Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 289 - Start Of Courtship Part 1

Chapter 289 - Start Of Courtship Part 1

         Rafael moved closer to check on them. He's sure that they are from the Dragon Empire, but they aren't wearing any Dragon empire pins. Instead, they are wearing Phoenix pins. He sipped some air and looked at his father.

"Dad, it's Phoenix," Rafael muttered to him. His eyes widen and tell them to open the gate. The guards did open the gate. He looked at Eric who get paled and then he told him that it's Phoenix, not Eagle.

         He sighed in relief as the ten men in a suit holding boxes move closer to them. One stepped forward, he's holding a black box and on top of it is a printed Phoenix. One assist him to open it and gave her the letter. She took it and pull out the card.

Lady Agatha,

My beloved. I hope that you'll love my gifts. I'm still missing you.



         She bit her lip and smiled at it.

"There are also gifts for your siblings and parents." The man said and then he snapped his finger as he held the box with one hand. She called the butler and tell him to accept the gifts. Maids came running and took the gifts.

         She turned to Andromeda who winked at her. She was over the moon at that moment, holding the card. Eric moved forward and faced the man that Agatha is talking to.

"Who are you? Who sent you?" He asked sharply. The Agent bows his head to him.

"Mr. Black send us to deliver these gifts to Lady Agatha."

"Black?" His voice deep and he frowned. He looked at Andromeda.

"Care to explain this? Lady Andromeda?"

         Andy shrugged at him.

"Half of them are trained in the agency but they aren't all part of my empire." She said like she's also puzzled about the happenings.

         Owen, Agatha's fifteen-year-old brother stepped in and check every man. He nodded and looked at Elder Pattinson.

"Grandpa, I think, sis' lover isn't an ordinary person," Owen said and then he looked at his father. "Dad, I think you should conduct our procedure before you marry off my sister to any stranger."

         Agatha loved her baby brother. He's just blunt as her and he got a high IQ than the ordinary teen.

         Richard is clenching his fist hard and he gritted his teeth. Sarah noticed how mad Richard is becoming and she shivers. She slowly moved closer to her mother and she whispered to her.

"I think dad shouldn't be stubborn," Sarah said and she hugged herself. Edna hugged her daughter because she looked so scared as hell.

"What's wrong?" Edna asked. She shook her head and lean to her mother seeking comfort.

         One man approached Eric and another man approached Manuel handling them a square envelope with a golden mark of Phoenix.

         Once that the maids and butlers gathered the gifts they all stepped back in unison and V line, they bowed at them.

"Have a good night's sleep, Lady Agatha. Good night, to Pattinson Residence."

         They all marched back their cars and left. Agatha reached her heart. This is the gift that he's talking about. She's happy at that moment. Dmitri isn't going anywhere. He is taking her.

"Phoenix," Manuel muttered and he looked at Andromeda who only wrapped herself to Zachary.josei

         They all went back inside, and Agatha first took the box for her. She opened it and found a beautiful designer bag and then there's a t-shirt. Dmitri's t-shirt. She hid the shirt and just admire the bag. Sarah gasped and pull out a pair of Louboutin shoes. The only one that existed.

"Oh, my god!" She gasped and checked it. It's authentic and she squeals. "Mom! Look." She's been dreaming to have a pair of it.

"Eric, Rafael, and Zachary. To the library. Now." He demanded. He first walked to the library with Zachary and Eric approached Richard.

"We will talk after this," Eric said. Richard nodded.

"I hope you won't back out from our deal," Richard said.

"I will sort this out." Eric left.

         Richard watched Agatha become so happy with just a bag or maybe it was the letter. He knows that there's something more inside the box that her lover gave. She closed the box and then told the maid to send it to her room.

         Then she walked out of the house on the way to the garden and she's talking to someone over the phone. He followed her and keep his distance as he listened to her talking over the phone.

