Another World's Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 1260 - Little Skeleton

Chapter 1260 - Little Skeleton

Chapter 1260: Little Skeleton

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

However, after hearing Lin Li’s words, Edmund and Zumar panicked a little. Even though Lin Li had already told them not to worry, they couldn’t really relax, because it concerned the goal that the Illuminati had been painstakingly working towards for thousands of years. It would have been fine if there had been no special aura in that crack, but the problem was that there was such a peculiar aura that was impossible for them to ignore.

“President Felic, please wait, I know it’s making things difficult for you, but can we have a chat about this? The sudden appearance of this rift will definitely give us sleepless nights if we don’t explore it,” Saint Edmund said with a look of dismay in hopes that he could persuade Lin Li to go with him to explore the rift.

“Yeah, President Felic, if you have any requests, please feel free to say so. As long as we can find out the situation in this rift, we won’t take a single share of the spoils from the exploration,” Elder Zumar chimed in, making a generous promise to let the Tower of Dusk have all the spoils that they discover during the exploration, should there be any.

Hearing their words, Lin Li couldn’t help but laugh, and said, “Stop saying that, you guys. Even if there are good items, you need to be alive to use them. Both of you must have sensed the aura in the rift, and whatever is inside is by no means something that a person of the Sanctuary-realm can touch. As for the mageweath, you can rest assured that as long as the power of that Ancient God of Light does not decline, even a god won’t be able to destroy it. Now, we’d better get out of here.” After saying that, Lin Li left with his subordinates in the direction that he came from.

However, at this moment, a massive mana wave suddenly emerged from the rift in the ground, instantly attracting everyone’s attention. Next, a white skeleton arm emerged from it, and seemed to be facing great difficulty while grabbing the edges of the rift.

Before the crowd could react, another skeleton arm stretched out from the side, and tried to grab the edge. Next, force was applied by both arms, and a skeleton head that seemed to have been carved out of jade slowly popped out of the dark rift.

Things were much simpler next. The white skeleton leaned forward slowly, and put a leg on the edge of the rift, after which it dawdled for a while before crawling out of the rift. When it stood up near the edge of the rift, everyone finally saw a small skeleton that had a stature of less than 1.5 meters.

“Undead creature?”

Undead creatures were no strangers to those who were present; in fact, they were even more familiar with the Skeletal Warriors who were the cannon fodder among Undead creatures. However, they felt rather puzzled by the bizarreness of the fact that such a petite skeleton crawled out of the rift that they were so afraid of.

The skeleton that crawled out of the rift scanned its surroundings, and the soul fire in its eyes flickered twice when it saw the two teams. It then walked towards them.

It was just a skeleton, and even if it was an existence like a Skeleton King, it would still only be at the Legendary-level. However, with each step that the skeleton took towards the crowd, there was a significant enhancement of the mana fluctuations around its body. Step by step, it turned from an inconspicuous being into an existence whose strength was at the Legendary-realm, and eventually the Sanctuary-realm.

When the skeleton stopped again, the mana fluctuations of its body actually reached the peak of the Sanctuary-realm, and there was even a vague trace of the aura of the gods.

Demigod! josei

Edmund and the others were stunned because the skeleton seemed to be on par with High Priest Poer who had been bewitched by the Ancient God of Light. However, it was a terrifying existence that was already as powerful as Wild Whale Rabu.

Although Edmund was a powerhouse who was at the peak of the Sanctuary-realm, he still hadn’t touched the arcane mysteries of the Divine-realm, and was a far cry from demigods. Faced with a skeleton that was at the level of a demigod, Edmund couldn’t help but feel uneasy, because he knew that he was no match for it.

The others were in an even more wretched state when facing the powerful pressure of the demigod. The mages of the Tower of Dusk were still struggling to rely on the Magic Net Array to support themselves, but the members of the Illuminati were almost about to get on their knees as they were panic-stricken.

The skeleton took another step toward the crowd.

The two teams involuntarily took a few steps back in unison. In fact, when some of the members of the Illuminati’s team were retreating, they fell backwards because they couldn’t withstand the pressure of the divine. However, no one dared to laugh at those who had fallen onto the ground, because all they could see was the skeleton that was walking towards them one step at a time.

Edmund and Zumar had already subconsciously raised their staffs, and it was as if they would attack the skeleton as long as it took another step closer. The mysterious skeleton had clearly brought great pressure to the two of them because a demigod was definitely not that easy to deal with.

Under the previous siege of so many Sanctuary powerhouses, Wild Whale Rabu hadn’t even shown a single sign of defeat, and instead forced many Sanctuary powerhouses into dire straits. If it weren’t for Lin Li’s magic scroll, the Gilded Kingdom would have probably been removed from the Endless Ocean by now. The skeleton was a demigod too, so it was no wonder that Edmund and the others would be that tense.

However, at this juncture, something even more shocking happened. The demigod-level skeleton that had crawled out of the rift actually fell to the ground on one knee in front of Lin Li in plain sight.

“Great Master, you’ve finally arrived. The former master has left something for you, and it’s time for me to hand it over to you. Please come with me to take a look!” The jaw of the demigod skeleton kept moving, and its voice was extraordinarily clear in this silent space.

Master? The demigod-level skeleton actually called President Felic his master! When Edmund and the others heard that, they were flabbergasted and bewildered. In this world, Sanctuary powerhouses were top-level existences, and very few would acknowledge others to be their masters, let alone a powerhouse that was close to becoming a god. However, the skeleton was now calling a Sanctuary powerhouse his master, which was a stark contrast to the image of demigods that everyone had in their minds.

