”How could this happen? What kind of virtue and ability does this boy have? He can actually ask the old general to come forward?”

”Looking at this battle, does this person have some powerful background?”

Everyone was whispering and looking at Lu Chen, his eyes became particularly different.

They initially thought that Lu Chen was seeking his own destruction by coming to make trouble.

It turned out that the other party came prepared.

No wonder he dared to challenge the officials. With two mountains protecting him, wouldn’t he be walking sideways?

”How…how is it possible?!”

Cao Zhiyuan looked shocked, a little unbelievable.

She always thought that Chase Lu was just a martial artist with no power or authority.

So from the beginning, she looked down on Lu Chen and felt that he was inferior.

But now she realized that she was wrong, and very wrong.

Lu Chen was not only good at fighting, but he also had a lot of connections behind him, so that when he was in danger, even the governor of a province and the general who protected the country came to help.

Although it is difficult to accept, I have to admit that the other party is already qualified to challenge Guan Hong.

”Oh my God! Who is this kid?!”

Cao Jun and his party were stunned and out of their wits.

Concubine Cao Xuan was kidnapped and Cao Guan was killed. They were all inseparable.

And Lu Chen has a close relationship with Concubine Cao Xuan, so he will definitely not give up.

If it were in the past, with the power of the Shangguan family, future troubles could be avoided forever.

But now that Lu Chen has shown a good network of connections, even the Shangguan family may not dare to act rashly.

In other words, once Lu Chen wants to take revenge, they will all be in danger!

”I’ve met the old general.”

Xia Yongkang bowed his hands to Murong Zhenguo to show his respect.

Although the person in front of him has retreated behind the scenes, he still has unparalleled influence.

Even as the governor, he has to pay three respects.


Murong Zhenguo nodded in response, and immediately glanced at Shangguan Hong: “Shangguan boy, you just said that Governor Xia can’t deal with you. Do you think it’s okay if you add me, an old man?”

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Hong’s face instantly became ugly.

Dealing with a governor is already very difficult, but now there is a general protecting the country, which is even worse.

The two giants, one civil and one military, have connections and influences all over the world.

Once joined hands, looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, how many people can stop it?


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