Ascension of the elder

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Fan service

"Well if everything is sorted can I get some food I'm starving?"

Hearing Kyle everyone could only shake their heads and carry on. The captain left and Dylan helped Mavis up who quickly went back to the kitchen while Dylan returned to the table and saw a smirking Kyle.

"Well it looks like you've made some progress."

"Oh do I need to get a new dress, I'll definitely need one for the wedding and some new shoes as well."

Both Maria and Kyle were merciless in their teasing and Dylan could only keep his head down while his face was burning with embarrassment. While Dylan was hoping a hole would appear in the floor and swallow him up, the food they had ordered was delivered by Mavis. Once she put the plates on the table she bowed down to Kyle before speaking.

"Thank you for saving me and I apologise again."

Kyle wasn't used to being apologised to so he panicked a little on seeing this woman bow and beg for forgiveness and he responded quickly.

"Please stand up its fine and I was glad I could help."

While they were speaking a man with a red face came out from the back of the inn. He had a large handlebar moustache and he could definitely afford to lose some weight.

"Thanks for the help lad if you hadn't been here it could have gone a lot worse. As thanks I'll make your meals free for today."

While the man thanked them the reward was about as cheap as it could be which made Dylan and Mavis dissatisfied but Kyle and Maria weren't bothered so they just accepted before digging in. Seeing no bad feelings Dylan shrugged to Mavis before he began eating as well while Mavis went back to the rear of the inn where they could hear her raised voice berating the man who they discovered was her father.

Finishing their meal Maria and Kyle headed outside allowing Dylan to say goodbye privately. Once Dylan was with them they began walking through the market. Maria was looking through various fabrics and some homemade jewellery while Kyle was speaking to some grocers and apothecaries aiming to get some seeds he was looking at planting.

Kyle managed to get his hands on a selection of seeds. There were some rarer seeds and he also managed to get some standard crop seeds and Maria found some fabrics she would have made into some new clothes. josei

Once they were finished Kyle decided to have a word with his mother as where he was planning on going next isn't the kind of place you would take your mother unless you had some very specific tastes.

"Mom can you head back, I've got some other business to attend to and I'll need to pick up those guys from earlier on the way back."

Kyle didn't have to worry about his mother getting back safely as she was a second stage mage so no one would willingly fight her. But he was expecting an argument as he was sure she would want to come with him to protect him.

"No problem dear, don't stay out to late."

She kissed him on the forehead before heading to the stables leaving behind a thoroughly confused Kyle. He was sure that his mother would make a scene so he had come up with any number of reasons and excuses for her to return but these were now completely unnecessary.

Dylan was surprised as well but amused himself by watching Kyle's mother breaking his brain. He watched as Kyle could only open and close his mouth obviously trying to say what he had on his mind to his mothers retreating back.

Kyle shook himself out of his stupor before addressing Dylan.

"Okay it's time we met your contact in the slums. Lead the way, oh and should I expect anything unusual."

This was the first time Kyle would be going somewhere like this and even if he had no intention of availing himself of their services he didn't want to be taken unaware.

"No there shouldn't be anything unusual, just don't concern yourself with the slaves present. All slaves in this business are legal and have their papers."

Kyle looked at Dylan with questions in his eyes so Dylan elaborated.

"The madam takes in girls to work like any other but she is also contracted to take in female slaves. These are kept separate and are available for direct purchase."

Kyle understood now she was a brothel madam and also a slave trader who dealt solely with women. Kyle wasn't planning on interfering with the system as this was put in place by the empire but this did give him a couple of new ideas.

Dylan began leading the way and as they got further away from the market Kyle could see the quality of the buildings gradually got worse. They walked for around 30 minutes before they reached a building which looked very similar to a noble's house but it was surrounded by hovels.

As they approached the front door Kyle could see 2 large men standing on either side. These were obviously some of the security men for the business. This was obvious as nowhere like this could operate without security.

Dylan and Kyle passed between these 2 men and entered the foyer. There was a long deck in front of them which was manned by an attractive young woman of around 15 to 16 years old. Due to large curtains covering the entrances on either side of the counter Kyle couldn't see further inside but he could hear soft laughter and light music. Dylan walked up to the young lady before speaking.

"Good afternoon, my young master has some business he would like to speak with Lady Sparrow about."

Kyle hated being called young master but he let it slide this time as he knew this was so he could have a certain standing in others eyes. The receptionist looked towards Kyle before saying in a soft voice.

"Of course sir, may I ask the young sirs name so I may inform the madam?"

Dylan looked towards Kyle who nodded.

"Yes my master is Kyle Powell heir to the Powell family."

The receptionist didn't show any reaction to the professed trash of the Kyle family being present she just asked them to kindly wait in her quiet voice before heading to a staircase behind another curtain. As they were waiting another young lady came and offered them tea before taking position behind the desk.

Kyle and Dylan enjoyed their tea for a few minutes. Kyle didn't know much about tea and Dylan knew even less but it was very tasty even without milk. They didn't have to wait long as the original receptionist appeared before asking them to follow her.

They made their way up the spiral staircase which must snake through the building leading to the highest room within the building. Reaching here they were presented with a solid door which Kyle could see had several locking and protection arrays of various types on it and within the frame as well.

Kyle would hazard a guess that the entire building had arrays spread throughout it. Knocking once on the door the receptionist opened it before standing to the side. As they entered the room Kyle inspected the receptionist and then the room at large. It had large windows giving an open feeling and a large bookshelf against one wall while the other wall gave an overview of the main hall which was hidden behind the curtains.

The centre piece of the office was a large wraparound desk where a woman sat. She was striking in her beauty with long dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. When Kyle looked to her he was surprised, not by her beauty or her age which looked to be around the mid 20's but due to a resemblance between her and the receptionist.

Kyle looked over his shoulder before he smiled and spoke his mind.

"Ah I see it's a family business, sisters?"

Hearing Kyle the receptionist frowned while lady Sparrow smiled at him.

"Well aren't you a clever little thing. Take a seat and let's discuss this business proposal you have."

Lady Sparrow obviously wasn't intimidated by Kyle being a noble and he was pleased she didn't want to mess around so he took his seat while Dylan stood to one side.

"First point of business I have to discuss with you would be the establishment of a cooperative deal. You give me information you gain from your clients and I give you skills and techniques you require to protect yourself and interests."

The woman was taken aback by Kyle's direct manner. She was expecting word play and hidden meanings, this wasn't the first time she had dealt with a noble and they never spoke straight so she did to force the issue.

"Why do you think I would need any techniques for?"

Lady Sparrow decided to get more information before she spoke any further.

"The techniques you and you sister are using are incomplete military ones so you are damaging your bodies and if you continue pushing yourself you'll be crippled in the next couple of years."

Kyle didn't even need to enter their spiritual realms to see the damage they were doing to themselves as he had seen it so many times. Just by extending his soul force he could feel the flow of mana and identify what was happening within them.

Lady Sparrow and her sister were both shocked by this but Lady Sparrow knew that she was gradually getting weaker and it wouldn't be long until she lost her business because she couldn't protect it. To give her time to think she chose to continue the conversation.

"You said the first point what would the second be?"

"I'm going to need female slaves about 30. They don't need any training but I would prefer those who are looking for something better."

"If I can ask what do you want with so many slaves at one time?"

"Have you heard of ninja maids?"

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