Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 684 - The Butler Part 1

Chapter 684 - The Butler Part 1

        Cyra eats lots of fruits and eats whatever Natalia bought. But it's not a good breakfast because the good breakfast is back in her room. The doctor said that she needed to stay for two days to cheek her spleen and liver and whatsoever.

"Is there anything else that you wanted to eat?" He asked.

"Yes, I like a proper breakfast, not like this. I don't like take-outs."

"I can go home to prepare one for you but no one is going to guard you here."

"It's fine, I'll just stick with eating this."

"Okay, then." He nodded.

"You should eat it too." She said.

        The Butler nodded and he also eats the food that Natalia bought for them. Cyra has everything she needed most and that includes her tablet, laptop, her phone, and books. She started with making a contract and she told him to sign it.

        He read the contract first in the tablet and read it. Then, he signed it. He checked the time.

"I'll leave you when Lady Natalia comes back so I could prepare a proper meal for you and Lady Natalia."

"Okay." She slipped off from the bed and frowned at the hospital clothes that she's wearing. She already changed her underwear, and she badly wanted to take a bath or something. Tomorrow, her fasting will start, and she needed to eat foods that she needed before they make lots of tests from her.

        The Butler assists her in every way. Since she wanted to walk, she walked to the garden of the hospital. She didn't like being stuck in the bed.


        Nathaniel takes exams and answered two hundred questions in an hour. Then, he took twenty minutes break and eat the snack that his wife prepared. It's good with chocolate and he finished it all and with the chocolate and smoothie, his brain is back to work.

        He finished the hardest test but there's no test that he couldn't fail. After the test, he walked to the parking lot call his wife in the house that he's coming home. He's not used to something like that but his father always said to respect his wife. From where he's going and what's he's going to do or something. So, here he is, listening actually to his father.

"Okay, I'll ready for the meal."

"Bye." He hung up and Nathaniel is smiling despite his current heartbreak.

        He drove his bike back to the villa and his wife greet him on the door. He kissed her lips and she pulled his hand to the dining area. He put away his bag and smiled at the big meal that she prepared for him.

        There are at least three dishes for him to taste with rice and she said that she also prepared a dessert. Well, he already thinks that he's going to get fat when he's living with her.

        Everything he ate is delicious so, after their meal she gets ready. He smiled at the pretty sundress that she's wearing and it's plain and then, she put on her cardigan. She also wears sandals and she's simple and not like those girls who would show every brand that they are wearing.

        Soon, they reached the clinic and he's wearing his casual clothes. It said that it's the best Doctor in Stanford so, he also lined up his wife for it.

        They went exactly at the time for her check-up. The doctor checked her and so on. She might've noticed the bruises, so the doctor glanced at him.

"What do you suggest for the best contraceptives for her not to drink pills every day?" Nathaniel asked.

"Well, I suggest transplant or shots to her ovary for protection…" The doctor said. "But with every three months shots, you need to use a condom if you usually make love every day until three to five days."

"Okay, that will do." Nathaniel nodded.

"Since your wife has an irregular period, I will also need to go to prescribe her medicine for it. Then, we need to conduct a pelvic ultrasound."

"Oh," He smiled at her. "Do you want me to be there?" He asked. She flushed and shook her head. His phone started ringing and it's Natalia. "We will have that ultrasound." He said. "I'll just take this call. Will you be alright?" He asked her.


        Nathaniel excuses himself and Kelsie smiled at the doctor.josei

"You know, you can tell me know what happened to you. Is that man violating you?"

        Kelsie is puzzled for a while and she shook her head.

"No. He saved me." She told her. "My bruises are because of my brother in law." She told the Doctor.


        Athena checked the reports of Switzerland. She might need to go there to check it herself. So, in the middle of the night, she started with packing a few of her clothes and suits and gadgets.

"Hey, baby." Xavier rubbed his eyes as he approached her. She scanned him from head to toe. Naked and wow. Well, maybe she'll do it with him after she packed up. "Why are you packing at three in the morning?"

"Oh," She approached him and seductively caressed his chest. "I'm off to Switzerland in a few hours."

"What?" he creased his brows. "Did you just plan that now?"


        Athena didn't know about her relationship with him. She told herself that they are just f-cking friends. But he told her that he loved her every day and shows it to her every day. He cooked dinner. He also helped with cleaning her penthouse. He also checked up on her and care for her much. Well, she didn't know about love. But she just wanted to fulfill her desires for him.

"By the way, there's a girl that keep chatting you." She said and she pointed out his phone. "One of your blacklists."

"Oh." He grinned at her in a very adorable way.

"You aren't f-cking anyone while I am fucking you." She said it slowly yet dangerous.

"Wait, you mean that we are just f-cking and my love for you means nothing?"

        She pushed him a little.

"Maybe." She turned back from him and started packing.

"Okay." He nodded and pressed his lips. "I understand that you have trust issues and you can't fall in love with me because you are afraid that you'll get hurt." He said bluntly.

"Hmm," Athena likes people who are blunt and she shrugged at him.

"Athena, this is not a game to me. If I knew that you just want to do it—then, I should take back from having sex with you."

"Oh," Athena stopped and faced him. "So, you won't have sex not until you are sure that I like you or something?"

"Are we still stuck in that miscommunication again?"

"Well," Athena thought for a while. "I don't care if you didn't text me and you fuck someone else while we are having a mutual understanding—"

"We are together—"

"Okay!" She hands-up. "I still don't know why we are arguing over that thing."

        Xavier washed his hands to his face.

"Damn." He turned back from her. Athena creased her brows. So, the guy just turned back from her. He also left the room naked.

        After she is done with packing, she put it aside, and then she set her alarm. Xavier came back with a tray of snacks with milk on it as well. He put it on the table and he gesture there. She approached him and wrapped her arms around his waist covering his naked front body.

"You didn't put any sleeping pills in there?"

"No." He shook his head.

"Or maybe other drugs?"

"Just sit down. You are not going to sleep."

"What?" Athena frowned. "What do you mean? My flight is in four hours."

        He sat down with that naked butt and he pulled her into his lap. He kissed her neck.

        Athena couldn't stop her lips from smiling. She took a glass of milk and sipped it on. Then, she picked the cookies and take a bite from it.

"Is this chocolate?"

"Yes," He inserts his hand inside the shirt that she's wearing and he started massaging her bare breast. She continued eating the cookies and then, the milk.

"Can you stop that?"

"No. I'm sorry, beautiful." He kissed her ears.

"Oh-kay." She mumbled.

"Bring me chocolates from Switzerland." He mumbled to her ear and she frowned at him.

"Why chocolates?"

"I just—like chocolates. Besides, I don't know when I am going to see you, again." He slid his fingers to her lower part. She stopped eating and she turned to him.

"What are you doing?"

"I am touching you." He smirked at her.

"I know that. But I am eating, Xavier. Take your hands off." She took the milk and take a big gulp and she nearly choked when he spread her legs and slid one finger in there. Her eyes widen and she put the glass on the table. Damn, she didn't know that Xavier would be like this. Well, maybe they had done lots of things too, more than the thing that he's doing.

"Okay, don't speak French when I started pleasing you."

"Damn you." She hissed at him. Her phone started ringing and it might be an emergency.

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