An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 2231-2260

Chapter 2231-2260

Chapter 2231-2260

Chapter: 2231

“Murong Zhenguo, you are a dignified general protecting the country, what kind of ability do you have to bully my juniors here?”

Suddenly, a low and hoarse voice sounded in the air.

Everyone subconsciously followed the sound and saw a white figure suddenly rising from the ground towards the inner courtyard in the distance and jumping into the sky above everyone’s heads.

Immediately afterwards, the white figure turned around and swooped down like an eagle, carrying the power of destroying the world.

When it was about to fall heavily, the white figure stretched out his arms, and the impact stopped instantly.

The wind was blowing on the soles of his feet, and his whole body was like a feather, hovering lightly and falling to the ground silently.

Ability to move fast or slow, to send and receive freely, and powerful martial arts attainments are fully demonstrated at this moment.

When the white figure fell to the ground, everyone could see clearly that it was a white-haired old man.

The old man was wearing a Tang suit, with a thin figure and a withered face, but his eyes were bright and sometimes showed a terrifying edge.

The old man is the backbone of the Shangguan family – Shangguan Pengcheng!


Shangguanhong couldn’t help but his eyes lit up when he saw the person coming.

The restlessness just now calmed down in an instant.

The Shangguan family’s Dinghai magic needle has appeared. Even if Xia Yongkang and Murong Zhenguo join forces, there is nothing to be afraid of.

“Uncle Zhongyong—Shangguan Pengcheng?!”

Xia Yongkang narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression became solemn.

As an extremely wealthy family, the Shangguan family has been dominant for hundreds of years because of the accumulation of history.

Especially the previous patriarch, Shangguan Pengcheng, was a generation of great talents.

In the early years of the struggle for imperial power, he had a vicious vision and chose the right master. Then he supported him all the way to the top and became a minister of the official family. In the end, he was personally awarded the title of Uncle Zhongyong.

His power and status, as well as his personal bravery, are not weaker than Murong Zhenguo at all.

Even in some respects, even better.

The only difference is that Murong Zhenguo performed meritorious service on the battlefield, while Shangguan Pengcheng fought hard in the officialdom.

Although the Tao is different, they are all top-notch people.

“Hahaha… Great, great, the old patriarch finally appeared!”

“With the old patriarch sitting in town, who dares to act presumptuously at Shangguan’s house?”

Seeing Shangguan Pengcheng, the clan members of Shangguan’s family all showed joy.

As if they had found their backbone, they were all refreshed after the previous decline.

“Daughter! We are saved! We are saved!”

Cao Jun was extremely excited if he was granted amnesty.

He was still worried about how it would end, but the appearance of Shangguan Pengcheng gave him hope.

Chapter: 2232

“Great! I really did not choose the wrong person!”

Cao Zhiyuan was also overjoyed.

Not only does Shangguanhong have a bright future, but he also has a grandpa in a high position.

Uncle Zhongyong is a noble title. Although he has no real power, it represents supreme glory and an unfathomable network of contacts.

Even at critical moments, you can meet officials directly.

With such a big man in charge, who can shake the Shangguan family?

“Lu Chen, Lu Chen, so what if you have the support of Governor Xia? Even if you have the old general Murong as your backer? You still can’t save Concubine Cao Xuan, you can’t change the situation after all, you are forever, only worthy of being stepped on by us underfoot!”

Cao Zhiyuan whispered to herself and sneered again and again.

She admitted that Chase Lu had something, but unfortunately, he still couldn’t make any big waves.

“Murong Zhenguo, you are all dignified figures after all, but now you are bullying my grandson in public, do you really think I have no one in Shangguan’s family?”

Shangguan Pengcheng stood with his hands behind his hands, his expression indifferent, and his tone was questioning.

They’ve already come to make trouble, so of course he doesn’t need to be polite.

“Shangguan Pengcheng, let’s figure it out first. It was your grandson who started the trouble first. We’re just seeking justice. Is there any problem?” Murong Zhenguo said lightly.

“You want to seek justice, talk to me directly, bully a junior, what kind of skills do you have?” Shangguan Pengcheng was domineering.

“You have been unable to retreat, who knows where you are?” Murong Zhenguo sneered.

“Now that I’m out, what do you have to say?” Shangguan Pengcheng looked intently.

“Your grandson tied up someone who shouldn’t be tied up, let her go, everyone is safe today, otherwise you will be in big trouble.” Murong Zhenguo cut to the chase.

“Kidnapping?” Shangguan Pengcheng looked sideways at his grandson and asked, “Is there any?”

“No.” Shangguanhong shook his head.

“Hey, did you hear that? My Hong’er said no, you can go.” Shangguan Pengcheng waved his hand, as if to chase away flies.

“You are going to send us away without saying a word? Do you think we are idiots?” Murong Zhenguo’s face turned cold.

“Then what do you want?” Shangguan Pengcheng’s eyes were a little unkind.

“Either hand over the person voluntarily; or we go in and search, and you choose one yourself.” Murong Zhenguo said unceremoniously.

“If you don’t have the important person, it’s even more impossible to go in and search. Our Shangguan family is not a place for you to run wild!” Shangguan Pengcheng said solemnly.

“Hey! You old bastard! Oil and salt don’t go in, right?”

Murong Zhenguo was a little annoyed: “Believe it or not, I tore you down today!”

“Demolish my house? Do you have the ability?”

Shangguan Pengcheng snorted coldly: “Murong Zhenguo, you don’t think that if you bring some people here today, you can run wild on my territory, right? Your general’s mansion is powerful, but my Earl’s mansion is not in vain! If anyone dares to be arrogant here, I have the right to kill him first and then punish him later!”

“Cut first and play later, right? Come on, let’s practice and see whose fist is stronger!” Murong Zhenguo rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight.

Instead of forcing Lai Lai, it would be better to have a happy fight.

Chapter: 2233

“Murong Zhenguo, you want to take action, right? OK, I’ll find someone to accompany you!”

Shangguan Pengcheng suddenly turned up the volume, and shouted from the air: “Brother Yuanqing, it’s your turn!”


As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of thunderous laughter, which suddenly exploded out of thin air.

The laughter seemed to come from all directions, deafening. Ordinary people were so shocked that they covered their ears subconsciously.

At the same time as the laughter sounded, a red figure suddenly fell from the sky, like a cannonball, and hit the center of the field heavily.


There was a loud bang.

Debris flew and smoke flew everywhere.

A huge gust of wind, centered on the landing point, swept away in all directions, making people’s hair stand on end, their clothes rustling, and they couldn’t even open their eyes.

After the strong wind passed, a middle-aged man wearing a fiery red robe with gray hair on his temples walked out with his head held high.

The man was tall and had sharp eyes. His whole body was like a ball of fire, with a scorching wave of air coming from his body, and the surrounding temperature was rising rapidly.

Wherever it passed, the crowd was sweating profusely, short of breath, and extremely hot.

“It’s Tuoba Yuanqing! It’s Tuoba Yuanqing, one of the five great masters in Jiangnan!”

After seeing the man’s face clearly, the entire scene was in an uproar.

“What? Tuoba Yuanqing? Why is he here?”

“Dear me! I didn’t expect that there is a top martial arts master hiding in Earl Shangguan’s mansion!”

“With Tuoba Yuanqing in charge, it seems that Old General Murong and the others won’t be able to bargain today.”


The appearance of Tuoba Yuanqing caused a lot of discussion among the people.

The five great masters in the south of the Yangtze River are all top-notch experts, and one person can stop ten thousand armies.

The Shangguan family was already powerful, and now with the addition of Tuo Ba Yuan Qing, it was even more powerful!

“Brother Pengcheng, I heard that someone is making trouble here. I wonder who is so bold?”

Tuoba Yuanqing stepped forward with an arrogant look on his face, his whole person full of aura, not hiding his edge at all.

“Hey, that’s what’s in front of you.”

Shangguan Pengcheng looked at Murong Zhenguo and the others pointedly, and said coldly: “Murong Zhenguo, don’t you want to fight? Come on, try your hand with brother Yuanqing and see if you can hold on with your old bones.” How many tricks did you do?”


Hearing this, Murong Zhenguo couldn’t help but frown.

He naturally knew Tuoba Yuan Qing’s strength, he was a powerhouse on the same level as Huangfu Longteng.

In terms of force value alone, it is already the pinnacle of Jiangnan.

Chapter: 2234

Even in his prime, he was not sure he could win a fight, not to mention he was injured two days ago.

If I really want to do it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get any cheap.

“Old man, what’s the point of asking for foreign aid? If you have the guts, you can fight with me!” Murong Zhenguo avoided the easy matter and planned to have a duel with Guan Pengcheng directly.

“Brother Yuan Qing is a guest of my Earl’s Mansion, not a foreign aid.”

Shangguan Pengcheng said indifferently: “Besides, I’m just a civil servant. I don’t want to fight. If you want to fight, just fight with brother Yuan Qing. Of course, if you don’t dare, then take your people and get out of here in despair. !”

“Old guy, are you playing this trick with me? Do you really think I can’t do anything to you?” Murong Zhenguo had a stern face.

“Old General Murong, I heard that you have fought in the battlefield for many years, and your cultivation level is astonishing, and you have never been defeated. I really want to see it.”

At this time, Tuoba Yuanqing said with a smile that was not a smile: “It is said that there is no distinction between military and martial arts. I am very curious. Is it your killing skills that are good, or my martial arts attainments are better?”

As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion all around.

This is already a naked provocation.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the art industry. If it is a formation of troops, Murong Zhenguo will naturally win.

