Another World's Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 1259 - Rift

Chapter 1259 - Rift

Chapter 1259: Rift

With the death of the mother humanoid worm, the remaining humanoid worms also turned into light orbs, and flew into the light barrier of the temple one after another. The Illuminati’s and Tower of Dusk’s team were the only ones remaining on the entire battlefield at the moment. Even the corpses of those humanoid worms had surprisingly vanished too. If not for the mess on the ground, it would seem as if the battle had never happened.

At this moment, Connoris lifted the Body of the Demon Deity spell, and grabbed the stone tablet left behind by the mother humanoid worm. He then flew close to Lin Li, and said, “Felic, take a look at this thing. Can you read what’s written on it?”

There were some words written on the stone tablet, but they were in a language that dated back to even before the prehistoric times. It was a language from the early era of myths. Lin Li couldn’t identify the font completely, and could only vaguely identify a few words based on the notes left behind by the Immortal King.

“Sylvia, the God of Insects, Father, Calamity, Collapse, Fall of the Gods!”

Lin Li couldn’t derive much information from the stone tablet, and merely knew that it seemed to be from a deity known as the God of Insects. Clearly, the God of Insects had also fallen in this space, just like the God of Bravery. Besides, the word ‘gods’ was also stated on the stone tablet, so Lin Li reckoned that it was probably not just referring to the God of Insects and the God of Bravery. Perhaps there were many other gods that had fallen there too.

In fact, when he’d first come to explore this place, Lin Li had already guessed that it was certainly not as simple as a place where the Ancient God of Light was suppressed. The subsequent discovery of the temple of the God of Bravery had at least also proven that this place was indeed not just meant for the suppression of the Ancient God of Light.

Lin Li could vaguely feel a tinge of godly aura from the stone tablet, and he reckoned that the mother humanoid worm had managed to survive the destruction of the Divine Kingdom largely because it had swallowed the stone tablet. Of course, Lin Li wasn’t that interested in those disgusting creatures like the humanoid worms, but he reckoned that the stone tablet that carried a tinge of godly aura could still be used for something.

On the other hand, Edmund and Zumar were both completely immersed in the joy of the imminent resurrection of the founding Saint, Lord Aquilo, so much so that they couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to the stone tablet. However, after rejoicing, Edmund began to get a little worried and came close to Lin Li. He asked, “President Felic, do we have to arrange for people to guard the mageweath?”

With the previous wave of attacks from the humanoid worms that surged out like tides, Edmund and Zumar, too, knew that this wasn’t a peaceful space. God knew what other types of monsters there would be apart from the peculiar humanoid worms. If they simply ignored it, something might dash out and destroy the mageweath after everyone left later.

“Elder Zumar, don’t worry. I’m afraid the strength of this temple’s defense is not inferior to that of the place where the Ancient God of Light has been suppressed. If you’re still worried, you may give it a try,” Lin Li said nonchalantly. Although the mageweath array that he had drawn was not at the level of the Divine Smith, it could still be considered of the demigod level. It wasn’t something that just anyone could destroy.

Elder Zumar felt a little embarrassed after hearing Lin Li’s words, but since it concerned the resurrection of Lord Aquilo, he ultimately had to be very careful. He immediately came close to the temple, looked at the layer of light that enveloped the temple, and slowly reached out to press his hand against it.

As soon as he did, Elder Zumar immediately discovered that the layer of light seemed to feel like a tangible object when he pressed it. Besides, as he began to stimulate his mana, the layer of light began to develop a strong resistance to it. In fact, it even seemed to be increasing simultaneously with the increase in the power of his mana.

Even when Elder Zumar increased his mana to the point of being equivalent to a powerful Sanctuary-level magic spell, his palm still didn’t advance by a single millimeter. Although he wasn’t using magic to blast the layer of light, Elder Zumar was certain that even if he exerted all his power, it would be impossible to penetrate it, and he might even get hurt by the force of the light’s retaliation.

At this moment, Saint Edmund, too, spoke up with an unconcealed excitement in his eyes. He said, “Alright, Zumar, you don’t have to try anymore. I’m afraid even I won’t be able to break this layer of light.”

“Saint, this layer of defense is indeed much stronger than I thought. However, it seems a little exaggerated to say that even you can’t break it,” said Elder Zumar, who wasn’t quite convinced by Edmund’s words. After all, the main function of the mageweath was to speed up the resurrection of Saint Aquilo, not defend.

Saint Edmund was a peak-Sanctuary-level expert who, although he hadn’t reached the demigod level, was still already a top existence in the Sanctuary-realm. If even he said he couldn’t break the defense, perhaps only a god would be able to do so.

In fact, even real gods that hadn’t reached the level of the Ancient God of Light would probably be unable to destroy the layer of light that was enveloping the temple, much less enter to destroy the mageweath. If it was just a defense put up by the mageweath array that Lin Li had drawn, it naturally wouldn’t be that powerful. However, it was connected to the mageweath that suppressed the Ancient God of Light.

The power used in this layer of light was derived from the Ancient God of Light. As long as the Ancient God of Light’s power was not exhausted, no one would be able to break this layer of defense. Apart from the Immortal King who had suppressed the Ancient God of Light, nothing in this space could have such great power.

In fact, not to mention the others, even Lin Li who’d drawn the mageweath array couldn’t enter the temple easily at this moment. The entire temple seemed to have been shrouded in light, but in fact, it was filled with elements of light that had condensed in every inch of space, becoming incredibly dense and solid. Only Lord Aquilo of the Illuminati could remain in it safely with the help of the Illuminati’s holy artifact, the Eye of Light.

