An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 2261-2300

Chapter 2261-2300

Chapter 2261-2300

Chapter: 2261

They thought that Lu Chen and Shang Guanhong would have a peak duel between geniuses, but they didn’t expect that just after the fight, they would be distinguished.

Just the move of pinching the sword with his fingers is enough to prove that Lu Chen’s strength is far superior to Shangguanhong’s.

“How could this happen? Is Hong’er going to lose?”

At this moment, Shangguan Pengcheng and a group of clan members were in inexplicable shock and panic.

They placed all their hopes on Shangguan Hong. If they could not win, they would all be in disaster!

“Shangguan Hong, is this all you have?”

Lu Chen’s face was calm and his eyes were contemptuous.

While speaking, he flicked his finger.


Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The sword in Shangguan Hong’s hand was bounced more than ten meters away and stuck upside down into the ground.

On the other hand, Shangguan Hong himself was shaken back by the huge impact, one step at a time.

With just one finger, the decision can be made.

“Shangguanhong, you are defeated.”

Lu Chen spoke calmly, completely losing interest.

“No! Impossible! How could I lose to you? I don’t accept it!”

Shangguan Hong, who was hit hard, became crazy.

I saw him taking out a pill and stuffing it directly into his mouth.

As soon as the elixir fell into his stomach, his body began to tremble violently.

The meridians in the body crackled even more, like fried beans.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Just heard a burst of beeping.

Shangguanhong’s eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, and the veins on his face were even more bulging, making him look extraordinarily ferocious.

At the same time, the stellar energy in his body gushed out like an overwhelming sea.

The whole person’s momentum surged instantly, and his strength was doubled!

“Oh? Are you desperate?”

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

It can be seen that Shangguan Hong should have taken some kind of secret medicine just now, which can greatly enhance his strength in a short period of time, but the cost is the loss of potential and vitality.

Don’t take it easily until it’s a life or death situation.

“It’s the Crazy Blood Pill! Shangguanhong took the Crazy Blood Pill!”

Chapter: 2262

At this time, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

“What? Crazy Blood Pill? Isn’t this a forbidden drug?”

“Although the mad blood pill can stimulate the potential of the body and double the strength of the user, the side effects are extremely severe. Not only will you lose half your life, you may even go crazy!”

“Oh my god! Does Shangguanhong not want his life? He even dares to take the Blood-Crazy Pill!”

Seeing Shangguan Hong’s changed momentum, everyone couldn’t help pointing.

Apart from being shocked, there was also a bit of expectation.

“If you gamble with your life to win or lose, Hong’er will be ruined!” Shangguan Pengcheng looked solemn.

“With the blessing of the Mad Blood Pill, Hong’er’s strength has doubled, and he will definitely be able to defeat Lu Chen!”

“That’s right! Even if Lu Chen has great abilities, he can’t stop Brother Hong who is taking the mad blood pill!”

The clan members of the Shangguan family have regained their confidence and hope.

Although the Mad Blood Pill is a forbidden drug, it has a miraculous effect in turning the tide.

The only downside was that Shangguan Hong had to lose half his life.

Of course, this price is nothing compared to the safety of the entire family.

“Lu Chen! I admit that you are very strong, but you will still lose today!”

Shangguan Hong’s eyes were red, his hair stood on end, his robe was windless, and his whole body exuded an aura of madness.

“Really? Then I want to see how capable you are?”

Lu Chen’s face didn’t change, he raised his hand and made a hook, as if he was ready to come over.

“Lu Chen! If you can force me to take the Crazy Blood Pill, you will be honored even if you lose!”

With a roar, Shangguan Hong suddenly pulled out the long sword on the ground, and attacked again.


The long sword in his hand began to roar, and terrifying sword lights suddenly burst out.

The sky and the earth were overwhelming, like a violent storm, shrouding the dust on the ground.

Wherever the sword light passed, it was destructive and unstoppable. Even the rocky ground was cut with deep marks.

It was so powerful that even the wind and clouds changed color.

The onlookers were even more frightened, as if death was imminent.

“What a terrifying sword! Looking at the whole world, no one can stop it!”

“What about Qilinzi? Now let’s see if you’re still alive!”

Facing Shangguan Hong’s shocking sword, everyone changed their colors, frightened and frightened.

The clan members of the Shangguan family were overjoyed, with victory in sight.

In their opinion, no matter how strong Lu Chen is, he can’t stop this sword that destroys the world!

Chapter: 2263

“Go to hell!”

Shangguan Hong roared, his whole body was close to madness, and he didn’t hold back at all.

“Little tricks.”

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and without dodging, he punched the sword that was stabbed at him.




The moment the two sides touched, only three explosions were heard in succession.

With the first sound, the sword light shattered.

At the second sound, the sword snapped.

With the third sound, Shangguan Hong’s arm holding the sword exploded into blood mist on the spot.

Even his whole body was blasted more than ten meters away, thrown high, and then smashed down, like a tattered sandbag, bleeding profusely.

“With this little ability, you can’t even beat Zhao Wuji, why do you dare to fight me?” Lu Chen looked disdainful.


Looking at Shangguan Hong who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, the clan members of Shangguan’s family stood there dumbfounded as if they had been struck by lightning.

Originally thought that with the help of the mad blood pill, he could turn defeat into victory and turn the world around.

Unexpectedly, Shangguanhong was defeated after just one meeting, and he was defeated so miserably.

With one punch, the sword destroys people and injures them.

Totally crushing!

“It’s over, it’s over…it’s completely hopeless now!”

Shangguan Pengcheng’s legs went limp, and he slumped on the ground, his expression pale.

The rest of the clan members were also full of despair and despair.

They overestimated Shangguan Hong and underestimated Lu Chen.

The two sides are not at the same level at all.

The genius they were so proud of was not worth mentioning in front of Lu Chen, a Qilinzi.

Even if you risk your life, it will still be like a fly shaking a tree.

“With this little ability, you can’t even beat Zhao Wuji, why dare you fight me?” Lu Chen showed disdain.

“Hey, Lao Lu, this is too much.”

Zhao Wuji, who was originally watching the battle with a smile, immediately turned serious when he heard this, and said dissatisfied: “You fight is just a fight, why are you mentioning me so well? Don’t I want to lose face?”

Besides, I rely on my brain for food, unlike you warriors who only know how to fight, kill and kill all day long, so what if my strength is weak? It doesn’t affect my victory at all, and…”

Chapter: 2264

“Shut up!”

Seeing that Zhao Wuji kept chattering, Zhao Hongying couldn’t help but let out a soft drink and pulled out the sword: “If you keep talking like this, I will cut your tongue!”


The corners of Zhao Wuji’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t dare to say anything anymore.

He could still reason with Chase Lu, but with his sister, there was no reason at all.

If you disagree, you will be beaten, but no one can stop you.

“This violent maniac really hasn’t changed at all.”

Lu Tianba muttered in a low voice.


Zhao Hongying’s ears twitched and her eyes swept over. Lu Tianba was so frightened that he immediately looked at his nose and heart, looking like he had nothing to lose.

“Shangguanhong, you are defeated.”

In the center of the arena, Lu Chen looked down from a high position, with indifference in his eyes.

“Cough cough cough…”

Shangguanhong coughed violently and spit out several mouthfuls of blood. He was half dead and dying.

The ferocity and madness on his face had now been replaced by horror.

“No… Impossible… How can you be so strong? You have been abandoned for ten years, why can you still beat me?”

Shangguan Hong kept shaking his head, a little hard to accept.

Ten years ago, Lu Chen was indeed a genius, but after the turmoil in Yanjing, he disappeared mysteriously.

Over the years, without the guidance of a famous teacher, without the cultivation of resources from the Xiliang Palace, the other party should have stagnated, or even disappeared from everyone.

He didn’t understand why Lu Chen made faster progress after leaving Xiliang Prince’s Mansion?

So much so that he defeated him after years of hard training with just one move.

Is there really such a big gap between geniuses and geniuses?

“Who told you that I wasted ten years?”

Lu Chen said indifferently: “I’m just living in seclusion, not dead. Why do you think I should stop moving forward?”

Bearing blood and deep hatred, he has never slack off for a moment in the past ten years.

In order to be able to pursue the truth of the past, he has been practicing hard and dormant.

The bitterness and suffering in it, only he himself knows.

In martial arts, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. No one can easily succeed.

Even if you are a talented person, you still have to pay blood and sweat.

“Why? Why is this happening? It shouldn’t be…I shouldn’t lose. I am Shangguan Hong. I am the first of the ten heroes in the south of the Yangtze River. I am General Huwei. I am a genius that I have never seen in a century. How can I Will lose? How could I lose?”

Chapter: 2265

Shangguan Hong kept mumbling, as if he had lost his soul, and his eyes no longer had the same look as before.

From childhood to adulthood, he can succeed no matter what he does, has never failed, and is the first every time.

Among his peers, he is completely out of the ordinary.

He has obtained the results that others have worked so hard and worked hard for many years, and he has it at his fingertips without any pressure.

He always thought that he was the chosen one, the emperor’s order, the supreme being who was above all living beings.

However, only now did he understand what it meant to say that there are people beyond people and that there is a sky beyond the sky.

The talents and achievements that he was proud of were not worth mentioning in front of Lu Chen.

“It turns out that I’m just a frog in a well.”

Shangguanhong, who was deeply hit, couldn’t help but smile miserably.

At this moment, his Dao heart completely collapsed, and he no longer had the will to fight.

Only deep despair remains.

He has won all his life, but lost this once.

But this time, it ruined his life.

“I’m willing to admit defeat and hand over the treasure map.”

Lu Chen stepped forward and said condescendingly.

Shangguan Hong didn’t say a word, lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky, his eyes gradually lost focus.

The whole person is like dead wood and dead ashes, without any vitality.


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

The punch he just punched was not fatal enough.

With Shang Guanhong’s cultivation level, he should be able to hold on.

But now, the vitality in the other party has completely passed away.

It looked like a soulless corpse.

“I can’t bear such a small blow. It’s a waste of great talent.” Lu Chen shook his head.

Shangguanhong is indeed a rare genius with a bright future.

But unfortunately, the other party had a smooth life and never encountered any obstacles.

Now I suddenly suffered a huge blow, and my heart couldn’t bear it at all, which eventually led to my death.

Lu Chen squatted down, rummaged through Shangguan Hong’s body, and finally found a roll of parchment.

After unfolding it, it turned out to be a treasure map.

There are three treasure maps in the Cao family, and he has already obtained two.

Chapter: 2266

If you put together one more piece, you can put together a complete treasure map, and you can find treasures that are as rich as the enemy.

In the past, he didn’t care about money and fame, but now, he has changed his view.

Because he wants revenge and clears his mother’s grievances, he must recruit troops and establish his own power.

And to do this, you need massive wealth.

“Hong’er? Hong’er!”

Shangguan Pengcheng staggered to his grandson’s body and began to cry, heartbroken.

The clan members of the Shangguan family were also saddened by the death of the rabbit and the fox.

“Brother, what should we do with these guys? Or just cut the grass and root it out?”

Lu Tianba stepped forward and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

“The Shangguan family is not a small family. If we kill them all like this, the court will be shaken. It will be very troublesome.” Lu Chen shook his head slightly.

“What should we do? We can’t let them go, right?” Lu Tianba stared at them eagerly.

“You can’t kill them, but you can invite them to Xiliang as guests. From now on, they are not allowed to leave Xiliang again.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Huh? Good idea, let’s do it like this!” Lu Tianba’s eyes lit up.

Xiliang is the territory of the Lu family. Bringing these guys to Xiliang and putting them under house arrest will save them from worries.

If there is a war, it can be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder to reduce some damage, which is the best of both worlds.

“Shangguan family, it’s over…”

When they saw Shangguan Pengcheng being arrested, everyone knew that there was no room for Shangguan’s family to turn around.

Once the top of the three, the Earl’s Mansion was revered by everyone.

Now the general situation is gone, and the day is at an end.

The original brilliance and brilliance will be completely submerged in the long river of time, turning into a little dust and disappearing.

