An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

”What will happen to the Cao family when I leave?” Concubine Cao Xuan looked back.

Her father had just died and the Cao family was on the verge of being broken up. She just walked away with a guilty conscience.

”The Cao family is the Cao family, and you are you. Why put more burdens on yourself? Grandpa only hopes that you can live a happy life, and other things are not important.” Chen Xueliang said.

”But…” Concubine Cao Xuan was a little embarrassed.

She had lived in the Cao family for many years, how could she just let it go?

”Forget it, see you are so entangled, I will make an exception and help the Cao family once.”

Chen Xueliang said seriously: “As long as you agree to come back to Yanjing with me, I promise to restore the Cao family to its heyday within one year, and within three years, let the Cao family go one step further and directly replace the Shangguan family and become the How about the head of the three peaks?”

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Cao family exploded.

All of them were ecstatic and excited.

Recovered to the peak in one year, replaced Shangguan’s family in three years and became the ultimate wealthy family.

This is simply a godsend!

Once in a lifetime!

Of course, if someone else said this, they would definitely not believe it.

But if it was Chen Guogong, it would be different.

As a powerful person, the existence of being under one person and above tens of thousands is definitely a golden mouth.

As long as it is released, it will definitely be done.

Not to mention supporting the Cao family, even if it is letting a pig fly into the sky, it is not surprising.

”Grandpa, are you really willing to help the Cao family?” Concubine Cao Xuan asked tentatively.

”For your sake, why don’t you help?” Chen Xueliang said, “Of course, the premise is that you agree to come with me.”


Concubine Cao Xuan hesitated to speak, still hesitating.

”Um… Concubine Xuan, you are talented and talented. It is really unfair to stay in the provincial capital. I think you should return to Yanjing with Chen Guogong so that you can have better development.”

At this moment, a senior member of the Cao family suddenly boldly spoke up.

”Yes, yes! With your talent, you should be better cultivated. The Cao family has limited ability and cannot help you. Only the Duke’s Mansion is worthy of you.”

”Concubine Xuan! No need to think about it, just agree quickly. Chen Guogong has worked hard, you can’t let him down!”


At this moment, the Cao family clan members began to persuade him one after another, looking very anxious.

Before, they were still hoping that Concubine Cao Xuan would become the clan leader and be able to shoulder this heavy responsibility.

The current situation is completely reversed.

They wished that Concubine Cao Xuan would leave as soon as possible so that Duke Chen would fulfill his promise.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this must not be missed.

Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

”Grandpa, what do you think?”

Concubine Cao Xuan turned her gaze to her grandfather.


Mr. Cao showed a trace of embarrassment on his face and said bravely: “Concubine Xuan, your grandfather is actually right. If you stay in the provincial capital, it will be difficult for you to use your skills. If you go to Yanjing, you can be famous for nine days.”

Hearing this, Concubine Cao Xuan suddenly fell silent. After a while, she nodded: “Okay, since you all want me to go to Yanjing, then I will do as you wish.”

”Great! Concubine Xuan, you have made the most correct decision in your life!” Everyone in the Cao family looked overjoyed.

”Hmph! A group of people who see the wind and move the rudder!”

Chen Xueliang snorted coldly, his eyes were quite disdainful.

Just a little profit can make these people change their stance. No wonder the Cao family declined so quickly.

”Grandpa, before I go to Yanjing, I have to meet someone.” Concubine Cao Xuan said suddenly.

”Oh? Who is it?” Chen Xueliang was curious.

”His name is Lu Chen, my destined man.”


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