Surprisingly, Lin Li didn’t seem shocked at all. In fact, when the little skeleton appeared, he already recognized that it was the same skeleton that was waiting for him on The Star in the world created by Geresco.

That also provided an explanation for a doubt that Lin Li had as he finally understood why he would board The Star and come all the way here in the world that Geresco had created. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one who came here. Geresco the God of Mages had also been there. Otherwise, there was no way the skeleton would be there.

It was obvious that Geresco was the one who had arranged for Lin Li to see everything that he had in the world created by Geresco. Otherwise, there was no way Geresco could have seen the Immortal King suppressing the Ancient God of Light, because that had happened several thousand years ago, way before Geresco was born.

However, Lin Li had yet another question. What was the relationship between Geresco and the Immortal King? Why did Geresco track the trail of the Immortal King and arrange for Lin Li to continue doing such a thing? What was he trying to achieve? The answer to his questions might well be in the rift that the skeleton had crawled out from!

Lin Li initially didn’t plan to touch the rift even though he could vaguely sense the aura of the Immortal King. However, after hearing what the skeleton said, Lin Li finally felt tempted. Of course, another important reason was that the appearance of the little skeleton had proven that although the rift was terrifying, it probably shouldn’t be too dangerous.

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” Lin Li finally nodded.

After instructing them to stay put, Lin Li followed the petite white skeleton to the rift in the ground. The closer he got to it, the more Lin Li could feel the chaotic aura of the gods. It was as if there was still an unknown number of gods waiting underneath the rift.

Standing in front of the rift, Lin Li finally knew why the little skeleton that was at the demigod-level had crawled out of the rift. There was a wave of power that drained all the people who entered of their power. It was just like a powerful domain.

Fortunately, Lin Li was extremely familiar with that power as it came from the same source as the power of the Ancient God of Light. Given Lin Li’s research on the Immortal King’s mageweath, it wasn’t difficult for him to resist the effects of the power.

At the same time, Lin Li also had an answer for the appearance of the rift. The mageweath array that he had created for the Illuminati was actually done with the knowledge he had gained from studying the Immortal King’s mageweath. When the elements of light in the space converged because of the mageweath array, it was probably a precursor for the appearance of the rift.

Standing in front of the crack, Lin Li stretched out his fingers and drew a few strokes in the air, which immediately caused countless magic runes to fly out of the space. Like fine specks of dust, the magic runes converged in accordance with the traces Lin Li had drawn, and then exploded with a loud thud before shrouding him and the skeleton.

Lin Li immediately sensed that the force that suppressed his mana had begun to dissipate and move away from him like a tide. The little skeleton next to him had clearly felt the change too, but it didn’t seem shocked at all, as if it was exactly what should have happened.

Indeed, a considerable amount of research on the Immortal King’s mageweath was required for the appearance of the rift to be triggered. With the achievements in the research on the mageweath, it was naturally not difficult to avoid the power of the suppression. The skeleton had stayed in the rift and waited for its master for countless years, so it should naturally be clear about this.

Lin Li didn’t ask much about this trick, and simply followed the skeleton straight to the bottom of the rift, which wasn’t too large, and was probably only a few hundred meters deep and more than 10 meters wide. However, Lin Li felt as if he had entered an inverted funnel as the further down he flew, the larger the surrounding space became. When he was about to reach the ground, the space seemed to have become the same as that above the rift.

The next thing Lin Li saw was a rather conspicuous mage tower.

Although there were 12 floors to the mage tower that seemed great and majestic, each floor was only about three or four meters high. The completely black tower was made of an unknown material, and seemed to have ordinary magical waves, just like most ordinary mage towers in Anril.

Of course, Lin Li was not so superficial as to underestimate the value of the mage tower just because of its inconspicuous aura and size. Therefore, after feeling slightly surprised, he followed the little skeleton into the door of the mage tower.

Lin Li got a great shock after he entered.

The space inside the tower was extremely different from what was outside, but it wasn’t a big deal, as it was just an application of the laws of space. Although not all mage towers had such an extravagant usage of the laws of space to expand the space, it wasn’t too surprising given the power of the Immortal King or Geresco.

However, what really shocked Lin Li was the things on the first floor.

The first floor of the mage tower had a floor area of about more than 10,000 square meters and a height of nearly 100 meters. There were dozens of huge crystal containers placed around the hall, and each of them had a height of tens of meters, resembling crystal towers. However, they were actually just clear and crystalline in appearance. Lin Li had already sensed that they were made from the condensation of a massive amount of mana based on the magical waves they emitted.

The magic runes could be seen flowing like water in the containers that were made of condensed mana. There were several masses of light in the container. The miserable cries of help that came from the rift previously were actually emitted continuously from the masses of light, which were emitting a faint sacred might.

It turned out to be numerous gods that had been sealed! Lin Li could no longer put his emotions into words after getting the answer. The numerous gods seemed like experimental subjects that were being suppressed there. Could there be anything more exaggerated and incredible in this world?!

Lin Li could sense from the laws that the other party had mastered that the gods in the first hall here should all be lower-ranked gods because the laws that were mastered by them were relatively low-level laws. For example, there was the God of Trees that had mastered the laws of plants and trees, the God of Thorns, the God of Flowers, the God of Dust, and so on.. The low-level gods were far from being comparable to the God of Bravery, let alone the Ancient God of Light.

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