But when it comes to martial arts cultivation, looking at the entire Jiangnan, there are not many people who are Tuoba Yuanqing’s opponents.

The problem is, others are already riding on his face. If Murong Zhenguo refuses, it will cause great damage to his reputation and dignity.

“Tuoba Yuanqing, you are not qualified to challenge the old general of the Murong family, let me meet you!”

At this time, a cold female voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a stunning woman wearing a red outfit with short silver hair walking in with a high profile.

The woman held a three-foot Qingfeng sword in her hand, her temperament was cold, her eyes were indifferent, and there was a bit of heroism between her brows.

The whole person looks majestic and heroic.

“Oh my god! It’s Hongying God of War! Hongying God of War is here too!”

“Fuck! Am I reading that right? Even the strongest female God of War in the Dragon Kingdom has arrived? What’s going on today?”

“Gods fight! It’s really a fight between gods!”

Seeing Zhao Hongying entering the door with her sword in hand, everyone at the scene made another noise.

You know, these are big figures standing on the top of the Dragon Kingdom.

Normally, it would be a great honor for them to see one person, but now that so many shocking existences suddenly appear, it is really unbelievable.

“It’s her again? Here she comes again!”

Cao Zhiyuan shrank his neck in fright and quickly hid behind Shangguan Hong.

The scene of Zhao Hongying beheading Cao Yiming with a single sword in Cao’s house last time is still vivid in her mind, and she already has a shadow in her heart.

Now seeing this female killer again, it is even more difficult to hide the fear in my heart.

“No way? Could it be that the God of War with Red Tassels was also invited by Lu Chen?”

Cao Jun and others looked pale as if they were struck by lightning.

Chapter: 2235

The last time Zhao Hongying appeared in Cao’s house, they could still regard it as a coincidence, but now the other party showed up again, obviously the relationship with Lu Chen is not simple.

“Zhao Hongying?”

Shangguan Hong frowned, his face became serious.

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, among the younger generation, there are only a handful of people who are better than him.

But Zhao Hongying is one of them.

He has struggled for many years, and now he is only a third-grade general with great power, while Zhao Hongying has become a first-grade war god and has the right to talk to officials.

The gap between the two sides cannot be exaggerated to describe the difference between clouds and mud.

“Oh? It turns out that the daughter of the Zhao family has arrived?”

Murong Zhenguo smiled slightly, not too surprised.

Given Lu Chen’s identity, it’s not surprising that someone from the Zhao family showed up.

“Hey! Why are you walking so fast? Can you wait for me?”

As soon as Zhao Hongying walked in, another group of people followed her.

The leader was a well-dressed man with a handsome face.

The man is somewhat similar to Zhao Hongying, and his temperament is also otherworldly. Standing among the crowd, he seems to stand out from the crowd, very outstanding.

His appearance seemed harmless, but the sharpness revealed in his eyes made people shudder.

“Zao Wou-ki! It’s the military god Zao Wou-ki!”

After seeing the man’s appearance clearly, the whole place exploded.

“What? Military God Zhao Wuji? How is that possible?!”

“My dear mother! First it was the Red Tasseled Goddess of War, and now it is the God of War, and now it is the God of War. The twin stars of the Zhao family all appeared together. Could it be that the sky is falling?!”

“What the hell happened? Who can invite the twin stars of the Zhao family?!”

Because of Zhao Wou-ki’s appearance, the noisy scene became even more heated.

You know, the reputation of the God of War Zhao Wuji is no worse than that of the female God of War Zhao Hongying, and is even better.

Zhao Hongying’s military merit and official position were forcibly obtained from the sea of blood from the mountain of corpses with her own punches and kicks.

The root of it is because of the strong martial arts cultivation base, daring to fight and fighting is not afraid of death.

Zhao Wuji was just the opposite. Although he was good at martial arts, he always relied on outsmarting to win.

Since joining the army, he has never been defeated in dozens of battles, large and small, and in almost all battles, he has defeated more with less, and the weak has defeated the strong.

It is the real strategizing, using soldiers like gods.

If Zhao Hongying is amazing in martial arts, then Zhao Wuji is as intelligent as a monster.

The two brothers and sisters, one civil and one military, are known as the twin stars of the Zhao family. Their military accomplishments are unmatched in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

“It’s over, it’s over, even the military god Zhao Wuji is here. Now we are in big trouble!” Cao Zhiyuan was panicked and sweating profusely.

Chapter: 2236

Zhao Hongying, the god of war, is already very difficult to deal with, and adding Zhao Wuji, the god of war, is undoubtedly a double blow.

Even the Shangguan family would find it difficult to resist.

“How could this be? Could it be that the Cao family is really hopeless?”

Cao Jun and the others were ashamed and their legs were weak.

Once the Shangguan family cannot withstand the pressure, they will definitely put all the blame on the Cao family.

At that time, these people will become scapegoats.

“Zhao Hongying? Zhao Wuji? Why are they all here?”

Shangguan Hong frowned deeply, his face was ugly.

The twin stars of the Zhao family are the leaders among the young talents of the Dragon Kingdom and the future pillars of the country.

Regardless of status, or the power in his hands, they are far superior to him.

The two of them appeared at the same time, like two mountains, weighing heavily on his shoulders.

“Yo! It’s so lively here!”

Zhao Wuji glanced around, and then under the spotlight, together with Zhao Hongying, walked straight to Lu Chen and said with a smile: “Old Lu, we shouldn’t be late, right?”

“No, the time is just right.” Lu Chen nodded.

“That’s fine.”

Zhao Wuji smiled, and clasped fists at Murong Zhenguo and Xia Yongkang respectively: “I’ve seen the old general, I’ve seen Governor Xia.”

“Military God doesn’t need to be polite.” Xia Yongkang immediately returned the salute.

Zhao Wuji’s official position was similar to his on the surface, but he had greater power.

The most important thing is that Zhao Wuji is less than thirty years old now, and his future prospects are limitless. He can be granted the title of Duke or King.

“Even you two little fellows are here, I, an old man, can finally rest.” Murong Zhenguo said, stepped aside resolutely, with an expression of watching a show.

“Tuoba Yuanqing, don’t you want to fight? Let me fight with you!”

Zhao Hongying didn’t waste any time and directly pulled out the Qingfeng Sword. The tip of the sword was pointed directly at Tuoba Yuanqing, full of fighting spirit.

It’s very rare to fight against such a top master. I want to have a good time today.


Tuoba Yuanqing’s expression froze, and he subconsciously looked at Shangguan Pengcheng next to him.

He naturally had no psychological burden when fighting Murong Zhenguo, because the Shangguan family was not afraid of the General’s Mansion, and even had to fight against him.

But Zhao Hongying is different. The other party is not only the God of War of the Dragon Kingdom, but also backed by the royal Zhao family, and is highly regarded by the officials.

He is the true rising star of the country and a powerful figure in the future.

How could he, a martial artist, dare to offend such a monster?

Even if he could fight, he wouldn’t dare to fight.

Chapter: 2237

“Why didn’t you say anything? Aren’t you very powerful just now? If you have the ability to fight with me, let’s see how much you weigh?”

Zhao Hongying continued to provoke with a cold face.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes were focused on Tuoba Yuanqing.

Now Tuoba Yuanqing is riding a tiger. If he gives up, it will damage his reputation, but if he wins, it will be even more troublesome.

Maybe it will alert the senior officials of the Zhenwu Division and get on the blacklist.

“Niece Hongying, your father and I used to be quite friendly, isn’t it inappropriate for you to bring people to my house to make trouble?” Shangguan Pengcheng said with a solemn expression.

“It’s none of my business that you have a relationship with my father?” Zhao Hongying said unceremoniously.


Shangguan Pengcheng was furious for a moment.

After all, he is an earl, so being yelled at by a junior like this is really a bit of a slap in the face.

“Okay, okay, calm down a little bit.”

Zhao Wuji stepped forward with a smile, and said: “My lord, we came here today not to cause trouble, but to seek justice. You have arrested some people who shouldn’t be arrested. If you don’t want to fight with each other, you’d better arrest them.” The person was released, so hello me, hello everyone.”

“Nephew Wuji, have you misunderstood something? Our Shangguan family has always valued peace and never used lynching indiscriminately. What’s more, today is my grandson’s engagement day. How can we arrest people randomly?” Shangguan Pengcheng asked. Not acknowledged.

“Lord Earl, if you want to talk to me in an official tone, it will be meaningless. Your Shangguan family knows very well what they have done. It is the wisest choice to admit your mistake in time before things get too serious.” Zhao Wuji smiles on his face but doesn’t smile on his face.

“Nephew Wuji, our Shangguan family is upright and upright, and we will never do anything outrageous. I think you must have been deceived.” Shangguan Pengcheng said solemnly.

“My lord, I am trying to persuade you. If you don’t listen, you will be responsible for the consequences.”

Zhao Wuji’s smile slowly faded: “My sister is not as good-tempered as me. If you really annoy her, the sky will make a hole in her. You have to weigh it yourself.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can search around to see if my words are true or false?”

Shangguan Pengcheng spread his hands and made a gesture of invitation.

That calm appearance seemed very convincing.

“Shangguan Pengcheng, I’ve run out of good words, since you are so ungrateful, then don’t blame us for being rude!” Zhao Wou-ki’s face turned cold, his eyes turned a little hostile.

The knife has already reached the neck, and I still have to hold on. I really don’t know what is going on in my mind.

“Stop talking nonsense with him, this kind of person won’t cry until he sees the coffin!”

Zhao Hongying was very impatient and raised her hand directly: “Come here! Demolish this place!”


