Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

These outlanders are also very aware of the facts. When they were quarrying to build the city, they all made great efforts to be accepted by the residents of Huazun. If they want to kill them or expel them, they have no resistance at all. Fortunately, they are left behind. Of course, they have to perform well.

It took more than half a year for this big city to be built. They worked from early spring to late autumn. They had a hot summer. The summer here was very hot. Even in that weather, the project didn't stop. They continued to work except when it was hot at noon.

With such a hot summer, they thought that the winter here would be very cold. With such foresight, they worked overtime to speed up the project and build the city before winter.

After more than half a year of practice, the new decision-making bodies of the surviving human beings have gradually taken shape. They are Yan Family from Yanlai City, Mo family from Shuanghua City, Luo family from Luochuan City, and Jin family who has made great contributions to saving the human race and who died in the Tang Dynasty.

However, the highest decision-making power of the Terran is in the hands of Tang Dynasty and YanXu. This is a wonderful form. Sometimes, even if some families disagree with the decisions made by Tang Dynasty and YanXu, there is no way to prevent the execution of orders.

It is obvious that the powerful and awakening troops of the Holy Land legends all tend to obey the orders of the Tang Dynasty and YanXu. Even if the Yan Family stands up and decides one thing, they have to see the face of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, even if there are four families, they can not shake the position of the Tang Dynasty and YanXu in the human race.

The Jin family was supported by the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, they stood on the side of the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, one was one, and the other was two.

I don't know when it started. Some people said that they wanted YanXu to be the head of state. At first, the voice was not loud. Later, more and more people responded and called for YanXu to be the head of the human race. They would never see that in front of major decision-making, councillors bickered with each other endlessly. They urgently needed a strong and decisive decision-maker, and this is the reason People can only be Yan Xu.

If you want to remember the contribution to the human race, the achievements of Tang Dynasty even surpass YanXu, but if you want to be the head of state, this person can only be YanXu.

Not to mention anything else, YanXu's personal strength, military means and the Yan family behind him are incomparable in the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the voice of being the head of state falls on YanXu, which seems to be the answer to the same aspiration. Among these voices, some people even call "the wife of the head of state". Who is this "the wife of the head of state?" almost everyone calls for the name of the Tang Dynasty Words.

When Tang Shi heard these rumors, he looked at YanXu for a long time with a very strange expression. He looked straight at YanXu and said firmly that he really didn't know these rumors. He didn't know at all, and he didn't know how to spread them The Fuehrer's wife, although very loving, must not shout in person - although YanXu really wants to hear.

After the establishment of this huge and solid new city, everyone has a home. Only the highest and most spectacular palace in the east of the city is still vacant, which is the place for the top decision-makers of the city to live. Before this matter is determined, only the empty Yan family can not deny the voices outside, even old Luo and old Mo who come under the banner of tea I want to find out if the Yan Family deliberately manipulates the wind behind their backs and wants to push Yan Xu to the position of the head of state. However, master Yan is so smart that he says that he drinks tea, that is, tea. He doesn't talk about anything else. Even if they take the initiative to start a conversation, they are skillfully avoided. When old man Luo and old man Mo come out of the Yan family, they find that they are fooled by master Yan, There is a lot of nonsense, but none of it is useful.

Lord Luo and Lord Mo look at each other and can only sigh in secret.

YanXu is the head of state, it seems that it is a certainty. No matter whether the Yan family has done something from it or not, those legendary strongmen and awakening army in holy land have completely stood on YanXu's side. The armed forces and army are in control. What else can't be done?

Strictly speaking, the legends of the Holy Land follow the Tang Dynasty, but Tang Dynasty and YanXu are almost one. Following Tang Dynasty is the same as following YanXu. Coupled with the voice of the people, this matter is almost irreversible. josei

In this way, the Yan family is very happy that their descendants can be the head of state. The attitude of the Jin family depends on the Tang Dynasty. YanXu will not treat the Tang Dynasty badly when he is the head of state. By the way, the interests of the Jin family can not be shaken. The most dangerous ones are the Luo family and the Mo family. The two old men wonder how they can get a share without stopping YanXu?

