Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Chapter 505

This is a completely strange world, the environment is very good, no pollution, very suitable for human survival. People come from the ancient nine barren world to this completely strange world to settle down and live. Whether they want to or not, they must settle down in this new world and adapt to the environment of this world.

**After the opening of the array, the area of Luna forest covered by the FA array is completely brought to this new world. When people wake up from endless suffocation, they see the dazzling sunshine and breathe the fresh air. There is no night that is not separated from heaven and earth, nor the crystal clear fragments of space laws, nor the hurricane formed by the turbulence of space. The scenery here is very beautiful Everything was quiet and peaceful, like a paradise that nobody found.

When people walk out of the Luna forest, stand on the edge of the Luna forest, and look at the completely strange world outside, it is so quiet and beautiful.

Mountains and rivers, trees, distant wilderness, there are unknown animals in the leisurely eating grass, take a broad view, all over the mountains are unknown wild flowers, even in the air, are faintly with a little flower fragrance.

The sun shines on people, warm, but the air is cold. In people's memory, it should be early spring, so that the survivors who have experienced the end of several years can't believe what they see. For a moment, it's not clear whether such a terrible world is a dream or such a beautiful world is a dream.

The sudden appearance of Luna forest in this world has brought the last survivors of the human race. There are millions of people, as well as exotic animals and mutated animals full of forest. They are still very strange to this world. With several years of end of life experience, no one dares to pat their chest to ensure that this world is absolutely safe and there is no danger. No one dares to say such a big thing. It is beyond their dreams that they can live to see such a beautiful world.

In their hearts, there are two people's names, no doubt become their backbone, because they are in, so their future, there is hope.

In the Tang Dynasty, he YanXu was surrounded by people and stood in the front, looking at this strange and beautiful world. For a moment, he didn't know what mood to use to deal with the scene in front of him. In the end of the world, the peaceful and peaceful new world, the gap between the two is too obvious. It seems that one moment is still wasting life and death, and the next moment is coming to the Taoyuan world.

Tang Shi didn't know what kind of world it was, nor would he tell people that he was in the mood of appreciating the scenery and pictures. He accidentally determined everyone's future in this world. No matter what unknown awaits them, they must strive to go on.

Because, from this moment on, this is their world, the world they will live in.

Those who were brought into the legend of the holy land by the Tang Dynasty all spontaneously stood behind the Tang Dynasty and YanXu. Their attitude determined the position of the Tang Dynasty and YanXu in the new world.

From now on, there is no parliament, no trial meeting, no awakening guild, no hunter's Alliance in people's eyes. They only know to follow the two people in front of them, because only they can live with all people and full of hope.

There are billions of people in the world, and only a few million of them survive in the end. This is a terrible disaster for the whole human race!

Save the Terran? Paying such a heavy price can be regarded as salvation? josei

If Tang people can survive in this new world, they will know that they are not safe.

Nowadays, there are no awakeners. The only ones with special abilities are the survivors who have the blood of hundreds of ethnic groups in ancient times and the strong ones who have entered the legend of the holy land. Strictly speaking, although the awakeners have no yuanneng and can no longer use cards, they are constantly improving their strength and strengthening their bodies. Even if they are not activated The ability of cards has been improved, but their physical ability is higher than that of ordinary people, but they still exist.

YanXu becomes the leader of the Terran survivors at a time of confusion in the future, and all of them follow his instructions. Now the most important thing is to explore the surrounding environment and find potential dangers. The original awakeners are led by the legendary strongmen of holy land to form a team, holding the only weapons in their hands and exploring the unknown world.

The system calls this world "Tianluo continent". At present, no one knows whether there is intelligent life here. All the teams sent out to explore have brought back good news. They have not encountered any danger in this area, but they have encountered many strange looking animals. They are not big and eat grass and meat, which is not much different from the original world.

In addition to sending the legendary strongmen of Holy Land and the awakening army out to explore, YanXu also sent people to look for food. Other things can't be found. Clean water and food must be available. This is the most basic requirement to maintain life, followed by the problem of living.

