An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1402

Chapter 1402

Chapter 1402

Chapter 1402

Inside the inner city, there is also the Forbidden City, which represents the supreme power.

It is the holy land that countless careerists dream of.

It is also the place where Chase Lu explores the truth and seeks justice.

Of course, not now.

The inner city is very congested, and it happens to be the rush hour for get off work.

Although Chase Lu went out an hour earlier, when he actually arrived at his destination, it was already dark.

The place where Concubine Cao Xuan held the celebration banquet was called “Tianwaitian”, and it was a super five-star hotel.

The environment and location are impeccable, and all kinds of entertainment facilities are available.

High-grade, good service, full of cards, it is the first choice for entertaining guests.

At this moment, on the top floor of Tianwaitian, in the No. 1 banquet hall.

A group of well-dressed young men and women are gathering together to exchange cups and chat.

On the stage, wonderful singing and dancing continued to entertain everyone in the audience.

The entire banquet hall can be described as very lively.

”Brother, will Miss Cao really show up today?”

In a certain corner, a man and a woman were holding wine glasses and looking around non-stop, as if they were searching for something.

These two people are Liu Xiangsi and Liu Cong.

”Of course it will appear!”

Liu Cong said with determination: “I have already inquired. Today is the celebration banquet of Chenfei Group. As the chairman, Miss Cao will definitely not be absent. She will probably be there soon.”

”I’m a little worried, can Miss Cao help us?” Liu Xiangsi looked worried.

Today, Jishitang was burned, so she already has a psychological shadow.

If she hadn’t returned all night last night, she might have been buried in the flames.

The most important thing is that the fire was caused by the Song family, and she didn’t even dare to file a complaint.

In order to protect herself, she could only ask Liu Cong to seek help from more powerful figures.

So, Liu Cong brought her here.

”Junior sister, I’m not bragging. If you can ask Miss Cao to come forward, not to mention the Song family, even the Wang family will have to bow down!” Liu Cong said seriously.

”So powerful?” Liu Xiangsi’s eyelids twitched and she said in surprise: “Brother, what is the origin of this Miss Cao?”

Liu Cong glanced around and lowered his voice: “Junior sister, do you know that on top of the eight wealthy families in Yanjing, there are four major royal families?”

”I heard something.” Liu Xiangsi nodded.

The wealthy and aristocratic families were already the limit of her exposure. As for the Yanjing royal family, she couldn’t even think about it.

It was the most powerful force below the imperial power, standing at the top of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is an existence that ordinary people need to look up to throughout their lives.

”Now that you know the four major royal families, it is easy to understand.”

Liu Cong nodded and said with a serious face: “To be honest, this Miss Cao is a member of the royal Chen family, and her grandfather is none other than Duke Chen, the powerful man in the Forbidden City!”

”What? Chen Guogong?!”

Liu Xiangsi was startled, and her voice rose several times uncontrollably.

”Keep your voice down!”

Liu Cong’s expression changed, and he immediately covered Liu Xiangsi’s mouth. After making sure that no one heard, he slowly let it go and warned: “This is a secret, must not be leaked, otherwise be careful with your head!”


Liu Xiangsi covered her mouth with both hands and nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

In an instant, she was so shocked that she was covered in cold sweat.

She never dreamed that the Miss Cao she was going to meet today was actually the granddaughter of Chen Guogong.

That is the Duke of the dynasty!

An existence that can have a direct conversation with the emperor!

He is one of the top giants who can make Yanjing tremble by stomping his feet!

In front of such a big man, the Wang family and the Song family are all native chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning!

Thinking of this, she suddenly became excited.

If you can please Miss Cao, you will be next to Chen Guogong, a towering tree.

In the future in Yanjing, wouldn’t she be able to walk sideways?


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