Following his order, the elite troops of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry immediately started to move.

“Bold! Let’s see who dares to move!”

Shangguan Pengcheng roared, and the guards behind him immediately swarmed up to block the front, confronting the tiger and leopard cavalry army.

The two sides are at war with each other and are full of gunpowder.

Just as the battle was about to break out, loud shouts suddenly exploded at the door.

Chapter: 2238

“Shangshu of the Ministry of War—Master Hu is here!!”

“The commander of the Imperial City Army—General Zhang is here!!”

“The eldest son of Marquis Deyi – Mr. Sun has arrived!!”


The shouts came one after another, each sound was deafening and resounded through the sky.

It’s frightening.


When high-ranking officials and nobles came in one after another, the whole place exploded.

All kinds of noises were heard, one wave after another.

The Minister of War, the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial City Army, the eldest son of Marquis Deyi… and many dignitaries from Yanjing.

Looking around, a mighty group of big figures all filed in.

The momentum is huge and surging.

It is no exaggeration to say that any one of them can dominate the provincial capital and cover the sky with one hand!

The guests present were so shocked that they were speechless.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their faces full of horror.

It was usually difficult for them to meet any of these big shots, but now they were flocking to them, and they kept coming.

It was so dreamlike and unbelievable.

“Hahahaha… Mr. Hu, General Zhang, Mr. Sun, you are finally here!”

Seeing the distinguished guest coming, Shangguan Pengcheng couldn’t help but look happy, and hurriedly led his people to greet him.

Minister of the Ministry of War, Hu Xuehai.

The commander of the Imperial City Army, Zhang Guozhong.

Deyihou’s eldest son, Sun Kang.

These are all the people who guide the country in Yanjing. Regardless of their status or power, they are no worse than the Zhao family twins.

In particular, Hu Xuehai, the leader of the Ministry of War, is an existence at the pinnacle of power in the Dragon Kingdom. His prestige is so high that even the officials have to sell a little bit of thin face.

With these great figures coming to help, even if the sky falls, they can withstand it.

“Lord Earl, long time no see. How are you these days?” Hu Xuehai asked with a smile.

“Okay, okay, I can still hold on for a while with this old bone.”

Shangguan Pengcheng smiled, then turned around and called out: “Hong’er, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and say hello to Mr. Sun.”

“I met the teacher.”

Shangguan Hong stepped forward and bowed deeply to Hu Xuehai with a very respectful attitude.

Chapter: 2239

As soon as this move came out, the whole audience was stunned.

No one expected that Shangguanhong’s teacher turned out to be the Minister of the Ministry of War.

No wonder he is in an important position at such a young age. It turns out he has a big backer behind him.

“What? Brother Hong and Mr. Hu are actually masters and apprentices?”

Seeing this scene, Cao Zhiyuan was stunned at first, then showed ecstasy and excitement: “It’s great, great! With the support of such a big shot, let’s see who dares to make a mistake!”

Who is the Minister of War?

A high-ranking official in the current dynasty, with a high position and powerful eyes, with hands and eyes reaching the sky, standing above tens of millions of people!

Just a light stomp of the foot can shake the entire Jiangnan.

Even the twin stars of the Zhao family, who are so powerful in the world, dare not be too presumptuous before the Ministry of War.

What’s more, not only the Minister of War, but also the commander of the Imperial City Army, the eldest son of the Marquis, and many other dignitaries rushed to the Shangguan family’s aid.

When these people get together, even if they are relatives of the emperor, they have to avoid the edge for the time being.

“As expected of a very wealthy family! They actually have such connections? Now we are finally saved!”

Cao Jun and others wept with joy, as if seeing a savior.

When the Zhao family twins appeared, they thought the Shangguan family was doomed, and they were even prepared to be treated as scapegoats.

However, the appearance of Hu Xuehai and others was like a beam of light in the darkness, giving them hope of survival.

What about Governor Xia? What about Old General Murong? Even if the twins of the Zhao family are added to the mix, they cannot really threaten the status of the Shangguan family in front of a group of dignitaries headed by the Minister of War.

“Hong’er, today is your engagement day, and I don’t have anything to give you as a teacher. This jade pendant has been with me for many years, and now I give it to you. I hope you will continue your efforts and reach new heights in the future.”

Hu Xuehai smiled, took out a simple jade pendant, and handed it to Shangguan Hong.

“Thank you teacher.”

Shangguan Hong took it with both hands, respectfully.

“Lord Earl, something seems to be wrong with you here? Why do you look so tense?” Hu Xuehai quickly noticed something was wrong.

“My lord Hu, we encountered some troubles at home today. Thank you for coming in time, otherwise my Earl’s Mansion would have been demolished.” Shangguan Pengcheng said meaningfully.

“Oh? Who is so bold and dares to act wild in the Earl’s Mansion?” Hu Xuehai raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Far away in the horizon, close in front of you.” Shangguan Pengcheng glanced forward.

Hu Xuehai took advantage of the situation and scanned everyone’s faces one by one: “The Governor of Southern Province, the veteran protector of the country, the twin stars of the Zhao family…there are so many people here.”

“Teacher, these guys are going too far. I hope you can uphold justice for us.” Shangguan Hong looked respectful.

“Don’t worry, I have a good teacher here, no one dares to make mistakes.”

Hu Xuehai held his head high, staring at Lu Chen and his party with piercing eyes: “Everyone, if you come to congratulate me today, I will welcome you, but if you want to make trouble, I, Hu, will never agree!”

“Master Hu, it’s not us who are causing trouble, it’s the Shangguan family who has provoked people they shouldn’t have provoked.”

Zhao Wuji said calmly: “For the sake of the fact that we are officials in the same dynasty, I would like to advise you not to meddle in other people’s affairs, so as not to get burned.”

Chapter: 2240

“Oh? Are you threatening me?”

Hu Xuehai sneered: “Zhao Wuji, if your father were here, I would sell some thin noodles. As for you two, they are still a little short of cooking.”

Although the Zhao family is powerful, he is not a soft persimmon. To be able to sit in this position today, his network of relationships spreads all over the court.

He doesn’t need to be too afraid of the two young juniors.

“Hu Xuehai! I’m not in the mood to talk nonsense with you. If you dare to stand up for the Shangguan family, don’t blame me for turning against you!”

Zhao Hongying pointed her sword at an angle, her eyes sharp.


At this time, Zhang Guozhong, the commander of the Imperial City Army, suddenly stood up and scolded: “Zhao Hongying! Do you still have a sense of superiority and inferiority? Anyway, Mr. Hu is your predecessor. What is the use of your words here?” Decency?”

“Zhang! Who do you think you are? Do you want to tell me what to do?” Zhao Hongying was rude.

“Zhao Hongying! Don’t be too arrogant! Even though you are the God of War, I may not be afraid of you!” Zhang Guozhong said sternly.

As the commander of the Imperial City Army, although he was only a second-grade military general, he was successful because he held great power and was deeply trusted by the officials.

Even facing the female war goddess of the Dragon Kingdom, he still has the qualifications to challenge her.

“If you are not afraid, then have a fight with me. Follow the rules of a military commander and live or die according to destiny!” Zhao Hongying slowly raised her sword.


Zhang Guozhong was about to get angry, but Hu Xuehai raised his hand to stop him: “Zhao Hongying, this is not a frontier, so you can’t do anything wrong. If you really dare to mess around, I will definitely give you a book in front of the officials!”

“And I……”

At this time, Sun Kang, the eldest son of Marquis Deyi, also stood up, and said calmly: “Bullying the imperial court officials, making troubles in the earl’s mansion, this kind of arrogant and domineering, lawless behavior, my marquis mansion will never sit idly by. ”

“That’s right! We will never allow anyone to do evil here!”

At this moment, a group of dignitaries from Yanjing expressed their support.

For a time, the Shangguan family was full of momentum.

“More than people, right? I want to see how many heads you have!”

Seeing that everyone was shouting and shouting, Zhao Hongying didn’t talk nonsense, she raised her sword and struck, she was particularly irritable.

But before she swung her sword, Chase Lu blocked it: “Girl, don’t be impulsive.”

With Zhao Hongying’s temper, she is naturally not afraid of killing people, but if she does, the consequences will be serious.

The people on the opposite side were all high-ranking officials and aristocrats in Yanjing, with extraordinary status. If there was any damage, Zhao Hongying would definitely be held accountable, or even dismissed.

The Zhao family tree attracts a lot of wind and has many enemies. Once someone catches them, they will make a big fuss.

The last time we were slandered as a rebel is a living example.

He didn’t want Zhao Hongying to get into this big trouble because of him.

“Brother Chen, these people are low-spirited people. They bully the weak and fear the strong. If you don’t teach them a lesson, they don’t know how to be afraid.” Zhao Hongying stared at the group of people opposite.

“I know, leave this matter to me to solve.”

Chapter: 2241

Lu Chen slowly pressed down Zhao Hongying’s sword, then looked at Hu Xuehai, and said coldly: “Master Hu, I don’t want to make the matter a big deal. As long as the Shangguan family releases people, we will leave immediately.”

If it weren’t for Concubine Cao Xuan’s safety, he wouldn’t be so calm.

“Where did you come from again? Is there any part for you to speak here?”

Hu Xuehai glanced sideways, with a bit of condescending contempt in his eyes.

Why should a nobody talk to him?

“Master Hu, I’m just asking for justice, and I hope you can make it happen.” Lu Chen was neither humble nor overbearing.

“Justice? Hmph! You broke into the Earl’s Mansion without permission, killed people and made trouble in public. Now you still have the nerve to tell me what’s fair?”

