Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 375 - Complete Happiness Part 1

Chapter 375 - Complete Happiness Part 1

 It's been a week and Selina gave birth to a baby girl. They named her Beatrix. It's a beautiful baby girl and she looked so bright and she also liked talking. Fin kept on talking to baby Beatrix and she would respond and would make baby noises. Selina is so proud of Daddy Fin.

 After she got discharged from home, there's a surprise party for baby Beatrix and her grandfather is so happy. Besides baby Kale, he's getting more excited to see more great-grandchildren. Andromeda couldn't help but to always carry Baby Beatrix or Baby Kale. She's taking all the babies from them.

"Hey, we have our baby." Zachary murmured to her ear. The girls are frowning at you.

"What?" She glared at him. She's a monster so he let her have her way. Kale started crying and she gave it back to Luna.

"Darling, baby Beatrix is just born. Gave it back to Selina."

 Andy looked at the baby beside her and she did give it back to Selina. Zach took her away from them and smiled at her.

"Do you want to go to Hawaii?"

"For what?" She asked.

"Let's elope." He grinned at her. She bit her lip and nodded.

"I'll go anywhere with you."

"I already set things and the jet plane. Everything is in good condition."

"When are we leaving."

"Today." He took her out from them. She's too surprised.

"Are you serious?" She asked again.

"Yes." He opened the car door for her. She's excited as they leave for the Pattinson Private Departure. His jet plane is waiting with five bodyguards.

 She held hands with him as they enter his private jet plane. As she entered the plane, she smelled good foods. He took her to the sofa and the attendant served them beverages with a silver straw. She smiled at him and sipped on the juice.

"Since when did you plan this?"

"Well, not a long time. I wanted us to get married to the place that we wanted back then."

 It wasn't painful for Andy anymore. Losing a child is more painful. Zach is already with her and she's happy. He gave her the cure for the pain that she's been feeling. And it was him and his explanation of why he left her. But all is well. She's more than happy.

 They settled in and she said that she's tired. So, he takes her to the bedroom of his jet plane, and they cuddled while the plane is flying to Hawaii.


 Fin gently caressed baby Beatrix's head and kissed her nose lightly. She looked so much like Selina and he's once again in love. He already loves baby Beatrix ever since that Selina told him that she's pregnant. His heart is over the moon in excitement. He's thinking that it may be the last day he will live because he's so happy.

"Fin, I think you are neglecting your baby's mother," Selina said as she reached a glass of water that Fin always prepares for her.

"Bea just look so much like you. By the way, we'll settle our wedding on the first of January. Is that okay? I think James' wedding will be canceled."

"I will be ready." She said and looked at her stretch marks. Although she gets a little bloated, Fin said that she's still beautiful and she's wonderful for carrying their baby for months.

"Stanley and Luna are also getting married this coming December. So, we are scheduled for next year."

"Damn, what's with the line up of weddings in this family?" She asked and move close to them. She gently kissed the baby Bea's head. The baby smelled so good and Fin looked a wonderful father with the baby in his big arms.

"I know right? But we need to get married first before Steven and Freya snatched our year."josei

"I agree with you." She said. Baby Bea also made a baby sound like she's also joining the conversation. She just looked so adorable that Fin couldn't put her down.


 Freya looked at Natasha's big stomach. She thought of her stomach to be that big. She exhaled. She knew that it will be harder than she thought. She looked at James who affectionately rubbed his wife's stomach and he seemed to be talking to the babies inside it.

"Oh damn," Freya muttered and Steven snickered. Freya smacked him hard as he winced and rubbed his arm. "It's your fault!" She hissed at him. Steven would love that so much. It's his fault that she's pregnant. It was his plan at all.

"Where did Andy go?" Dmitri asked as he looked around.

"She eloped with Zach," James told.

"Oh." Dmitri nodded. "She should be careful." He murmured and then he reached his phone and tapped it.

 Dmitri is a very responsible man. Andromeda's safety is his top priority. She's the Dragon and she's carrying the heir or heiress.

"Andy and Zach shouldn't elope somewhere," Freya muttered, and then she looked at Ellen who is talking to their grandfathers. "Something isn't right." She exhaled.

"What's wrong?" Steven asked and caressed her hair.

"I just feel a little down. Everyone is happy but I feel down." She said.

"You need a power hug?" He spread his arms and she wrapped herself to him.


 After what seemed to be forever, they reached Hawaii and the first thing they go is a very nice cottage. She squealed in excitement as they dropped off their luggage and they went to the restaurant. She loves lobsters, shrimps, and other crustaceans. So, he ordered an amount of it for. He's the one who is peeling it off from the shells to feed her and their baby.

 She sometimes had morning sickness but craving for foods and extreme jealousy is like every day. But he loves her so much no matter her mood swings.

"Thank you, Zach." She sincerely said.

"Don't mention it. I will do everything for you." He looked around and looked back at her. "Let's make good memories here again."

"Okay." She nodded.

"I will always keep you safe and our baby." He reached her face and then he wiped a few sauce stains on her lips. Their bodyguards are wearing black Hawaiian shirts and denim pants. They are also eating surrounding their table so no one would dare to hurt them.

"Let's go shopping tomorrow. I need a new dress for our wedding."

"Sure. I already recommended a boutique."


 Ellen rolled over the bed and glare at the time. It's already seven and she hated to get up early again and watched leave for work. She exhaled and looked at Andel who took his briefcase. He approached her and kissed her lips.

"Stop frowning, baby girl."

"I hate it when you always leave." She murmured and sat up.

"This won't take long." He caressed her hair. "Soon it will end." He said softly.

"Make sure of that." She snorted.

"You aren't going to the rest?" He asked.

"No. I am not in the mood."

"Then, I'm leaving. He bent down and kissed her more. Grandpas are having a tai-chi in the garden. Why won't you join them?"

 She groaned and glared at him like an angry kitty. He laughed and he put his briefcase away. He pulled his tie and then pull the sheets that show her sexy negligee. She frowned at him as he reached her thighs and spread it for him. He kissed her knees and then her inner thighs down to her exposed beauty.

 Ellen bit her lip as she watched him shoved his face and started eating her there. She let out a loud moaned and her back arcs. Soon, she just came. Then, Andel unzipped his pants and shove deep inside her. It was a quick one. Ellen goes back to sleep and kissed him goodbye.

"I love you." He murmured that she thought she heard from her dream.

 She woke up and found her granddads playing sudoku in the living room. She went to the kitchen and her breakfast is served. She eats a little and went to her grandpas.

"Can we go out for shopping or maybe to the arcade or something?" She asked. The two old men looked at each other and they put down their card.

"Golf?" Alex asked. Ellen snorted.

"That's boring."

"Wrestling?" Manuel pointed his hand.

"Great!" Alex agreed. "Then I am going to check on my great-grandchildren." Alex grinned. Manuel snorted and shook his head.

"Let's go watch some good wrestling." Ellen nodded and she went upstairs to change her clothes. Then she opened her wardrobe and smiled at the new clothes that Andel settled for her. She all like the designs and the brands. He did think of her a lot.

 She changed into a most glamorous dress. It might be expensive too then she used her Louboutin shoes. She went downstairs and her grandparents are wearing the most stylish suits.

"Wow, so much of visiting the great-grandchildren." She took her phone and asked the maid to take a photo of them.

 She positioned between them and the old men even pose in a very old fashion way.

"Gorgeous." She said in excitement as she took her phone and posted it.

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