When everything settled, Lu Chen took the people back to Fengyu Villa.

Concubine Cao Xuan and Cao An’an were still in a coma, and Lu Chen did not deliberately wake them up.

Cao Guan died, Cao Jun also died, and the entire Cao family became fragmented.

For Concubine Cao Xuan, this is undoubtedly a huge blow, and it must be unbearable for a while.

All Lu Chen can do now is to prepare for Cao Jun’s funeral and help Cao Xuan Fei reduce some of the pressure as much as possible.

When my father died, no one could understand him.

Concubine Cao Xuan had to go through this hurdle by herself.

“Don’t mess with the related industries of the Cao family for the time being. The Cao family’s vitality has been severely damaged this time and needs to be reorganized.”

“As for those who act according to the prevailing circumstances, we will detain them all and deal with them separately after Concubine Xuan wakes up.”

“Also, Cao Jun’s funeral must be carried out according to the highest standards, without any carelessness.”

Chapter: 2267


In the chamber, Chase Lu issued orders one after another.

The disciples of the Qilin Gang took action one after another.

“elder brother!”

At this time, Lu Tianba and his father, Princess Wei, suddenly walked into the meeting hall.

Concubine Wei’s name is Li Yishuang, she is the princess of the Dragon Kingdom. Many years ago, she was married to the king of Wei, Lu Wanjun.

At that time, Lu Wanjun already had a wife, who was Lu Chen’s mother.

But as the eldest princess, Li Yishuang didn’t mind at all and was willing to be a minor and force the marriage.

After marrying in Xiliang, Li Yishuang kept herself safe, cared for her husband and taught her children. She was recognized as a virtuous and virtuous person, and she often did good deeds, which can be said to have spread her reputation far and wide.

Throughout Xiliang, whenever Li Yishuang is mentioned, everyone will give a thumbs up.

However, Lu Chen knew very well that the eldest princess in front of him, who seemed to have a bodhisattva heart, was actually a woman with a deep palace.

“Your Highness the Princess.”

Lu Chen immediately stood up to greet him, saluted respectfully, with neither joy nor sadness on his face.

Although he didn’t like this woman, he couldn’t say he hated her.

“Changge, we are all one family, why do we need so many gifts?” Li Yishuang smiled slightly.

“Yes, brother, although we haven’t seen each other for ten years, our feelings are still there. Why are we so angry? Hurry up and sit down.” Lu Tianba said carelessly.

While talking, he sat down next to Chase Lu.

“Princess, please.”

Lu Chen led with one hand, and only returned to his seat after Li Yishuang took his seat.

“Changge, this time for your birthday, your father wanted to go there in person, but he had something to do and couldn’t get away, so Tianba and I came here. I hope you don’t mind.” Li Yishuang opened the topic.

“What does the eldest princess say? It’s my honor for you to come.” Lu Chen smiled politely.

“Chang Ge, you seem to have changed a lot compared to ten years ago.”

Li Yishuang looked him up and down, and said with a smile: “You used to be young and energetic, but now you have restrained your edge and become much more mature and stable.”

“Ten years have passed, people will always change.” Lu Chen nodded slightly.

“Changge, you’ve been away from Xiliang for so long, when do you plan to go back?” Li Yishuang asked suddenly.

“Yes brother! Those brothers in Xiliang are all looking forward to your return.” Lu Tianba looked expectant.

“I still have a lot of things to do, and I don’t plan to go back for the time being.” Lu Chen shook his head.

“No matter what, brother, I can solve it for you!” Lu Tianba patted his chest and promised.

“Really? What if it was the Bauhinia City Rebellion ten years ago?” Lu Chen suddenly said.


Chapter: 2268

Hearing this, Lu Tianba couldn’t help but stiffen his face, fell silent for a moment, and subconsciously looked at his mother.

The chaos in the Forbidden City ten years ago was a taboo in the Xiliang Palace and the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Since then, history has been sealed and no one dares to mention it.

Now that such a sentence came suddenly, he really didn’t expect it.

“Chang Ge, the past is in the past. What happened ten years ago has been completely settled and should not be mentioned again.” Li Yishuang shook his head slightly.


Lu Chen’s eyes slowly lifted up: “My mother died inexplicably, and my personal guards also died with hatred. What’s the end?”

“My sister’s death, I am also very sad, but the real culprit has been executed, and everyone who should be killed has been killed. It is time to let go of the obsession in your heart.” Li Yishuang persuaded softly.

“How can it be so easy to let go of the blood feud? Besides, those who died were just a bunch of scapegoats. The real mastermind has never been found out.” Lu Chen looked indifferent.

In the Forbidden City Rebellion that year, too many people died, and it almost triggered a mutiny.

In order to appease public anger, several scapegoats were beheaded.

As for the real murderer, he has been at large.

“Changge, I know you were hit hard back then, but if you keep chasing the past, you will be trapped in a nightmare forever, and you can’t escape. Let it go, don’t torture yourself anymore, you should have a better life. “Li Yishuang persuaded earnestly.

“Every one of you tells me to let go, but who among you really understands my pain?”

There was a bit of sarcasm at the corner of Lu Chen’s mouth: “Have you ever experienced death? Have you tasted despair? Have you ever seen your close relatives being surrounded and killed? Do you know that the most important people around you are lying in a pool of blood one by one? , what kind of feeling?

You don’t know, you don’t understand anything.

But these are all my personal experience!

I watched my mother being killed; I watched my relatives and friends die; I watched everyone around me die one after another in order to protect my safety.

They all died for me!

Ten years! I have nightmares every night, and I remember what happened back then every night.

As long as I close my eyes, I will see the bloody faces and hear the desperate wailing.

I am already in hell, bearing countless blood feuds.

Your Royal Highness, please tell me.

How should I let go? How to get rid of it? How to regain a new life? ? ”

At the end, Lu Chen had a ferocious face, scarlet eyes, and a murderous look.

Like a ghost crawling out of hell, it makes people feel cold.

Lu Tianba next to him was stunned, trembling and sweating.

Li Yishuang, who is very deep in Liancheng Mansion, is also speechless at the moment.

She really didn’t expect that under Lu Chen’s seemingly peaceful appearance, there was such a heavy hostility hidden.

“Sorry, I just lost my temper.”

Chapter: 2269

Sensing the strangeness, Chase Lu immediately restrained his edge, forcibly suppressed his hostility, and returned to his previous calm appearance.

It is completely two extremes with the hideousness just now.

The past ten years ago has always been a pain in his heart. As long as he mentions it, it is difficult to control his emotions.


Li Yishuang sighed: “It seems that your father is right. Your obsession is too deep to be resolved. Instead of persuading you to put down the butcher knife, it is better to untie your knot as soon as possible. If you insist on revenge, I can help you.”

“help me?”

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn’t help being slightly startled and a little suspicious: “Your Highness, the eldest princess, with your status, I’m afraid it’s not easy for you to interfere in this matter.”

The Bauhinia City Rebellion ten years ago would obviously not have been possible without the involvement of imperial power.

And Li Yishuang is a relative of the emperor, so just such an identity is not enough to gain trust.

“What? Do you think I can’t help you, or do you don’t trust me?” Li Yishuang said something meaningful.

“I’m just worried that I’ll cause trouble to you.” Lu Chen answered vaguely.

“Chang Ge, I know you have concerns, but I sincerely help you.”

Li Yishuang said with a sincere face: “Now I am not the eldest princess, but Princess Wei, and your little mother; we are all prosperous now, and we are all damaged. I believe you should understand this truth.”

“I understand, but I’m curious, how are you going to help me?” Lu Chen asked.

“As for what happened ten years ago, the palace has been secretly investigating and has collected a lot of information. Although the real mastermind has not yet been found, we have some clues.”

As Li Yishuang spoke, he suddenly took out an envelope and put it on the table: “We have been investigating for a long time and found that besides you and the drunkard, there was another survivor of the Purple City Rebellion. He should be able to help uncover the truth. fierce.”

“Survivor? Who is it?” Lu Chen immediately became energetic.

“Xie Sinian!” Li Yishuang spat out three words.

“What? Uncle Xie is not dead? Are you sure?!” Chase Lu bounced up instantly.

Xie Sinian is his personal guard captain, very powerful.

After they were ambushed, Xie Sinian led his team to the front and fought bloody battles without fear of death.

He remembered clearly that it was Xie Sinian who led him out of the encirclement regardless of life and death, and then stayed behind alone to buy time for him to escape when the pursuers arrived.

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as Xie Sinian charged into the midst of thousands of troops and was drowned by the sea of people.

He thought that Xie Sinian would definitely die, but now he was extremely excited when he heard the news that Xie Sinian survived.

“Absolutely true.”

Li Yishuang looked serious: “Although Xie Sinian was seriously injured back then, fortunately, he had a deep foundation and did not completely die. He was later rescued and was lucky enough to save his life.”

“It’s great that Uncle Xie is still alive!” Lu Chen said with surprise on his face: “Where is he now? Can you meet me.”

“Xie Sinian is in Yanjing. This letter contains his specific address, but it may not be easy for you to see him.” Li Yishuang shook his head.

“What do you mean? Could it be that Uncle Xie was arrested?” Lu Chen frowned.

“It’s not that he was caught. It’s just that after the battle, Xie Sinian was seriously injured. Although he saved his life, he became a vegetative state and remained unconscious.” Li Yishuang explained.

Chapter: 2270

“Are you unconscious?” Lu Chen’s face looked a little ugly.

Bedridden for ten years, Kong was conscious but unable to move.

This kind of torture is unbearable.

“Mom, you’ve been talking for a long time, doesn’t that mean you didn’t say anything?”

Lu Tianba couldn’t help complaining: “Xie Sinian has become a vegetative state, how can he help me find the truth? It’s not a problem if it doesn’t drag him down.”

“It depends on your brother’s ability. If he can wake up Xie Sinian, then the truth of what happened back then may soon come to light.” Li Yishuang said meaningfully.

“What if I can’t be saved?” Lu Tianba asked back.

“If you can’t be saved, you can only resign yourself to fate.” Li Yishuang sighed softly.

“No! I will definitely cure Uncle Xie, no matter what the price is, I will make him wake up!” Lu Chen clenched his fists, his eyes were firmer than ever.

As long as you are not dead, there is still hope.

No matter how difficult it is, he will cure Xie Sinian.

“Changge, Yanjing is not our territory. It is difficult for us to develop our power there, and we have limited information, so we can’t help you too much. In the future, it will all depend on you.” Li Yishuang said earnestly.

Although the Xiliang Palace is powerful, it cannot run rampant at the feet of the emperor.

Moreover, this matter itself is taboo, and it is impossible for the palace to come forward.

“I understand, thank you Aunt Li for your help.”

Lu Chen stood up and bowed solemnly.

The news provided by Li Yishuang was really important to him.

Not only to find out the truth, but the main reason is that he has another relative beside him.

“It’s all a family, don’t be so polite.”

Li Yishuang quickly reached out to help Lu Chen up, and said earnestly: “Chang Ge, I will not stop you from taking revenge, but I hope you can understand that one thought becomes a demon, and one thought becomes a Buddha. Don’t lose your heart. I failed the people around me.”

“Aunt Li’s teachings, I will definitely keep in mind.” Lu Chen nodded.

“Brother! If there is anything useful in the future, just ask, and I promise to help you handle it properly!” Lu Tianba patted his chest, looking very bold.

The change of title from Her Royal Highness the Princess to Aunt Li is enough to prove that the two sides have become closer.

“You don’t need to worry about my affairs. You should take care of yourself, and don’t let your mother worry about it in the future.” Lu Chen knocked.

“Brother, look at what you said. I will treat you with admiration after three days of separation. I am no longer a child, and now I can fully stand on my own!” Lu Tianba put his hands on his hips, looking awesome.

“Okay, okay, don’t show off in front of me. I don’t know what your virtues are?” Lu Chen rolled his eyes.

“Hey! Are you looking down on me? One day, I will make a big splash and make you proud of me!” Lu Tianba held his head high, looking very arrogant.

“Yes, yes, I am proud of you now.”

