An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1247

Chapter 1247

Chapter 1247

Chapter 1247


The sudden scene stunned everyone.

Everyone was stunned and their faces were full of shock.

No one expected that Princess Wei slapped Hu Xuehai when they met.

No nonsense, no omens, it’s that simple and rude.

The problem is that Hu Xuehai is the minister of the Ministry of War and a first-rank member of the dynasty.

Slapping people in the face in public really leaves no room for it.

”Wei…Princess Wei, why did you hit me?”

Hu Xuehai was stunned by the beating, covering his burning face, a little at a loss.

If it were an ordinary nobleman, he would have been furious.

But it happened to be Princess Wei, the eldest princess of the Dragon Kingdom. Even though he was dissatisfied in every way, he could only obey her.

”I hit you because you are blind. Now, kneel down and answer.” The beautiful young woman said coldly.

”Princess Wei, I don’t understand, how did I offend you?” Hu Xuehai asked bravely.


The beautiful young woman didn’t talk nonsense, she slapped her on the face again, and said coldly: “Are you deaf? I’ll make you kneel down and answer!”

The corners of Hu Xuehai’s eyes twitched, he dared not speak out, his knees softened, and finally he knelt heavily on the ground with a “boom”.

The difference between the two sides is that of monarch and minister. Even if Princess Wei asked him to kneel down in public, he would not dare not to kneel down.

At this moment, the smiles of Shangguan Pengcheng and his group froze completely.

For a moment they looked at each other in shock and confusion.

At first they thought that Princess Wei came to visit because of her friendship with Hu Xuehai.

Now, it seems that is not the case.

Could it be that Hu Xuehai had offended Princess Wei before?

”Hu Xuehai, do you know your mistake?” the beautiful young woman said condescendingly.

”Criminal, I know I was wrong.” Hu Xuehai lowered his head and honestly admitted his mistake.

Although I don’t understand, but at this time, admitting the mistake is over.

”Okay, then tell me, where did you go wrong?” the beautiful young woman asked again.


Hu Xuehai’s face froze and he was speechless.

He obviously didn’t do anything, so what’s wrong?

But now, it’s impossible not to admit my mistakes, so I can only say submissively: “Where the princess thinks I am wrong, then the guilty minister is wrong.”

”Hmph! You’re really good at playing tricks. Before you realized your real mistake, you knelt here for me.”

As the beautiful young woman spoke, her eyes suddenly turned to Zhang Guozhong and Sun Kang’s group, and she said coldly: “And you, one counts as one, all kneel down to me!”


Everyone was taken aback, you looked at me, I looked at you, a little at a loss.

”What are you still doing in a daze? Kneel down!” Hu Xuehai turned around and roared.

”Kneel down, kneel down…kneel down quickly!”

Everyone woke up like a dream, did not dare to hesitate, and all knelt down on the ground in unison.

Even the Minister of the Ministry of War has kneeled, so what are they worth?

As a result, under the majesty of Princess Wei, the previously majestic group of dignitaries now looked submissive and looked particularly humble.

”Brother Hong, why did this happen? Did Master Hu offend Princess Wei?” Cao Zhiyuan knelt on the ground and trembled.

”You ask me, who the hell should I ask?!” Shangguan Hong was a little annoyed.


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