Hu Xuehai snorted coldly: “I warn you, take someone with you immediately or get out, otherwise you can’t afford the consequences!”

“Master Hu, my patience is limited, don’t push me.” Lu Chen’s face became colder.

He had been tolerant enough, but the person in front of him turned out to be indifferent.

“So what if you are forced? What are you? How dare you threaten me here? Believe it or not, just a word from me can ruin your family!” Hu Xuehai said sharply.

“Hu! Are you going to fight to the death?!” Lu Chen’s eyes began to become violent.

“Hmph! Are you worthy of me as a dead fish? Please look in the mirror and see your own virtue!” Hu Xuehai showed disdain.

“you wanna die!”

Before Lu Chen could speak, Zhao Hongying beside him couldn’t help it.

She suddenly raised her sword and stabbed Hu Xuehai in the chest.

This sword is fast, accurate, ruthless, and merciless. It just rushes to take people’s lives.

Lu Chen is her reverse scale, anyone who dares to insult Lu Chen will die!

“Be bold!”

Zhang Guozhong yelled angrily, pulled out his knife suddenly, and slashed at him heavily.


The swords collided with each other, making a harsh metallic collision sound.

Zhang Guozhong was so shocked that he retreated more than ten steps in a row, almost fell down, and the knife in his hand broke.

On the other hand, Zhao Hongying dispelled her strength with just a slight shock, then raised her sword again and attacked Hu Xuehai.


Hu Xuehai’s eyelids twitched and he backed away in fright.

He didn’t expect Zhao Hongying to be so reckless that she dared to commit murder in public.

Completely disregarding the laws of the court and the majesty of the official family.

What a lunatic!

At a critical juncture, Tuoba Yuanqing made a sudden move, deflecting Zhao Hongying’s sword.

Chapter: 2242


Zhao Hongying frowned and was about to continue attacking.

A loud shout suddenly sounded at the door.

“Princess Wei is here!!”

As soon as the drink sounded, the audience was shocked.

Everyone followed the sound in unison.

In the direction of the gate, a group of armed guards, surrounded by several nobles, walked in mightily.

The leader is a beautiful young woman dressed up.

The beautiful young woman looks to be in her thirties, well-maintained, and looks graceful, elegant and generous.

Every movement of his hands and feet carried a bit of aristocratic air that had been in the upper class for a long time.

Next to the beautiful young woman was a handsome young man.

The man put his hands in his pockets, looked left and right when he entered the door, and looked a little foolish.

“Oh my god! It’s really Princess Wei! Why is she here too?”

“Princess Wei? Is she the one from Xiliang?”

“Nonsense! Besides that one, who else dares to call Wei Princess?”

After seeing the beautiful young woman, the whole scene was in an uproar again.

Even the group of dignitaries who brought Yanjing here showed awe.

If it were just an ordinary princess, they wouldn’t need to be afraid, but Princess Wei was different.

Its status and power are far superior to those of ordinary princesses.

On the one hand, it is because the King of Wei has great achievements and power, and is the only king who is named after the country name.

His status is as high as the sky, and he can sit on an equal footing with the officials.

Known as the number one person in the Dragon Kingdom under the Son of Heaven!

As a wife is valued by her husband, Princess Wei’s status will naturally increase.

Of course, the main reason is that before marrying King Wei, Princess Wei was still the eldest princess of the Dragon Kingdom, the Son of Heaven’s own sister!

This – is the root of awesomeness!

“Strange, isn’t Princess Wei living in Xiliang all year round? Why does she appear in Jiangnan?”

A group of dignitaries looked at each other in blank dismay, surprised and even more puzzled.

“My Lord Earl, don’t you have any friendship with Princess Wei?”

An official suddenly looked at Shangguan Pengcheng with some curiosity.


Chapter: 2243

Shangguan Pengcheng’s expression froze, and he shook his head immediately.

How could he be so virtuous as to dare to have a friendship with Princess Wei?

He is just a small earl and has no real power yet, while the other party is the most powerful princess.

The perception of both sides is simply a huge difference.

Even if he licked his face and flattered him, he might not be able to respond.

“If Princess Wei didn’t come here because of the Earl’s Mansion, then she must have come to cheer for Mrs. Hu’s face.” Zhang Guozhong said coldly.

“That’s right! Among us, only Mr. Hu can talk to Princess Wei.” Sun Kang repeatedly echoed.

Although the first-level minister of the Ministry of War cannot be compared with Princess Wei in terms of status, he is an important minister in the court and has a wide network of contacts. It is normal for the two to have some friendship.


Hu Xuehai was slightly taken aback, a little puzzled.

He and Princess Wei had only met a few times, and they were not friends. Could it be that the other party suddenly visited her to ask for something?

“Teacher, I didn’t expect that you would be so powerful as to invite Princess Wei. The students are so impressed!” Shangguan Hong said with admiration on his face.

“Hahaha… With Princess Wei stepping forward to help, even the twins of the Zhao family can only surrender!” Shangguan Pengcheng smiled with a smile on his face.

“As expected of Mr. Hu! It’s really amazing!” A group of dignitaries praised him one after another.

A few sweet words made Hu Xuehai feel a little elated.

Although it was a bit strange, looking at the entire Earl’s Mansion, he was the only one who could have a direct dialogue with Princess Wei.

Thinking of this, Hu Xuehai immediately straightened his collar, went up to greet her with a smile on his face, and said respectfully: “Princess Wei is here, Hu is really disappointed to welcome her!”


Without any warning, the beautiful young woman suddenly raised her hand and slapped Hu Xuehai hard on the face, and said two words coldly: “Kneel down!”


The sudden scene stunned everyone.

Everyone was stunned and their faces were full of shock.

No one expected that Princess Wei slapped Hu Xuehai when they met.

No nonsense, no foreshadowing, just so simple and crude.

The problem is that Hu Xuehai is the Minister of the Ministry of War, a first-rank official in the dynasty.

Slapping people in public really leaves no room at all.

“Wei…Princess Wei, why are you beating me?”

Hu Xuehai was stunned, covering his burning face, a little at a loss.

If it were an ordinary nobleman, he would have been furious long ago.

But it happened to be Wei Wangfei, the eldest princess of the Dragon Kingdom, even if he was dissatisfied in every possible way, he could only be obedient.

Chapter: 2244

“I hit you because you are blind. Now, kneel down and answer.” The beautiful young woman said coldly.

“Princess Wei, I don’t understand, how did I offend you?” Hu Xuehai asked bravely.


The beautiful young woman didn’t talk nonsense, she slapped her on the face again, and said coldly: “Are you deaf? I’ll make you kneel down and answer!”

The corners of Hu Xuehai’s eyes twitched, and he dared not speak out in anger. His knees softened, and finally he fell to his knees heavily with a “thud”.

The two sides are the difference between monarchs and ministers, even if Princess Wei asked him to kneel in public, he would not dare not to kneel.

At this moment, the smiles of Shangguan Pengcheng and his party had completely frozen.

For a while, they looked at each other in blank amazement.

At first they thought that Princess Wei came to visit because of her friendship with Hu Xuehai.

Looking at it now, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Could it be that Hu Xuehai offended Princess Wei before?

“Hu Xuehai, do you know that you are wrong?” the beautiful young woman said condescendingly.

“I know I was wrong.” Hu Xuehai lowered his head and admitted his mistake honestly.

Although I don’t understand, at this time, it’s all over if I admit my mistake.

“Okay, then tell me, where did you go wrong?” the beautiful young woman asked again.


Hu Xuehai’s expression froze and he was speechless.

He obviously didn’t do anything, so what’s wrong?

But now, it’s impossible not to admit my mistakes, so I can only say submissively: “Where the princess thinks I am wrong, then the guilty minister is wrong.”

“Hmph! You are really clever at being cunning. Before you realized the real mistake, you were kneeling here for me.”

As the beautiful young woman spoke, her eyes suddenly turned to Zhang Guozhong, Sun Kang and the others, and she said coldly: “And all of you, one by one, kneel down for me!”


Everyone was taken aback, you looked at me, I looked at you, a little at a loss.

“What are you still doing in a daze? Kneel down!” Hu Xuehai turned around and roared.

“Kneel down, kneel down…kneel down quickly!”

Everyone woke up from a dream and did not dare to hesitate. They all knelt down on the ground.

Even the Minister of War kneels down, so what do they think?

Ever since, under Wei Wangfei’s majesty, a group of dignitaries who were majestic before, now bowed their heads and listened to their ears, appearing extremely humble.

“Brother Hong, why did this happen? Did Master Hu offend Princess Wei?” Cao Zhiyuan knelt on the ground and trembled.

“You ask me, who the hell should I ask?!” Shangguan Hong was a little annoyed.

Chapter: 2245

“Every wrongdoer has his own debtor. Now we can only pray that Princess Wei will not vent her anger on the Shangguan family.” Shangguan Pengcheng swallowed.

The whole person no longer had the previous pride, but was replaced by fear and uneasiness.

The appearance of Princess Wei has added a lot of changes.

“Hmph! A bunch of daring guys, if the prince were here, all of you would be dead!” The beautiful young woman snorted coldly.

Then under the gaze of everyone, she walked step by step in front of Lu Chen. She changed her previous aloofness and arrogance, and a rare smile appeared on her pretty face: “Chang Ge, long time no see. How have you been doing these years?” good?”

“Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your concern. I have been living a good life.” Lu Chen nodded slightly, neither humble nor overbearing.

He couldn’t say he hated the woman in front of him, but he didn’t have much affection for her either.