Lu Chen nodded perfunctorily, then looked at Li Yishuang and said: “Aunt Li, you must have been working hard all the way. I have ordered people to prepare the room, please rest for a while.”

“When you say that, I’m really a little tired. I’ll go back to my room and lie down for a while while you do your business.”

Chapter: 2271

Li Yishuang smiled and nodded, then took Lu Tianba to say goodbye and leave.

After walking out of the meeting hall, Lu Tianba suddenly stopped, and the smile on his face slowly faded.

“What’s wrong?”

Li Yishuang looked back, feeling a little strange.

“Mom, why did you tell brother about Xie Sinian?” Lu Tianba said flatly.

“Isn’t this what Changge wants?” Li Yishuang said.

“You know my brother’s obsession. By revealing the news to him, you are encouraging him to go to Yanjing. What is your purpose in doing this?” Lu Tianba asked.

“Tianba, what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand?” Li Yishuang looked confused.

“Mom, you don’t want to harm my brother, do you?”

Lu Tianba narrowed his eyes slightly and his tone became sharp: “I am only a big brother. If you dare to harm him, don’t blame me for turning against him!”

“Tianba, why should I harm your brother?” Li Yishuang frowned.

“My brother is dead, and I will be the prince and the future King of Xiliang. That’s what you think, right?” Lu Tianba said coldly.


Li Yishuang’s face turned serious and shouted: “Tianba! I am not only your mother, but also Changge’s little mother. We are all a family and should help each other. How could I harm him? Where did you hear that? Some gossip?”

“Maybe it’s just some rumors.”

Lu Tianba took a deep look at his mother: “Mom, I’m a little tired. I’ll go back to my room to rest. See you tomorrow.”

After the words fell, he left directly.

“This kid…”

Seeing Lu Tianba’s back going away, Li Yishuang couldn’t help raising his eyebrows: “It’s really hidden!”


After seeing off all the people, Lu Chen called all the hall leaders of the Qilin Gang into the conference hall and held a high-level meeting.

“It’s been a busy day today, everyone has worked hard.”

Lu Chen sat on the main seat, raised his hand and pressed down, indicating that everyone should sit down, and then said: “I have summoned everyone here temporarily, mainly because I have two things to announce. First, I plan to appoint Lao Zhang As the deputy leader of the Qilin Gang, he manages all matters within the gang.”

As soon as these words came out, all the hall leaders stood up one after another and saluted Lao Zhang: “Congratulations to Deputy Gang Leader Zhang! Congratulations to Deputy Gang Leader Zhang!”

Lao Zhang is strong, senior, and loyal to the Qilin Gang. He is even more resolute in doing things, and he is Lu Chen’s confidant.

It was natural for him to be qualified for the position of deputy gang leader, and no one in the room was dissatisfied.

“Thank you, Mr. Lu, for trusting me! I will do my best from now on!” Lao Zhang clasped his hands in his fists and looked serious.

Lu Chen not only saved his life, but also gave him a new life. He has always been grateful to Dade.

Now it has been reused again, and there is no way to repay it.

“Very well, now let’s talk about the second thing.”

Chapter: 2272

Lu Chen smiled slightly and continued: “In a few days, I plan to leave the provincial capital to do some errands. During my absence, Lao Zhang will be in charge of all matters within the gang.”

“What? Leave the provincial capital?”

Old Zhang was slightly taken aback, and said puzzledly: “Master Lu, if you have anything to do, just tell us to do it, why bother to go there yourself?”

“You can’t help me with this matter, I have to come forward in person.” Lu Chen shook his head.

Ever since he heard the news about Xie Sinian, he couldn’t hold back anymore.

He planned to go to Yanjing immediately after helping Concubine Cao Xuan organize Cao Guan’s funeral.

On the one hand, it is to save people, and on the other hand, it is also to investigate the truth of the year.

“Master Lu, you are our backbone. What will we do if you leave?” the leader of Mangtang said suddenly.

“The Qilin Gang is on the right track. It doesn’t matter if I’m here or not. Besides, if anything happens, Lao Zhang is fully capable of solving it.”

As Lu Chen said, he suddenly took out a elixir and handed it to Lao Zhang: “This is the spirit-gathering elixir I refined, which can help you improve your cultivation quickly. With it, you will have a great chance, Breakthrough to the realm of a master.”

“Spirit Gathering Pill?!”

Looking at the blue pill in front of him, Lao Zhang looked happy and his breathing became rapid.

Gathering Spirit Pill is a top-grade elixir, the treasure that countless warriors dream of.

Rumor has it that as long as you take the Spirit Gathering Pill, you will have a high probability of breaking through!

In this world, there are many half-step master level powerhouses, but martial arts masters are very rare.

The biggest reason is that it is too difficult to break through the threshold of Grandmaster.

For example, he has been stuck for more than ten years and has not yet broken the shackles.

This threshold has almost become his obsession.

And now, with this Spirit Gathering Pill, he has at least a 50% chance of being able to break through to the realm of a martial arts master, thus ascending to the sky in one step!

To him, this treasure is a timely help!

“What are you doing in a daze? Take it.”

Lu Chen pushed Juling Pill forward and motioned Lao Zhang to accept it.

“This, this, this… this treasure is too valuable. Mr. Lu, you should take it back. I really can’t afford it.”

After reacting, Lao Zhang refused again and again, looking a little panicked.

The Spirit Gathering Pill is simply a priceless treasure to a warrior, and even money cannot buy it.

Although he dreamed of it, he deserved it.

“What can’t you afford? We are all my brothers. If you are told to take it, you can take it. I don’t have any use for this thing anyway.”

As Lu Chen spoke, he forced the Spirit Gathering Pill into Lao Zhang’s hand: “In the future, the Qilin Gang will have to rely on you to work harder. The stronger you are, the greater your help will be to me. I will not only help you, but also help you.” Myself.”

“Deputy leader, Lord Lu is kind, so you can keep it.”

“That’s right, if you can become a martial arts master, our brothers from the Qilin Gang will also be honored.”

Chapter: 2273

Several hall masters began to persuade him.

“Thank you Mr. Lu for your kindness!”

With a “dong” sound, Lao Zhang suddenly knelt on the ground, clasped his hands into fists, and said solemnly: “This subordinate is willing to go through fire and water for Mr. Lu, even to the death!”

“Okay, okay, get up quickly. If you say these words, you will be out of sight.” Lu Chen helped the person up with both hands.

Although the Spirit Gathering Pill is precious, it is worth every penny when used on one of your own people.

“It’s not just Lao Zhang, all of you are the same.”

Lu Chen glanced at him and said with a smile: “When your strength reaches the bottleneck, I will give each of you a Spirit Gathering Pill!”

“What? One per person?!”

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

All the hall masters were very excited.

Seeing Lao Zhang get the Spirit Gathering Pill, if they say they are not envious, it would be a lie.

After all, this kind of top-quality treasure is hard to come by.

However, Chase Lu’s promise directly turned them from envy to surprise.

It turns out that everyone has a treasure and no one will be left behind. The main focus is fairness.

This approach of treating everyone equally and regardless of each other directly convinced everyone present.

“Thank you, Mr. Lu!”

“From now on, we are willing to do our best for Mr. Lu!”

All the hall masters knelt down on the ground in unison, saluting respectfully.

“We are all brothers in the gang, no need to be polite.”

Lu Chen raised his hand to signal everyone to stand up, and said loudly: “I dare not say anything else, but I can guarantee one thing. From now on, everyone will share the blessings and share the hardships!”

A simple sentence, but it made everyone excited.

It is their honor to be able to follow such a talented, powerful and profound master.

They are sure that under the leadership of Lu Chen, the Qilin Gang will be famous all over the world in the future!

“Master Lu, Miss Cao is awake.”

At this time, a female student of the Qilin Gang came in suddenly.

“woke up?”

Lu Chen’s expression became serious, and he quickly stood up and walked out.

“Master Lu, Ms. Cao is not in the room, she has just gone to the Hall of Heroes.” The female disciple added hastily.

“So, she already knows?” Lu Chen looked serious.

“It should be.” The female disciple nodded.

Chapter: 2274

“Okay, all of you, please step aside and stop staring.”

Lu Chen took a deep breath, then walked towards the Hall of Heroes.

Cao Guan’s body was parked in the Hall of Heroes, and he wasn’t sure if Concubine Cao Xuan could withstand the blow after seeing it.

When Lu Chen walked into the Hall of Heroes, he found Concubine Cao Xuan kneeling quietly in front of the coffin, her whole body seemed to be petrified, motionless.

No wailing, no wails of pain.

The entire Hall of Heroes was silent and dead silent.

“Concubine Xuan?”

Lu Chen’s expression changed and he quickly stepped forward to take a look.

I saw Concubine Cao Xuan’s face full of tears, her face dull, and her eyes dull.

At first glance, it looks like a lost soul.

“Concubine Xuan! What’s wrong with you?”

Lu Chen suddenly panicked.

If things go wrong, there must be monsters. If Concubine Cao Xuan bursts into tears, he can still accept it.

This distraught appearance just proved that something was wrong.

“Concubine Xuan! Don’t scare me. Look up and see who I am?”

Lu Chen knelt down in front of Concubine Cao Xuan, holding her face in both hands, calling her name repeatedly.

“Lu…Lu Chen?”

After a while, Concubine Cao Xuan seemed to have come back to her senses, and her eyes slowly focused.

After seeing Lu Chen’s face clearly, she suddenly collapsed as if waking up from a dream.

She threw herself into Lu Chen’s arms and began to cry loudly, tears pouring down like rain.

Until this moment, her suppressed emotions were completely released.

“Cry, cry…it will make you feel better if you cry.”

Lu Chen hugged Concubine Cao Xuan tightly and patted her back gently.

At this time, any words of comfort are bullshit.

No one can empathize with the pain of losing his father. All he can do now is to accompany him.

After all, Concubine Cao Xuan had to step over this hurdle in her heart.

Time flies, and three days have passed.

Cao Guan’s funeral has been held.

The incinerated ashes were enshrined in the Cao family ancestral hall to enjoy the incense of future generations.

During this period of time, the Cao family experienced constant changes and disasters, and the huge wealthy family was eventually torn apart.

Chapter: 2275

After the funeral, Mr. Cao, who had retired behind the scenes, publicly called a family meeting.

All members of the Cao family must be present.

At this moment, in the Cao family meeting hall.

Mr. Cao sat on the main seat, leaning on a cane with both hands, with a solemn expression.

Sitting on the left and right sides were the backbones of the Cao family.

Cao Guan is dead, Cao Jun is dead, and Cao Biao is nowhere to be found.

Three sons, some dead, some missing, plus some internal and external troubles.

Now the entire Cao family is leaderless, disorganized, and has hit an unprecedented low point.

Mr. Cao was forced to stand up and take charge of the overall situation.

“I believe everyone knows that many things have happened to the Cao family recently, and many people have been lost.”

“But the dead are gone, and so are the living. We must cheer up as soon as possible.”

“Our Cao family is now at the critical point of life and death.”

“If we don’t work together, the entire Cao family will be in ruins!”

As soon as Mr. Cao opened his mouth, everyone was shocked.

“Old man, we all understand the truth that one prospers all prospers and one loses the other, but now that the Cao family has no leader and is being attacked frequently, it is too difficult for us to come back to life.”

“Yes, recently, many traitors have fled with money and seized a large amount of property from the Cao family, and there are also many external forces taking advantage of the fire to loot. The current Cao family is hopeless.”

“That’s right! In my opinion, it’s better to divide up the rest of the family property, and then we each live our own lives. This is a way out instead.”

Everyone chattered and started discussing one after another.

Most of them are bad-mouthing, they have no fighting spirit at all, and a few extreme ones are breaking the cans and wanting to divide the family property.

“Silence! Silence!”

Mr. Cao stamped his cane on the ground and finally stopped the commotion at the scene. He then said: “Although the Cao family has encountered difficulties, it has not reached the end of the road. As long as we work together, there will always be a way to solve it.”

“Old man, if you have any ideas, please tell me.” One person asked.

