An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248

”There is a grievance and a debtor. Now we can only pray that Princess Wei will not take her anger out on Shangguan’s family.” Shangguan Pengcheng swallowed.

The whole person no longer had the previous pride, but was replaced by fear and uneasiness.

The appearance of Princess Wei added many changes.

”Hmph! A group of daring fellows, if the prince is here, all of you will be killed!” The beautiful young woman snorted coldly.

Then under the gaze of everyone, she walked step by step in front of Lu Chen, changing her previous aloofness and arrogance, with a rare smile on her pretty face: “Chang Ge, long time no see, how have you been doing these years?” good?”

”Thank you, Your Highness, Princess, for your concern. I have been living a good life.” Lu Chen nodded slightly, neither humble nor arrogant.

He couldn’t say he hated the woman in front of him, but he didn’t have much affection for her either.

”Ten years have passed and you have grown so big that I almost didn’t recognize you.”

The beautiful young woman smiled, and then waved behind her: “Tianba, why are you still standing there? Come and see your brother.”

”elder brother?”

Lu Tianba stood there blankly, looking at Lu Chen up and down, with shock, joy, and disbelief in his eyes.

After rubbing his eyes and repeatedly confirming that it was correct, Lu Tianba suddenly rushed forward, hugged Lu Chen, and began to cry loudly.

”Ooooh…Brother, I miss you so much!”

”I heard the old man say you were still alive before. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t expect you to be alive. It’s great!”

”Ten years, exactly ten years! Brother, do you know how I have lived these ten years?”

”You promised to take me to the end of the world, but you sneaked away and left me alone at home. You are so cruel!”


Lu Tianba completely ignored his image and hugged Lu Chen and cried bitterly.

The grievance and resentment looked like that of a little daughter-in-law who had been abandoned.

”Okay, okay, you are in your twenties, what does it sound like to cry?” Lu Chen patted his shoulder.

Lu Tianba, his half-brother, is a lawless and incompetent demon king.

In front of outsiders, this kid was fearless, but in front of him, he didn’t dare to be the least bit presumptuous.

There is no other reason, it is just a lot of beatings, it can be said that it has been beating since childhood.

But this kid is like a brown candy, the more he is beaten, the more clingy he becomes, and he can’t even shake him off.

”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu isn’t I happy? We are reunited after a long separation, why don’t we let others cry?” Lu Tianba burst into tears.

The people around were stunned and astonished.

Isn’t this the son of Princess Wei’s family?

Why do you look like a fool?

”I want to cry for a while, I still have something to deal with now.” Lu Chen pushed away Lu Tianba who was full of snot in his face with disgust.

”Oh… I almost forgot the business.”

Lu Tianba wiped his tears and snot, then suddenly looked at Hu Xuehai, and said with an unfriendly expression: “Brother, is this old thing bullying you? See how I deal with him!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

”Little Prince…”

Hu Xuehai opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, Lu Tianba jumped up and kicked him in the face.


Hu Xuehai was kicked out and fell so hard that he couldn’t help but scream.

An old face with nosebleeds and two front teeth missing, looking very distressed.

”Old man! Do you know who you offended?”

Lu Tianba lifted up his sleeves, stepped on Hu Xuehai’s chest, and shouted aggressively: “Lift up your dog’s head and listen carefully—the man you offended is my elder brother, Lu Tianba! He is famous all over the world.” Qilinzi! He is the future king of Xiliang!”

”I want to ask, how many brains do you have, how dare you challenge the Lu family? How dare you provoke the entire Xiliang Palace? Huh?”


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