“Ten years have passed and you have grown so big that I almost didn’t recognize you.”

The beautiful young woman smiled, then waved behind her: “Tianba, why are you still standing there? Come and meet your elder brother.”

“elder brother?”

Lu Tianba stood there blankly, looking at Lu Chen up and down, with shock, joy, and disbelief in his eyes.

After rubbing his eyes and repeatedly confirming that it was correct, Lu Tianba suddenly rushed forward, hugged Lu Chen, and began to cry loudly.

“Wuuuuuuuu…Brother, I miss you so much!”

“I heard the old man say you were still alive before. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t expect you to be alive. It’s great!”

“Ten years, exactly ten years! Brother, do you know how I have lived these ten years?”

“You promised to take me to the end of the world, but you sneaked away and left me alone at home. You are so cruel!”


Regardless of his image, Lu Tianba hugged Lu Chen and cried bitterly.

That grievance and resentment looks like a little daughter-in-law who has been abandoned.

“Okay, okay, someone in his twenties, what does crying sound like?” Lu Chen patted his shoulder.

Lu Tianba, his half-brother, a lawless demon king.

In front of outsiders, this kid was fearless, but in front of him, he didn’t dare to be the least bit presumptuous.

There is no other reason than that he was beaten a lot. It can be said that he has been beaten since childhood.

But this kid is like a piece of candy. The more he beats him, the more clingy he gets, and he can’t get rid of him.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu isn’t I happy? We are reunited after a long separation, why don’t we let others cry?” Lu Tianba burst into tears.

The people around him were dumbfounded and shocked.

Isn’t this the son of Princess Wei’s family?

Why do you look like a fool?

“I have to cry for a while, I still have something to deal with.” Lu Chen pushed away the snotty Lu Tianba in disgust.

“Oh… I almost forgot the business.”

Chapter: 2246

Lu Tianba wiped his tears and nose, then suddenly looked at Hu Xuehai, and said with an unkind expression: “Brother, is this old guy bullying you? Let’s see how I deal with him!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

“Little Prince…”

Hu Xuehai opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, Lu Tianba jumped up and kicked him in the face.


Hu Xuehai was kicked and flew out directly, and he fell on his back, ouch.

An old face with nosebleeds and two front teeth missing, looking very distressed.

“Old man! Do you know who you offended?”

Lu Tianba lifted up his sleeves, stepped on Hu Xuehai’s chest, and yelled aggressively: “Lift up your dog’s head and listen carefully—the man you offended is my elder brother, Lu Tianba! He is famous all over the world.” Qilinzi! He is the future king of Xiliang!”

“I want to ask, how many brains do you have, how dare you challenge the Lu family? How dare you provoke the entire Xiliang Palace? Huh?”

Lu Tianba put his hands on his waist, put one foot on Hu Xuehai’s chest, trampled him on the ground, and cursed him all over.

Every word that came out of his mouth was like thunder, hitting everyone’s hearts hard.

For a moment, the whole place was dead silent and silent.

Everyone was shocked, and they were all dumbfounded, with faces filled with shock.

They never dreamed that Lu Chen would have such an identity.

Lu Tianba’s eldest brother, the most powerful Qilinzi in the world, and the future King of Xiliang.

Just three short sentences have unparalleled weight, like three mountains, suppressing the audience!

“I…I know who he is. He is the evildoer who stirred up the turmoil in Yanjing ten years ago – Lu Changge!”

“What? Lu Changge? Isn’t he already dead? Why is he still alive?”

“Lu Changge…it’s actually Lu Changge! Oh my god! How did we get into trouble with such a evil star?”

After a brief silence, the whole scene seemed to be dropped with a heavy bomb, causing a sensation in an instant.

All eyes were on Lu Chen.

There were shocks, surprises, fears, and doubts on the faces, but most of them were disbelief.

Who is Lu Changge?

The Qilin son of the Lu family, a truly unparalleled genius, had already become world-famous and dominating ten years ago.

In the entire Dragon Kingdom, I don’t know how many talented people are trampled under their feet, unable to move.

Even the twin stars of the Zhao family were beyond their reach!

It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Changge ten years ago was simply unparalleled and no one could match him!

“He, he, he…he is the unicorn son Lu Changge?!”

Hu Xuehai looked as if he had been struck by lightning, and his face was pale.

Chapter: 2247

As a veteran court official, although he didn’t know the inside story of the incident ten years ago, he witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

The accident lasted for three days and three nights.

The entire Forbidden City was devastated.

Corpses piled up like mountains, blood flowed into rivers, and mourners filled the land!

And Lu Changge was the cause of this shocking murder, and the evil star who almost overturned the entire court!

He really didn’t expect that he would offend such a god and Buddha.

This is trouble!

“How… how is it possible? How could he be Qilinzi? He is just a pretty boy, there is no way he has such a background!”

Cao Zhiyuan shook her head again and again, completely in disbelief.

From the moment she met Lu Chen, he was Concubine Cao Xuan’s follower. Although he was capable of literature and martial arts, he had no identity or background.

Totally a phoenix man.

However, now, Chase Lu suddenly changed his body and ascended to the sky in one step, from an unknown little man to a prince of the royal family, a powerful existence.

The huge contrast between before and after was really hard for her to accept.

“Why? Why is this happening?”

At this moment, even the arrogant Shangguan Hong was shocked beyond measure.

He had always regarded Lu Chen as an ant that could be trampled to death if he raised his foot, and he never took it seriously.

But now, he realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

It turned out that the little person he thought was an existence standing on top of the world, a monster that made all the geniuses in the world feel ashamed!

His self-righteous pride became so ridiculous in front of Lu Chen, so unworthy of mentioning.

“A misfortune from heaven! A misfortune from heaven!”

Shangguan Pengcheng panicked and broke out in a cold sweat.

The Qilinzi of the Lu family, the future King of Xiliang, and the Shangguan family have hit a brick wall this time!

“It’s over, it’s over…it’s all over now!”

Cao Jun slumped on the ground with a “boom”, his whole face was ashen.

Behind him, a group of senior members of the Cao family were also full of despair and remorse.

No one expected that Chase Lu’s identity would be so terrifying, even to the point where it turned pale.

The Shangguan family is indeed very powerful, with huge influence and wide connections. They can even invite the Minister of War and a group of dignitaries from Yanjing to come forward to support them.

Looking at the entire Jiangnan, they are second to none.

However, no matter how powerful and rich the Shangguan family is, in front of such a colossus as the Xiliang Palace, they are all chickens and dogs, and they will be broken at the first touch, and there is no room for them to contend.

The gap between the two sides is like a frog in a Yunlong well. They are not on the same level at all.

Chapter: 2248

As the eldest son of the royal family, Lu Chen could completely destroy the entire Shangguan family if he wanted to!

Even with them, they have to suffer!

“Old man! Do you know how powerful you are now? How dare you challenge my brother? I think you just think you’re dead!” Lu Tianba yelled condescendingly.

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding…it’s all a misunderstanding!”

Hu Xuehai panicked and was so frightened that he immediately knelt on the ground and kept apologizing: “I am blind and have misunderstood His Highness. Please forgive me this time!”

As he spoke, he kowtowed heavily to the ground several times.

The dignified Minister of the Ministry of War, at this moment, lost the slightest majesty, and became submissive and terrified.

If he were an ordinary prince, he would not be so humble, kowtow and beg for mercy without any regard for face.

But Lu Changge was different. As the eldest son of Xiliang Prince’s Palace, he was not only gifted and talented, but also had a father who was as powerful as heaven and earth.

The most frightening thing is that under his hands, he still has 500,000 soldiers from Xiliang!

As the most elite army recognized by the Dragon Kingdom, these 500,000 Xiliang soldiers are enough to overthrow the entire dynasty!

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if Lu Changge killed him, the majestic King Wei of Xiliang could easily survive.

Therefore, he had to admit his mistake and beg for mercy.

This is the majesty of the King of Xiliang!


Seeing Hu Xuehai kneeling and kowtowing, everyone was so shocked that they were speechless.

Even the dignified Minister of the Ministry of War was frightened into soft-legged shrimps, so what are they?

“Brother! What should we do with these guys? If you feel unhappy, just say something and I will make them disappear immediately!” Lu Tianba said without hesitation.

“No, no, no, no… Your Highness! It’s none of my business. I don’t know anything. I came here just to attend the engagement banquet. I have never offended you!” Hu Xuehai was so panicked.

“Shut up!”

Lu Tianba kicked him to the ground and cursed: “You old guy! You usually act domineering and oppress the people, you deserve to die!”

“Changge, if you are wronged, my little mother can make the decision for you.” Princess Wei said suddenly.

These words have already stated their position and agreed with Lu Tianba’s approach.

“There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. Although Mr. Hu is a little confused, his crime will not lead to death.” Lu Chen finally spoke.

In any case, Hu Xuehai is the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he is a first-rank official in the dynasty. If something happens, he will be in big trouble.

“Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness! Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!” Hu Xuehai burst into tears, and kowtowed to the ground a few more times.

“Master Hu, the Shangguan family has kidnapped my girlfriend. How are you going to solve this matter?” Lu Chen suddenly asked.

“Understood, understood… Weichen will do it right away!”

Hu Xuehai reacted very quickly, stood up quickly and ran to Shangguan Pengcheng, raised his hand and slapped him, cursing: “Hey! Brave madman! How dare you kidnap the concubine? I think you are tired of life! Don’t let it go quickly. people!”


Chapter: 2249

Shangguan Pengcheng staggered from the beating and almost fell down. The five fingerprints on his face were clearly visible.