“Now, we need to elect a new patriarch to manage the entire Cao family. As long as we have a good leader, we can restore our strength step by step.” Mr. Cao said.

“The new patriarch?”

Everyone looked at each other and speculated on each other.

Cao Guan, Cao’s army, is dead, Cao Biao is missing, and the second generation of the Cao family has been completely wiped out.

Who is still qualified to be the head of the Cao family?

“Old man, who do you think is more suitable to be the new clan leader?” someone else asked.

“There is only one person who has the ability to lead the entire clan at the moment, and that is Concubine Cao Xuan!” Mr. Cao said loudly.

“Concubine Cao Xuan?”

Chapter: 2276

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes glanced at Concubine Cao Xuan.

Compared with the glorious past, Concubine Cao Xuan is sitting on the seat now, but she is silent and indifferent.

“Everyone knows that Concubine Xuan has outstanding ability and business acumen. Over the years, the several companies she founded have all flourished and made a lot of money. With her leading the Cao family, there will be no problem.” Mr. Cao is confident. Complete Tao.

“Concubine Xuan is indeed capable, but she is still too young after all, and she is a bit behind in seniority. Now that she is suddenly promoted to clan leader, I’m afraid some people will be dissatisfied.” An elder raised a question.

“Given the current situation of the Cao family, we must have a resolute leader. In this regard, Concubine Xuan is the most suitable. As for rules and seniority, they are all secondary. We are almost at the end of our rope. How can we care about these?” Mr. Cao said.

“That’s right! I support Concubine Xuan! Her Biyan Pill is a huge profit, and it is the hope of our Cao family’s rise!”

At this time, a key member of the Cao family suddenly stood up.

“In extraordinary times, when you do extraordinary things, no one is more suitable to be the leader of the clan than Concubine Xuan, and I support her.”

“Concubine Xuan is extremely intelligent and has an outstanding mind. She will definitely lead us back to the top. I agree with both hands!”

“The old man is right, we all support it!”

At this moment, almost all the Cao family members agreed with this proposal.

The few voices of doubt were quickly drowned out.

Without any surprise, Concubine Cao Xuan was directly elected to the position of clan leader.

“Concubine Xuan, everyone’s enthusiasm is high, and they all agree with you as the patriarch. What do you think?” Elder Cao asked aloud.

“Grandpa, I haven’t made up my mind yet.” Concubine Cao Xuan shook her head.

Her father had just passed away, so she didn’t think about it at all.

“Concubine Xuan, I know it is difficult for you to be the patriarch at this time, but we must cheer up.”

Mr. Cao said earnestly and earnestly: “The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Your father is in the spirit of heaven, and he certainly doesn’t want the Cao family tree to fall. Now, it’s time for you to take on the heavy responsibility.”


Concubine Cao Xuan opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

“The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, it’s all bullshit!”

At this time, a majestic voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Everyone followed the sound and saw an old man with gray hair wearing rich clothes walking in with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, followed by a group of nobles.

“Hmph! If your Cao family is going to be ruined, that’s your own business, but don’t drag my granddaughter down, or don’t blame me for being rude!”

As soon as the luxurious old man appeared on the stage, he was aggressive, mighty and domineering.

This attitude caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

A young man from the Cao family even slapped the table and yelled, “Hey! Where did this old thing come from? How dare you play wild in my Cao family? Are you tired of working?!”

His voice just fell.

Behind the old man in rich clothes, a hunchbacked old servant suddenly stepped forward and slapped the young man on the face.

Chapter: 2277


Hearing a crisp sound, the young man was directly sent flying, fell to the ground like a dead dog, and passed out on the spot.



Seeing this scene, the Cao family clan members started to protest and were furious.

Although the Cao family is not as good as before, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses, not all cats and dogs can come and run wild.

“Come on! Arrest them all!” An elder of Cao’s family shouted angrily.

“Stop! Stop it all!”

Seeing this, Mr. Cao was taken aback, and immediately stopped the impulsive Cao family.

Then he trotted all the way to meet the old man in fine clothes, cupped his hands, bowed deeply, and said loudly: “Little man Cao Siyuan, I pay my respects to Chen Guogong!”

“What?! Duke?!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

The group of people who had just screamed stood stunned on the spot, their faces full of horror.

At this moment, all the Cao family members were shocked.

Mr. Cao’s words were like thunder, hitting everyone’s hearts.

No one expected that the high-ranking old man in fine clothes in front of them turned out to be the powerful Duke of the Dragon Kingdom!

Duke, Marquis, Bo, Zi, Nan, among the five ranks of the Long Kingdom, the Duke ranks first, and is the chief noble, a super existence.

Its status is so high that it is even above the first-rank officials of the Dragon Kingdom.

He is a big man who really stands at the pinnacle of power!

The Shangguan family became the first of the three tops in the south of the Yangtze River with a title of earl.

If it were changed to the duke, it would be impossible to even think about it.

So the question is, why did the majestic Duke come to the Cao family in person?

Who is it that can move such an indomitable existence?

“What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and salute Chen Guogong!”

Mr. Cao turned around and roared, sweat breaking out from his body.

The old man in front of him is none other than Concubine Cao Xuan’s grandfather, Chen Xueliang, the famous Chen Guogong in the Dragon Kingdom!

“Bye…meet Chen Guogong!”

As if waking up from a dream, everyone in the Cao family knelt down and kowtowed.

Everyone was frightened and nervous.

You know, a big man like the Duke of the State who has power over the government and the public can destroy the entire Cao family with a snap of his fingers.

Chapter: 2278

“Mr. Chen Guo is here. I will welcome you if you are far away. Please make amends.” Mr. Cao bowed his head with his hands folded.

“Hmph! If it weren’t for my granddaughter, why would I come to this shabby place like yours?” Chen Xueliang had a cold face and showed no appreciation.

When his daughter wanted to marry into the Cao family, he always opposed it.

The Cao family is a small family, how can it be worthy of the daughter of the Duke?

However, the female university did not want to stay. For the sake of so-called love, his daughter chose to elope with Cao Guan. He was so angry that he directly severed the father-daughter relationship.

It wasn’t until the granddaughter was born that the relationship between the two parties eased.

As for Cao Guan, his nominal son-in-law, he had always looked down upon him.

“Grandpa, why are you here?”

Seeing Chen Xueliang’s sudden visit, Concubine Cao Xuan couldn’t help being a little surprised.

As long as she can remember, her grandfather has been very different from her father and has never been to the Cao family.


Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked again and looked horrified.

what’s the situation?

Concubine Cao Xuan is actually the granddaughter of the Duke?

After getting along for so long, they don’t know anything?

“I heard something happened to the Cao family, so I came here to see you. How are you, girl? Are you hurt?”

Chen Xueliang turned his gaze, and immediately changed his appearance, revealing a kind and gentle face.

Compared with the coldness and domineering just now, they are completely two extremes.

“I’m fine, but my dad…”

Concubine Cao Xuan hesitated to speak, feeling sad.

“I have already heard about your father. The murderer has been executed. Please bear with me and submit.” Chen Xueliang sighed softly.

Although he has always looked down on Cao Guan, no matter what, the other party is his son-in-law.

Now that he suddenly died suddenly, his father-in-law couldn’t possibly not show up.

“Girl, what are your plans next?” Chen Xueliang changed the subject.

“I don’t know either.” Concubine Cao Xuan shook her head.

She is now distraught and distraught.

“Since you don’t know, then come back with me.”

Chen Xueliang persuaded softly: “Small places like this are not worthy of you at all, Yanjing is your best destination.”

“I’m leaving, what about the Cao family?” Concubine Cao Xuan glanced back.

Her father had just died, and the Cao family was on the verge of being broken, so she just walked away with a guilty conscience.

Chapter: 2279

“The Cao family is the Cao family, and you are you. Why put more burdens on yourself? Grandpa only hopes that you can live a happy life, and other things are not important.” Chen Xueliang said.

“But…” Concubine Cao Xuan was a little embarrassed.

She has lived in the Cao family for many years, how could she just let it go.

“Forget it, see you are so entangled, I will make an exception to help the Cao family.”

Chen Xueliang said solemnly: “As long as you agree to go back to Yanjing with me, I promise that within one year, the Cao family will be restored to its heyday, and within three years, the Cao family will go one step further, directly replacing the position of the Shangguan family, and become How about the top of the three?”

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Cao family exploded.

Everyone looked ecstatic and excited.

It took one year to return to its peak, and three years to replace the Shangguan family and become the most powerful family.

This is simply a godsend!

Once in a lifetime!

Of course, if someone else said this, they would not believe it.

But if it were Chen Guogong, it would be different.

As a powerful figure, one person is under one person, and the existence above tens of millions of people is definitely a golden word.

As long as it is released, it can be done.

Not to mention supporting the Cao family, even if it is letting a pig fly into the sky, it is not surprising.

“Grandpa, are you really willing to help the Cao family?” Concubine Cao Xuan asked tentatively.

“For your sake, why not help?” Chen Xueliang said calmly, “Of course, the premise is that you agree to follow me.”


Concubine Cao Xuan stopped talking, still hesitating.

“That…Concubine Xuan, you are talented and talented. It is a shame to stay in the provincial capital. I think you should go back to Yanjing with Chen Guogong so that you can develop better.”

At this moment, a senior member of the Cao family suddenly boldly spoke up.

“Yes, yes! With your talents, you should be better cultivated. The Cao family has limited ability and cannot help you. Only the Duke’s Mansion is worthy of you.”

“Concubine Xuan! No need to think about it, just agree quickly. Chen Guogong has worked hard, you can’t let him down!”


At this moment, the relatives of the Cao family began to persuade one after another, looking very anxious.

Before, they were expecting Concubine Cao Xuan to be the patriarch to bear this heavy burden.

Today’s situation is completely reversed.

They hoped that Concubine Cao Xuan would leave early, so that Chen Guogong would fulfill his promise.

A golden opportunity like this should never be missed.

Otherwise, you will regret it for life.

Chapter: 2280

“Grandpa, what do you think?”

Concubine Cao Xuan turned her gaze to her grandfather.


Mr. Cao showed a trace of embarrassment on his face and said bravely: “Concubine Xuan, your grandfather is actually right. If you stay in the provincial capital, it will be difficult for you to use your skills. If you go to Yanjing, you can be famous for nine days.”

Hearing this, Concubine Cao Xuan suddenly fell silent. After a while, she nodded: “Okay, since you all want me to go to Yanjing, then I will do as you wish.”

“Great! Concubine Xuan, you have made the most correct decision in your life!” Everyone in the Cao family looked overjoyed.

“Hmph! A bunch of people who are just following the wind!”

Chen Xueliang snorted coldly, his eyes quite disdainful.

Just a little benefit can make these people change their positions. No wonder the Cao family fell so quickly.

“Grandpa, before I go to Yanjing, I have to meet someone.” Concubine Cao Xuan said suddenly.

“Oh? Who is it?” Chen Xueliang was curious.

“His name is Lu Chen, my destined man.”

Wind and Rain Villa, inside the living room.

“Miss Cao, I’m sorry, you’re late. Mr. Lu has already left the provincial capital.” Lao Zhang lowered his head and reported.

“Leave? Where? When did you leave?” Concubine Cao Xuan was a little strange.

“Master Lu left this morning and went to Yanjing to do some errands. Master Lu didn’t say anything about the specific situation. Oh yes…”

As if thinking of something, Lao Zhang suddenly took out a letter and handed it over with both hands: “Miss Cao, this is the letter left by Master Lu for you. Before leaving, Master Lu told me that if you come, please give the letter to me.” You, you will understand after reading it.”


Concubine Cao Xuan took the envelope and opened it. Hundreds of words were written eloquently on it.

The general content is that she has something very important to do and it will take some time before she can come back, so she must take care of herself.

Because I was afraid that she would worry and couldn’t bear to speak, I chose to leave a message.

“This guy runs pretty fast.”

After reading the letter, Concubine Cao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The purpose of her visit this time was to persuade Lu Chen to go to Yanjing to develop together.

