An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354

”It’s okay, it’s okay. The misunderstanding has been resolved. Let’s forget our grudges with a smile.” Liu Cong laughed and winked secretly.

He Pengfei quickly understood, quickly opened the distance, retreated into the crowd, and shouted: “You son of a bitch! How dare you threaten me? I’m so tired of work! Someone! Get him arrested!”

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of thugs in suits immediately surrounded him.


Yin Tao suddenly stood in front of Lu Chen and asked, “Master He! You have obviously agreed to cooperate, why do you still do it?”

”Humph! I just agreed, but now I regret it!” He Pengfei said confidently.

”You are a respectable person after all. If you go back on your word in public, aren’t you afraid of being laughed at?” Yin Tao frowned.


He Pengfei laughed ferociously: “This is my territory. After I deal with this kid, rape you, and then block the news, who will know?”

”You…you are shameless!” Yin Tao was angry.

”Haha… To be honest, I have even more shameless methods. You will understand when we get into bed.” He Pengfei smiled evilly.

”He Pengfei, I have already given you a chance. If you dare to take action again, I guarantee that it will be too late for you to regret it.” Lu Chen looked indifferent.

Naturally, he didn’t believe what Liu Cong and He Pengfei said. It was just a test.

If the two really wanted to reconcile, he could pretend that nothing had happened.

But unfortunately, dogs can’t change their eating habits.


He Pengfei said with a fierce look: “You bastard! I accidentally got into your trap just now. Now, do you think you still have the capital to make a comeback?”

”Is there any? You can try?”

Lu Chen stood with his hands behind his back, without any fear.

”Fuck! I see you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin! Brothers, get on it!” He Pengfei gave the order directly.

”Destroy him!”

All the thugs rushed forward.

”Brother Chen! Leave it to me!”

Wang Xuan who was standing behind sneered, his whole body turned into an afterimage, crashing into the crowd.

The next second, exclamations and screams came one after another.

Wang Xuan was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and began to kill everyone.

After being nurtured by Drunkard, Wang Xuan is now as powerful as a late-stage Xiantian master.

Although these thugs from Qianjintai have practiced some boxing and kicking, they still have no ability to resist in front of the innate warriors.

In just five minutes, dozens of people had been beaten to the ground.

”Hmph! There’s no one who can hit me!”

Wang Xuan clapped his hands with a rather disdainful expression.

I haven’t warmed up yet.

”How…how is it possible?!”

Seeing his little brother wailing on the ground, He Pengfei couldn’t help but widen his eyes, and his whole body was filled with fear.

He thought he had a chance to win, so he dared to go back on his word in public. However, he never dreamed that Lu Chen would have such a master hiding next to him.

”Damn it! Where does this kid come from? How can he be so fierce?”

Liu Cong was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and his legs became weak.

I originally thought that Wang Xuan was just Lu Chen’s follower, and never took it to heart. Who would have thought that the other party was actually a martial arts master.

This was a mistake!

”If one fights dozens of people, are they still human beings?”

Liu Xiangsi was stunned and looked in disbelief.

You wouldn’t dare to shoot a movie like this, right?

”It’s no wonder… no wonder it’s so confident, it turns out it’s protected by experts.”

Yin Tao’s eyes shone, surprised and happy.

Just now I thought it was going to be over, but in the end, it turned around and survived.


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