An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1297

Chapter 1297

Chapter 1297

Chapter 1297


In front of everyone’s attention, Zhang Long violently tore off the bandage.

The bandage fell off, revealing the black, cow dung-like ointment inside.

The ointment was all over the wound, and it looked a little disgusting.

”Who is that! Get me a basin of water and clean the wound!”

Zhang Long pointed at a doctor casually, and happened to hit Qian Chun, who was huddled in the corner.


Qian Chun pointed at himself, somewhat astonished.

He had been watching with cold eyes just now, just not wanting to cause trouble, but he was still targeted.

”Nonsense! Do you want me to do it myself?” Zhang Long glared.

”oh oh……”

Qian Chun was so frightened that he nodded repeatedly and did not dare to say anything. He immediately brought a basin of water and a towel very considerately.

”What are you doing standing still? Clean my wound and be gentle. If you hurt me, I’ll break your leg!” Zhang Long said viciously.

After being on the road for so many years, you can tell who is a soft persimmon at a glance.


Qian Chun swallowed, wet the towel, and began to wipe it carefully.

”Doctor Liu, hurry up and prepare the transfer contract. This can save some time.” Zhang Long smiled jokingly.

”Grandpa! You should never believe this liar. Half of your life’s hard work will be destroyed in his hands!”

Liu Xiangsi gritted her teeth, feeling aggrieved.

After making this decision, she had to wonder if her grandfather was old and confused?

”Boy! If you harm Ji Shitang, I will never let you go!” Liu Cong threatened in a low voice.

Jishitang is his target. When Liu Gongquan reaches his old age, this famous cornucopia will become his property.

Now being preempted by others, I am naturally very upset.

”Brother Lu, it’s all up to you.”

Liu Gongquan murmured to himself, looking quite nervous.

Although Lu Chen is proficient in mystical arts, there is no guarantee that he will be successful.

”Sigh… I didn’t expect that Jishi Hall’s nearly hundred years of reputation would be ruined in the hands of this kid.” Everyone looked gloomy and sighed.

To heal an already festering wound within the time of burning incense is completely fanciful.

Unless a god descends to earth, it is simply impossible.


At this time, Qian Chun suddenly screamed.

It looked like he had seen a ghost.

The sudden movement startled everyone.

”What’s your special code?”

Zhang Long was so shocked that he immediately kicked Qian Chun to the ground.

”The wound…the wound…the wound is gone!”

Qian Chun pointed at Zhang Long’s belly and was shocked.


Zhang Long looked down and froze on the spot.

Because he was shocked to find that his previously festering wound had completely healed at this moment!

There wasn’t even a scar, just a faint red mark.

That’s newborn tender meat.

”What? The wound is actually healed?!”

Seeing this scene, the whole place was in an uproar.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

They could all clearly see Zhang Long’s previous wounds, which were rotten and leaking pus, and were hideous and terrifying.

Normally, it would be impossible to cure it without ten days and a half.

Even with Jishitang’s best golden sore medicine, it would take three to five days to heal.

However, no one expected that the ointment made by Lu Chen could completely heal the wound in just one stick of incense.

Simply appalling!

This is no ordinary ointment, this is a holy medicine for healing!

”How… how is it possible? It’s actually cured?”

Liu Xiangsi was dumbfounded, her face full of shock.

”Who is this kid? He actually has such a magical medicine?”


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