"I like it." She muttered. "Sarah loves the shoes. How did you manage to get it? Hmm… I just wish that you were here… I know… I'll call you when I get back to my room." Then she hung up. It's his cue to approach her.

"You know that I can give you more than that," Richard said. She stepped back and frowned at him. "The bag wasn't that expensive."

"I don't care." She said. "I wasn't expecting some luxurious bag or dozens of armies to my house."

         He sighed and reached her hand. She flinches away. Richard is very impatient, so he grabbed her by the elbow and pull her close to him until she nearly smashes to his chest. He smelled her like a sick man. He sighed and smirked.

"I will have you, no matter what. Your father and I have a deal. If you won't get married to me, then something else will come and take you. Do you understand?"

         She pushed him and slapped him hard. He smirked and looked back at her. He was about to attack her when Owen came and pointed a gun to him. He's fifteen years old but he knows how to hold a fucking gun.

"Come closer to my sister again," Owen said with cold eyes.

"Owen." Agatha gently stepped closer to him and hold his arm.

"I don't care about who you are. But if you touch her again, I'll blow your fucking dick with my bullets." He threatened. Agatha never saw him acted like this.

"Put it down, please," Agatha said softly. Owen put down the gun and the guards surrounded Richard. Richard's assistant was dragged as well.


         Manuel Pattinson opened the card and a handwritten letter was meant for him.

Sir Manuel Pattinson,

I wanted to ask for your permission for the hand of your granddaughter. I love her so much and I know that it's crazy, but I can't let my Agatha live in a miserable life with the man that your son arranged for your granddaughter. Give me a chance to show you how much I love her.

I am a Phoenix.


         He knew well about the Phoenix and how they got massacred because they can foresee the future. He looked at Eric who read in the letter and then, he went to the window to look out the garden.

"What's wrong?" Rafael asked and he checked what he's looking.

         Manuel is also watching Agatha talking over the phone while behind her is Richard a few steps away. They watched the scene and on how Richard become vicious to Agatha. Then the scene on how Owen pointed a gun to Richard and the guards surrounded them.

"Eric, why do you want my granddaughter to marry this psycho?" Manuel asked. Eric bowed his head. He didn't expect this.

"Who did a background investigation toward the man?" Manuel turned to the three gentlemen. Eric is guilty of not investigating deeper.

"I did." Zachary stepped forward and then he arranged the hard drive and showed them on the big screen about Richard. His dirty secrets and even inside his house. Agatha and Dmitri search thoroughly to his deepest darkest secret.

         In the mansion where Agatha will live with Richard, there's a red room, with chains and then flogs and other crazy stuff that he was pleased to do. It's not just that. He loved hitting on women. They also interview a few women that have been in a relationship with him and they shuddered by just hearing his name.

         They were raped and they couldn't file charges since he's a wealthy man and they are just nothing. Manuel told Eric to approach him and he did. He received a loud and crisp slap from his father.

"Do you want your daughter to live in a hell like that?" Manuel said aloud. "Do not arrange my granddaughters to marriages without my permission. Even though you are their father—I still have the right to protect them."

"I'm sorry. I didn't look thoroughly." Eric said in a low voice.

"Why? Why do you want her to marry someone that we don't even know?"

"She's in danger. I received a letter from Eagle Empire and one of the heirs wanted to marry Agatha."

         Manuel's eyes become fierce by just hearing the Eagle Empire. He clenched his fist and then he laughed. Zachary is just calm watching the scenario. Then Manuel sat down and sighed.

"Then, I guess. Phoenix is rising. Eagle will be very pissed to know that my granddaughter is going to be a Phoenix soon."

"What do you mean?" Eric asked. He pointed out the letter that Eric is holding.

"That letter. I am sure that it said that you need to look out the window. There is proof. Your daughter is dating a Phoenix and he saw this. He wanted to show you the demon that you are about to push to your daughter."

"Agatha will surely kill herself," Zachary muttered. Rafael turned to him. "I happened to know the story." He said shortly.

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