After thinking about it, the two old men had only one answer in mind.


If you marry the daughter of your family to YanXu, won't you be able to stabilize your family's position without stopping this?

It's just

Two old men want to go together, can only sigh to continue to move forward.

Marriage is really a good way. Unfortunately, YanXu likes men and has no interest in women. If he really wants to send men, he will be given back to them respectfully. Don't try to please them at that time, but offend those two. That's really self defeating.The election of YanXu as the head of state was decided before winter, and the four families agreed. The Luo family and Mo Jiaming knew that things could not turn around, so why offend the future leader? It's better to sell it, and gain some face in front of YanXu, so as to protect the family's status in the future.

Every time I see YanXu in the big head of state's office, from morning to night, Tang Shi will look at him with infinite sympathy. YanXu, a fool, is buried alive by everyone. When the head of state listens to all kinds of tall and tall, it is actually a place where troubles gather. Any problem that can't be solved will be sent to YanXu's desk.

How to do if YanXu can't solve it? If you want to break your head, you have to solve it. Who let him be the head of state?

YanXu is dead tired and has been the head of state for a month. He has endless affairs to deal with every day. Looking at those officials who throw them to him when they are in trouble and hide themselves, YanXu is itching with hatred. Then he comes up with a way to solve the problems that can't be solved below. He recruits those capable cadres and assigns them to do them one by one No, I can't solve it. I'll be ready to resign. This position needs to be replaced.

Those young people who are not easy to be in power want to have more power. They are not willing to give up their position. They have to work hard to find a way? The worst thing is the people below, one layer on top of the other. Originally, the head of state was bothered by the thorny problems thrown up, but they didn't expect to circle them down or fall on them. In the end, they had to work hard to solve them. What should we do if we don't solve them? Can't you really hand in your resignation?

At this time, the weather has entered the early winter, and the first snow began outside. Many people in the world had never seen snow before. They did not expect that in the first year of coming to the world, they were lucky to see such a heavy snow. The weather is very cold. The temperature is a few degrees below zero in the daytime, and it is more than 20 degrees below zero at night. This is just the early winter. It seems that this winter is definitely not It's hard.

Now the most important thing is food and heating. Although they had guessed that winter here might be very cold, they just spent the first winter in this world, and they didn't really realize it. Until now, they know that winter is so cold.

In the spring, summer and autumn of this year, young and strong men are all building houses, while old and weak women are looking for food and farming.

There are many open spaces in this plain. In the Tang Dynasty, several squares of rice, wheat and flour were still in the small lattice. At this time, they could be used. In the Tang Dynasty, they organized people to look for food materials in the distant forests and mountains. As long as they were non-toxic and edible, they would bring them back. If they had a good taste, they could plant them on a large scale, and they would deliberately keep them, Waiting for the next day's reclamation and planting, rice and wheat were mainly planted this year.

People's food is still insufficient. There are so many people who can't be allocated to the public. They can only solve the food problem by themselves. If a family has no labor force, it will provide supplies. Today's situation is a little better than that in the famine years. At least there are many food materials in the distant forest that you need to find by yourself. There are also many animals that can be used as meat.

However, there are also restrictions on hunting. You can't hunt endlessly. You can only hunt adult animals. Young and pregnant animals can't be killed. Of course, if anyone has the strength, he can go to the Luna forest to hunt the mutant animals and exotic animals.

In the late autumn, people began to store food for the winter. It's really a last resort. Many of them come from big cities and have never been to the farmland. It's really more difficult than anything to let them farm. Nowadays, there are no top students who can eat enough than old farmers.

Even if they have experienced the end of the world, they can survive perfectly, except that they have the strength to become awakened, or the family is hard enough to let them not worry about food and clothing in the end of the world, but here, no one is responsible for their food and clothing. If they want to live, they have to do it by themselves.

Don't you see that even the four families are cultivating themselves? What right are they to blame?

However, even if everyone is preparing for the winter, after all, the food is limited. A large forest must provide food for millions of people, which is definitely not enough. Every family can store at most a little food, which is not enough to last this winter. Even if they want to go hunting in the cold winter, some animals must not migrate to warm places!

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