Ascension of the elder

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Reaching an agreement

"Have you heard of ninja maids?"

"Who's a what now?"

Lady Sparrow had never heard this term before. Kyle had now thoroughly confused her, which was incredibly hard to do given her kind of work but with his insight and strange terms she was really struggling to understand this kid so she instead decided to bring the conversation back to something she at least had some grasp on.

"Considering you are willing to give me and my sister a technique I'll assume there are some terms attached to this agreement?"

"Very astute of you, the technique cannot be taught to anyone without my express permission. To enforce this you and your sister would be required to submit to a servant seal, now before you immediately reject let me explain its functions."

Kyle explained how a servant seal would only block the recipient from giving information while not allowing the holder to command the recipient in any way so they would be a servant rather than a slave. He even went so far as to show this new seal in front of them.

"Also within this seal is the understanding that my purchase of slaves will be confidential, now do you have any questions?"

"Um I have one, if we are training under you and are essentially your servants what are you going to do about the gang provide our security?"

Lady Sparrow's sister spoke up and wanted some kind of assurance that her sister and she would be protected.

"That shouldn't be any problem but if I can ask what is the name of the gang running your security?"

It was still Lady Sparrow's sister who responded as Lady Sparrow was still thinking about this deal.

"Currently we are being extorted by the seven snake's gang. They take about 60% of what we earn and take our women for nothing. They have even tried to take me and my sister."

Her voice was filled with hate as she spoke about this gang, they had a terrible reputation and committed acts of violence with no provocation. Kyle found this to be fortuitous and felt this would be a good area for his 'shadow hand' to expand from.

"Don't worry I will shortly have some me who will be enforcing order on the slums, they will be able to provide you with protection for 15% of your takings and if they wish to avail themselves of your services they must pay like anyone else. I give you my word and this can be included within the agreement."

Lady Sparrow on hearing this concession found the deal to be more and more lucrative. She already gathered the rumours and secrets her girls found out but she only used this to protect herself. If she was able to exchange this with Kyle it would be in her favour. Even if it was just removing the seven snakes it would be worth it, if you included the technique he had promised the deal appeared heavily weighted in her favour. Thinking up to this point Lady Sparrow decided to take the plunge.josei

"I agree to your terms, I will also throw in the slaves as their value isn't as high as what I'm losing to our current guards. Do you know when we'll see them?"

If she was going to do this she wanted her new security to be with them as soon as possible. The damage the seven snakes were doing was losing her business and with the violence they perpetrated fewer people had begun to frequent her brothel.

"I should be able to send a small group in a few days, if the situation escalates let me know and I'll dispatch my personal guards."

Lady Sparrow decided this would be acceptable but before she made the final decision she looked to her sister.

"Faye this also affects you, do you have anything you wish to add."

The now named Faye thought for a second before shaking her head.

"Sister you haven't steered us wrong yet so I'll follow whatever you decide."

Saying her piece Faye fell silent and continued to watch the proceedings. Lady Sparrow looked straight at Kyle and smiled probably the first true smile she had shown since they had entered.

"Very well Lord Powell I accept your terms, when would you like to have the seal placed."

"How about right now."

Before Faye or Lady Sparrow could even blink Kyle projected the seals to both of them and they sunk into their bodies making them his servants in all but name. They were both surprised as seals should only be able to take if the recipient accepted it but unknown to them Kyle's soul was so strong this prohibition didn't extend to him and as he had never fully studied the slave seals he didn't know the seal had to be accepted to take hold.

"Well now that is done would you like the technique now or would you like to come to my mansion to train. I wouldn't recommend the latter for now though as it may arouse suspicion."

Lady Sparrow agreed with this and decided just to receive the technique and she and her sister would train it in private. People currently wouldn't suspect anything as Kyle was also planning on having a large number of slaves which would explain their private meeting.

Kyle imparted his first level of his technique and explained that once they had completed this level he would provide them with the next. While they weren't exactly satisfied with this they couldn't blame him for holding back parts of the technique, but Kyle wasn't doing this on purpose instead he was worried that if he gave people the higher levels of the technique they may unintentionally injure themselves.

Kyle had them do a few cycles of this technique to check if there were any problems or abnormalities. On seeing that everything was in order Kyle told them it was fine to proceed as they were which would in turn heal the damage they had received from the incomplete technique they had been training in. Seeing Kyle was happy with their progress Lady Sparrow spoke to Faye.

"Sister could you take our esteemed guest to the pit to select his slaves."

"Of course sister, gentlemen if you could follow me I'll show you the way."

Kyle thanked Lady Sparrow before following Faye out of the room followed by Dylan. Lady Sparrow was still seated at her desk while looking at the now closed door. She thought over the conversation and the fact that she was now this child's servant and couldn't help but think how strange this whole situation was. Why did she listen and trust this child so much, also how was he able to do these things. It was too late now however not that she regretted her decision, she felt this would probably be the best choice she had made.

She began training in Kyle's technique and felt a heavenly relief as her body began the process of healing itself. This technique was truly magical to her as pains she didn't even realise she had were relived and this freedom from old pains felt and unfelt let something break away within her and in her heart she made the choice to follow this kid come hell or high water.

Faye led Kyle and Dylan back through the reception and into the grand hall. Looking around Kyle was surprised by how simple this hall looked. There were no gaudy signs or the like instead it was a quiet establishment with pretty women quietly speaking to the clients with the only indication of something unusual being the fact occasionally one of the women would lead a client to some stairs leading to the second floor were *cough* business could commence.

They reached the rear of the hall and Faye led them into a separate area. This new area looked like a large reception room with a few couches against one wall. Faye indicated to the couches before she spoke.

"If you would like to take a seat I'll start bringing in the girls. Do you have any preference before I start organising them?"

As there would be a large number of girls to inspect Faye wanted to have some criteria to work to so she could save some time. Kyle thought for a moment before he thought of Miranda and the progress she was making.

"Ideally I'm looking for ages 20 and under and as low a cultivation level as possible."

Hearing his choices Faye nodded before heading through the door at the side. Dylan was looking at Kyle in a strange way so a little confused Kyle spoke to him.

"Dylan what's up why are you looking at me like that?"

"No problem sir I just didn't expect you to be that mature yet."

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