However, at this moment, he did not dare to be dissatisfied at all. He immediately turned his head and shouted at Cao Jun and his party: “It’s all your fault! Why are you still standing there? Let him go quickly!”

With these words, he naturally picked himself up.


Cao Jun and his party looked at each other, a little at a loss.

Although they knew Concubine Cao Xuan was kidnapped, they didn’t know where the other party was being held.

Forced to be helpless, they could only cast their eyes on Cao Zhiyuan for help.

“In…in the Chamber of Secrets…they were locked in the Chamber of Secrets.”

Cao Zhiyuan shrank her neck, lowered her head, and finally spoke out falteringly.

“Quick! Go to the secret room to save people!”

Hu Xuehai yelled, and hurriedly led a group of dignitaries to the secret room of Shangguan’s house.

Now is a good opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, so they naturally have to perform well.

“You’d better pray that Concubine Cao Xuan is okay, otherwise, I will make you pay a heavy price.” Lu Chen said lightly.

His indifferent eyes, like a knife, swept across the faces of the Shangguan family and the Cao family one by one.

A group of people were frightened and frightened, and their souls were out of their wits.

After a while, Concubine Cao Xuan and Cao Anan were finally rescued.

Fortunately, the two were not injured, but remained unconscious.

Lu Chen walked up to Concubine Cao Xuan, checked the situation carefully, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

Before that, he had been keeping tabs on rats and holding back, just for the safety of Concubine Cao Xuan.

Now that Concubine Cao Xuan is fine, it’s time for him to settle the ledger.

“Tell me, how do you solve today’s matter?” Lu Chen said coldly.

“Didn’t Concubine Cao Xuan be released? What else do we need?” Shangguan Hong frowned and asked.

So far, he still can’t accept that a former unknown person will suddenly sit on his head and poop and urinate.

“Tied is tied, let go is let go, do you think that if you tie someone up, you will be safe as long as you let go? According to your logic, if I stab you once and pull out the knife, it will count as not stabbing you?” Lu Chen asked rhetorically.

“Then what do you want?” Shangguan Hong’s face looked a little ugly.

“It’s very simple. Hand over the mastermind. Whoever planned the kidnapping will have to pay the price.” Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

“His Royal Highness! It’s none of our business. It’s all done by the Cao family. They kidnapped people!” Shangguan Pengcheng quickly began to explain.

“That’s right! It’s all a fight within the Cao family. They planned everything!” The clan members of the Shangguan family all agreed.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. If you want to protect yourself at this time, you must put all the blame on the Cao family and then clean yourself up.

Otherwise, once Lu Changge becomes angry, the entire Earl’s Mansion will be in turmoil.

Chapter: 2250

“Did you do it?”

Lu Chen turned his gaze and glanced at the Cao family.


Cao Jun and others looked at each other, hesitating, not knowing what to explain.

Although they really wanted to excuse themselves, they couldn’t find a scapegoat for a while.

Under the watchful eye of Shangguan’s family members, they seem to have no choice but to accept their fate.

“It seems that it really has something to do with you.”

Lu Chen’s eyes gradually became sharper: “As the same family, and you are still blood relatives, you can do such a thing, have your consciences been eaten by dogs?!”

If the kidnapping was planned by Shangguan’s family, he would not be too angry, because the two sides are already hostile.

But it was the Cao family, who were of the same clan and origin, who kidnapped Concubine Cao Xuan and killed Cao Guan.

He really couldn’t bear this kind of brotherly killing!

“Lu Chen, we know we were wrong, and we dare not do it again.”

“Please let us go. We promise that we will never go against Concubine Cao Xuan again!”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Cao Zhiyuan immediately gave in and begged for mercy.

“Is there any point in saying this now?”

Lu Chen said coldly: “You have repeatedly resorted to insidious tricks and tried every means to fight for power. Although it was too much in the past, at least it has not violated the bottom line. However, what you have done now has completely lost your humanity. You have lost your conscience and are worse than animals. Why should you ask for my forgiveness?”

“No matter what, we are all relatives of Concubine Cao Xuan, we are the same family connected by blood. If something happens to us, she will be sad. You like Concubine Cao Xuan so much, you don’t want to see her cry, right?” Cao Zhiyuan began Play the emotional card.

“Relatives? Compatriots? Thank you for your ability to speak out!”

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and pointed at Cao Guan’s body: “Open your dog eyes wide! Look who is lying on the ground?? You killed Concubine Xuan’s father, and now you still have the face to fart here. It’s so shameless!”


Cao Zhiyuan was speechless for a moment.

Cao Jun and others next to him also lowered their heads in shame.

Although they had no intention of killing, Cao Guan’s death could not be separated from them.

“Someone must pay the price for Uncle Cao’s death. Whoever is behind the scenes should commit suicide and apologize.”

Lu Chen said coldly, pulled out a knife from the person around him, and threw it in front of everyone in the Cao family with a bang.


Looking at the sharp knife, everyone in the Cao family looked at each other, completely at a loss.

This is clearly meant to scare the monkeys, and whoever dares to admit it will die.

You only have one life, who wants to be the scapegoat?

“What? Refusing to plead guilty?”

Chapter: 2251

Lu Chen’s eyes turned cold, and he said sharply: “If you dare not admit your crime, then everyone will die!”


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Cao family changed their expressions.

This means sitting together!

If one person does not die, the entire clan will be destroyed. In this case, someone must take the blame.

It is simply impossible to muddle through.

With this in mind, most people’s gazes turned to Cao Zhiyuan unanimously.

In fact, many people knew in their hearts that Cao Zhiyuan was responsible for this matter, but due to the other party’s identity, they did not dare to say it openly.

After all, as the clan leader’s daughter and Shangguan Hong’s fiancée, they really couldn’t afford to offend her.

But now it’s different, when their lives are at stake, if they don’t confess the truth, they will all suffer.

“You… what do you see me doing? I didn’t do it!”

Feeling the strange looks around her, Cao Zhiyuan immediately roared angrily.

His eyes were fierce and somewhat threatening.

“Cao Zhiyuan, everyone knows what you did, admit it yourself!”

“Yes! You can’t implicate our whole family because of your personal behavior!”

“Cao Zhiyuan! If you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. Stop quibbling, confessing your crime honestly is your best destination!”

At this moment, everyone in the Cao family began to criticize and began to criticize in various ways.

Under the threat of death, they can no longer care about family affection.

For a moment, Cao Zhiyuan became the target of public criticism.

“Hey! Don’t talk nonsense! I didn’t do anything, it’s none of my business!”

Facing everyone’s doubts and accusations, Cao Zhiyuan immediately became angry from embarrassment: “I warn you, if you dare to slander me again, be careful that I will fight you hard!”

Naturally, she would not admit it when it was a matter of life and death.

Otherwise, it would be dead in vain.

“Cao Zhiyuan! Stop messing around. If you don’t plead guilty, it will be difficult for us to live!”

“That’s right! It’s obviously your fault, why do you have to harm us?”

The emotions of everyone in the Cao family became even more excited.

They didn’t expect Cao Zhiyuan to be so shameless and tell lies with his eyes open.

Everyone knows that now the overall situation has been decided, and the mastermind behind the scenes will not be spared at all. If he pleads guilty frankly, he can still save the Cao family.

However, Cao Zhiyuan not only did not have the consciousness to admit his guilt, but even tried to drag the entire Cao family down.

What a femme fatale!

Chapter: 2252

“Cao Zhiyuan! The certification evidence is all there, and I won’t tolerate your quibbles. Please plead guilty quickly!” Shangguan Pengcheng couldn’t help but roar.

He was afraid that Cao Zhiyuan would refuse to admit it, which would implicate the Shangguan family, which would be troublesome.

“Plead guilty, so that your family can still live.” Shangguan Hong said coldly.

“Brother Hong…”

Cao Zhiyuan stood there dumbfounded as if struck by lightning, a little in disbelief.

She thought Shangguan Hong was on her side, but she didn’t expect that his words directly made her despair.

If even Shangguan Hong didn’t help her, wouldn’t she be dead?

“Cao Zhiyuan, everyone agrees that it is you, do you have anything to argue about?”

Lu Chen approached slowly, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

“No…not me…I didn’t…none of my business…”

Cao Zhiyuan’s face turned pale, he shook his head wildly and denied it three times.

But at this moment, her explanation was so feeble.

“It’s not you, then who is it?” Lu Chen asked condescendingly.

“Yes Yes……”

Cao Zhiyuan looked around as if asking for help, and finally stopped suddenly, pointed at Cao Jun and shouted: “It’s my dad! He ordered me to do it. Everything is his fault!”


Cao Jun, who was identified, was immediately stunned, his face full of astonishment.

Just now, he was thinking about how to escape for his daughter. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, his daughter identified him in public.

Push all the blame on his head.

For a moment, he didn’t know how to explain?

“You mean, Cao Jun is the real mastermind?” Lu Chen raised his eyebrows.

“That’s right! It’s my dad! He planned everything. He asked me to kidnap Concubine Cao Xuan. I’m just an errand boy and don’t know anything!” Cao Zhiyuan excused himself.

The fear of death made her no longer care about her family ties, and she just wanted to find a scapegoat to take on everything.

“Paper Kite…”

Cao Jun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Cao Zhiyuan: “Dad! Admit it! It was you who did it, it was your fault, you were the one who planned everything!”

“Don’t argue anymore, don’t implicate me anymore, I’m still young, I really don’t want to die!”

“Dad! Please, plead guilty!”

“If you don’t die, my daughter won’t survive!”

By the end of the story, she was crying.