As a result, before she could speak, the other party had already left early.

Although it was a bit of a surprise, the two arrived at the same goal by different routes.

“Then let’s meet again in Yanjing.”

Concubine Cao Xuan smiled slightly, put the letter away, and left Fengyu Villa.

Now that she knew where Chase Lu was going, she didn’t have to worry about anything.

Sooner or later, the two will meet in Yanjing.

Chapter: 2281

In the afternoon, Yanjing Railway Station South Station.

Carrying the suitcase, Lu Chen walked out slowly with the crowd.

Compared with ten years ago, Yanjing today is undoubtedly more prosperous.

The eight streets and nine streets are full of traffic.

Looking around, it looks like a heavenly palace on earth, bustling with activity.

Walking to the street, Chase Lu looked around, and when he was about to determine the direction, a taxi suddenly stopped beside him.

A bald man stuck half of his head out of the car window and greeted him warmly: “Young man, where are you going? Do you want a ride? I know this place very well. Tell me your address and I’ll deliver it to you right away.” ”

“Jishitang, can you go?” Lu Chen asked.

“Hi! Jishitang, right? I’m a regular customer there. I can go there with my eyes closed.”

The bald man patted his chest and was full of confidence. When he saw a few more taxis approaching, he immediately sped up and said, “Young man, I don’t have time to explain. Get in the car quickly. It’s my birthday today and I’ll give you a 20% discount!”


Lu Chen nodded without saying anything, and got into the car directly.

With a roar, the vehicle started quickly and shuttled back and forth in the traffic flow very skillfully.

“Young man, you’re lucky to be able to get into my car.”

“I’m not bragging. In this area south of the city, no one’s car is faster than mine.”

“Do you know what my nickname is? Qiu Mingshan Rider!”

The bald-headed man was talking endlessly while driving, showing off his past and present glorious history.

Lu Chen sat in the back seat without saying a word, looking through the car window at the scenery passing quickly outside.

“By the way, handsome boy, why are you going to Jishi Hall? To see a doctor?”

Seeing that Lu Chen didn’t respond, the bald uncle changed his subject and said, “If you’re looking for a doctor, then you’ve found the right place. Liu Gongquan from Jishitang is a well-known miracle doctor with a radius of dozens of miles. He specializes in treating all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases. , and the medicine can cure the disease!”

“Oh? Do you know Liu Gongquan?”

Lu Chen slowly raised his head, feeling a little interested.

The address Li Yishuang gave him before showed that Xie Sinian lived in Jishitang.

And Jishitang is the medical center opened by Liu Gongquan.

It was Liu Gongquan who rescued Xie Sinian, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and then hid him.

Xie Sinian was in a coma for ten years, and Liu Gongquan took good care of him.

“It’s not just acquaintance? I’m not bragging. I was a life-and-death friend with Dr. Liu. He often rides in my car. If you go to see a doctor, just give me my name, and I promise to give you a discount!” The bald uncle said proudly. The way of the cloud.

“Really? How is Liu Gongquan like a person?” Lu Chen asked again.

“Of course there is nothing to say about Miracle Doctor Liu’s character, that’s the heart of a Bodhisattva!”

Chapter: 2282

The bald uncle gave a thumbs up and praised: “The poor basically don’t get any money when they go to the doctor, and they also give medicines for free. Even if they have to charge money, it’s just a symbolic fee for medicinal materials, and it’s horribly cheap. Now it’s like this. There are really too few miracle doctors.”

“Listening to what you said, I really want to meet this Divine Doctor Liu.” Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully.

He became increasingly curious about Liu Gongquan.

The bald man was still talking endlessly, and the words in his mouth basically never stopped.

Lu Chen was also straightforward, closing his eyes and resting his mind, without talking at all.

About forty minutes later, the taxi finally stopped.

“Pretty boy, Ji Shi Tang is here.”

The bald uncle shouted back.

Lu Chen opened his eyes and saw a medical clinic with simple decoration not far from the street.

The medical center is not small, with a total of three floors. There is an endless stream of patients inside, and there are even long queues.

On the front door of the medical center, there is a gold-lettered plaque with three powerful characters written on it – Jishitang!


After confirming that the address was correct, Lu Chen threw down two hundred-dollar bills and got out of the car.

At this moment, the Jishi Hall was full of voices.

The thousand-square-meter store was full of seats, and all the people queuing up for consultation stood outside the door.

Lu Chen walked into the gate, looked around, and found that there were four or five Chinese medicine practitioners and some Chinese medicine apprentices in Jishitang, but he did not see Liu Gongquan.

Lu Chen walked up to a young doctor and asked politely, “Excuse me, is Doctor Liu Gongquan here?”

On the nameplate on the young doctor’s chest, two words were written: Qian Chun.

“Miraculous doctor Liu is not here. If you want to see a doctor, go there first and line up.”

Qian Chun swiped his phone with his head down, his tone a little impatient.

“I don’t see a doctor. I’m here to visit Miracle Doctor Liu and ask him for advice.” Lu Chen was neither humble nor overbearing.

“You have to wait in line even if you don’t want to see a doctor!”

Qian Chun said angrily: “Who is Doctor Liu? How can you see him just by asking? You really don’t have any skills at all! Just stay aside and don’t hinder me from playing games!”


Lu Chen frowned slightly, just when he was about to attack.

There was a sudden commotion in the direction of the door.

“Get out of the way! Get out of the way!”

“Doctor! Where is the doctor? Come out and save people!”

Accompanied by roars, a group of bodyguards in suits rushed in menacingly, carrying a soaked woman.

Wherever he passed, the crowd was directly knocked away, and his movements were extremely rough.

Chapter: 2283

“Fuck! Who is yelling here…”

Qian Chun raised his head and was about to yell something. When he took a closer look, his expression suddenly changed. He quickly threw away his phone and ran up.

“Doctor! Where did the doctor die?!”

Several bodyguards kept yelling fiercely, frightening the surrounding patients to scatter, for fear of getting into trouble.

“What happened?”

Several doctors from Jishi Hall immediately surrounded him.

“Get out of the way! Let me come!”

Qian Chun pushed aside several doctors and stepped forward, tentatively asking, “Is this Miss Wang Zixuan of the Wang family?”

“As long as you know, save people immediately!” the bodyguard captain urged.

“No problem no problem!”

Qian Chun was overjoyed, as if he had discovered some treasure.

The Wang family is one of the eight wealthy families in Yanjing, with a lot of wealth and great influence.

As the daughter of the Wang family, Wang Zixuan is even more famous as Bai Fumei.

Now that the hero has the opportunity to save the beauty, he cannot miss it.

If Wang Zixuan is cured, he might be able to leap the dragon’s gate with a carp and reach the sky in one step!

“What’s going on? Where is Miss Wang injured?”

Qian Chun took a closer look and couldn’t help but frowned.

At this moment, Wang Zixuan’s complexion was blue and purple, her eyeballs were congested, her breathing was barely audible, and she had lost consciousness.

“My lady drank alcohol and accidentally rushed into the river on the way home. When we rescued her, she was already unconscious.” The captain of the bodyguard said quickly.

“How can you drive after drinking? You are too careless!” Qian Chun complained.

“Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and save people!” The captain of the bodyguard shouted.

“Don’t panic, it’s just drowning. I can handle it in minutes.”

Qian Chun was full of confidence and immediately directed the two apprentices to lift Wang Zixuan up.

Then he knelt down on one knee, put the other knee against Wang Zixuan’s navel, and began to slap the opponent’s back hard.

Between pats, lift the patient’s chin slightly to allow the water in the abdomen to drain out.

Wang Zixuan’s drowning situation is not serious, her breathing and pulse are still there, just need to control the water.

Ji Shitang also rescued several drowning patients before, and his master Liu Gongquan used exactly this method.

Tried and tested, it works in just a few minutes.

Seeing that Qian Chun slapped her for a while, but Wang Zixuan still didn’t get better, the captain of the bodyguard couldn’t help feeling a little anxious: “Hey! Are you okay? Why doesn’t my lady respond at all?”

“Strange, that’s how Master saved people before. How come I can’t do it anymore?” Qian Chun wiped off his sweat, his expression unavoidably a little nervous.

Chapter: 2284

He repeatedly confirmed that he did not use the wrong method. What went wrong?

“The patient has been asphyxiated and hypoxic, and his heart will stop soon. The drainage method alone will not help.” Lu Chen said abruptly.

“Hey! What are you talking about?”

Qian Chun turned around and stared, and shouted, “Do you know who I am? How dare you question my medical skills?”

“It doesn’t matter who you are, what matters is that your method is wrong, if you continue like this, you will die.” Chase Lu warned.


Qian Chun was a little angry: “I am a direct disciple of Divine Doctor Liu. I have been studying medical skills for more than ten years. Who do you think you are and how dare you tell me what to do?”

“Young man, if you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense and don’t affect other doctors’ treatment.”

“That’s right, Dr. Qian has studied with Divine Doctor Liu since he was a child. He has been in Jishi Hall for more than ten years. What scene has he not seen? It’s easy to save a drowning person.”

“Human life is at stake, and you’re not a doctor. Why are you giving random orders here?”

A group of elders and aunties around him began to reprimand him one after another.

A young boy who came to see a doctor actually dared to teach the doctor in Jishitang to save people.

Isn’t this just a trick?

“I’m just trying to persuade you. If someone is killed because of the wrong method, it will be too late to regret it.” Lu Chen said coldly.

“Hmph! What a fart!”

Qian Chun shouted unkindly: “This method of saving people was taught by my master. It has been tried and tested, and it has never made a mistake. Don’t you think you are better than my master?”

“The method of saving people is not static. It has to be combined with the actual situation. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. You have to be flexible.” Lu Chen tapped.

“Shut up! If you keep nagging, I’ll kick you out immediately!” Qian Chun became angry from embarrassment.

He is Liu Gongquan’s senior disciple, and he will be the seat of Jishitang in the future.

An unknown person dares to point him out in public, it is simply beyond his control!

“Believe it or not.”

Lu Chen shook his head and said no more.

“Stop talking nonsense, it’s important to save people!”

The bodyguard captain began to urge.

Qian Chun suppressed his anger and began to concentrate on the rescue.

Seeing that the knee-top method didn’t work, he immediately changed several drainage methods.

I jumped and jumped, beat and beat for a while, but it still had no effect.

The purple color on Wang Zixuan’s face became even thicker, her whole body was completely out of breath, and even her pulse stopped beating.

“Stop! Stop it!”

Seeing that the situation was not good, the captain of the bodyguard quickly signaled Qian Chun to stop.

Chapter: 2285

After stepping forward to check Wang Zixuan’s pulse, she was instantly as if struck by lightning, and her face turned pale: “No… I’m out of breath, my lady is out of breath!”


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

No one expected that after some treatment, not only did Wang Zixuan not get better, but she even lost her vitality.

“How did this happen? How did this happen?”

Qian Chun was completely stunned and stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

He has been treating people according to Master’s method, how could he put people to death?


After reacting, the captain of the bodyguard let out a roar, slapped Qian Chun on the face, and cursed: “You quack doctor! You actually killed my lady? I want you to be buried with me! I want your entire Jishitang to be buried with me!”


Qian Chun’s legs went weak and he collapsed on the ground, his face ashen.

It’s over, it’s over, it’s all over now.

Put to death the daughter of the Wang family, ten lives are not enough for him to pay back.

I thought it was a fortune, but I didn’t expect it to become a catastrophe in the end.

“Come on! Smash Jishitang for me!”

“Arrest all the quack doctors here, and don’t let any one go!”

The captain of the bodyguard was filled with grief and indignation, and directly ordered that Ji Shitang was to be demolished on the spot.


Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Chase Lu suddenly stood up, stood in front and said, “Your lady is not dead yet, I can save her!”

“The heartbeat is gone, how can you save it?!” The bodyguard captain gritted his teeth.

“After a person dies, there is about five minutes of rescue time. As long as you find a way to rescue him in time within these five minutes, your lady will live!” Lu Chen looked serious.

“Why should I trust you?” The bodyguard captain said with a sullen face.

