An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

”Old general, Shangguan’s family and Murong’s family have always entered the water without disturbing the river. Is it too much for you to come and make trouble today?” Shangguan Hong frowned.

With his current power, it’s true that he can’t toughen up the two giants, but that doesn’t mean he has to compromise.

As the head of the three extremes, the Shangguan family naturally has a corresponding background and strength.

If you really want to tear your face apart, it is still unclear who will win the deer.


Murong Zhenguo snorted: “If it weren’t for your Shangguan family to start the trouble, why would I be here? Are you only allowed to prevent fires at Shangguan’s family, but we are not allowed to light the lamps?”

Today is Lu Chen’s birthday, as an elder, he originally planned to go to Fengyu Mountain Villa to support him.

As soon as he heard that something had happened, he immediately brought people over.

”Shangguanhong, I don’t want to cause trouble, let him go immediately, otherwise you can’t afford the consequences!” Xia Yongkang threatened in a cold voice.

”Brother Hong, how about…forget it?”

Cao Zhiyuan swallowed and said weakly: “Today is our engagement day. It’s not appropriate to make a big fuss. Let’s release Concubine Cao Xuan first to calm down the situation. As for the treasure map, let’s make plans in the future. What do you think? “

”Shut up!”

Shangguan Hong was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped him.

The huge force directly hit Cao Zhiyuan staggering and almost fell down.

A pretty face instantly became red and swollen.

”Brother Hong?”

Cao Zhiyuan covered her hot face, a little at a loss.

She didn’t understand, which sentence did she say wrong?

As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. At this time, shouldn’t they choose to avoid the edge temporarily?

”Useless things, you’ve lost all my face!” Shangguan Hong had a bad look on his face.

The Shangguan family has dominated Jiangnan for many years and has never bowed to anyone.

If you are threatened a few words and have to obey orders, then where will the Shangguan family’s face be put in the future?

Wouldn’t the century-old wealthy family be the laughing stock of the world?

”Boy from the Shangguan family, I’ll give you three minutes to think about it. If you don’t admit your mistake in time, don’t blame the old man and I will fall out!” Murong Zhenguo issued a final warning.

”Murong Zhenguo, you, the great general who protects the country, are bullying my juniors here. What kind of skills do you think you have?”

Suddenly, a low and hoarse voice sounded in the air.

Everyone subconsciously followed the sound and saw a white figure suddenly rising from the ground toward the inner courtyard in the distance and jumping into the sky above everyone’s heads.

Immediately afterwards, the white figure turned around and swooped down like an eagle, carrying the power of destroying the world.

Just when it was about to be hit hard, the white figure stretched out his arms, and the impact was instantly stopped.

The wind was blowing on the soles of his feet, and his whole body was like a feather, hovering lightly and falling to the ground silently.

Ability to move fast or slow, to send and receive freely, and powerful martial arts attainments are fully demonstrated at this moment.

When the white figure landed on the ground, everyone saw clearly that it was an old man with white hair.

The old man was wearing a Tang suit, with a thin figure and a withered face, but his eyes were bright and sometimes showed a terrifying edge.

The old man is the backbone of the Shangguan family – Shangguan Pengcheng!


Shangguanhong couldn’t help but his eyes lit up when he saw the person coming.

The restlessness just now calmed down instantly.

The Shangguan family’s Dinghai magic needle has appeared. Even if Xia Yongkang and Murong Zhenguo join forces, there is nothing to be afraid of.

”Uncle Zhongyong—Shangguan Pengcheng?!”

Xia Yongkang narrowed his eyes slightly and his expression became serious.


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