His eyes were full of pleading and pity.

Chapter: 2253

She knew that there was only one person in the world who could help her, and that was her father.

As long as her father is willing to plead guilty and bear everything for her, then she can survive.

Although she was a little rebellious and despicable, she could no longer care about these things in order to survive.

She was betting now that her father would give up his life for her.

“Cao Zhiyuan! Are you still a human being? In order to escape guilt, you actually slandered your own father? You are really worse than a beast!”

“That’s right! Your father has worked hard to raise you for many years, but you are not grateful, but you still dare to frame him? You are simply ungrateful!”

“A rebel! What a rebel!”

At this moment, everyone in the Cao family started to rebuke angrily.

Cao Zhiyuan’s unfaithful and unfilial behavior completely aroused public outrage.

It’s totally devoid of humanity to ask your father to take the blame for the trouble you caused.

“Shut up! You all shut up!”

Cao Zhiyuan was furious and roared again and again. When his eyes turned to Cao Jun again, he became pitiful again: “Dad, you watched me grow up, and you have always loved me. You must not be able to bear to see me die, right? ”

“You are so young and have only a few years to live, but I am still young. I still have a wonderful life and a wonderful future. I don’t want to die here!”

“Dad! Hurry up and confess your guilt! If you don’t open your mouth and confess your guilt, your daughter will die!”

Cao Zhiyuan’s emotions became more and more agitated, her voice became louder and louder, and finally she became completely hysterical.

Her originally beautiful face had gradually become distorted, and she looked particularly crazy.

“Zhiyuan, you are right, I am indeed guilty and I admit it.”

Looking at his ferocious-looking daughter, Cao Jun couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

There was no anger or resentment in his eyes, only pity and distress.

Of course, it is more helpless.

At this moment, he regretted his choice very much.

He shouldn’t be fighting for power, he shouldn’t force his third brother to abdicate, and he shouldn’t trust the Shangguan family.

It was precisely because of my greed that I made the wrong choice and took the wrong path, which finally led to the situation today.

The Cao family is broken, and he is responsible.

He is also responsible for the death of his third brother.

His daughter went astray and became crazy, and he had to bear the corresponding responsibility.

He is a sinner, an unforgivable sinner.

If his death could save his daughter’s life, he would be willing.

“Now! Did you all hear it? My dad admitted it! My dad admitted that he was guilty!” Cao Zhiyuan looked ecstatic, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

“Clan leader! What are you talking about? It’s obviously Cao Zhiyuan’s fault, why do you have to bear the responsibility?”

Chapter: 2254

“That’s right, patriarch! It’s useless to keep such a rebellious beast, let her die!”


Everyone in the Cao family was indignant and puzzled.


Cao Jun raised his hand to stop everyone’s words, then took a deep breath and said calmly: “It was me who harmed the Cao family like this. It was me who did something I shouldn’t have done, which caused irreparable consequences. I am ashamed of Cao Family, I am ashamed of my third brother, I am ashamed of all of you, I…death deserves more than I deserve.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback.

Is this begging for death?

“Lu Chen…”

Cao Jun slowly turned around and said calmly: “I did everything. I am willing to bear all the blame. I just hope that you can let my daughter go and let the Cao family go.”

“You are not qualified to bargain with me.” Lu Chen said coldly.

“Yes, I’m really not qualified, I’m just a sinner.”

Cao Jun laughed at himself, glanced at Cao Zhiyuan with complex eyes, and said softly: “Daughter, I’m sorry, dad’s ability is limited, there is only this much he can do. It’s dad who is incompetent and can’t protect you. I hope you will be safe for the rest of your life. Dad is gone. …”

After saying that, Cao Jun picked up the long knife on the ground and wiped his neck directly.

He killed himself on the spot!

When the sharp blade cut open the neck, a large amount of blood spurted out.

The next second, Cao Jun fell to the ground with a “dong” sound and died.

There was a smile of relief on his face.


Cao Zhiyuan was stunned, standing where she was, a little unresponsive.

The blood splattered by Cao Jun just sprayed all over her face.

Let her originally distorted face become more bloody and hideous, like a ghost.



Everyone in the Cao family screamed in shock, filled with grief and anger.

They are all Cao Jun’s confidantes, and they follow each other to prosper and lose together.

Now that Cao Jun killed himself, the Cao family will be completely in decline.

“Death, death…death to the sinner!”

After being slightly dazed, Cao Zhiyuan felt relieved and began to shout frantically: “Lu Chen! Did you see that? My father is dead, the person behind the scenes has committed suicide and apologized, and he has paid the price. Let’s just stop here, okay?” ?”

Although her father’s death made her a little sad, it was more of the joy of the rest of her life.

In her opinion, as long as her father takes the place of her crime, she can escape safely.

Chapter: 2255

“That’s it? Do you think it’s possible?”

Lu Chen had a cold face and remained unmoved.

Naturally, he could see that Cao Jun was paying for his daughter’s life.

From the father’s perspective, this is the only thing the other party can do.

But he didn’t intend to give up easily.

Injustice has a head and a debtor, if it is not uprooted, there may be troubles in the future.

“Lu Chen, my father is already dead, what else do you want?” Cao Zhiyuan cried and mourned.

“Your father is dead, but you are not dead yet. Do you really think that you can get away with doing these evil things? Then you are too naive.” Lu Chen said coldly.

“You… what nonsense are you talking about? My dad did it, I don’t know anything!” Cao Zhiyuan panicked.

“Okay, stop pretending. I know who you are. There’s no point in pretending to be pitiful in front of me. Now you have two choices, either commit suicide and apologize, or go to jail.” Lu Chen had no expression on his face.

“No… I don’t want to die! The sinner has already been executed, it’s none of my business! I’m still young, I still have a good life, you can’t kill me, you can’t!” Cao Zhiyuan shook her head frantically.

“Since you refuse to commit suicide, then you can stay in the dark prison.”

Lu Chen made a gesture and said indifferently: “Come here, send her to the black prison, I will make her never see the light of day for the rest of her life!”


A group of disciples from the Wicked Hall all laughed ferociously.

Black prison is a nightmare for countless people, and they feel this deeply.

If they hadn’t met Mr. Lu by chance, they would never have been able to get out in this life.

“No! I won’t go to the dark prison! That’s no place for humans!”

Cao Zhiyuan began to struggle frantically, crying bitterly: “Lu Chen! Let me go, please let me go, I know I was wrong, I will never dare again, as long as you let me go, I will be your bull Ma, I will serve you forever! Please!”

“take away.”

Lu Chen was unmoved and ordered people to drag Cao Zhiyuan away by force.

For a person who has lost his conscience and is sad and crazy, the black prison should be the best destination.


Cao Zhiyuan’s shrill voice came from afar, carrying a deep sense of unwillingness and despair.

But this time, no one can help her.

“And you people, all of them are not good.”

After dragging Cao Zhiyuan away, Lu Chen glanced at the Cao family again.

“Your Highness, it’s none of our business, we didn’t do anything!”

Everyone in the Cao family panicked and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

“In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.”

Chapter: 2256

Lu Chen said coldly: “You betrayed your trust and acted as an aide, causing the Cao family to fall apart and all the businesses to be depressed, so that now the family is ruined and everyone is dead. How dare you say nothing and do nothing?”


Everyone was speechless for a moment.

The Cao family used to be one of the leading wealthy families in the provincial capital, but now it is falling apart and the sun is setting on the west. People like them are indeed to blame.

If they hadn’t fought for power with Cao Jun, and hadn’t had family infighting, they would have had a better life, right?

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

“I don’t care about the mistakes you made. When Concubine Xuan wakes up, I will settle the score with you.”

Lu Chen didn’t talk too much, he just waved his hand: “Come here, take them all down and keep them under strict supervision!”


A group of Qilin Gang disciples swarmed up, tied up everyone in the Cao family, and took them all away.

“Now, it’s your turn.”

After dealing with the Cao family, Lu Chen suddenly looked at the Shangguan family: “Tell me, what should I do with you people?”

These words are obviously going to be settled to the end.

“Your Highness, everything was done by the Cao family and has nothing to do with us!” Shangguan Pengcheng tried to excuse himself.

“Do you take me for an idiot?”

Lu Chen snorted coldly: “From the very beginning, it was your grandson Shangguan Hong who was in the way. For his own selfish interests, he sowed discord and harmed the Cao family, forcing the Cao family to kill each other and destroy the family. His various evil behaviors have been It violated my bottom line.”


Shangguan Pengcheng was startled and said in a trembling voice: “Your Highness, is there any misunderstanding? My grandson has always been law-abiding, how could he do such a thing?”

“Are you pretending to be confused? You don’t know your grandson’s virtues?” Lu Chen’s eyes were aggressive.

“I…I really don’t know.” Shangguan Pengcheng cowered.

“Okay, I’ll just pretend that you don’t know. Now, ask your grandson what he did?” Lu Chen said sharply.

“Hong’er, what’s going on? You shouldn’t have offended His Royal Highness, right?” Shangguan Pengcheng’s eyes were somewhat suggestive.

“Grandpa, it’s useless. Even if I deny it, he won’t believe it.”

Shangguan Hong shook his head, obviously not planning to quibble anymore.

Cao Jun’s father and daughter’s cruel tricks had no effect. Even if he tried to break the law, it would be of no use in the end.

“Oh? You are sober.”

Lu Chen sneered: “Shangguanhong, you have done so many things behind your back, what do you think I should do with you?”

“Lu Chen, you are just relying on the support of Xiliang Prince’s Palace. If you put aside your identity and background, I may not lose to you!” Shangguan Hong looked dissatisfied.