“Because you have no choice, this is your only hope.” Lu Chen said coldly.

After pondering for two seconds, the captain of the bodyguard gritted his teeth and finally nodded: “Okay! I’ll give you a chance to make amends. If you can’t save my lady, I want you to be buried with Ji Shitang!”


At this time, Qian Chun suddenly came back to his senses and said quickly: “You don’t really want to believe what this kid says, do you? He is not from our Jishi Hall. Don’t be fooled!”


The captain of the bodyguard looked Lu Chen up and down, frowned and said, “Aren’t you a doctor?”

“I’m not a doctor from Jishitang, but I know a little bit about medicine.” Lu Chen was very calm.

“Hmph! Even I, Ji Shi Tang, can’t save you, so why are you trying to do whatever you want to do?” Qian Chun shouted sternly.

Chapter: 2286

“Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean that I can’t do it. I said it before, you used the wrong method.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Fart! I am a disciple of Divine Doctor Liu. Who do you think you are? You dare to compare with me?!” Qian Chun was a little angry.

“I don’t want to talk nonsense to you. Get out of the way and don’t interfere with me saving people.” Lu Chen was a little impatient.

He really couldn’t understand what was going on in this kind of person’s mind?

If you can’t save yourself, why don’t you allow others to save you?

“Boy! I’m warning you, this is the daughter of the Wang family. If something happens to her, even ten lives won’t be enough to compensate you!” Qian Chun threatened.

As soon as these words came out, the people around them nodded in agreement.

“Little brother, stop being so brave. Even the doctors at Jishi Hall can’t do anything about it, so what’s the point of going up there?”

“Yes! Human lives are at stake and cannot be played with. Now is not the time for you to be in the limelight!”

“Today’s young people really don’t know what the world is, and they dare to show off after learning a few tricks. They don’t take human life seriously at all!”

This group of uncles and aunts talked a lot, persuading, questioning, and warning.

In their eyes, Jishitang is the best medical center within dozens of miles.

Any headaches, brain fever, or incurable diseases that you usually have can be solved here.

A young man in his early twenties dares to show off his medical skills in front of Ji Shitang. Isn’t this a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

“Time is running out, let me treat it, you make the decision.”

Lu Chen was too lazy to say anything and looked at the bodyguard captain: “If you believe me, I will rescue you, so that your young lady still has a chance of survival. If you don’t believe me, just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

Although he has the heart to save people, he will not be too warm-hearted to avoid being thankless.

“This big brother! Don’t trust him, he is a charlatan!”

“This kind of person will do anything to show off!”

“In my opinion, it’s best to send Miss Wang to the hospital now. Maybe she can be saved!”

Qian Chun was impatient and tried to persuade him again and again.

If Wang Zixuan died in Jishi Hall, he would not be able to escape even if he jumped into the Yellow River. But if he died in the hospital, he could use the reputation of his master to evade his death.

“It’s too late to send her to the hospital now. This lady only has three minutes left to rescue her. After this point, it will be impossible for the gods to save her.” Lu Chen spoke again.

“You fart! Ms. Wang is very lucky, as long as she is sent to the hospital in time, she will be fine. If you continue to mess around and delay Ms. Wang’s treatment, you will be a heinous sin!” Qian Chun roared angrily.

“It’s useless to talk more. Make your choice in time. Do you want me to treat you?” Lu Chen looked directly at the bodyguard captain.

The captain of the bodyguard glanced at Wang Zixuan, who looked like a dead person, and nodded heavily: “Cure it! Cure it now!”

Although he did not understand medical skills, he also understood that timely rescue was necessary to give his young lady a chance to survive.

And here is a 20-minute drive from the nearest hospital, which is too late.

You can only treat a dead horse as a live doctor.

“Big brother, Miss Wang’s rich body, how can you let such a liar treat you randomly? If something happens, who will be responsible?” Qian Chun was a little anxious.

Chapter: 2287

“You shut up!”

The bodyguard captain slapped her again and cursed: “You bitch! It’s all your fault! If there’s anything wrong with my lady, I’ll be the first to kill you!”


Qian Chun covered his face, as if mourning his concubine.

Originally planned to find an excuse to get rid of the crime, but now it’s over.

“Get out of the way.”

Chase Lu waved his hand, signaling everyone to step back and give them enough space.

“Hold her!”

Lu Chen signaled the captain of the bodyguard to help Wang Zixuan up, then stretched out his fingers, pried open his mouth, clamped his tongue, and pulled out a section.

Immediately, he circulated his inner strength, and suddenly patted Wang Zixuan’s back with his palm.


There was a bang.

Wang Zixuan’s body trembled suddenly, her head raised, and with a “wow” sound, a large amount of water spurted out.

Everyone took a closer look, and were shocked to find that there was a fish mixed in the puddle of vomit!

“My God! Why is there fish in Miss Wang’s mouth?”

“Is it because the fish got stuck in its throat and it couldn’t breathe?”

“No wonder Dr. Qian’s method didn’t work. It turned out that he was stuck by a fish. What a bad luck!”


Looking at the little fish on the ground, the uncles and aunties were amazed and talked about it.

The cause of Miss Wang’s suffocation was finally found.

“How…how is it possible?”

Qian Chun’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Driving drunk, falling into a lake, and being caught in the throat by a fish, the probability is too low, isn’t it?

Who could have predicted this?

“My lady passed out foreign objects and water, why is she still not breathing?”

The bodyguard captain was surprised at first, and then quickly discovered something unusual.

Although Wang Zixuan vomited a lot, there was no sign of life.

“The heartbeat has stopped and she is naturally not breathing, but don’t be nervous. She will wake up after I give her three injections.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Hmph! What a shameless statement! Do you think you are a god?” Qian Chun mercilessly began to tear down the stage.

Everyone is already dead, how can they be saved?

Chapter: 2288

“You are not good at medicine, so naturally you can’t do it.” Lu Chen retorted.

“Hmph! You have a strong tone for a young age. If you can save Miss Wang with three injections, I will eat this puddle on the ground!”

Qian Chun pointed to the fish on the ground, together with Wang Zixuan’s vomit.

“Okay, I hope you will do what you say.”

Lu Chen nodded, said nothing more, and immediately took out a silver needle and inserted it into the Shenque point at the navel.

Wang Zixuan lay quietly without any reaction.

“The first shot.” Qian Chun sneered.

With a blank expression on Lu Chen’s face, the silver needle moved up and stabbed heavily at the Tanzhong acupoint on Wang Zixuan’s chest.

Wang Zixuan moved her fingertips, but this tiny movement did not attract attention.

“It’s the second injection.” Qian Chun continued to sneer.

Lu Chen remained silent, and with a flick of his finger, the third needle was inserted directly into Wang Zixuan’s Tanzhong point.

Wang Zixuan’s body suddenly trembled, as if she had received an electric shock.

After that, there is no response.

“Hmph! It’s the third injection! Didn’t you say you can wake up? Why is there still no movement? In my opinion, you are a charlatan!”

Qian Chun was quick-witted, and directly poured dirty water on Lu Chen’s head, yelling: “Hurry up and arrest this kid! It was he who obstructed in every possible way, delayed Miss Wang’s rescue time, and he killed Miss Wang!”

His voice just fell.

Wang Zixuan, who was lying on the ground, sat up suddenly like a corpse!


Wang Zixuan sat up directly and let out a suffocating groan.

As if she had regained a new lease of life, she began to breathe heavily, greedily breathing in the air around her.

The purple color on the face quickly faded, and gradually became rosy and shiny.


The sudden change shocked everyone.

No one expected that Miss Wang, who was just like a dead person, suddenly came back to life.

“Wake up… wake up? It’s not a fake corpse, right?”

“Oh my god! Can the dead be revived? Is it true?”

“A miracle doctor! What a miracle doctor!”

A group of uncles and aunts looked at each other with horror on their faces.

Even though they are well-informed and proficient in all kinds of gossip, they have never encountered such a situation.

Obviously dead, no breathing, no beating, no stopping.

Chapter: 2289

As a result, Lu Chen was directly brought back to life after three injections.

This miraculous medical skill is simply unheard of.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes on Lu Chen became very different.


“Everyone is already dead, how can they be saved?”

Qian Chun was startled, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe it.

It is said that three injections can save the patient, just three injections can save the patient. How can it be so miraculous?

“Live, live, live! Miss, live!”

The bodyguards of the Wang family were stunned for a moment, then they looked overjoyed and cheered happily.

One must know that if Wang Zixuan was really going to die, the bodyguards would have to bear the blame, and they must be in bad luck too.

Now that Wang Zixuan has come back from the dead, they have finally escaped disaster.

“Miss! How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?”

The bodyguard captain quickly knelt down and began to ask about the situation.

“What’s going on? Why am I here?”

Wang Zixuan looked around, looking a little confused.

The last moment she remembered was when she drove into the river and lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I was here, and there was a group of people surrounding me.

“Miss, you are drowning.”

The bodyguard captain did not hide anything and simply told what happened.

After listening, Wang Zixuan looked around with her beautiful eyes, and finally fixed her eyes on Qian Chun, wondering: “So, it was this doctor from Jishi Hall who saved me?”

“Hmph! He’s nothing!”

The bodyguard captain glared at Qian Chun, then extended his hand to Lu Chen and explained, “It was this little miracle doctor who came to the rescue and saved your life.”


Wang Zixuan turned to Lu Chen, nodded and smiled: “Thank you to the little miracle doctor for saving your life. Zixuan is grateful.”

“Miss Wang, you’re being polite, it’s just a matter of raising your hands.” Lu Chen looked indifferent.

This calm reaction surprised Wang Zixuan.

If ordinary people saw her, their eyes would not light up?

All kinds of flattery and flattery.

The person in front of me was good, there was no fluctuation at all, as if he didn’t care at all.

Is it playing hard to get?

Chapter: 2290

“May I ask the name of the little miracle doctor?” Wang Zixuan suddenly asked.

“Lu Chen.”

“Lu Chen, right? Okay, I’ll remember you. If you have any trouble in the future, just come to Wang’s house to find me.” Wang Zixuan curled her lips.

“Miraculous doctor Lu, I have offended you just now, please forgive me.”

The bodyguard captain clasped his hands in his fists and took the initiative to apologize.

“It’s natural to protect the Lord with eagerness.”

Lu Chen didn’t care.

“Thank you, Miracle Doctor Lu, for your generosity.”

As the bodyguard captain spoke, he took out a million dollar check from his arms and handed it over: “This is a little thought from our Wang family, please accept it with the approval of Divine Doctor Lu.”

“I’ll go! A check for millions? The Wang family is really arrogant!”

“Nonsense! Ms. Wang’s body is not worth a million dollars?”

“This little miracle doctor was so lucky that he actually saved Miss Wang’s life. He really went out to meet a noble person!”

Looking at the one-million-dollar check, the uncle and aunt were filled with envy.

This money is enough for them to support themselves in their old age.

“Damn it!”

Qian Chun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

This windfall should have belonged to him, but unexpectedly, it was snatched by Lu Chen first.

His chance to jump over the dragon gate with a carp was completely destroyed by this kid.


Chase Lu was not polite and took the check directly.

Although he didn’t save people for money, it was impossible for him to refuse money from others.

“Little Miracle Doctor Lu, I still have things to do. I’ll see you later.”

“Remember, if you have trouble, come to Wang’s house to find me.”

Wang Zixuan said hello, and then left quickly.

Just after being fished out of the river, he was in a very messy state and had to freshen up quickly.


The captain of the bodyguard suddenly looked at Qian Chun, and said with an unfriendly expression: “Just now you said that Miracle Doctor Lu cured my lady with three needles, so just eat the food on the

ground. Now, you can eat it!”


Looking at the vomit on the ground, Qian Chun stood blankly on the spot.

These were all vomited out of the stomach, a sticky piece, and there was a dead fish in it.

Chapter: 2291

How to eat it?

“Give it to me!”

The captain of the bodyguard stared, his whole body was full of murderous intent.

After that, several bodyguards surrounded him, staring at him, ready to move.

