An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508 “So according to your opinion, they are only allowed to bully us and we are not allowed to resist? Do we, the powerless people, have to be oppressed and insulted in front of powerful people like you? We can’t even protect ourselves. Guilty?” Lu Chen looked sarcastic. Although she has lost her memory, the woman in front of her has really not changed at all. Always preconceived, self- righteous and indiscriminate. “I don’t understand what you are talking about.” Li Qingyao frowned slightly: “Our people are here today to discuss business. If you are a shareholder of Yin’s Medicine, you should treat each other with courtesy instead of intimidating and tempting.” “If If they are guests, we will naturally welcome them, but if they are enemies, then don’t blame us for being rude.” Lu Chen retorted. “What? You did something wrong and got into trouble, and you still don’t know how to repent?” Li Qingyao frowned. “Miss Li, this matter is a misunderstanding.” At this time, Yin Tao suddenly stepped forward and smoothed things over with a smile: “It was Miss Tan who insisted on jumping in the queue just now, and she also used the name of Prince Mu’s Palace to show off her power. We If she doesn’t comply, she will destroy our company. Lu Chen was angry for a moment, so he acted a little impulsively.” “Is there such a thing?” Li Qingyao turned and glanced at Tan Hong. Tan Hong’s face froze, but she quickly defended herself: “Cousin! Don’t listen to their nonsense! I came here sincerely to discuss business, but Lu Chen took revenge and wanted to kick me out. I was really angry, so I said so. A few harsh words didn’t do anything.” “Yes, Sister Qingyao, I can testify that it’s all Lu Chen’s fault!” Feng Miaozhu immediately spoke out in support: “This guy Lu Chen is not only unreasonable, but he also fights He has serious violent tendencies. Look at Miss Tan’s face, it’s swollen!” “Cousin, I’ve never been wronged like this before. You must make the decision for me!” Tan Hong looked sad and looked very sad. Wronged. Looking at Tan’s red and swollen face and the dissipated fingerprints on it, Li Qingyao couldn’t help but darken her face and asked: “Lu Chen! Let me ask you, did you hit my cousin?” “It was me, but… …. Just as Lu Chen was about to explain, he was interrupted by Li Qingyao coldly: “It’s really you!” I thought you had something to hide, and that you were using your power to bully others after doing this for a long time. Why do you have the face to cry out for injustice? ! “Lu Chen frowned slightly, his face a little ugly. Others didn’t care, but Li Qingyao’s words were as hurtful as

a knife to him. “Miss Li, everything has a cause, you can’t just listen to one-sided words. Seeing that the situation was not good, Yin Tao quickly explained: “Everyone present can clearly see what happened just now. You can find out who is right and who is wrong by just asking anyone.” “”good! Then I will ask and see who is right and who is wrong! Li Qingyao glanced left and right, finally settling on a woman, and asked: “Madam, please tell me truthfully, what happened just now?” Did Chase Lu hit someone first? “You’d better think carefully before speaking and don’t talk nonsense. If you dare to protect Lu Chen, you will bear the consequences!” “Feng Miaozhu reminded her secretly. As soon as she said this, the woman’s face turned pale with fright, and she nodded repeatedly: “That’s right, that’s right! It was Lu Chen who made the first move, and Miss Tan was the victim, I saw it with my own eyes! “”Um? “Hearing this, Yin Tao couldn’t help but frown slightly. She really didn’t expect that someone would lie in public. But after thinking about it, it seems understandable. Who dares to offend the power of two wealthy families and one royal family? Even if it is a black one, Even with absolute power, one can become white. “Lu Chen! What else do you have to say? After getting the result, Li Qingyao’s pretty face turned cold and she shouted softly: “I order you now to apologize to Tan Hong immediately. This way you still have a way to survive. Otherwise, just being charged with poisoning and harming people will be enough for you to spend half your life in jail!” “


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