Although Saint Edmund didn’t reach out to test it, he could roughly tell how powerful the defense was based on Elder Zumar’s behavior and the power he sensed from the layer of light. Hence, he asked Elder Zumar to stop before turning around to look at Lin Li. He then said with a sincere expression, “President Felic, thank you so much for this!”

For the entire Illuminati, resurrecting the founding Saint, Aquilo, was one of the top priorities, something which the Illuminati had been waiting for thousands of years to carry out. Although it was supposedly just a deal between Lin Li and the Illuminati where Lin Li asked to read their canon in exchange, the Illuminati would undoubtedly get the better end of the deal if Aquilo could really be resurrected. Hence, even though Edmund had such a high status, he couldn’t help but thank Lin Li with utmost sincerity.

However, right after Edmund thanked Lin Li, the ground suddenly began vibrating violently before Lin Li could respond. Next, a massive rift appeared on the ground in a distant spot that had already turned dim. The scene looked just like an apocalypse. josei

That situation immediately made everyone here tense up again as they nervously wondered if a terrifying creature was about to emerge once more. Although the humanoid worms that they had just faced hadn’t done much damage to the two teams, they gave them an idea of the terror of this space, and God knew what kinds of monsters were lurking there.

At this moment, Lin Li made eye contact with Edmund and the rest, after which they flew unanimously towards the rift, soon coming close to it. Edmund and the others were worried that if something powerful emerged from within, it would affect the resurrection of Saint Aquilo. However, Lin Li could vaguely sense a familiar aura coming from the rift.

When he came close to the crack, Edmund immediately dispersed his mental strength to find out what was hidden underneath the rift and whether there was a powerful existence that would threaten Aquilo’s resurrection. However, before he could even find anything, Edmund suddenly turned pale as if he had suffered a huge blow, and it was as if there was a force that was pushing his body backwards.

Elder Zumar, who was at the side, panicked when he saw that situation, and he quickly reached out to hold Edmund and stop him from falling. He anxiously asked, “Saint, is there something under the rift?”

Before Edmund could answer, there were once again strange occurrences in the rift as it seemed as if there were countless voices yelling from below. Even though they were not yelling in a modern language, the meaning of their words seemed to have appeared clearly in their minds.

“Let me out! Save me! I want to go out!”

The even more shocking thing was that there was a sacred majesty hidden in the miserable screams. Such a sacred might often belonged to the gods who were high up on pedestals, and was bound to make one feel reverent. However, it had now appeared together with miserable wails that sounded even more tragic than beggars begging for food. The two were complete extremes.

Saint Edmund began to recover at this point. Just now, it was precisely because his mental strength had touched the sacred aura under the rift that he felt an unbearable discomfort that felt like thunder roaring in the depths of his soul. He then looked at Lin Li, and said, “Master Felic, how do you plan to deal with this rift?”

In Edmund’s opinion, they couldn’t let such a threat exist at this moment. Otherwise, once he and the others left, they would be in trouble once a powerful monster or creature emerged from the rift. However, if he were to just go in and explore, he wouldn’t be confident, especially because of the pressure that his mental strength had just sensed.

Hence, Edmund thought of Lin Li as he hoped that Lin Li and the team from the Tower of Dusk could follow him to explore the rift again.

However, Lin Li came here with Edmund solely for the sake of drawing the mageweath, and he didn’t say that he would help them solve their problems. Edmund was well aware of that himself; hence, he felt a little conflicted, and wanted to ask Lin Li for his opinion.

Lin Li looked at the rift. Even though he could sense the aura of the Immortal King, he didn’t intend to explore it at this moment. Just like Edmund, he also felt the sacred aura under the crack, and he was even more certain that it wasn’t as simple as a sacred aura.

Thinking about the fall of the gods as stated on the tablet, Lin Li had no choice but to consider the possibility that the owner of that sacred aura was very likely not a sacred being. Although Lin Li was eager to find out the Immortal King’s trail, he also knew what his strength was really like, and was aware of what he could and could not do with his strength.

Although Lin Li was very tempted by the rift, he was aware of the great dangers involved. Even though he was confident in his abilities, he didn’t dare to think about it now. If a divine-level being were to appear just like what he was worried about, it would be too late to regret.

Gods were gods. Back then, the demigod High Priest Poer managed to put Lin Li in a disheveled state. Lin Li managed to get rid of him only with the help of the Immortal King’s suppression mageweath. Even if an enemy as powerful as High Priest Poer emerged now, Lin Li probably wouldn’t be able to get any advantage.

Hence, in the face of Saint Edmund’s question, Lin Li merely slowly shook his head, and said, “Sorry, Saint Edmund, I’m sure you’ve felt the aura in this rift. It’s no longer something that we can deal with given our current strength. However, judging from those voices, they probably won’t be able to emerge from the rift, so you don’t have to worry too much about the resurrection of Saint Aquilo.”

There was some truth to Lin Li’s words. The existences that contained a sacred might would have probably all rushed out by themselves by now if they weren’t restrained by something. There was no need for them to stoop low and ask for help. However, just because they couldn’t come up, it didn’t mean that there was no danger under the rift. Who knew to what extent they were being restrained? If they merely couldn’t get out of the rift, the members of the Illuminati and the Tower of Dusk would be courting death if they went down into the rift.

Lin Li was very brave, but he wouldn’t take the risk to do such an insignificant thing in such a dangerous place. Although it was true that the Immortal King’s aura existed in that crack, it didn’t mean that Lin Li would go there immediately. Perhaps he would return again to find out what was going on when he reached the level of a demigod. However, he was still a far cry from that for now.

After speaking to Edmund, Lin Li instructed the mages to immediately prepare to retreat without any hesitation. Not many people could be as decisive as him in the face of such a huge temptation. To Lin Li, the trace of the Immortal King’s aura was of extraordinary significance, but not enough to make him lose sight of his priorities.

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