An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355

”Brother Chen, what should I do with this big guy?”

After taking care of all the younger brothers, Wang Xuan’s eyes suddenly fixed on He Pengfei with evil intentions in his eyes.

”Cut off one of his hands first.”

Lu Chen spat out a few words lightly.

”no problem!”

Wang Xuan sneered, suddenly stepped forward and held He Pengfei down.

”Wait… wait! We have something to talk about. I think we can talk more… ah!”

He Pengfei panicked, and just when he was about to make a few quibbles, Wang Xuan twisted his arm and let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

His whole face was distorted and he was sweating profusely.

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangsi watched with fear and chills down their backs.

Who would have thought that Mr. He, who was showing off his power just now, would be pinned to the ground and rubbed again in the blink of an eye?

”He Pengfei, you made a wrong decision.”

Lu Chen slowly approached, looked down at the giant bear-like man in front of him, and said calmly: “I have just given you two opportunities, but you don’t know how to cherish them, and you have

to commit suicide. Tell me, I should How to deal with you?”

”Boy! I admit defeat today!”

He Pengfei gritted his teeth and said, “You have fought and made troubles. This matter ends here. From now on, let’s not offend each other. How about that?”

”The water in the well does not offend the river? Haha… Do you think I am an idiot?”

Lu Chen smiled coldly: “Who just went back on his word? And who turned his back on others? When the fight is over, you show off your power, but when the fight is over, you just compromise. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?”

”Boy! Don’t push yourself too far!”

He Pengfei threatened with a serious expression: “My people are all outside. As long as I give the order, they will rush in immediately and cut you into pieces!”

”How dare you speak so harshly!”

Wang Xuan snorted coldly, grabbed He Pengfei’s hair, and slammed his face on the gaming table.


There was a muffled sound.

He Pengfei was hit so hard that his front teeth were broken, his nose was collapsed, and his face was covered in blood.

”You…you two guys are dead! I’m going to tear your corpses to pieces!” He Pengfei was furious and roared again and again.

”Break one of his legs.” Lu Chen spoke again.


Without saying a word, Wang Xuan stepped on He Pengfei’s knee.

He Pengfei bent his knee directly inward at 90 degrees after hearing a “click”, the broken bone pierced through the flesh, and he saw blood dripping.


He Pengfei let out a shrill scream, his face became extremely ferocious, and his body began to twitch due to the severe pain.

”Stop! Stop!”

At this time, Liu Cong woke up from a dream and immediately stopped him: “Lu Chen! Do you know what you are doing? Master He is the underground overlord of Nancheng. He has huge power and many younger brothers. If you touch him, you will definitely be punished. Endless pursuit!”

”That’s right! Let Master He go quickly! Otherwise, your whole family will suffer!” Liu Xiangsi yelled.

”What? You two also want to cut off your limbs?” Lu Chen slowly raised his head.

The sharp and indifferent eyes stabbed the two of them fiercely like a knife.

Liu Cong’s eyelids twitched, he subconsciously took two steps back, and said bravely: “Lu Chen, I know you two are somewhat capable, but in Yanjing, fists and kicks alone cannot solve the problem.

Even if you can fight, can you still beat a gun? Can it beat a cannonball? Can you beat the army?

Lu Chen, stop, there are all He Ye’s people outside.

If you repent in time now, I can still plead with Master He for you, and ask Master He to let you go.

But if you stay stuck in your head, you are killing yourself! “


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