What about Qilinzi? That was all glory ten years ago.

Injury to Zhongyong is not uncommon.

Chapter: 2257

Even if you are a talented person, if you are not willing to work hard and have no resources, you will still be easily forgotten by everyone.

So the current Lu Chen is not necessarily better than him.

“Looking at you like this, it seems very dissatisfied.”

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows: “Do you think that as long as my surname is not Lu, you will be sure of victory?”

“That’s right!”

Shangguan Hong raised his head, and regained his proud expression: “Lu Chen, aren’t you a unicorn? Aren’t you unparalleled in the world? Do you dare to bet with me?”

“How do you want to bet?” Lu Chen seemed to be interested.

“According to the rules of the world, we will fight openly and honestly!”

Shangguan Hong said with piercing eyes: “If I win, you will leave here immediately and will not dwell on the past; if I lose, I will be at your disposal, whether you want to kill or behead me, no matter what!”

“The plan is good, but why should I bet with you?”

Lu Chen said calmly: “Your life is now in my hands, what qualifications do you have to bet with me?”

Hearing this, Shangguanhong gritted his teeth, and finally said in a deep voice: “I have a treasure map in my hand. This is the result of my hard search for many years. I am willing to use it to bet my life with you!”

If he hadn’t been desperate, he would never have revealed this secret.

The treasure map of the Cao family was divided into three pieces in total. By chance, he got one of them and learned some secrets.

It is precisely because of this that he secretly planned and arranged various arrangements to seize the treasure map in the hands of the Cao family.

He didn’t expect that he would get into such big trouble before he even got the second treasure map. Now he could only fight with the treasure map in his hand.

“It turns out that you also have a treasure map, no wonder your ghost has been haunting you.”

Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully: “Okay, just as you said, I will give you a chance to come back, if you can beat me, I will not pursue today’s matter, but if you lose, you The entire Shangguan family will be unlucky.”

“no problem!”

Shangguanhong agreed without hesitation.

“Hong’er! Don’t be impulsive!”

Shangguan Pengcheng was startled and his face turned pale.

Lu Chen is the world-famous Qilinzi, an unparalleled martial arts wizard. If you compete with such a person, aren’t you looking for death?

“Grandpa! Wealth and wealth are in danger, I must risk my life to gamble on this game, otherwise we will never have a bright future!” Shangguan Hong looked serious.

With the energy of Xiliang Palace, it is easy to suppress an Earl’s Palace.

Even if Chase Lu sends them all to black prison, no one would dare to say anything.

Therefore, he had to find his own way out.

“Hong’er! If you lose, there will really be no way to survive!” Shangguan Pengcheng was a little anxious.

As General Shangguan Honghuwei, as long as he makes no mistakes, the Xiliang Palace cannot easily kill him.

But if it were a duel in the ring, life and death would be determined by destiny, and no one could interfere.

Chapter: 2258

“Grandpa, don’t worry, I will never lose!”

Shangguan Hong slowly raised his head, his eyes sharp: “There is a secret that I have not announced to the public. In fact, I have become a martial arts master three years ago. Even if I face Qilinzi, I can still win it! ”

“What? Martial arts master?!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Shangguan Hong was less than thirty years old. At this age, anyone who could become an innate warrior was already considered a one-in-a-million genius.

As for the martial arts master realm, it is simply a castle in the air, elusive and out of reach.

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, there are only a handful of martial arts masters under the age of thirty.

In other words, in terms of martial arts attainments, Shangguan Hong has become the top evildoer in the Dragon Kingdom!

“Great! If Hong’er is a martial arts master, then we can hope to win this huge bet!”

“It’s hidden! It’s really hidden!”

“So what about Qilinzi? It’s just yesterday’s yellow flower, and my Brother Hong is truly unparalleled!”

“Hahaha… Some are saved, some are saved, we are all saved!”

At this moment, the clan members of the Shangguan family became excited and ecstatic.

Before that, they didn’t know Shangguan Hong’s true strength.

Unexpectedly, the other party had already broken through to the level of martial arts master without knowing it. What a huge surprise!

With such a strong strength, even if it is against the legendary Qilinzi, it is not weak at all.

Even become famous in one battle!

“No wonder you are so confident. It turns out you have something to rely on.” Lu Chen was also quite surprised.

Apart from other things, being able to become a martial arts master at this age is indeed a genius in heaven.

“Lu Chen, aren’t you afraid? Don’t you think the majestic Qilinzi, the future king of Xiliang, doesn’t even have the courage to fight?” Shangguanhong began to provoke.

If Lu Chen was timid and regretted, it would be troublesome.

“You don’t need to provoke me with words. If I promise to fight you, I won’t regret it. Whether you can win or not depends entirely on your own ability.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Okay! This is what you said!” Shangguan Hong looked happy.

Right now, this is the only chance to come back, and it must not be missed.

“Get out of the way, stand far away, there is going to be a fight, don’t get in the way.”

Lu Tianba was very straightforward and immediately started shouting, signaling everyone around him to disperse.

Although they haven’t seen each other for many years, he has blind confidence in Lu Chen.

The title of Qilinzi is not a boast, but a punch.

Ten years ago, Yanjing was full of geniuses and monsters. It could be said that a hundred schools of thought were contending and all the heroes were vying for the throne.

The results of it?

Chapter: 2259

His brother came out of nowhere and single-handedly suppressed the heroes, making those so-called geniuses run away with their heads in their hands and pee.

Looking at the entire Yanjing, there are almost no enemies of Yihe.

Since then, Lu Changge’s name has become a nightmare for all the geniuses, and their talk has turned into a joke.

Even those monsters in Yanjing were beaten into obedience. What do cats and dogs like Shangguan Hong mean?

It’s just delivering food.

Under Lu Tianba’s yelling, the crowd quickly dispersed, freeing up enough space for Lu Chen to follow up with Shang Guanhong.

This battle is related to the life and death of the entire Shangguan family.

If Shangguan Hong wins, everyone can be saved; if he loses, it will be a fatal blow to the entire Shangguan family.

“Hong’er, you must win!”

Shangguan Pengcheng watched from a distance, clenching his fists and looking very worried.

“Old patriarch, please rest assured, Hong’er is already a martial arts master and will definitely be able to turn the tide!”

“That’s right! No matter how powerful Qilinzi is, he has been idle for ten years and cannot be Hong’er’s opponent!”

“Brother Hong is a genius, unmatched by anyone. We will definitely win this duel easily!”

The clan members of the Shangguan family are all confident.

Since Shangguan Hong took over as the patriarch, he has never let them down, and this time is definitely no exception.

At this moment, in the center of the field.

Shangguan Hong and Lu Chen faced each other, with sharp eyes and unwillingness to give in to each other.

Same age, same amazing talent.

Now the public showdown is highly anticipated and full of suspense.

Everyone is guessing, who will win in the end?

Is it Lu Changge, the once-famous Qilinzi?

Or is it Shangguan Hong, the mighty general who hides his secrets and has a bright future?

“Lu Chen! Show your weapons!”

Shangguan Hong slowly pulled out the long sword at his waist, and pointed the tip of the sword at the center of Lu Chen’s eyebrows.

“I don’t need a weapon to deal with you, just let the horse come over.”

Lu Chen stretched out his hand to make a move, his face was very flat, as if he didn’t pay attention to his opponent at all.

“You really don’t need weapons?”

Shangguan Hong’s face darkened.

It was the first time that he was so underestimated in such a big way.

“Stop talking nonsense, finish playing early, end early.”

Chapter: 2260

Lu Chen seemed a little impatient.

“Hmph! The sword has no eyes, and life and death depend on fate. Since you are so conceited, you can’t blame me!”

Shangguan Hong was a little angry, without further ado, he raised his sword and stabbed at him.

He wants the other party to know the price of despising himself!

Shangguanhong’s sword was fast and fierce, as soon as the sword came out, it was like a long rainbow piercing the sun.

Wherever it passed, the wind howled, sand and rocks flew, and even the air was torn open.

It looked terrifying!

“What a fast sword! What a terrifying sword energy! You are worthy of being a martial arts master!”

“As soon as this sword comes out, the gods and demons will give way. Let me see how Lu Chen can block it now!”

“I have a premonition that Hong’er is going to decide the world with a sword!”

Seeing Shangguan Hong’s stunning sword strike, the clan members of the Shangguan family were in high spirits and excited, as if they were sure of victory.

Even Shangguan Pengcheng, who was quite worried before, heaved a long sigh of relief at this moment.

He has always been worried about whether his grandson has really broken through to the realm of a master, and now it seems that it is not fake at all.

In fact, it is much stronger than ordinary martial arts masters.

It should be stable now.

“Defeat me!”

Shangguan Hong roared angrily, and the sword became even sharper, piercing Lu Chen’s chest.


Lu Chen didn’t dodge or dodge, facing the terrifying sword force, he just stretched out two fingers and gently clamped the sword edge.


Shangguan Hong only felt that as soon as the power of the sword stopped, all the edges collapsed, like an egg suddenly hitting a stone.

There is no resistance.


Shangguan Hong took a closer look and couldn’t help but change his expression.

He never expected that his powerful blow would be easily blocked by Chase Lu, and he only used two fingers.

Looking at the other party’s calm and relaxed appearance, it seems that he has tried his best.

“Block…blocked? How is it possible?!”

“Not only did he block it, but he also used it with his bare hands. It’s really scary!”

“The martial arts master’s full blow can actually be caught with his fingers. What kind of monster is this guy?!”

Looking at the scene in front of them, the audience was shocked.


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