An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369

Early the next morning, in a small independent villa.

When the first ray of sunlight appeared on the horizon, Lu Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, finally slowly opened his eyes.

After having the Tian Lingzhu, his martial arts cultivation has been greatly improved.

There is no need to deliberately practice, the Tianling Pearl will automatically absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and turn it into one’s own use.

This is equivalent to Lu Chen practicing every moment.

And the higher the talent, the more powerful the effect of Tian Lingzhu will be.

In less than a month, Chase Lu has reached the threshold of Grand Master.

As long as he wants, he can break through at any time.

However, in order to have a more stable foundation, Lu Chen was ready to polish it again, so he suppressed his realm for the time being.

There is still half a year left before the one-year appointment with the eunuch, which is enough for him to accumulate a lot.

”Ding ding ding…”

At this time, the phone rang suddenly.

Lu Chen took out his cell phone from under the pillow and looked at it, and found that it was a call from Liu Gongquan. When he answered the call, a somewhat urgent voice came quickly.

”Hey, Xiao Lu, I’m in some trouble here, I’m afraid I need your help.”

”Trouble? Is there something wrong with Uncle Xie?” Lu Chen became nervous instantly.

”No…it’s not Mr. Xie, but the old man of the Wang family.” Liu Gongquan quickly explained: “Yesterday, Mr. Wang suddenly suffered from a strange illness. The Wang family invited all the famous doctors in Nancheng to come over, including me. Unfortunately, after a day After a night of treatment, all the famous doctors were helpless.”

”What kind of strange disease is this that even Divine Doctor Liu can’t cure?” Lu Chen was a little curious.

Being able to keep Xie Si Nian alive for ten years is enough to prove Liu Gongquan’s superb medical skills.

Even if you encounter any incurable diseases, there should be no problem.

”The blame lies here. I don’t think Mr. Wang is sick, but has been under witchcraft!” Liu Gongquan deliberately lowered his voice.

”Witchcraft? Are you sure?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

”Not sure, just a guess. I think you are proficient in mystical arts and should be an expert in this area, so I wanted to invite you to come over and have a look. Didn’t you say before that you need the Wang family’s dragon blood ginseng? If you can cure Mr. Wang’s disease , I believe there should be no problem with a magical medicine.” Liu Gongquan said.

”Okay, I’ll be there soon.”

Lu Chen didn’t say much and hung up the phone after answering.

Although the dragon’s blood ginseng has been obtained, Bing Xinlian and Jinsuiyu are still missing, so Mr. Wang’s life must be saved.

On the one hand, it was because of the elixir, and on the other hand, it was also for follow-up considerations.

If you can bring the Wang family into your camp, you can help them in the future.

Being able to establish a foothold in Yanjing and develop and grow into a wealthy family is naturally not to be underestimated.

At this moment, inside the Wang family’s mansion.

An old man with a sallow complexion and a thin body was lying unconscious on the bed.

There was blood on the corner of the old man’s mouth, his hands, feet and body were tied with ropes, and his whole body was forcibly immobilized.

A few doctors stood by the door, cowering and timid, never daring to go forward.

You know, before a stick of incense, the old man on the hospital bed suddenly exploded with immense strength.

Not only did he maim two bodyguards, but he also bit off a doctor’s ear and ate it.

That ferocious and terrifying appearance, like an evil ghost, made people feel cold at first glance, and directly created a psychological shadow.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Gongquan finally bit the bullet, walked to the hospital bed, and checked the situation carefully.

After confirming that the old man was stable, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly exited the room.

”Doctor Liu, how are you? Is my dad okay?”

Outside the door, a group of members of the Wang family were standing.

The first person is Wang An, the eldest son of the prince.

Then came his wife Song Qiuyun, his daughter Wang Zixuan, and some members of the royal family.


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