Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 683 - Little Wife Part 2

Chapter 683 - Little Wife Part 2


        No one ever does that. She turned back from Nathaniel and faced the moon above the sea as the light reflects on the water. She didn't want to live like this. She didn't want to live in the luxury that she didn't deserve. However, here she is with this man that happened to be her husband. He's willing to give everything in exchange for her body and that she can't cheat.

        She will never think of cheating. Why would someone like him do goodness like this? She just wished that he isn't a psychopath. However, from the past, he helped her and he also pays for the glasses that have been broken.

        There's no psychopath to do that. Someone would do to mimic someone's gesture but as she looked into his eyes, she's falling deep. She didn't expect him to be like this.

"I don't want to waste your money, Nathaniel."

"Your money is my money. But only a few amounts." He patted her head again. "Stop thinking a lot. You can go out of the house. But before that, I need to give things to make sure that you won't get kidnapped or something."

"Hmm? Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, it's part of our living. We are always secured and I need to secure you since you've been involved with me."

        She didn't know well about their family. But the surname of Mondragon is a lot. So, she will just need to follow him and obey him as a wife would do.

"Well, let's go back inside." He took her hand and bring her back to the villa.

        They enter the villa and he turned on the security alarm. He then carried her upstairs to their bedroom.


        She sat up after her alarm goes off. She slipped off from the bed and put her robe on. She went to the bathroom, wash her face, and brush her teeth, and gargle. She checked the camera outside her room. Butler Samson is knocking with her breakfast and tea.

        She wiped her face and opened the door using her tablet. Butler Samson entered her room. He set up her breakfast on the table and he tidies up her bed and vacuums it with hot steam, as she always likes to disinfect it.

        He opened the curtains for good sunlight. She sat down and started with herbal tea and she read the daily news. She wanted to exercise today but somehow, she felt really tired and lethargic.

        She stood to prepare her clothes but she fell on the floor and lose consciousness.

"Lady Cyra!" Butler Samson put away everything that he's holding. He knelt and pulled her up to his arms and he checked her heartbeat by placing his ears to her chest.

"What's going on?" The maid entered.

"Call an ambulance!" He said and the maid nodded.

        He pulled up the sleeve to check her arms. He stopped seeing bruises in her arm. Just as he expected. He carried her outside and then, he closed her room. He gently put her on the sofa and Natalia come out and she approached Cyra.

"Cyra!" Natalia is damn worried as she checked her pulse and they are damn waiting for the ambulance.

"Miss Natalia, can you please get some of her clothes and socks?" He asked. Natalia nodded. She couldn't get into Cyra's room so she went to her room to take warm socks and pants since she's wearing a dress.

        He turned back as Natalia put it to Cyra and Butler Samson carried her outside and just in time that the ambulance arrived.

"I'll follow you to the hospital!" Natalia said and he nodded.

        Butler Samson watched as they put an oxygen tank on her. He slid his hand to his pocket to reach for his phone but damn, he forgot his phone in the kitchen.

        Soon, they reached the emergency room and he asked the doctor that she's been seeing Dr. Elise Walter. Soon, Dr. Elise Walter came.

        So, he waited as they checked on her, and then, Dr. Elise came to him.

"Her condition?" He asked.

"I—I signed a contract with Miss Pattinson, I can't release anything."

"I'm her Butler and Bodyguard, I work for her parents and I need to know everything about her health issues."

"I'm sorry, Mr—"

"I'm Butler Tucker Samson." He extended his hand and she shook it.

"But I can't. Let's wait until had her consciousness back."

        Butler Samson knew that the Doctor won't speak because she signed a big deal. They take her to a private room with dextrose connected to her and a few apparatuses. She slowly opened her eyes and she looked around.

"Don't move." He said. The door opened and Natalia entered almost crying.

"I am fine," Cyra said.

"You aren't fine. You collapsed." Natalia said. "What is happening to you?"

"I—I just haven't had enough sleep." She told.

"You've been lethargic and even though you sleep you still feel tired."

"Did you call my mother or father?" Cyra asked and Natalia seemed to also forget her phone. "Do not tell them." She said.

"What's going on?" Natalia asked.

"I've been restless these past few days. I just need to rest."

"Okay," Natalia nodded.

"Can you get me something to eat or drink?"

"I'll get it," Butler said.

"No. Stay here. You will only take my orders. Do you understand?"

        Natalia bit her lip to avoid smiling.

"Natalia, I need to speak to him. Buy me something to eat, please."

"Sure, sure! I'll also call the school."

"Thank you."

        Natalia left and she glared at Butler Tucker. He approached her and put his hand at his back.

"Did you call my parents?"

"I forgot my phone back to the house."

        She smirked.

"If you say something to my parents. I'm going to kill you." She threatened.

"You can still threaten me while you are in that hospital bed."

        She smirked at him.

"What stage, Lady Cyra? Even though your doctor didn't say a thing about your illness, I see few signs that you have Leukemia."

"Okay." She shrugged.

"Why didn't you want to tell anyone?"

"I am going to find it out myself and you'll never speak to anyone about this," Cyra said.


        Nathaniel woke up just after his wife get up. Then, he started his day by drinking warm water that she prepared for him. After two cups of water, he went to the bathroom, brush his teeth, and washed his face. He put his sweat-shorts on and to the gym for thirty minutes of exercise.

        His schedule will be in two hours. He takes a bath after her gym and he went downstairs and she already prepares the breakfast and his snack. That's sweet. No one ever prepares him a snack. Foods in the cafeteria are not in his liking also he didn't want to spend a lot of money on the restaurant.

"I prepared a smoothie." She lifted the bottle. "Here's cookies and some baked sweet potato with a chocolate bar."

"I feel like I am back in grade school." It all looked famishing and she plated it well.

"What do you want for lunch?" She asked. He looked at the time. It's 8:30 and he still has another one hour before his class.

"I want some grilled fish if we have that."

"I think we bought tuna. I'll make something for that." She said.

"Come here," he pulled a chair for her and she smiled and sat down.

        She prepared fried rice, egg drop soup, sunny side up eggs, bacon, and fried fish. More protein that he needed. She also had hot cocoa for him. Nice. He never has this big breakfast in his entire college life. Of course, he ate a lot because his little wife is a good cook.

        After he ate, he went to his room, brush his teeth, and then, take his book and keys to his motorbike. The latest one. He needed to be home after his class so he needs to drive his motorbike. He went down and gave his wife a passionate kiss.

Soon, he reached the school and he parked his motorbike. He is glooming today. The past few days are worst after he caught his girlfriend cheating. But now it's a new life, and he needs to embrace it. He's wearing his leather jacket and a gray shirt and old pants and then one of his shoes. He might look cool yet poor in their eyes. Well, he doesn't care.

"Nate," There it goes, his ex-girlfriend came running to him with teary eyes. "Help me." She cried. "Oliver hit me."

"I am not the police." He said and walked past from her. But what if he hit her? Well, he didn't care anymore about them.

"You are so heartless," Kate said and he stopped and turned to her.

"Heartless, Kate? Weren't you the one that is heartless for fooling me? If Oliver hit you, why won't you report it to the police? Kate, please stop bugging. I'm married and I don't entertain any gold diggers, anymore." Nathaniel said it. He thought that it's a little harsh but the girl might probably be playing on him. He's been embarrassed by her in front of everyone because he doesn't own a truck and because Oliver has many rich friends than him.

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