Whenever Qian Chun dared to say no, he would be beaten up.

“Eat…I eat…”

Qian Chun was forced to have no choice but to cry and eat all the vomit on the ground without leaving a drop.

He was so nauseous that he retched several times, and finally swallowed it hard.

Otherwise, if you spit it out yourself, you will have to be forced to eat it again.

“Hmph! You’re lucky, it was Divine Doctor Lu who saved you, otherwise I would have cut you into pieces!”

The captain of the bodyguard kicked Qian Chun over, and then left in a mighty manner with the people.

Ji Shitang was lucky enough to escape.

“Little miracle doctor! You are really amazing. You can actually bring people back to life? That’s awesome!”

“Little brother, you are not a direct disciple of Divine Doctor Liu, are you? Otherwise, how could you have such high medical skills?”

“That’s right! That must be the case. This little doctor is the successor of Doctor Liu, and the other person is a complete fake!”

As soon as the Wang family left, a group of uncles and aunts immediately surrounded Lu Chen with all kinds of praise and praise, appearing very enthusiastic.

As for Qian Chun, he was pushed aside and looked down upon.


Qian Chun gritted his teeth and was filled with resentment.

Obviously he is Liu Gongquan’s high apprentice, why is this kid more popular than him?

“Little miracle doctor, you are so skilled in medicine, why don’t you help me see a doctor? I have severe back pain.”

“Old woman, don’t jump in line, please? Obviously I came first.”

“My condition is more serious. Please let me see you first.”

“I have a heart disease and I can’t stand the stimulation. If you say that, then I will lie on the ground.”


The uncles and aunts talked a lot and asked Lu Chen to treat his illness.

Wang Zixuan’s example was right in front of them, and they were naturally very convinced.


Looking at the enthusiastic uncles and aunts, Lu Chen only felt a little headache.

I didn’t expect that saving someone would cause me so much trouble.

Chapter: 2292

“what happened?”

At this time, an old man with white hair and beard in a long gown and coat suddenly walked into the door.

Although the old man is already in his old age, he has a tall and straight figure and piercing eyes. His whole person looks like an immortal and very unkind person.

The old man is indeed the miracle doctor of Jishitang, Liu Gongquan!

“Miraculous Doctor Liu? Is Miracle Doctor Liu here?”

When everyone saw Liu Gongquan, they immediately surrounded him and freed Lu Chen.

Although Lu Chen’s performance just now was amazing, compared to Liu Gongquan, he was definitely far behind.

After all, Liu Gongquan has a great reputation and has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for many years.

No one can shake the position.

“Miraculous Doctor Liu! You are here, Ji Shitang was almost in disaster just now!”

“Yes, yes! People were killed just now. Fortunately, a little genius doctor came to the rescue and saved the signboard of Jishitang!”

“Divine Doctor Liu, that little genius doctor, isn’t he your new disciple?”


The elders and aunties were noisy and full of gossip.

The noise of chirping immediately confused Liu Gongquan who had just entered.

He froze in place for a moment, not knowing why.

“Everyone, please be safe…be safe…”

Liu Gongquan raised his hand and pressed it down. After everyone gradually quieted down, he asked, “What happened? Let’s talk slowly, don’t worry.”

“Let me tell you, I used to be the storyteller under the overpass!”

The old man volunteered to explain what happened just now with more details.

It focuses on the heroic deeds of how Lu Chen saved people, how he brought the dead back to life, and how he saved Ji Shi Tang.

It was told so vividly and wonderfully.

The aunts around him applauded and looked at the uncle with a bit of admiration.

This clever eloquence directly gave him priority in choosing a mate.

“So that’s how it is.”

After hearing this, Liu Gongquan nodded suddenly, walked up to Lu Chen and smiled: “Little brother, thank you for your help. I didn’t expect that you have such medical skills at such a young age. You are truly a hero from a young age!”

“Mr. Liu received the award, but it was just a trivial trick, not worth mentioning.” Lu Chen said modestly.

“Okay, don’t be arrogant or rash, it’s really good.”

Liu Gongquan smiled and nodded, his eyes full of appreciation.

There are really too few young people studying Chinese medicine now, and those who are talented are even rarer.

Chapter: 2293

He has been looking for a suitable successor, but has never been successful.

Now that Lu Chen appeared, he saw hope.

Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, he could be sure that the young man in front of him was not simple.

“Doctor Liu, I’m here to visit you this time because I have something to ask for advice. I wonder if I can lend you a moment to speak?” Lu Chen slightly raised his hand.

“Of course, upstairs please.”

Liu Gongquan did not refuse and took Lu Chen directly to the second floor.

Jishitang has three floors.

The first floor is where the medical clinic conducts consultations.

The second floor is Liu Gongquan’s residence, and occasionally welcomes distinguished guests.

The third floor is closed all year round and not open to the public.

Lu Chen followed Liu Gongquan up to the second floor. As soon as he entered the living room, he saw a beautiful girl lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

The girl was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, lying lazily on her stomach, her two white, tender and slender legs swayed up and down alternately, hitting her buttocks, full of elasticity.

Especially the pair of jade feet, as delicate as pearls, with flawless white jade, like a perfect work of art, they look very alluring.

“Little brother, let me introduce you. This is my granddaughter, Liu Xiangsi, who is quite accomplished in both Chinese and Western medicine.” Liu Gongquan said with a smile.

“Hello, Miss Liu.” Lu Chen greeted politely.

“Grandpa, why did you bring a stranger here again?” Liu Xiangsi frowned, looking dissatisfied.

“Lovesickness, don’t be rude!”

Liu Gongquan’s expression was serious: “This little brother just helped our Jishi Hall and was kind to us. Naturally, I have to invite him over for a cup of tea.”

“What can he help us with?” Liu Xiangsi looked him up and down, a little suspicious.

“We had a medical accident in Jishitang just now, and it was this little brother who helped us, otherwise our signboard would have been destroyed.” Liu Gongquan said solemnly.

If the Miss Wang family really died in Jishitang, it might not be as simple as smashing the signboard.

“Grandpa, don’t be ridiculous. We have so many doctors in Jishi Hall. What difficult and complicated disease can’t be cured? Do you still need help from others?” Liu Xiangsi didn’t believe it at all.

Jishitang has a good reputation, and many patients who cannot be cured by big hospitals are sent here.

How old is Lu Chen? How could he be more powerful than the doctors at Ji Shi Tang?

“Acacia, people should not be judged by appearances. Although Lu Chen is young, his medical skills are very superb, and he is by no means inferior to you!” Liu Gongquan said.

“Every time you say that, forget it, let’s talk, I’m going back to my room.”

Liu Xiangsi was too lazy to say anything. After giving Lu Chen a sideways glance, he returned directly to his room.

“Little brother, my granddaughter is usually spoiled by me and doesn’t know etiquette. Please bear with me.” Liu Gongquan was a little helpless.

“It’s okay, Miss Liu has a real temperament.” Lu Chen smiled slightly.

“Come, sit down and talk.”

Chapter: 2294

Liu Gongquan made the invitation with one hand. After Lu Chen sat down, he poured another cup of tea, and then asked, “Little brother, I don’t know why you are looking for me?”

There are only two kinds of people who come to Jishitang, either to see a doctor, or to learn from a teacher.

Instead, he expected the other party to be the latter.

“Doctor Liu, to be honest, I came to Jishi Hall to inquire about someone from you.” Lu Chen got straight to the point.

“Oh? Who is he?” Liu Gongquan was a little curious.

“I don’t know if Doctor Liu has heard of the name Xie Sinian?” Lu Chen’s eyes sparkled.

“Xie Sinian?”

Liu Gongquan was slightly startled, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

It’s just that this abnormality was all seen by Lu Chen.

“Little brother, I don’t know Xie Sinian. You must have asked the wrong person.” Liu Gongquan shook his head, pretending not to know.

“I don’t know? But how did I hear that Xie Sinian is in Jishitang?” Lu Chen narrowed his eyes.

“Jishi Hall consults hundreds of patients every day. I really don’t know if there is anyone named Xie Sinian.” Liu Gongquan remained calm.

“If you don’t even know Dr. Liu, it will be troublesome.” Lu Chen sighed.

“Although I don’t know Xie Sinian, I can help you ask around. I just don’t know. Why do you want to see him?” Liu Gongquan asked tentatively.

“Xie Sinian is my savior. I sought him out to repay the kindness I owed back then.” Lu Chen’s face became serious.

“So that’s it…”

Liu Gongquan nodded thoughtfully, and said: “Okay, I will help you pay more attention, and I will notify you immediately if there is news about Xie Sinian.”

“Then there is the miracle doctor Lao Liu.”

Lu Chen immediately stood up and saluted: “You are busy, so I won’t bother you here, and leave.”


Liu Gongquan smiled and stood up to see them off.

Then he kept watching Lu Chen leave Jishitang, and he was relieved until the other party walked away.

“How did this happen? It’s been ten years, why are people still looking for Xie Sinian? Could it be… the news leaked?”

Liu Gongquan muttered to himself, and looked at the stairs on the third floor.

Xie Sinian’s identity is sensitive, once someone exposes it, the entire Jishitang will be destroyed!

Liu Gongquan closed the door to the second floor, lingered for a moment, and finally climbed to the third floor.

The third floor has been sealed off, with layers of shackles inside, iron gates, iron nets, anti-theft doors, monitoring, and alarms.

The defense is so tight that not even a fly can fly in.

After many rounds of unlocking, Liu Gongquan finally climbed to the third floor.

The third floor is very dark, and most of the rooms are filled with miscellaneous objects.

Chapter: 2295

Only the innermost room is clean, tidy, warm and comfortable.

At this moment, a thin, pale middle-aged man was lying on the hospital bed in the room.

The man was already unconscious, his breathing was weak and long, with almost no ups and downs, like a dead person.

Liu Gongquan walked to the man’s bedside, felt his pulse out of habit, and then let out a long sigh.

“Hey…it’s been ten years, when will you wake up?”

“It’s a pity that I, Liu Gongquan, has the reputation of a miracle doctor, but I can’t cure your illness!”

Liu Gongquan shook his head, took out a pill, and fed it into the man’s mouth, his expression somewhat sad.

He has kept Xiesian for ten years.

Within ten years, he consulted various ancient books and tried various methods, but he still could not revive Xie Sinian.

The only thing that can be done is to save the opponent’s life.

“Grandpa, let me tell you something.”

“A young man named Lu Chen came to see you today, but I didn’t know his details, so I sent him away.”

“I can tell that that young man is not simple. If he is an enemy, then we will be in trouble.”

“He was able to follow the clues to find this place. He must have come prepared. Maybe it won’t be long before Ji Shitang can’t hide you.”

“My benefactor…if you can hear me, please wake up quickly.”

Liu Gongquan murmured to himself while massaging Xie Sinian’s body.

For ten years, he would go upstairs every day and say something to the person in front of him.

It has become a habit.

“Miraculous doctor Liu, Uncle Xie’s illness, why don’t you let me try it?”

A calm voice suddenly sounded at the door.


Liu Gongquan was taken aback, turned around suddenly, met Lu Chen’s eyes, and said in astonishment: “It’s you? Why are you here? You…you didn’t leave?”

He finally understood that he had been tricked.

“I’m sorry Doctor Liu, I lied to you just now, but I have no choice but to do this, please forgive me.” Lu Chen bowed deeply with both hands.

Liu Gongquan obviously didn’t trust him, and it would definitely not work if he kept asking the bottom line.

So he retreated in order to advance, luring the snake out of its hole and exposing the other party.

Although a bit despicable, it is also a helpless move.

“Who the hell are you? Why are you here?!”

Liu Gongquan looked wary and protected Xie Sinian behind him.

Even though he doesn’t know martial arts, he still plans to give it a try.

Chapter: 2296

“Doctor Liu, don’t be nervous. I’m not here to seek revenge, but to repay a favor.” Lu Chen looked serious.

“Repay the favor?”

Liu Gongquan frowned, still suspicious: “Do you know Xie Sinian? What is your relationship with him?”

