An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1251

Chapter 1251

Chapter 1251

Chapter 1251


Shangguan Pengcheng staggered and almost fell due to the beating, and the five fingerprints on his face were clearly visible.

However, at this moment, he did not dare to be dissatisfied at all. He immediately turned his head and shouted at Cao Jun and his party: “It’s all your fault! Why are you still standing there? Let him go quickly!”

With these words, he naturally picked himself out.


Cao Jun and his party looked at each other, a little at a loss.

Although they knew that Concubine Cao Xuan was kidnapped, they did not know where she was being held.

Forced to be helpless, they could only cast their eyes on Cao Zhiyuan for help.

”In…in the secret room…they are locked in the secret room.”

Cao Zhiyuan shrank his neck, lowered his head, and finally spoke hesitantly.

”Quick! Go to the secret room to save people!”

Hu Xuehai shouted and quickly led a group of dignitaries straight to the secret room of Shangguan’s house.

Now is a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds, so they naturally have to perform well.

”You’d better pray that Concubine Cao Xuan is okay, otherwise, I will make you pay a heavy price.” Lu Chen said calmly.

His cold eyes, like a knife, swept over the faces of everyone in the Shangguan family and the Cao family one by one.

A group of people were so frightened that they were out of their minds.

After a while, Concubine Cao Xuan and Cao Anan were finally rescued.

Fortunately, the two were not injured, but remained unconscious.

Lu Chen walked up to Concubine Cao Xuan and carefully checked the situation. After confirming that nothing was wrong, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, he had always been intimidated and kept silent, just for the safety of Concubine Cao Xuan.

Now that Concubine Cao Xuan is fine, it’s time for him to settle the general ledger.

”Tell me, how are you going to solve today’s matter?” Lu Chen said coldly.

”Haven’t we already released Concubine Cao Xuan? What else do we need to do?” Shangguan Hong asked with a frown.

So far, he still can’t accept that a former unknown person will suddenly sit on his head and poop and urinate.

”You have to tie someone up, and you have to let them go. Do you think that if you tie someone up, you will be safe if you let him go? According to your logic, if I stab you, if I pull out the knife, it will count as not stabbing you?” Lu Chen asked back.

”Then what do you want?” Shangguan Hong’s face looked a little ugly.

”It’s very simple. Hand over the mastermind. Whoever planned the kidnapping will have to pay the price.” Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

”His Royal Highness! It’s none of our business. It’s all done by the Cao family. They kidnapped people!” Shangguan Pengcheng quickly began to explain.

”That’s right! It’s all a fight within the Cao family. They planned everything!” The clan members of the Shangguan family all agreed.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. If you want to protect yourself at this time, you must put all the blame on the Cao family and then clean yourself up.

Otherwise, once Lu Changge becomes angry, the entire Earl’s Mansion will be in turmoil.

”Did you do it?”

Lu Chen turned his eyes and glanced at everyone in the Cao family.


Cao Jun and others looked at each other, hesitating, not knowing what to explain.

Although they wanted to excuse themselves, they couldn’t find a scapegoat for a while.

Under the watchful eyes of the Shangguan clan members, they seemed to have no choice but to accept their fate.

”It seems it really has something to do with you.”

Lu Chen’s eyes gradually became sharp: “As a member of the same race, and also a blood relative, you can actually do such a thing, have your conscience been eaten by a dog?!”

If the kidnapping was planned by Shangguan’s family, he wouldn’t be too angry because the two sides were already hostile.


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