An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1370

Chapter 1370

Chapter 1370

Chapter 1370

”The old man’s vital signs are temporarily stable, but the source of this strange disease can’t be found. I’m sorry that I can’t do anything.” Liu Gongquan said with a look of regret.

”Miraculous Doctor Liu, you are all the best doctors in Nancheng. Please think of a way to cure my dad. No matter how much money is spent or what is needed, our Wang family will do our best to meet it!” Wang An pleaded.

”Mr. Wang, with all due respect, the symptoms shown by your father are not illness. I think it is more like being possessed by an evil spirit.” Liu Gongquan said in a serious tone.


As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback.

Hearing these things from a doctor always feels a bit ridiculous.

”Master Liu, please explain clearly, what’s going on?” Wang An asked tentatively.

”The ‘evil’ I’m talking about probably refers to witchcraft, voodoo, and head-dropping. I don’t know much about these things. I just read them in books, so I have some guesses.” Liu Gongquan explained.

”Witch Gu surrenders?” Wang An frowned.

If ordinary people said this, he would naturally not believe it.

But Liu Gongquan’s reputation is far-reaching, and he will definitely not be aimless.

Besides, he had heard about similar things.

”Doctor Liu, you are well-informed and have superb medical skills. You must have a way to save my grandpa, right?” Wang Zixuan suddenly asked.

Her eyes were red and there were tears in the corners of her eyes, it was obvious that she had just cried.

”I am quite accomplished in medical skills, but when it comes to these evil arts, I am helpless.” Liu Gongquan shook his head.

There are specializations in the arts, and medical skills and black magic are completely different approaches.

”Then what should I do? My grandfather is getting thinner and thinner day by day. If this continues, I’m afraid his life will be in danger.” Wang Zixuan choked up.

”I know a person who has done some research in this area and may be able to help.” Liu Gongquan suddenly said.

”Oh? Who is it?” Wang An immediately became energetic.


”Of course it is me!”

Before Liu Gongquan could speak, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw the graceful Song Yingming, leading an old man in black, walking over with his head held high.

”I met Uncle An, I met Aunt Yun…”

Song Yingming stepped forward and bowed to the elders of the royal family one by one, looking very polite.

”Song Yingming! What are you doing here? You are not welcome in our royal family!”

Wang Zixuan’s pretty face was grim, very unhappy.

”I heard that the old lady had a strange disease, so I specially found an expert to come and treat the old lady.” Song Yingming looked neither humble nor arrogant.

”Hmph! Who wants your help? You’re being passionate!” Wang Zixuan deliberately turned her head away.

”Zixuan, don’t be rude.”

Wang An reprimanded him, then turned to Song Yingming, and said in a rather gratified voice: “Yingming has a heart, but the old man’s illness cannot be cured by a doctor.”

”Uncle An, the person I invited is not a doctor, but a strange person.”

Song Yingming smiled and stretched out his hand to guide the old man in black next to him: “Let me introduce to you. This is Master Jiang, who is famous in the world. He is proficient in all kinds of thaumaturgy and mysticism. No matter what difficult and complicated diseases, he can easily solve them.” .”

”Oh? Seriously?” Wang An cheered up.

”If Uncle An doesn’t believe it, let Master Jiang show it first.” Song Yingming winked.

The old man in black quickly understood, and immediately took out a Thousand Paper Crane from his pocket, and displayed it in front of everyone.

Then, the old man in black chanted the mantra silently, and pointed at the thousand paper cranes lightly: “Get up!”

From the word exit, a magical scene happened.

The Thousand Paper Crane in the hands of the old man in black seemed to come to life, flapped its wings, and flew directly into the air.

Then like a spiritual bird, it circled and danced around the heads of everyone, turning three times leisurely.

Finally, it fluttered its wings and landed firmly in the palm of the old man in black.

This move left everyone stunned.


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