After the legendary strongmen of Holy Land and the awakening army team sent out came back, they determined that there was no great danger nearby, and they began to organize personnel to solve the accommodation problem.

Millions of people in the world can be regarded as second or third tier cities in the past. They need a safe and stable residence. Only when the problem of safe accommodation is solved can other problems be put on the agenda for consideration.They decided to live in a plain not far from the Luna forest, where the geographical location is high. There are mountains, rivers and forests not far away. Even if the rainstorm inundates the whole plain, they can not endanger their residence. The location of this place is jointly decided by experts who are specialized in this area.

They are a human race with the wisdom of the previous world. They have millions of people. It is not difficult for them to build a city. However, it takes a long time to build a city with millions of people.

People have to go to the mountains not far away to pick stones, and then transport them to this plain to build their homes in the world with square stones.

The manpower, material resources and machines used in all this are thanks to Tang Shi, who bought so many cards from the system mall before. There are all kinds of cards. Of course, the main ones are biological cards, Mount cards and mechanical cards. Those magic cards and skill cards are useless even if they are bought. After the first three kinds of cards are activated, they can be left in the system by cutting off the connection with cards and Yuan Neng The world, as a good helper of mankind, has made great efforts to build a city.

There are not only Terrans brought by the * * formation, but also the orcs living in the Luna forest, the elves who are ordered by odafar to attack the garrison of the Luna forest from the inside of the Luna forest, and other ethnic members who are mixed in the attack team. Naturally, these non-human members will not be accepted by the Terrans, even in another world, the ancient hundred You can't write off everything you do to the Terran.

So after their tracks were exposed, they were directly driven out of the Luna forest by the Terrans. Even nearby, they were not allowed to stay. They had to leave here. This is already Terran territory, and they were not allowed to step into it.

If it wasn't for the help of Qin lie and Zhan Rong, the temporary leader of DOMA and elves, they couldn't get out of the Luna forest. The Terrans wanted to eat them alive. They were lucky to avoid the disaster of the ancient nine barren world, but the Terrans had no reason to let them continue to live in this world.

After all, Qin lie and Zhan Rong are pure blooded animal spirits and elves. DOMA and Isis even proposed that they would give up their position as leaders, only for Qin lie and Zhan Rong to care for their friendship and let them live.

On the contrary, they can become friends with the Terrans, develop and survive together. Their original source of energy is yuanneng. Now yuanneng is gone, and their power of blood can not be used. Unless YanXu can purify their blood and change their source of energy, they are no different from ordinary people.

Of course, Qin lie and Zhan Rong didn't open their mouth to Tang Shi and YanXu, but Tang Shi and YanXu couldn't ignore their embarrassing situation. The orcs didn't say that. They didn't take part in the battle between the ancient tribes and the human race at all. The light Elves were subject to odafar. It's another matter whether they made any contribution behind them, but they didn't see it on the battlefield I have never seen their tracks. Besides, when ASA went to save longmian and Zhanrong, if he didn't let Isis go, ASA would not have taken Zhanrong away so easily. This kind of favor was always owed.

At last, after discussing with Qin lie and Zhan Rong, he YanXu of Tang Dynasty decided to let them live. But he wanted to expel them. The area of Luna forest belongs to the territory of human race, and foreigners are not allowed to set foot in it.

DOMA and Isis have nothing to ask for. If they don't kill them, they are very grateful to the Terran. They offer to make friends with the Terran and sign a friendly agreement.

The members of other races who followed Isis finally decided that they would like to follow the light elves, share the same forest with the elves and live together.

Although the Terrans expelled the ancient alien race from afar, they left behind the Outland awakening army. They were all soldiers who had been through many battles. They were ordered to act according to the military orders. Since odafar was dead, they were free. Although they were golden haired and blue eyed Outlands, they still belonged to the Terrans.

In the Tang Dynasty, he YanXu decided to keep them. Of course, he didn't want ASA to be cold hearted, and he was able to start the war. ASA's contribution was great. Besides, many of these soldiers were survivors of the gelur region. If he killed them, how would ASA deal with himself?

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