Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 288 - Pattinson Residence Part 2

Chapter 288 - Pattinson Residence Part 2


       Agatha wasn't smiling at all. Sarah is putting light make up to her. She kept glancing her phone and Dmitri isn't texting her. The last text she received from him is three red hearts and then nothing after that. Sarah noticed her anxiety and then she put down the brush.

"I can help you escape," Sarah said and she looked up at her baby sister. "I don't like the man." Their mother just left the room, so she didn't hear what Sarah said. Agatha tightened her lips and she took her little sister's hand.

"Someone will come for me and save me. I will be with him no matter. Even if the world is against us."

     Sarah felt relieved but still, she doesn't know how to help.

"You shouldn't worry. He's not an ordinary man."

"I heard that Dad is marrying you off because of some empire who wanted you," Sarah said.

"What empire?"

"I don't know." Sarah shook her head. "He gets nuts when he received a letter from them."

     Agatha frowned and thought about it. Who could it be? Sarah glanced at the time and then she continued putting makeup on her. Once that she's ready, she gave her phone to Sarah to capture her. She made a few pauses and smiles on the camera for her man and then she took her phone back and checked the photos then she sent it to him.

Dmitri: I love the dress. 

     He commented.

Dmitri: I will be very pleased if I would undress you. Or maybe, I could make love to while you still have that dress on. 

     She pressed her legs and bit her lip after she read what he sent to her.

Dmitri: Keep that dress, my Lady. I will make love to you soon while you are wearing it.

     She smirked and give him lots of kisses and hearts. Sarah rose her brows and noticed Agatha's unusual behavior. She might be so in love with this man. And she hoped that he won't break her heart.

Agatha: Then, come to me. I would spread my legs for you. 

Dmitri: I love the dress. I love it if you would spread your legs only for me. But mostly, I love you the most. 

     Agatha bit her lip. Her eyes heated up and watered, but she controlled it. She can't mess up her make. She wanted to be beautiful for Dmitri, though he wouldn't be here. After a while, she stayed in her room chatting with Dmitri and then when Sarah left the room, she called him through video call, and he smiled at her.

"You know what? I will keep this dress if you like this." She said and smiled at him seductively.

"You just look stunning." Lots of things are coming into his mind. "I'll show you to my mansion, next time."

     Her eyes widen and she gaped.


"Yes." He smiled at her. "It will be yours."

"Dmitri… I—I don't want to live in your mansion without you."

"Don't worry." He winked at her. A knock on the door interrupted her. Then she turned around without letting anyone see who she is calling with.

"Everyone is downstairs." Her mother said softly. She nodded and then she looked down at him on the camera. Her mother closes the door and she smiled at him tightly.

"Dinner is ready. I'll be with you later." She said softly.

"Hmm. I hope you like my gift." He said and then he hung up. Gift? She was in a puzzle as she went downstairs and found Andromeda wearing a mask with Zachary. They are on the sofa, cuddled together as they play on whatever games they are playing.

     She saw a man in a suit looking at her with a smile, but she didn't smile back or something. She saw how his lips curled and he adjust his pants. She shuddered on the way he looked at her, but he immediately changed how he looked at her from lust to endearment.

"This is my firstborn. Agatha, meet Richard De Roberto. Richard, Agatha." Her father Eric introduces them. She only looked past at him as Richard smiled at her and extend his hand. She didn't take it or something.

"What is this?" She asked her father coldly.

"He's our guests. He's with his assistant." The man at the height of 5'5 bow at her and adjusts his eyeglasses shortly scanning him.

     She doesn't like it. She felt bold in front of them. She looked at Andromeda and Zachary who is now standing, asking for their help. Zachary pressed his lips and clenched his fist while Andromeda is relaxed, and she smiled and winked at her. She doesn't know what she means but if they are with her, she will be safe.

"The dinner is served." Her mother said to ease up the tension. Their twenty-seater table has gaps so there will be at least one-meter distance. But she noticed that Andy and Zach don't like distancing. She glanced at her Uncle Rafael and Aunt Angela who started the conversation.

"I heard that your business is growing wild," Rafael commented to Richard. Richard smiled.

     The man is handsome. Yes. He got a good body built but not perfect and still, her Dmitri is way sexier, and Dmitri is three inches taller than Richard. Also, the man looked so confident. But something about him makes her stomach form knots.

"Yes. It was growing, Sir. But because of lockdown, I think it will take time until it became livelier as before. Still, we are serving foods."

"So, you are in the food industry?" Agatha asked and the man smiled at her trying to charm her, but that fake smile doesn't affect her.

"Yes, my lady."

"Don't call me that." She said. "Only one man can call me that."

"Agatha," Eric warned her. She sighed and put down her spoon and fork.

"Father," She said coldly. "Tell me. Are you selling me off?" She looked at him sharply.

     Rafael cleared his throat and looked at his younger brother who is going to burst anytime. Then Rafael looked at Zachary who had his deadly eyes to Richard. Well, quick observation of Rafael Pattinson.

"You are arranged to marry him."

"I better be off from this family than marrying any man." She said.

"Mr. Pattinson, I think we can set this slow," Richard said. "Agatha is still in shock. I want to woo her until she is ready to be with me."

     Agatha laughed sarcastically then she looked at the man.

"There's no way that I'll fall in love with you." She said it straight. She saw how his hand clenched and unclenched. He's trying to control himself.

     They are all shocked when Manuel Pattinson entered the dining hall with his crane and his assistant.

"I wasn't expecting this," Manuel grumbled.

"Dad." Eric stood from his seat and approached him.

"No." He waved him off and he went directly to Zachary and Andromeda. "Where is your damn grandfather?"

     Andromeda laughed beautifully as it echoes around the hall.

"Grandpa, don't be so jealous that he can't be here."

"He mentioned to me that I am going to have a grandchild."

     Zachary hands up.

"Nope. Not us." He shook his head. Then he looked around and then he darted his eyes to Richard.

"You, young man. What's your name?" He asked sharply. Richard stood and bow his head to him as respect. General Pattinson had that aura.

"I'm Richard De Roberto, Sir."

"Hmm. And what is this mess about?" He asked. He looked at Agatha and smiled.

"I am here to woo your granddaughter, Agatha."

     Manuel looked at Andromeda with a smirked on her face and Zachary gritted her teeth. Well, something is off.

"Does my granddaughter want to be wooed by you?" He asked.

     A butler came up running.

"Sir, there are people outside." He whispered to Eric and he frowned.

"What people?"

"There are at least two dozen men in suits."

"What is this?" Manuel asked and looked at Andromeda. She shrugged at him and then she approached the old man and helped him.

"Why won't we check it?" She asked and the man was willing to let her help him out.

     Agatha stood from her seat as everyone went on their way. She almost forgot her phone and she took it then Richard was already in front of her. Everyone is leaving and they are left. He reached her chin and smiled at her lustfully.

"Agatha, you are mine no matter what. Your father and I have a deal."

     She gritted her teeth and pushed him. She walked fast to catch up. She doesn't want to be any close to him. She felt like anytime she's going to throw up. They walked down the driveway and outside their big gate is men lining up. She walked to the very front to see it and when she's on the front. They bow at her.

"Good Evening, Lady Agatha." They said in unison. Her heart started pumping fast. Ten of them are holding boxes. Eric moved closer to see them and he expects them to wear Dragon Emblem, but it's not. It looks like a bird. His heart nearly dies… Not Eagle.  

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