Ascension of the elder

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: When the world gives you pancakes

"Kyle when our baby is born we would like to ask you to be the godfather."

Kyle on hearing this request sat back in his chair and jutted out his lower jaw. This was an interesting request should he accept or not was the question however. If he accepted would they owe him a favour? While the day may never come when he would call in that favour, but one day he may call upon them for a service but until that day they could consider this as a gift.

"I would be happy to be your child's godfather but isn't there anyone else you would prefer to offer this honour to."

Kyle came out of his delusions and asked this question as he knew both Ash and Lauren were friendly with most of the household and Ash in particular was very close to the members of 'death watch'.

"Kyle if I'm speaking candidly, I can't think of anyone else better suited. You pulled us all together and made us one large family. While I love all the others you lead and protect us so I think you are the perfect candidate."

Lauren gave her reasoning while Ash merely nodded from behind her, happy that Kyle had given them the ability to have this child.

"Okay just let me know what I need to do and well get this sorted out then. If there's nothing else we should all get to dinner. Oh before I forget when you begin work tomorrow can you create some bracelets to hold these array stones from metal. These bracers are only temporary and I want a more permanent solution."

Kyle directed this instruction to the young blacksmith who was more than happy to do this for him. He was thinking of how he would design this as he knew that metal may disrupt the flow from the array so the array would need to be very close or better if it was in contact with the skin.

With all of this out of the way Kyle led the group down to have some dinner. Landon was walking alongside his son while thinking about how he should tell his wife the good news. Kyle seemed to understand his father's desire to his mother about the progress he had made and the new future he had opened up for him but Kyle decided to dissuade him from telling her.

"Dad I would advise you not to tell mom about the array. We'll give her a bracelet with the array in it once they're made, there may be a delay until she can conceive so I don't want her to worry. Is that okay?"josei

Landon hearing what Kyle said realised that the expectation of having a child may push his wife into depression if she didn't conceive straight away so he couldn't help but agree with Kyle's reasoning and decided to follow his guidance.

As they were approaching the kitchen the air was rent by a loud and obnoxious shout.


It was of course the emergence of Susan; she had somehow appeared without anyone noticing and announced her presence in such a way just to hear her own voice. When Landon heard her voice he shivered before he began looking for an escape route. Seeing Landon trying to bolt Kyle quickly gripped his arm before he spoke to Susan.

"Welcome back Susan, how is my mother doing?"

"She's calmed down now, I know you didn't mean anything by what you said but be gentle with her."

"Really Susan and how did you manage to calm her down if I may ask?"

"Well it was simple really, do you know that the lounge in your mansion has a bar and one of your men called Dylan can make a drink called long island ice tea?"

"Yes I taught him how to make it, where is mom right now?"

"Um now you ask last time I saw her she was lying on the floor *hic**burp*."

"Dad could you go and check on mum I think she'll be quite drunk?"

Receiving a reprieve Landon moved off at speed while Susan was looking at where he was standing previously with her eyes beginning to drop.

"Landon why don't you man up Maria really likes you but you act like a penguin with a banana. Hey who are you handsome do you want to come with me I have some nice sweets."

Susan directed her first sentence to the now departed Landon but what was that about a penguin? Before she directed her drunken gaze to Kyle, it appeared the alcohol had caught up with her suddenly and she was now in a proper state.

Kyle looked back hoping to get help from those who were following him only to be greeted by an empty hallway. It looked as if they knew where this would be going and decided to run for the hills.

"So Susan can I ask how many long island ice tea's did you have."

"What you talkin bout I've almost managed to finish half of one and I ain't going home you can't tell me what to do! Please don't hate me I didn't mean it nobody likes me*hic*. What was I saying? Oh yeah you were gonna show me the ponies."


With that Susan passed out face first on the floor. It was truly impressive that as a third stage cultivator she could get that drunk on half a glass. Kyle was just rubbing his forehead and was lamenting how he got embroiled in this situation.

He bent over and picked up the small lady in a princess carry before heading to the stairs leading to the second floor. She had an allocated room ever since her first visit so Kyle decided to drop her off before heading down for dinner.

The only thing Kyle was grateful for was that Susan was an early finisher and he wouldn't have to deal with a drunk who if she could focus would have no problem kicking his butt from sunrise to sundown.

Reaching her room Kyle laid her gently on the bed and took off her shoes. Looking at her laying there Kyle couldn't help but smile as she was truly a force of nature when she was awake but when she slept she was rather cute *FAAAAAARRRRRTTTTT*. Well that image was broken rather quickly when Kyle was assailed by an ungodly stench when Susan broke wind.

Diving out of the room Kyle gulped down fresh air and could only say.

"How can someone healthy produce such a smell, it's not natural it's even close to an attack on its own."

Leaving the stink bug to herself Kyle headed back to the kitchen and was greeted by his friends and the traitors who left him to deal with the drunken Susan. Seeing their greeting Kyle just looked at them before he headed over to the girls and Bruno.

Seeing the breakdown of his friends Kyle was thinking he could do with some more male friends as the oestrogen around him was getting to be to strong but there was nothing to do but carry on. As they were chatting Bruno brought up the upcoming tournament.

"So Kyle your father is going to be putting us up for the tournament. How far should we go or should we keep a low profile."

Kyle didn't even need a second before he responded.

"Screw keeping a low profile, we need to show them who they're screwing with. We push as hard and as far as possible. We will be among the youngest in the tournament so we will show the future of our family. We'll also be training the older members including my cousins so you'll be working as my assistant."

"Got it are we talking 'feel the burn' or are we talking 'move or die' training?"

This was something the people Kyle had trained had come up with. This was based on some of the things he shouted at them trying to motivate them so they had created 2 different training styles the 'move or die' was the training he had given to 'shadow hand' in the beginning and was much harsher.

"Definitely 'move or die' we need to make sure they don't embarrass us during the competition."

"Oh those poor men." Miranda of course being gentle felt bad for these lost souls.

"I will mourn their passing." Clara didn't worry too much as she didn't know these people too well.

"I want my pancakes." And Elena was well Elena.

Alena was sat with them and she was watching their interactions with an amused gaze. She would sometimes join in but she was more reserved than Kyle's girls and generally just enjoyed being with them.

"I would like some pancakes as well."

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