An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296

”It’s over, it’s over, Doctor Liu mistakenly trusted the villain!”

At this moment, the whole Jishi Hall exploded.

No one expected that Liu Gongquan would be so confused that he would entrust Jishitang’s life and death to an unknown person.


After being startled for a moment, Zhang Long couldn’t help laughing out loud: “Doctor Liu is really courageous, then we’ll make it a deal!”

He did everything possible, just for this moment.

Now, the prey has finally taken the bait.

”Interesting…so interesting.”

Song Zhong grinned, with a playful look in his eyes.

I thought it would take a little more effort to get Jishitang, but I didn’t expect it to be so easy.

”Don’t be impatient. I believe in Brother Lu’s medical skills. He won’t let us down.” Liu Gongquan said seriously.

Lu Chen is proficient in mystical arts, and maybe he can actually resolve the crisis.

”You believe him, we don’t!” Liu Xiangsi was anxious.

”Master, we don’t need to take this risk. With me around, they dare not act wildly in Jishitang!” Liu Cong persuaded.

”I’ve made up my mind, you don’t need to say anything.” Liu Gongquan didn’t listen at all.


Liu Xiangsi was so angry that she stamped her feet, but she had no choice but to glance at Lu Chen and threatened: “Hey! I’m warning you not to mess around, or you will harm Jishitang, and I will never let you go!”

”Miss Liu, just don’t worry. If the injury cannot be cured, I am willing to take full responsibility.” Lu Chen said calmly.

”Responsible? Can you take responsibility? Jishitang is a priceless treasure. Even if you sell it, you can’t sell it brick by brick!” Liu Xiangsi was a little angry.


Liu Gongquan shouted softly: “This matter is my decision. Even if something happens, I will be responsible for it and it has nothing to do with Brother Lu!”


Liu Xiangsi was about to say something, but Liu Gongquan raised his hand to stop him.

Now that you have made a decision, you cannot look forward or backward or be timid.

”Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense and treat the injury quickly.”

Zhang Long slumped on the chair, opened his clothes, exposed the wound that was about to rot, and said with a sneer, “I said ugly things first, if my wound can’t be cured, then obediently hand over Ji


”no problem.”

Lu Chen nodded and said no more.

Instead, he turned around and started rummaging around in the Chinese medicine cabinet.

Jishitang has a complete range of medicinal materials, making it very convenient to grab medicine.

”What is this guy going to do? Is he going to make medicine on the spot?”

”Hmph! Pretending to be mysterious!”

Seeing Lu Chen’s behavior, many people sneered.

It was obvious that they did not believe this stranger of unknown origin at all.

Lu Chen ignored the strange eyes around him, and continued to refine medicine in the decoction room by himself.

Half an hour later, a dark, sticky object came out of the oven successfully.

The appearance is unremarkable, even a little ugly, like a pile of freshly baked cow dung.

”Hey! Boy, what are you talking about? You won’t kill anyone, will you?”

Looking at the dark ointment, Zhang Long’s eyelids twitched and he felt inexplicably uneasy.

The injury on his stomach is already very serious. If there is another infection or something, it may be life-threatening.

”Don’t worry, your injury will be healed in just one stick of incense.”

Lu Chen couldn’t help but apply the ointment directly to Zhang Long’s wound, and then simply bandaged it.

”Can you heal with just one stick of incense? Do you think you are a god?” Liu Xiangsi said with a cold face.

”Hmph! If you can’t even do it with my master, who do you think you are?” Liu Cong sneered.

”For an injury of this degree, even the best Jinchuang medicine from Jishitang will take three to five days to heal. It is a fantasy to cure it with a stick of incense!” Several doctors shook their heads in disbelief.

”Haha… You are a piece of shit. If you could heal my injury, I would just stand on my head and shit!” Zhang Long sneered again and again.

Faced with doubts and ridicule, Lu Chen turned a deaf ear. After applying the medicine, he sat there and drank tea leisurely.

The time of a stick of incense passes quickly.

Zhang Long, who had been staring at the time, suddenly stood up and said with a smirk, “Boy! The time is up, I want to see if you are playing tricks!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he tore off the bandage from his waist.


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