An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1249

Chapter 1249

Chapter 1249

Chapter 1249

Lu Tianba put his hands on his waist, put one foot on Hu Xuehai’s chest, trampled him on the ground, and cursed him all over.

Every word that came out of his mouth was like thunder, hitting everyone’s hearts hard.

For a while, the audience was dead silent.

Everyone was shocked, and they were all dumbfounded, with faces filled with shock.

They never dreamed that Lu Chen would have such an identity.

Lu Tianba’s eldest brother, the most powerful Qilinzi in the world, and the future King of Xiliang.

Three short sentences, with unparalleled weight, like three mountains, suppressing the entire audience!

”I…I know who he is. He is the evildoer who stirred up the turmoil in Yanjing ten years ago – Lu Changge!”

”What? Lu Changge? Isn’t he already dead? Why is he still alive?”

”Lu Changge…it’s actually Lu Changge! Oh my god! How did we get into trouble with such a evil star?”

After a brief silence, the whole scene seemed to be dropped with a heavy bomb, causing a sensation in an instant.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Lu Chen.

There were shocks, surprises, fears, and doubts on the faces, but most of them were disbelief.

Who is Lu Changge?

The Qilin son of the Lu family, a truly unparalleled genius, had already become world-famous and dominating ten years ago.

In the entire Dragon Kingdom, countless talents were trampled under his feet and unable to move.

Even the twin stars of the Zhao family were beyond their reach!

It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Changge ten years ago was simply unparalleled and no one could match him!

”He, he, he…he is actually Qilinzi Lu Changge?!”

Hu Xuehai felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his face turned pale.

As a veteran of the court, although he did not know the inside story of the incident ten years ago, he witnessed the entire process with his own eyes.

The accident lasted for three days and three nights.

The entire Forbidden City was devastated.

Corpses piled up like mountains, blood flowed into rivers, and mourners filled the land!

And Lu Changge was the cause of this shocking murder, and the evil star who almost overturned the entire court!

He really didn’t expect that he would offend such a god and Buddha.

This is trouble!

”How…how is it possible? How could he be Qilin Zi? He is just a little boy, it is impossible to have such a background!”

Cao Zhiyuan shook her head again and again, completely in disbelief.

From the time she knew Lu Chen, the other party was Concubine Cao Xuan’s follower. Although he was capable of writing and martial arts, he had no identity background.

Totally a phoenix man.

But now, Lu Chen suddenly transformed and rose to the top in one step, from an unknown little person to the prince of the royal family, a powerful being.

The huge contrast between before and after was really hard for her to accept.

”Why? Why is this happening?”

At this moment, even the arrogant Shangguan Hong was shocked beyond measure.

He has always regarded Lu Chen as an ant, who can be trampled to death with a lift of his foot, and has never taken it seriously.

But now, he realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

It turned out that the little person he thought was an existence standing on top of the world, a monster that made all the geniuses in the world feel ashamed!

His self-righteous pride became so ridiculous in front of Lu Chen, so unworthy of mentioning.

”A misfortune from heaven! A misfortune from heaven!”


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