Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 374 - Baby Shower Part 2

Chapter 374 - Baby Shower Part 2

 Moira glanced at Alanis beside her. He had his eyes closed and it felt like the biggest fight that they ever had. She knows that he felt disappointed because she wasn't pregnant, but she just can't. She needed to protect Andromeda and other heiress and heirs for their family.

 She reached his hand and he squeezed her hand. She lifted it to wrapped it around her body and then she leaned on him. Alanis moved close to her and hugged her tightly as he pressed his lips on her top head.

"I want to have a wedding after all of the disasters." She said softly. "I will marry you. I will have babies with you but in our condition right now, I can't have a baby. Andromeda is pregnant. Freya is pregnant. Agatha is pregnant and Selina too… then there's Natasha. I need to protect them first. They are all carrying heiress and heirs of our empire."

"You always care for others too much and you forget about yourself."

"They are family." She looked up at him. "Maybe after a year or two—we can have babies."

"Okay." He smiled at her and kissed her lips.

 They are driving on an empty highway. Alanis and Moira are too caught up at each other when suddenly a sharp sound cling into the front directly to the driver. If it wasn't bulletproof—their driver might be already dead. The driver didn't stop driving as he swiftly speeds up to overtake from the car in front of them. 

 Moira reached her crossbow and arrow from the compartment of their sedan. Alanis took his gun from the other compartment and he pulled a ready bulletproof vest and gave it to her. He kissed her lips and he looked outside as he checks his gun and the bullets.

 They looked at the other cars as they increased the speed. He immediately called for backup. The chopper will be faster.

 Andromeda opened the window shield a little and then she positioned from her seat and the crossbow and arrow using the small open space and she hit it directly to the car's tire just driving beside them as they showered them with bullets.

 Alanis immediately closed the window shield and pull her into his arms protectively. She put away the arrow and the car that she hit exploded.

"Beautiful." Moira admired the fire. Alanis laughed and kissed her lips.

"My Fire Dragon."


 Andy sent men to investigate the incident. Moira is once again enjoying some actions. She envied her so much that she could enjoy such things. She took another piece of siomai and Zach is feeding her like a pig. But she's hungry and she doesn't care. Freya is eating double than she does.

"I am off to bed," Selina told them as she yawned.

"Good night!" They said at the same time. Fin and Selina left for their bedroom and Dmitri is still enjoying cooking for them.

 Her handsome Uncle is a great cook. Agatha gained weight her small bump is also getting bigger. She will get fat soon because of pregnancy. But what can she do? Her baby needs a lot of nutrition. Although she eats a lot, she still managed to work out a few sweats and doing a little yoga that is helpful for her pregnancy.

 After she finished a few pieces of siomai, Zachary took her outside for a walk. They hold hands under the moon and Zach kept falling in love with her. She's just beautiful with everything she wears. He mostly likes the outfit of her when she's not wearing anything at all.

"I am working on a few things for our baby." He started. They stopped in front of the statue of the Goddess. It might be Demeter, mother of fertility. Then he hugged her from behind and put his hand over her stomach.

"I can't wait for our baby to come out." He murmured. Andy giggled and turned her head so she could kiss her cheek.

"Our baby is just weeks old. We still have to wait for a few more months."

"Baby, don't make it hard for mommy, okay?" He said as he gently rubbed her stomach. There isn't even a bump, but the doctor confirmed that her baby's embryo is healthy.

"I think I will be more annoying in the first trimester. Please be patient with me."

 Zachary pressed his lips to her neck.

"Love, I am always patient."

"Good. Because from what I see from Freya—I think Steven always felt lonely when she's not talking to him."

"Freya loves Steven. Don't worry about them."

"Steven is martyr enough to be around the flaming phoenix." Andy murmured and looked up the sky. "It's too cloudy tonight that I can barely see any stars."

"Let's go back inside?" He asked.

 She nodded and let him carry her back inside to the guest room.


 Moira didn't feel satisfied with the little action a while ago. But it's enough to make Andromeda envy about the little action that happened. She even called and called her bitch. She couldn't help but to laugh and peeve her more.

 She needed to at least make her envy of the ambush that happened, and she had made a car explode. Surely, she's envious of her because she's pregnant while she's not. Alanis is disappointed and if she's pregnant he would be over the moon in excitement.

"You look sad." Alanis noticed while he's busy making phone calls. Instead of going directly to their mansion. They stayed at one of the hideouts for safety. A while ago, she enjoyed the scenario and she's happy but now, after talking to Andromeda she felt down. "What's happening, darling?" He asked.

"Nothing." She smiled at him. "Let's take shower."

"Go ahead, darling. I will still make phone calls."

 She nodded and peel of her clothes. He turned back from her and dialed another number to check the person that is after him. It's not Kuznetsov and it's not Lebedov. He's somehow puzzled for the moment. Someone is after him or if not, after his fiancée.

"Find out who sent them."

"Yes, Sir."


 Zach looked at her sleeping wife and he gently slipped off from the bed and he took his phone and went to the balcony. He gently closed the door, so he called his assistant. It rung and after few moments, his male assistant answered.

"Yes, sir?"

"Are you already in France?"

"Positive sir. I am currently in the store as for your request."

"Okay. Buy the best fabrics and baby stuffs."

"Yes, sir."

"Have you check the Versace store?"

"I already did. They have new designs for dresses. I will send it to you."

"Good. Thank you." He hung up and turned to the door to go back to his wife. But his wife is frowning at her. Oh, damn. She's so jealous again.

 He opened the door and smiled at her.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked and he closes the door.

"Who are you talking to?"

"My assistant."

"Why are you sneaking?"

"I—I am not sneaking." He took her hand to his chest. "You need to sleep."

"How can I fucking-sleep if you are sneaking out and calling someone in the middle of the night?" She pulled her hand and crossed her arms. He showed her the call logs.

"I called my assistant. Okay?"

 She creased her brows.

"I am just making sure because a while ago, her exes from high school are offering you their phone number and their fake tits!"josei

 What a temper? Zach is really surprised with it. He's loving her more. And that's also what he wanted when he said that she wanted her to be territorial. She's a little nagging and he like it. He laughed a little and reached her face.

"Baby, don't be jealous."

 She grunted and turned back from him. Zachary snaked his arms around her and scooped her from the floor and gently put her to bed.

"Don't be cruel, love." He kissed her forehead. "I'll cuddle you."

"You better be!" She gritted at him. He only smiled from her tantrums and hugged her tightly as he gently rubbed her stomach.

"Calm down." He kissed her cheek.


 In the morning, they woke up late and if Andy didn't wake him up, he might've sleep until lunch. She's complaining and she's hungry. She put her robe on and her slippers and he followed her downstairs. She sniffled and went to the kitchen.

"Don't ever starve Andy." Dmitri told Zach.

"Yes, Uncle."

 Zach rubbed her sides and then he helped Dmitri with the food.

"What do want to eat love?" He asked. Andy couldn't decide.

"I'll eat anything." She said.

 So, Zach and Dmitri prepared the breakfast for everyone. Then, they set it outside in the garden and her Aunt Cersei seemed to be glooming as Agent Sanchez seat with them and Selina is talking to him like a real dad. Well, if they are happy.

 Their grandfather also joined them, and he seemed to be healthier than before. He's laughing more and he said that he's already making a playground on the wide lawn.

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