An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1368

Chapter 1368

Chapter 1368

Chapter 1368

Can’t afford to provoke.

”I’ll give you ten seconds to think about it. If you don’t want to say it, I’ll use this bottle of poison to wash your face.” Lu Chen’s smile did not change.

While speaking, he uncorked the bottle and placed the medicine bottle on Liu Xiangsi’s head.

”no, do not want!”

Liu Xiangsi was so frightened that her legs went limp, tears streamed down her face, she panicked and said: “Don’t ruin my face! I said, I can say anything, quickly take this thing away!”

”Wouldn’t it be fine if it had been like this?”

Lu Chen slowly took back the medicine bottle.

A bitch like this really won’t shed tears until she sees the coffin.

Liu Xiangsi breathed heavily, and after a while she regained her composure. She said in a weak voice: “The secret about Xie Sinian starts from a few years ago…

That day, a strange guest suddenly came to the house, and he had a secret conversation with my grandfather. I overheard a little of it through the door.

It turns out that this guest is the person who saved Xie Sinian ten years ago. “

”Wait! Wasn’t it your grandfather who saved Uncle Xie?” Lu Chen suddenly interrupted.

”To be precise, it was this person who brought the seriously injured Xie Sinian to Jishi Hall, where he was treated by my grandfather. And every once in a while, this person would visit secretly and ask my grandfather about Xie Sinian’s condition.” Liu Acacia explained.

”Who is this person?” Lu Chen’s face became solemn.

He always thought it was Liu Gongquan who saved people, but it turned out that there was another hidden secret.

”I have no idea.”

Liu Xiangsi shook his head: “I have never seen this person’s face. Every time he comes over, grandpa will ask me to avoid him. I was really curious that day, so I eavesdropped.”

”What did you overhear?” Chase Lu asked.

”I heard that man tell grandpa that he must save Xie Sinian’s life and must not reveal his identity; also, if someone comes looking for him, he must be informed immediately to prevent any accidents.” Liu Xiangsi replied.


Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn’t help but frown slightly.

It was obvious that Liu Gongquan was hiding something from him.

In other words, I haven’t fully believed him yet.

The biggest question now is the identity of this mysterious person?

The other party rescued Xie Sinian and then sent him to Liu Gongquan for resettlement, and he was so careful. He must have known something.

Lu Chen had a hunch that if he could find this mysterious man, what happened back then would soon come to light.

”Is there any other news?” Lu Chen asked again.

”Oh, by the way! I remember what grandpa called that person…Mr. Ji!” Liu Xiangsi said suddenly.

”Mr. Ji?” Lu Chen was thoughtful.

In his memory, there seemed to be no big family named Ji in Yanjing, nor were there any high- ranking officials named Ji.

So who is this Mr. Ji?

”I…I only know this much, nothing more.” Liu Xiangsi looked nervous.

Lu Chen stared at Liu Xiangsi for a few seconds, and after confirming that the other party was not lying, he nodded: “Okay, for the sake of the information you provided, I won’t care about today’s matter, but from now on, the two of you will be the best.” Be honest, if you dare to do evil in secret again, don’t blame me for turning against you.”

Liu Xiangsi nodded repeatedly, but a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

”Miss Yin…”

After resolving the grievances, Lu Chen walked to Yin Tao’s car, smiled and said, “Thank you for your help today, but I have to trouble you to give us another ride. It’s getting late and it’s not easy to take a taxi.”

”my pleasure.”

Yin Tao smiled charmingly, patted the seat next to her, and said excitedly: “Come on, little handsome boy, come into my sister’s arms.”

”Besides, you looked so fierce when you taught that bitch just now. I like it so much.”

”Why don’t you go to sleep at my sister’s place tonight? My sister’s bed is big and soft, guaranteed to make you linger forever.”

”…” Lu Chen.

Why do you feel like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth?


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