An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478

As a result, it was stillborn before it even started making money.

Not only are the ointments piling up and unable to be sold, but all the money invested previously has been wasted.

For a time, the Wang and Song families were experiencing constant internal and external troubles.

On the other hand, the Yin family’s side is exactly the opposite.

Because of the public support of the two royal families, the Yin family jumped directly from the second line to the first line.

Not only did he make a lot of money, but he also caught up with wealthy families in terms of human resources.

According to this situation, within three months, the Yin family can truly be promoted to a wealthy family!

At that time, there will be a grand occasion of nine giants in Yanjing!

At night, in the Wang family meeting hall.

As the head of the royal family, Wang An was discussing countermeasures with the head of the Song family, Song Dehai.

Only Wang Zixuan and Song Yingming’s immediate relatives were among the observers.

“Brother Wang, what’s going on?”

“Before you kept saying that as long as our Song family joins, we can make a fortune together.”

“It’s good now. Our Song family has invested a lot of money. As a result, the new company has just opened and closed down.”

“The most important thing is that all the customers who placed the order asked for a refund. This way, our Song family has suffered a lot!”

Song Dehai kept vomiting bitterness, his tone full of complaints.

If they hadn’t listened to Wang An’s slander and invested in Huichun Cream, the Song family would not have fallen to where it is today.

You must know that the production cost of rejuvenating ointment is extremely high, coupled with the large number of orders before, they are full of confidence, and they do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to collect medicinal materials.

I thought I could make a lot of money, but I didn’t expect to lose so badly, it’s already hurting my bones.

Now everyone in the Song family is scolding.

“Brother Song, I know you are in a hurry, but don’t worry.”

Wang An sighed softly and said, “Your Song family has suffered a lot, so how can our Wang family be any better? We are all in the same boat, we are all in the same boat, and we have to bear the good and the bad together.”

“Although that’s the case, you’re doing too badly, right? You couldn’t even clean up a little Yin’s family, and you even got yourself involved.” Song Dehai shook his head.

“Brother Song, what happened today was purely an accident. If the royal family hadn’t intervened, we would have won.” Wang Andao.

“What? The royal family? What’s going on?” Song Dehai was startled.

“Here’s the thing…”

Wang An did not hide anything, and simply explained what happened.

After listening to it, Song Dehai immediately frowned, his face became extraordinarily serious: “It’s strange, how could the powerful royal family help the little Yin family?”

“Dad, according to our speculation, this matter should be related to the Tang family.” At this time, Song Yingming suddenly spoke.

“Although the Tang family is quite powerful, if they want to recruit the Cui family and the Chen family, they probably don’t have the ability to do so, right?” Song Dehai was a little suspicious.

The eight wealthy families basically all know their roots.

The Long family is the most powerful and belongs to the only family.

The Tang family ranked second, and if they were singled out, they would definitely be better than the Wang family or the Song family.

But it is obviously impossible to ask the royal family to come forward.

“Perhaps, the Tang family spent a lot of money and lured them with a lot of money, so they persuaded the two royal families.” Song Yingming guessed.

“Brother Wang, what do you think?” Song Dehai did not answer directly, but looked at Wang An.

“I also find this strange, but besides the Tang family, I can’t think of anyone else.” Wang An shook his head.

The Yin family represented by Yin Tao is just a second-rate force, not even qualified to climb up the royal family, so naturally they don’t have the ability.

The Tang family, represented by Tang Xiaobao, is the most important and highest-status existence among the partners. Although it is difficult to achieve, at least there is still a glimmer of hope.

As for Lu Chen, he simply ignored it.

An unknown junior, who is not even worthy to carry shoes for a member of the royal family, how can he have such energy?


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