An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

“Okay, there’s no point in discussing this now. Let’s think about how to get out of the current predicament.”

At this time, Song Qiuyun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

She is a decisive and resolute person who never gives up easily.

If you fail this time, then find an opportunity to make up for it.

“Both royal families have shown up, and the business of rejuvenating ointment is obviously not going to work.”

Song Dehai sighed, then raised his head and said, “Brother Wang, you always have a lot of tricky ideas. Is there any good way to recover some losses?”

“What can I do for a while?” Wang An looked helpless.

If he had his way, he wouldn’t be sitting here worrying.

“Dad! I have an idea!”

As if thinking of something, Wang Zixuan next to her suddenly spoke.

“Oh? What’s your idea? Let’s hear it.”

Wang An immediately became interested.

The others looked over one after another, as if they were all listening.

“Dad, we got the prescription of Rejuvenation Ointment from Lu Chen. Is it possible that he has a similar top-quality prescription?” Wang Zixuan narrowed her eyes and said.

Wang An and Song Qiuyun looked at each other and immediately understood what their daughter meant.

But seeing through things without telling them is a disgraceful thing after all.

“Zixuan, you mean to kidnap Chase Lu quietly and force him to hand over all the prescriptions?” Song Yingming asked tentatively.

“That’s right!”

Wang Zixuan nodded heavily: “Lu Chen has a lot of secrets hidden in him. I believe that as long as he is captured and tortured, he will definitely get a lot of surprises!”

“Haha…good idea!”

Hearing this, Song Dehai’s eyes lit up: “We only promised that we would no longer produce and sell rejuvenation ointment, and we didn’t say that we would not sell other medicines. If there is any magical prescription, we can not only recover the loss, but also make a lot of money!”


Wang An smiled and nodded: “If there is one, there are two. There is a high probability that Lu Chen has other top-quality prescriptions.”

When dealing with the Wang family before, Lu Chen had hidden a secret, which proved that this son was quite sophisticated and good at hiding his clumsiness.

“Zixuan, now Lu Chen has boarded the Tang family’s ship, is it too risky for us to touch him?” Song Yingming thought.

The Tang family and the Yin family are now very popular, and they have two royal families as their backers.

Lu Chen has become friends with Tang Xiaobao and Yin Tao again. If he kidnaps someone, he might cause big trouble.

“You can’t catch tiger cubs if you don’t enter the tiger’s den. As long as you can recover your losses and turn defeat into victory, what’s the point of taking some risks?”

Wang Zixuan said indifferently: “Besides, Lu Chen is just a pawn being used and has lost its value now. How can the Tang family and the Yin family care about the life and death of such a person?”


Song Yingming frowned in thought, a little undecided.

“Brother Yingming, aren’t you so frightened that you don’t even have this courage anymore?”

Wang Zixuan said with some dissatisfaction: “You used to be unparalleled in wisdom, courage, and perseverance. Why do you seem to be a different person today?”

“It’s a matter of great importance. It’s always right to be cautious.” Song Yingming smiled sarcastically.

Damn it, I charge into battle every time, and you cheer and shout from behind. Of course you don’t feel dangerous.

If something happened, wouldn’t I be unlucky first?

“Brother Yingming, don’t worry, there will never be any danger in this matter.”

Wang Zixuan said with a serious face: “As long as we do it without anyone noticing and leaving no clues, who will suspect us? Don’t forget, we have a peerless expert to help us. Just ask this If an expert makes a move, it will definitely be foolproof!”

“Yingming, you are just an unknown junior. Why are you so nervous? With our two giants supporting you, you just let go and do it. If something goes wrong, uncle will carry it for you!” Wang An said, patting his chest.

After hearing what the father and daughter said, Song Yingming immediately felt confident and said boldly, “Okay! Then I’ll take a chance and catch Lu Chen back myself!”

At this moment, in the Imperial Building, in a luxurious private room.


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