An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1507

Chapter 1507

Chapter 1507

Chapter 1507 “So beautiful! So noble!” “Where is this beauty, why haven’t I seen it before?” “This beauty, this temperament, should be at the top of the rouge list.” Not a little restless. Regardless of whether they were men or women, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces. Yanjing has outstanding people and many beautiful women. But stunning beauty like this is very rare, especially the cold and noble temperament, like a fairy coming out of a painting, which makes people feel unreal. “Cousin!” Tan Hong’s face lit up when she saw the person coming, as if she had seen a savior, and she hurriedly greeted him. “I asked you to come over to discuss business, but the deal failed and you were asked to pay 100 million in compensation. What happened?” Li Qingyao said coldly. “I…” Tan Hong was at a loss for words for a moment. She couldn’t just say that she was showing off her power here with the golden order from Prince Mu’s palace, and then was taught a lesson, right? “Sister Qingyao, this is what happened… “Feng Miaozhu reacted very quickly, stepped forward immediately, and explained the matter with embellishment. After finishing the matter, she added: “Sister Qingyao, we tried to persuade them with good words, but in the end they didn’t appreciate it, and even poisoned us. And asking for compensation is really too much! “”Yeah? Who is so arrogant? How dare you poison yourself in public? “Li Qingyao asked coldly. “It’s Lu Chen and that woman!” The two of them are in cahoots! Feng Miaozhu stretched out her hand and pointed. “Huh?” “After seeing Lu Chen’s face, Li Qingyao couldn’t help frowning slightly, quite surprised: “It’s you? Why are you here? “It’s strange, every time she meets Lu Chen, she has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.” Yin’s medicine has my share, why can’t I be here? “Lu Chen responded lightly. “Sister Qingyao, do you know this kid?” “At this time, a young man with a rather harsh appearance beside him suddenly spoke. This man’s name is Mu Anxiang, and he is one of Lord Mu’s sons. He is good at business, he is insidious and cunning, he has many tricks, and he will do everything for his own benefit. .”I’ve met him a few times, but I’m not familiar with him. “Li Qingyao said. “That’s it. “Mu Anxiang smiled. Looking at Lu Chen, his eyes were a little colder. Since you are not familiar with it, then you don’t have to worry about it.” Lu Chen, you are poisoning and blackmailing, do you know What will be the consequences? “Li Qingyao said coldly. “It was me who poisoned it, and it has nothing to do with uncle. If you want revenge, just target me.”

“Huang Yinyin said calmly. “Lu Chen, don’t you feel ashamed to let a little girl of yours take the blame for you? “Li Qingyao’s eyes were piercing. “Mr. Li, the tone of your mouth is full of accusations, as if everything is our fault. Why don’t you ask first, what have these people around you done?” ” Lu Chen said lightly. “No matter what they did, it is not the reason for you to poison people! “Li Qingyao said righteously.


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