An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403

”Junior sister, do you know how powerful you are now?”

Liu Cong had a bit of show off on his face: “As long as Miss Cao is willing to come forward, what does it matter to the Song family?”

”That’s that’s…”

Liu Xiangsi nodded repeatedly, overjoyed.

She has decided to please Miss Cao no matter what the cost.

In this way, not only can he turn the corner into safety, but he can also become a successful person and completely squeeze into the upper class circles of Yanjing.

”By the way, senior brother, how do you know these things?” Liu Xiangsi suddenly became curious.

”To be honest, my uncle’s position in the imperial court is as a staff officer to the generals under Chen Guogong. He has a wide range of contacts, so it is easy for me to find out these secrets.”

Liu Cong raised his chin, looking quite proud.

In fact, Concubine Cao Xuan’s identity has been made public among the elite circles. It is not a secret, but it is just out of reach of ordinary people.

”As expected of senior brother, he is indeed amazing!”

Liu Xiangsi gave a thumbs up, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

The look of admiration on his face made Liu Cong very happy.

It’s really good to have a little fangirl by your side, you can satisfy your vanity all the time.

”Senior brother, what does Miss Cao look like? What if we don’t recognize her when she comes?” Liu Xiangsi glanced around.

I am afraid that I will miss the opportunity because of misjudgment.

”I don’t know exactly what she looks like, but I can be sure that Miss Cao is very beautiful, and not just ordinary beautiful!” Liu Cong was very sure.

”You’ve never met Miss Cao, how do you know she’s beautiful?” Liu Xiangsi was a little surprised.

”Although I have never seen it, I have heard of its good reputation.”

Liu Cong took a sip of wine, and the old god said: “Rouge Bang, I believe you must have heard about it, right?”

”I know this.” Liu Xiangsi nodded: “The Rouge List is also known as the Beauty List. There are a hundred people on the list. Each one is a great beauty selected from all over the country. They are mainly rated based on appearance, followed by family background. and individual talent.”

”All women in the world are proud to be on the rouge list.”

”However, the selection of the Rouge List is too strict. Only truly stunning beauties are eligible to be on the list.”

At the end, Liu Xiangsi’s eyes flashed with sadness.

She thought she was as beautiful as a flower and talented, but in the end she couldn’t even reach the lowest threshold of the rouge list.

There are too many beauties in the Dragon Kingdom.

”That’s right. Those who can enter the rouge list are all beautiful women, and Miss Cao happens to be one of them!” Liu Cong looked forward to it.

”What? Miss Cao is actually a beauty on the rouge list?” Liu Xiangsi was surprised and envious at the same time.

No wonder Liu Cong was so sure, it turned out there was a reason.

”In fact, Miss Cao is not only on the list, but also at the top, and now ranked third!” Liu Cong said in surprise.


Liu Xiangsi’s eyes widened and her voice began to tremble.

Being on the rouge list is already a great honor, and being at the top of the rouge list is even more honorable.

She really didn’t expect that Miss Cao not only had an amazing background, but also had an appearance that would captivate the country.

In front of such a woman, the pressure is too much.

”Third on the rouge list is Miss Cao; second on the rouge list is Zhao Hongying, the female war goddess of the Dragon Kingdom; and top on the rouge list is the mysterious Li Qingcheng.”

Liu Cong reported the names of the top three on the rouge list as if he were counting treasures from his family, with a look of fascination on his face.

If he could marry a woman in the top ten on the rouge list, it would be enough for him in this life.

”Senior brother, you are handsome and talented. How about you try to chase Miss Cao?” Liu Xiangsi suddenly said.

She somewhat liked and admired Liu Cong.

However, in order to please Miss Cao, she would rather give up the person she likes.


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