An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1401

Chapter 1401

Chapter 1401

Chapter 1401

After returning to the villa, Lu Chen held up his mobile phone, hesitating a little.

Not long ago, when he was discussing cooperation with Yin Tao, he suddenly thought of Concubine Cao Xuan, and then Missing Love came surging like a tide and became out of control.

The image of the other party is all in his mind, and he can’t get rid of it no matter what.

According to Wang Xuan, Concubine Cao Xuan has followed her grandfather to Yanjing to develop.

Just make a phone call and the two can meet in no time.

But he was a little worried.

Yanjing is no better than the southern province, where there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are many crises.

Moreover, what he was going to do was very dangerous, and he didn’t want to involve Concubine Cao Xuan in it.

”How about just meeting? Greetings?”

Chase Lu muttered to himself.

After lingering on the balcony for a while, he took a deep breath and couldn’t help dialing a certain number.

The phone beeped for about five seconds before being connected, and a familiar voice came over quickly.

”Hmph! You scumbag, are you finally willing to call me?”

”Be honest, where have you been fooling around these days? Did you have another little goblin?”

”Thankfully I have been thinking about you. It would be better for you to just walk away without even saying hello, leaving me all alone. Wouldn’t your conscience hurt?”


As soon as Concubine Cao Xuan opened her mouth, she asked questions like a cannonball, which directly confused Lu Chen.

The opening remarks that were finally organized were blocked on the spot.

I was speechless for a moment.

”Hey! Why don’t you speak? Are you feeling guilty?” Concubine Cao Xuan finally paused.

”You didn’t seem to give me a chance to speak just now.” Lu Chen smiled bitterly.

”Oh~! You think I’m annoying, don’t you? Think I’m long-winded, don’t you? Well, you heartless man, I haven’t seen you for a few days, and you’re starting to dislike me.” Concubine Cao Xuan said in a resentful tone.

”Okay, okay, it’s all my fault. I solemnly apologize to you. I hope you will not forget the villain’s fault and forgive me this time.” Lu Chen gave up decisively.

”Hmph! For the sake of your sincere apology, I will forgive you this time, but I won’t make another example.” Concubine Cao Xuan frowned on the phone.

In fact, these days, she wanted to call Lu Chen many times to inquire about the situation.

But I was afraid of disturbing the other party, so I kept enduring it.

Now that the other party took the initiative to contact her, she finally let go of her hanging heart.

”Concubine Xuan, I heard that you have settled in Yanjing, how is the development of the new company now?” Lu Chen asked.

”Of course it’s smooth sailing.”

Cao Xuanfei smiled and said: “Our Chenfei Group has begun to take shape and is growing day by day. I believe that within half a year, we will be able to establish a new world in Yanjing!”

With her grandpa supporting her, it would be difficult for her to have trouble.

”That’s good.”

Lu Chen smiled and asked, “By the way, Concubine Xuan, do you have time tonight? I want to treat you to dinner.”

”Coincidentally, the company happens to have a celebration banquet tonight, so you can come here directly, and I will show you around afterward,” Cao Xuanfei said.

”Okay, see you tonight.”


After chatting for a while, Lu Chen hung up the phone contentedly.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, walked back into the bedroom, started to rummage through all kinds of things, and finally found a set of famous brand suits.

This was a gift from Concubine Cao Xuan. He was usually reluctant to wear it and kept it in good storage. Now he could finally show it off.

To be honest, he had never cared about dressing up before, and daily street stall goods worth dozens of yuan were enough.

But this time, in order to meet Concubine Cao Xuan, he had to take care of himself and not lose face.


Lu Chen drove the car, followed the address navigation, and drove all the way into Central City.

Yanjing is divided into five major areas, namely East, West, South, North, and Central.

The area of each area is very wide, equivalent to a medium-sized city.

Therefore, each region is also referred to as “city”.

The east district is called Dongcheng, the west district is called Xicheng, the south district is called Nancheng, and the north district is called Beicheng.

The core area protected by the four major urban areas is the central city, also called the inner city.


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