An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

At this moment, all the Cao family members were shocked.

Mr. Cao’s words were like thunder, hitting everyone’s hearts.

No one expected that the high-ranking old man in fine clothes in front of them turned out to be the powerful Duke of the Dragon Kingdom!

Among the five titles of duke, marquis, uncle, son, and male in the Dragon Kingdom, the duke ranks first. He is the chief noble, a super-class existence.

His status is so high that he is even above the first-rank ministers of the Dragon Kingdom.

He is a big shot who truly stands at the pinnacle of power!

The Shangguan family became the leader of the three most powerful families in the south of the Yangtze River with just one earl title.

It would be unthinkable if it were the Duke.

So the question is, why did the majestic Duke come to the Cao family in person?

Who can invite such a supreme being?

”Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and salute Chen Guogong!”

Mr. Cao turned around and roared, sweat breaking out from his body.

The old man in front of me is none other than Concubine Cao Xuan’s grandfather, Chen Guogong, the famous Duke of Long Kingdom—Chen Xueliang!

”Bye…meet Chen Guogong!”

As if waking up from a dream, everyone in the Cao family knelt down and kowtowed.

Everyone was frightened and nervous.

You know, a powerful figure like the Duke of Guo can destroy the entire Cao family with just a few clicks.

”Duke Chen Guo is here. We missed the welcome, so please atone for our sins.” Mr. Cao bowed his head.

”Hmph! If it weren’t for my granddaughter, why would I come to this shabby place like yours?” Chen Xueliang had a cold face and showed no appreciation.

When his daughter wanted to marry into the Cao family, he had always opposed it.

How could the Cao family, a small family, be worthy of the daughter of the Duke of the country?

But it happened that the daughter was not allowed to stay. For the sake of so-called love, his daughter actually chose to elope with Cao Guan, which made him so angry that he immediately severed the relationship between father and daughter.

It was not until the birth of their granddaughter that the relationship between the two parties eased.

As for Cao Guan, his nominal son-in-law, he had always looked down upon him.

”Grandpa, why are you here?”

Seeing Chen Xueliang’s sudden visit, Concubine Cao Xuan couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

As long as she can remember, her grandfather has been very different from her father and has never been to the Cao family.


Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked again and looked horrified.

what’s the situation?

Concubine Cao Xuan turned out to be the granddaughter of the Duke?

After being together for so long, they actually don’t know anything?

”I heard something happened to the Cao family, so I came here to see you. How are you, girl? Are you hurt?”

Chen Xueliang turned his eyes and immediately changed his appearance, revealing a kind and gentle face.

The coldness and domineeringness just now are completely two extremes.

”I’m fine, but my dad…”

Concubine Cao Xuan hesitated to speak, feeling sad.

”I have already heard about your father. The murderer has been executed. Please bear with me and submit.” Chen Xueliang sighed softly.

Although he has always looked down on Cao Guan, no matter what, he is his son-in-law.

Now that he died suddenly and suddenly, it was impossible for his father-in-law not to come forward.

”Girl, what are your plans next?” Chen Xueliang changed the subject.

”I don’t know either.” Concubine Cao Xuan shook her head.

She is now distraught and confused.

”Since you don’t know, then come back with me.”

Chen Xueliang advised softly: “A small place like this is not worthy of you at all. Yanjing is your best destination.”


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