Ascension of the elder

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: I've got a bad feeling about this

"Time to get to work boy."

Looking back over his shoulder Bruno saw Ash had him in a vice like grip. Gulping Bruno just nodded his head and went to Kyle to receive his orders. Trying to get Bruno to help was shall we say a domestic disaster, Kyle also found out why Ash and Clara weren't helping with the cooking either. It is now agreed that regardless of the need Ash, Bruno and Clara should never be given free rein in a kitchen. There was fire, rage and anger when they tried to assist but once they were relegated to fetching and carrying the preparation proceeded and a fast rate.

Once everything was ready and everyone was sat at the large table breakfast could begin. Kyle's people were happy and surprised when Kyle helped them prepare breakfast and sat to eat with them with no airs or graces and had a laugh and a joke while they were working. Kyle had lived alone in his last life so he had years of experience preparing his own foods. It wasn't to the level of a trained chef but it was more than enough for this world which had a lower level of personal comfort.

Breakfast was an enjoyable time with everyone getting to know each other, no one spoke about why they were transferred with so much secrecy and with such speed as they had already begun to take their lead from Kyle.

Once everyone had finished eating Kyle stood up and knocked on the table to get everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone I know you're confused as to what is happening and why you're here so I'm going to lay it out for you folks. Firstly the reason you were transferred to me under such tight constraints was because we have a traitor in the family."

When Kyle dropped this bombshell everyone started to whisper amongst themselves as kin slaying was one of the worst sins that people could commit while being a traitor was next in line. Everyone began speculating as to who it could be, most people had already condemned Kyle's oldest uncle Harris as the traitor while some were throwing around the names of various elders within the family.

"Enough! The reason this hasn't been announced and the traitor apprehended is because although there is irrefutable proof of the traitor we can't identify them yet but they could get close to my family."

"Excuse me but if you don't know who it is then how do you know there is a traitor?"

One of Nettie's apprentices spoke up and asked a very poignant question which impressed Kyle as while the rest were throwing around accusations she had thought her way through what he was saying.

"Well you're a smart one aren't you? Simply put I was poisoned as a baby, this wasn't a standard poison as it blocked my cultivation progress so at best I would be weak and at worst I would die. The only people who would be able to get unrestricted access are certain people of power within the family."

With this no one spoke up as they were looking at Kyle in shock, if what he said was true the family would be greatly weakened when the time for a new family head came up with infighting and alliances with outside influences tipping the balance.

"Don't worry I managed to break the poison a few days ago but that was the start of our current understanding. Due to not knowing who to trust I've begun to form my own guard and bring in people I feel I can trust. Ash will be my chief of guards, Iris and Lauren will split the duty of housekeeper and cooks but I will expect everyone to help while I'm looking for more help for them, Liam will be assisting Ash for now while also working as a hunting instructor."

Hearing this breakdown of duties everyone understood who the household staffs were but they didn't know why they were present. Seeing their unrest Kyle smiled gently at them before continuing.

"As for you guys you're going to be working with me in producing armour and armaments for our people. We will also be selling some of these items within the city to get some needed funds."

Hearing this everyone understood why they were here. Kyle was intending to be self funding while strengthening his people so he could be fully outside of his families controls which would allow him to operate more covertly.

"Bruno I know you got here late but what was the word from your folks."

Bruno was surprised at suddenly being called out coughed into a drink he was just bringing to his mouth making everyone laugh.

"What it's not funny."

Bruno said while wiping his mouth with a towel.

"My folks are happy for me to stay here while we're training but they want me to go home to see them as much as I can."

Thinking for a moment Kyle had an idea.

"That's okay but can you persuade them to come here for 2 hours in the morning so they can join in with our training. This goes for everyone else here, starting today we'll all be training together in the mornings. You will all be training in a new cultivation manual and learning fighting arts different from anything you've been taught before."

On hearing this no one was unhappy, quite the opposite in fact. Cultivation gives a longer life span and a better quality of life. If they were training in a higher quality cultivation they could live a happier and healthier life.

"I don't think my folks would have a problem with that, I'll speak to them a bit later."

"Also Bruno your parents own an affiliated arms shop if memory serves. When they get a chance could they come and see me as I would like to sell our products through them. I'd rather deal with people I trust rather than reach out to someone unknown."

Bruno nodded to this as this would also be beneficial to his parents business as he'd seen the quality of the sword Kyle had produced.

"Okay everyone let's clear up, then we'll do a round of cultivation before we start doing some basic training. Ash when we've done our training I'm going to need you to get your contacts together and see if you can organise about 50 men like we spoke about yesterday."

"No problem boss do you have any specifics? Some of the guys were injured which was why they retired."

"No specifics but if you can get as wide an array of the injured as possible. This technique has certain healing properties so while we're helping we may as well see how far this property goes. Also due to what is happening once these men have my technique they'll have to be employed as our guards with a seal until we can settle this."

"I don't think it'll be a problem as most of these guys have struggled to find work with the various injuries they sustained."

"Excellent oh and I almost forgot did we have a prisoner delivered last night?"josei

"What prisoner? I'm afraid no one came by last night, what happened?"

"Nothing much except I was attacked by some would be assassins last night and they should have been delivered here so we could interrogate them ourselves. It looks like the enemy are already over stretching. Once we finish out training you go get your guys and I'll go rattle some trees and see what falls out."

Everyone laughed at this which helped to release the sombre mood which had settled on everyone during the last few minutes as no one wants to be a target. These were good and loyal people and just by preparing and sharing a meal with them they already considered each other friends and in a short while they would think of each other as family.

Moving back to the kitchen everyone began tidying up while making small talk and getting to know each other better. None of the production staff was married or otherwise romantically involved which would prove to be helpful as there would be no reason for them to head out in the short term and it would give Kyle time to get everyone up to his desired spec.

"Okay everyone let's get a motor on we've got training to do."

Once the clearing up was complete Kyle said this with a glint in his eye. Miranda and Bruno remembered the training they undertook yesterday and knew it was going to be more of the same today and just sighed. One of the blacksmith apprentices looked at his friend and said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling."

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