“To be honest, Uncle Xie and I are old friends, and he once saved my life. It was hard to find out the whereabouts this time, so I came to visit rashly. In order to repay my kindness, I hope that Dr. Liu will not blame him.” Lu Chen Lower your head slightly.

“Old friend? Repay a favor?”

Liu Gongquan stared at Lu Chen with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see some clues from the other person’s face, but unfortunately he didn’t see any flaws, and then said with some vigilance: “Why should I believe you?”

“Doctor Liu, if I seek revenge, I can easily kill both of you.”

While Lu Chen was speaking, he flicked his finger and a blast of energy shot out.

The next second, the vase on the window sill suddenly exploded with a bang, and the fragments scattered all over the floor.


Liu Gongquan’s eyelids twitched, his face serious.

Being able to break a bottle through the air with strength is obviously a master of martial arts.

If he really has the intention to kill, he really can’t stop it.

So now, he has no choice.

“Doctor Liu, I have offended you so much, please forgive me.” Lu Chen handed over again.

“Okay! For the time being, I believe that you are here to repay your kindness, but unfortunately, you are already late.”

Liu Gongquan stepped aside, looked at Xie Sinian on the bed, and said, “Xie Engong became a vegetative state ten years ago and has not woken up yet. All the methods I have tried have never worked.”

“Miraculous doctor Liu, let me try it. I am proficient in some strange medical skills, maybe I can help.” Lu Chen walked to the hospital bed.


Liu Gongquan shook his head: “Young man, it’s not that I look down on you. Regarding Xie Engong’s illness, it is by no means as simple as you think. There is a strong energy in his body that I still can’t resolve. I can only rely on elixirs to cure it.” Live on.”

Ten years ago, Xie Sinian was injured so seriously that his vitality was severely damaged and his body functions were almost wiped out.

Although he forcibly continued his life, he could not cure the symptoms, not the root cause, and could not wake him up.

The most important thing is that there is still a terrifying energy left in Xie Sinian’s body, constantly destroying the eight extraordinary meridians.

He tried many methods, but could not extradite this energy, which was also the cause of the disease.

“Whether it works or not, you’ll know if you try it.”

Lu Chen didn’t say much, but sat beside the bed and began to take Xie Sinian’s pulse.

But soon, he suddenly frowned.

Liu Gongquan was right, Xie Sinian was indeed seriously ill, even worse than he expected.

If it weren’t for his good foundation and the panacea to keep his life alive, he might have died long ago.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, tried to inject a burst of true energy into Xie Sinian’s body, and began to check the situation.

Chapter: 2297

However, the next second, something seemed to be triggered in his body, and an extremely domineering zhenqi suddenly surged forward.

The two qi collided with each other, fought with each other, and finally died together.

“It’s really weird!”

Lu Chen’s expression became solemn.

After the test just now, he was surprised to find that Xie Sinian was not just injured, but had been sealed.

This seal was hidden deep and was always damaging Xie Sinian’s body.

And once an external force enters, the seal will be activated, and it will be fiercely counterattacked.

No wonder Liu Gongquan was at a loss what to do, no wonder Xie Sinian never woke up.

It turns out that there is something else going on inside.

“Little brother, if it doesn’t work, forget it. Don’t force yourself. Xie Engong will probably find it difficult to wake up in his life.” Liu Gongquan couldn’t help sighing.

“Master Liu, you are wrong, Uncle Xie will definitely wake up, because I can cure this disease!” Lu Chen said surprisingly.

“What did you say? Can it be cured?”

Liu Gongquan was a little suspicious that he heard it wrong: “Little brother, are you kidding me? I have been studying this disease for ten years and I still have no way to solve it. You actually say you can cure it?”

How could a young man in his early twenties be able to cure a strange disease that even he couldn’t do anything about?

“Although it is troublesome, I can indeed cure it.”

Lu Chen nodded seriously: “However, I need your help, Doctor Liu.”

“Little brother, if you have the ability to cure diseases, I can sell this Jishitang!”

Liu Gongquan said, but suddenly changed the topic: “But the question is, how do you prove that you have this ability?”

Human life is at stake, so naturally he will not take risks lightly, let alone entrust his savior to a young man he just met.

“You just said that Uncle Xie has a qi remaining in his body. If I eliminate this qi, will that count as proof?” Lu Chen asked back.


Liu Gongquan’s eyes narrowed and he said solemnly: “Little brother, this energy is so overbearing that it cannot be resolved with medical skills alone. Don’t talk nonsense here.”

If this strength is so easy to dissolve, how could he drag it so far?

“Ordinary medical skills really can’t be helped, but what I know is not only medical skills, but also mystical skills!”

Lu Chen said seriously: “Doctor Liu, give me half an hour, and I will definitely destroy this energy. You will understand by then.”


Liu Gongquan frowned and hesitated.

To be honest, he didn’t trust Lu Chen that much.

First, the other party is too young, and second, the purpose is unknown.

He couldn’t even be sure whether the person in front of him was good or bad?

Chapter: 2298

“Doctor Liu, I believe you should know that Uncle Xie has endured ten years and the end is approaching. The situation cannot be worse than this. If you have no other way, why not let me try.” Lu Chen advised.

Hearing this, Liu Gongquan couldn’t help but fell silent.

He had to admit that Xie Sinian had indeed reached his limit. He couldn’t guarantee how long the other party could survive?

three months? five months? Or is it shorter?

If it continues like this, it will really be hard to save the gods.

After a long silence, Liu Gongquan finally nodded: “Okay, I’ll let you give it a try, but you must put safety first.”

“Uncle Xie is kind to me, so naturally I won’t risk his life.” Chase Lu nodded.

“Okay, please!” Liu Gongquan took the initiative to step aside.

Logically speaking, he shouldn’t believe Lu Chen.

But the other party’s confidence deeply infected him.

Maybe, there might be a miracle.

After convincing Liu Gongquan, Lu Chen calmed down and immediately took out the silver needle and sealed Xie Sinian’s eight extraordinary meridians.

The purpose of this is to prevent the true energy from flowing around and damaging the body.

Then, he gave Xie Sinian a heart-protecting pill to avoid accidents.

After all the preparations were done, Chase Lu started the real treatment.

The seal in Xie Sinian’s body is the long-lost soul-destroying array.

The soul-destroying formation, as the name suggests, is a mysterious technique specially used to harm people.

The person who sets up the formation can control the life and death of the victim at will.

Even if they are hundreds of miles away, they can easily kill someone if they want to.

This formation is difficult to set up, and even more difficult to dismantle.

The strength of the cracker must be stronger than that of the caster, and he must also be proficient in formation and profound arts.

Both are indispensable, and the conditions are extremely harsh.

If it was ten years ago, Lu Chen would naturally have no way to deal with it.

But now, as he is already a half-step grandmaster, it is not difficult to break this soul-destroying and soul-seizing formation.

The only problem was that Xie Sinian was too weak and his body could not withstand any impact.

Therefore, he had to be careful, and break the formation under the premise of safety.

In this way, the difficulty is much greater.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, then stretched out his palm and gently pressed it on Xie Sinian’s chest.

At the same time, the Xuanqing Qi in his body began to gather rapidly, and flowed into Xiesinian’s meridians little by little.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Chapter: 2299

At this time, Xie Sinian’s heart suddenly accelerated.

Immediately afterwards, a domineering and violent zhenqi spurted out from his body in an instant, rushing towards Lu Chen’s Xuanqing zhenqi at an extremely ferocious speed.

At the moment when the two qi collided, Xie Sinian’s body couldn’t help trembling slightly, as if he had received an electric shock.

Lu Chen frowned, and immediately channeled Xuanqing’s true energy, and began to deal with it.

The true energy generated by the Soul-Destroying Soul-Seizing Formation is very fierce, like a ferocious beast, intent on devouring all intruders.

For Xie Sinian’s safety, Lu Chen didn’t dare to confront the tough, so he could only use Tai Chi to overcome the strong with softness.

Slowly consume the true qi of the soul-destroying array through his continuous supply of true qi.

Only when the true energy of the formation is exhausted and unable to function, is the time to break the formation.

Time is passing little by little.

Chase Lu concentrated his attention and kept pumping Qi into Xie Sinian’s body.

Gradually, his forehead began to sweat, and his face gradually turned pale.

The whole person has consumed a lot of energy and is already obviously tired.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no need for such effort, but Xie Sinian’s safety had to be taken into consideration, so Lu Chen needed twice the total amount of zhenqi to resolve each qi in the soul-destroying and soul-seizing formation.

It can be said to be half the result with twice the effort.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom…”

With the struggle between the two qi, Xie Sinian’s heart beat more and more violently.

His whole face turned red and his whole body felt hot.

Wisps of white mist kept emerging from the top of the head.

Liu Gongquan next to him looked worried and extremely nervous.

But at this time, he didn’t dare to disturb Lu Chen, so he could only worry on the side.

“It’s really difficult…”

Lu Chen’s eyes were serious and his head was sweating profusely.

The true qi in his body is about to be exhausted, if he can’t completely drain the soul-destroying formation before it is exhausted, then it will be troublesome!


Just when Lu Chen was a little uneasy, the Tianling Orb worn on his chest suddenly started to spin at a very high speed.

Wave after wave of energy spurted out, replenishing Lu Chen’s almost dry Dantian at an extremely fast speed.

“Well done!”

Lu Chen’s spirit was revived, and he was overjoyed, feeling like a long drought and rain.

The Tianling Orb is worthy of being a sacred object in the martial arts world. At a critical moment, it has such a miraculous effect. It is a timely help!

Lu Chen, who was nourished, sent out his true energy again and again.

Chapter: 2300

After a while, the Soul-Destroying Soul-Seizing Formation finally reached its limit, and the domineering Qi emitted was rapidly weakening, and it no longer had the violence it had before.

Lu Chen seized the opportunity and immediately pressed forward with the army, commanding the Xuanqing Qi, swallowing up the remaining domineering Qi bit by bit, and then went upstream and headed straight for the center of the formation.

The Miehun Duopoulu Formation clearly sensed the threat, and began to counterattack with all its strength, crazily hitting Xie Sinian’s meridians.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom…”

Xie Sinian’s heart accelerated again, a trace of blood overflowed from his nostrils, and his whole body began to twitch.


Lu Chen’s expression changed.

Xie Sinian’s body had obviously reached its limit.

If you keep proceeding step by step, the opponent may die suddenly before the Soul-Destroying Soul- Seizing Formation is broken!

“It can’t be delayed any longer!”

Lu Chen took a deep breath, retracted his palm suddenly, and then suddenly pointed at Xie Sinian’s chest, and the true energy all over his body burst out suddenly: “Break it for me!!”


When Chase Lu’s finger touched Xie Sinian’s chest.

The latter’s body trembled violently as if struck by lightning, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth and nose.

The meridians in the body were directly broken into half, and the originally broken body suddenly became even more unbearable.

The whole person is like a candle in the wind, as if it will be blown out at any moment.

And the soul-destroying array, like a tarsal maggot, also collapsed on the spot under Lu Chen’s finger.

“Thank you, Lord!”

Liu Gongquan was startled, his face turned pale.

He hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation, and only after confirming that Xie Sinian breathed a sigh of relief did he regain his composure.

“Lu Chen! I told you not to be brave, why didn’t you listen? Do you know that you almost killed Xie Engong just now?!” Liu Gongquan scolded his head and face.

Lu Chen sat slumped on the chair, panting heavily, his whole body was drenched, as if he was fished out of the water, he collapsed directly.

After calming down a little, Lu Chen slowly said: “The situation was more difficult than I expected. Although it was a bit risky, fortunately it was successful. The true energy in Uncle Xie’s body has been resolved.”


Liu Gongquan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately stretched out his hand again to feel Xie Sinian’s pulse.

Although the pulse was very weak, the violent and domineering aura had indeed disappeared.

“Really resolved? How is it possible?”

Liu Gongquan was surprised and happy, and couldn’t believe it.

He has been studying for ten years and tried all kinds of methods to solve the strange disease, but it was actually solved by a young man in his early twenties?

Is this kid so godlike?


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