An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

”That’s right! I support Concubine Xuan! Her Biyan Pill is worth a fortune and is the hope for the rise of our Cao family!”

At this time, a key member of the Cao family suddenly stood up.

”In extraordinary times, to do extraordinary things, no one is more suitable to be the patriarch than Concubine Xuan, and I support it.”

”Concubine Xuan is extremely intelligent and has an outstanding mind. She will definitely lead us back to the top. I agree with both hands!”

”The old man is right, we all support it!”

At this moment, almost all the Cao family members agreed with this proposal.

The few voices of doubt were quickly drowned out.

Without any surprise, Concubine Cao Xuan was directly elected to the position of patriarch.

”Concubine Xuan, everyone’s enthusiasm is high, and they all agree with you as the patriarch. What do you think?” Elder Cao asked aloud.

”Grandpa, I haven’t made up my mind yet.” Concubine Cao Xuan shook her head.

Her father had just passed away, so she didn’t think about it at all.

”Concubine Xuan, I know it is difficult for you to be the patriarch at this time, but we must cheer up.”

Mr. Cao said earnestly and earnestly: “The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Your father is in the spirit of heaven, and he certainly doesn’t want the Cao family tree to fall. Now, it’s time for you to take on the heavy responsibility.”


Concubine Cao Xuan opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

“With great power comes great responsibility, it’s all bullshit!”

At this time, a majestic voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Everyone followed the sound, only to see an old man with gray hair in Chinese clothes, walking in with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, followed by a group of nobles.

”Hmph! If your Cao family is going to be ruined, that’s your own business, but don’t drag my granddaughter down, or don’t blame me for being rude!”

As soon as the luxurious old man appeared on the stage, he was aggressive, mighty and domineering.

This attitude caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

A young man from the Cao family even slapped the table and yelled, “Hey! Where did this old thing come from? How dare you play wild in my Cao family? Are you tired of working?!”

His voice just fell.

Behind the old man in rich clothes, a hunchbacked old servant suddenly stepped forward and slapped the young man on the face.


There was just a crisp sound, and the young man was knocked away. He fell to the ground like a dead dog and passed out on the spot.

”Be bold!”


Seeing this scene, the Cao family clan members started to protest and were furious.

Although the Cao family is not as good as before, the skinny camels are bigger than horses, and not all cats and dogs can come and run wild.

”Come here! Arrest them all!” An elder of the Cao family shouted angrily.

”Stop! Stop it all!”

Upon seeing this, Mr. Cao was startled and immediately stopped the impulsive Cao family.

Then he trotted all the way to meet the old man in rich clothes, bowed his hands, bowed deeply, and said loudly: “Little man Cao Siyuan, pay your respects to Duke Chen Guo!”

”What?! Duke?!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

The group of people who had just screamed stood stunned on the spot, their faces full of horror.


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