Ascension of the elder

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Work boy

"Thank you and goodnight."

Kyle slept particularly well that night and awoke when the first light of the sun peeked through his bedroom window. Getting up Kyle got ready for another busy day and after showering and brushing his teeth he looked at the pile of dirty clothes on the floor and regretted not thinking of bringing a change of clothes. Even with an enhanced memory and thought process humans can still overlook the simple things.

While pretending to think philosophically there was a gentle knock at his door. Kyle was already wearing a towel so he didn't think about it and just spoke out.


The door opened and framed with the light behind her was Miranda carrying a large bag. Upon seeing Kyle standing there in nothing but a towel her eyes quickly travelled over him before snapping back and her face, ears and neck went a dark red colour.

"I'm sorry!"

She shouted before throwing the bag in the room and slamming the door shut. Not minding this little domestic disaster Kyle walked over to where the bag had fallen and upon opening it he found clothes of various different styles from his wardrobe in the main compound. It's good to have people to back you up Kyle thought as he began to dress in a clean training outfit.

Opening his door he saw Miranda was still standing there with a burning face. Deciding not to comment on this as he thought she may pass out due to mental overload Kyle led the way back to the main entranceway.

When they arrived Kyle was met with a middle aged man and a middle aged woman.

"Good morning young lord Kyle."

They spoke in unison as if they had practised this many times. Looking over his shoulder at Miranda he just asked.

"Your parents?"

"Yes sir, when they heard about making a team and they would be able to live here they both agreed as they didn't want to live apart yet."

Looking back at Miranda's parents Kyle gave them an appraisal. Both of them had brown hair, her dad was about 5 feet 10 inches and her mum was around 5 foot 6 inches. Her father also had some scars visible on his slightly muscular arms while her mum gave a jolly and comforting vibe.

"Good morning could you tell me about yourselves?"

"Well yes sir I'm Liam and this is my wife Iris, I work as a hunter and the missus looks after the house and does some cooking on the side."

Kyle smiled at Liam as he could see he was trying to be well mannered but it slipped rather easily. Iris looked apprehensively towards Kyle when her husband's manners slipped as some nobles would take this as an insult and people have been punished for less. She was able to breathe easier when she saw Kyle didn't get angry and even smiled at Liam's mode of speech.

"Oh excellent I take it Miranda has spoken about some of my plans? So would you both like to work for me? Currently I don't have a staff to look after the mansion so would you be able to work as a cook or general housekeeper and Liam I would like you to assist us in preparing for working as hunters to get some live training."

Miranda's parents were surprised with Kyle's immediate acceptance of them into his household and even wanted them to work directly for him. They thought that Kyle was sweet on their daughter and offered them rooms based on this.

Liam was especially impressed with Kyle as he was going to suggest that he accompany them when they went out the first couple of time as a guide, but he was worried as young nobles are usually arrogant Kyle however wanted his knowledge and experience which was a first for him as even young hunters from a commoner background usually thought they knew it all and would ignore the advice they were given.

"I don't know how much help we can be but we'll be happy to help."

Liam immediately spoke up as this could be a great opportunity with Iris nodding along happy to be able to spend more time with her family as they spent a great deal of time separated due to their working conditions.

"Alright that's decided then, let's go and get some breakfast."

As Kyle began to move there was a knock on the door. He didn't get an alert from the mansion when Miranda arrived or when these people approached so he didn't know if this was a short term effect or if there was some specific trigger.

Deciding it wasn't worth worrying about for a minute Kyle went to the entrance and remotely ordered the door to open. Standing in the doorway were 18 people, standing head and shoulder above everyone else was Randall and next to him was a slightly hunched over brother with Nettie standing between them so they looked like bodyguards protecting her. The others were people from the blacksmith workshop Kyle visited before and 3 young women who appeared to be apprentices of Nettie.

"Hello Kyle we received our orders at first light this morning and rushed straight over."

Nettie spoke with a gentle smile, the craftsmen here always get up before dawn so they can prepare what they need and organise the days orders.

"Welcome to my mansion. You are all welcome here, what orders did my father give you?"

"We were only told to report to you and that only you can issue us orders from now on. It was a little vague but I'm assuming you'll fill us in."

Randall responded and Kyle knew his father didn't want to say too much were it may get to unfriendly ears. Nodding his head Kyle then asked.

"Have you guys had breakfast yet?"

"Nah not yet we got the summons before we could and didn't want to leave the boss hanging."

Randall responded with his usual tone and got a back fist to the jewels from Nettie for his trouble. Well this answered the question of why his brother was hunched over. Indicating they should follow him. Kyle led the way through the mansion pointing out various rooms and facilities they were passing. Everyone was surprised as they knew this was among the oldest buildings on the estate but it appeared to be one of the, if not the most comfortable with every need and want just around the corner.

"Alright now we've got more people I'll need to start assigning rooms for you to stay in. Don't worry there are more than enough rooms for all of you to have one to yourselves."

As Kyle was giving the tour Kyle said this which made everyone happy and they raised a cheer. When they were in the craftsmen's area they had a bunkhouse which held 6 people with no privacy. They could save up to buy a house but the nearest houses were far out of their price ranges and it was too much hassle to travel every day.

As they approached the kitchen they saw a sleepy Clara heading through the door. Thinking that Ash and Lauren were probably already in there Kyle let his troop into the room. The Kitchen was as large as the dining hall in the main compound with a semi wall separating the food preparation area from the eating area. Lauren was already at the stoves looking through the equipment while Ash was leaning on a work surface near her with a cup of tea or coffee in his hand.

"Yo boss."

Ash lazily waved at Kyle. He didn't mind this as Kyle wanted his people to feel comfortable when they weren't on duty.

"His Ash, do you want to introduce us?"

"Oh right this is my wife Lauren and the little chipmunk in the pantry is my daughter Clara."

Looking around Lauren smiled and gave a curtsy which Kyle responded to with a nod before looking to the left and he saw Clara coming out of the cold store with various food articles for breakfast.

"Well Lauren, Clara you know Ash is here and what the situation is now the question is do you want to work here as well. You don't need to worry whatever you choose you can still stay with Ash."

"Sir if I may I would like to work for you so I can stay with my husband but what about Clara?"

"You don't need to worry about that, if she so desires she can train as a maid with Miranda and can also train with the rest of us. By the way everyone here will also be doing basic training with us. I don't want anyone here to be vulnerable."

Hearing this everyone was happy although Clara was a little huffy as her future was decided without her opinion but she was also happy she could stay with her family. Once everyone had introduced themselves, they all got stuck in and began to get breakfast on. Lauren and Iris hit it off straight away and were directing everyone like a pair of generals. As if on cue Bruno choose this time to arrive while being out of breath.

"What's going on?"

Bruno was looking around with a dazed look on his face due to their suddenly being so many people in the previously empty mansion. Feeling a clap on his shoulder a voice sounded in his ear.

"Time to get to work boy."

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