An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250

Shangguan Pengcheng was panicked and broke into a cold sweat.

Qilinzi of the Lu family, the future king of Xiliang, and their Shangguan family, this time they kicked the iron plate!

”It’s over, it’s over…it’s all over now!”

Cao Jun slumped on the ground with a “boom”, his whole face was ashen.

Behind him, a group of senior members of the Cao family were also full of despair and remorse.

No one expected that Chase Lu’s identity would be so terrifying, even to the point where it turned pale.

The Shangguan family is indeed very powerful, with huge influence and extensive contacts. They even invited the Shangshu of the Ministry of War and a group of dignitaries from Yanjing to join them.

Looking at the entire Jiangnan, it is second to none.

However, no matter how powerful and rich the Shangguan family is, in front of such a colossus as the Xiliang Palace, they are all chickens and dogs, and they will be broken at the first touch, and there is no room for them to contend.

The gap between the two sides is like that of Yunlongjing frog, which is not at the same level at all.

And Lu Chen, who is the son of the royal family, can completely destroy the entire Shangguan family if he wants to!

Along with them, they will all suffer!

”Old man! Do you know how powerful you are now? How dare you challenge my brother? I think you just think you’re dead!” Lu Tianba yelled condescendingly.

”Misunderstanding, misunderstanding…it’s all a misunderstanding!”

Hu Xuehai panicked, and immediately knelt on the ground in fright, and kept apologizing: “It’s because I have blind eyes that I misunderstood His Royal Highness, and please forgive me this time!”

As he spoke, he knocked his head heavily on the ground a few times.

The dignified Minister of the Ministry of War, at this moment, lost the slightest majesty, and became submissive and terrified.

If it was an ordinary son of the royal family, he would not be so humble, completely disregarding his face and begging for mercy.

But Lu Changge is different. As the eldest son of the Xiliang Palace, he is not only gifted and talented, but also has a father who is as powerful as the sky.

The most frightening thing is that under his hands, he still has 500,000 soldiers from Xiliang!

As the most elite army recognized by the Dragon Kingdom, these 500,000 Xiliang soldiers are enough to overthrow the entire dynasty!

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if Lu Changge killed him, the majestic King Wei of Xiliang could easily survive.

Therefore, he had to admit his mistake and beg for mercy.

This is the majesty of the King of Xiliang!


Seeing Hu Xuehai kneeling and kowtowing, everyone was too shocked to speak.

Even the dignified Minister of the Ministry of War was frightened into soft-legged shrimps, so what are they?

”Brother! What should we do with these guys? If you’re upset, just squeak, and I’ll make them disappear immediately!” Lu Tianba said without hesitation.

”Don’t, don’t, don’t… Your Royal Highness! It’s none of my business, I don’t know anything, I came here this time just to attend the engagement banquet, I didn’t offend you!” Hu Xuehai panicked.

”Shut up!”

Lu Tianba kicked him to the ground, cursing: “You old bastard! You are always domineering and oppressing the people, and you deserve it if you die!”

”Changge, if you are wronged, my little mother can make the decision for you.” Princess Wei said suddenly.

These words have already stated their position and agreed with Lu Tianba’s approach.

”There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. Although Mr. Hu is a little confused, his crime will not lead to death.” Lu Chen finally spoke.

In any case, Hu Xuehai is the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he is a first-rank official in the dynasty. If something happens, he will be in big trouble.

”Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness! Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!” Hu Xuehai burst into tears, and kowtowed to the ground a few more times.

”Master Hu, the Shangguan family has kidnapped my girlfriend. How are you going to solve this matter?” Lu Chen suddenly asked.

”Understood, understood… Weichen will do it right away!”

Hu Xuehai reacted quickly. He quickly stood up and ran to Shangguan Pengcheng. He raised his hand and slapped him in the face, cursing: “Hey! Bold maniac! How dare you kidnap the Crown Princess? I think you are tired of living! Why don’t you let go quickly?” people!”


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