Ascension of the elder

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: No more pancakes

"I would like some pancakes as well."

A sultry voice sounded from behind Kyle, looking over his shoulder he saw Faye was standing there. She had recently been establishing a working relationship with some of the other brothels in the city, this relationship was that 'shadow hand' would protect them and in return the working girls would provide 10 percent of their take and any information they gleaned from their clients.

This was a similar deal to what had been established with the girls working with Lady Sparrow (she still wouldn't tell them her real name). With these agreements in place a lot of gangs had lost a lot of money so they had established safe houses for the girls which are heavily protected.

The girls at Lady Sparrow's brothel had all taken the servant seal but had only been given the first level of the 'breath of deliverance' as they weren't core members. Lady Sparrow had also begun instructing them in yoga to increase their flexibility; this coupled with the better technique meant the quality of the girls was much higher than other places.

"All right Faye grab a seat, so tell me have the girls put on their red lights?"

Faye sat down a couple of seats down and thought about Kyle's question.

"Yes the girls have all begun working again and One has organised regular patrols to ensure their safety. The girls have noticed something and I thought you should know."

"Oh really what's the problem?"

"Not really a problem but the girls are saying a lot of their punters recently are gang members and mercenaries they don't know. These girls share info and know which punters are dangerous so they know when someone new is on the scene. It wouldn't have flagged up except for the numbers, there are far more than there usually are and the fact that there have been no turf wars and these guys are paying up without an issue is suspicious."

"Hum do you know anything else about these outsiders?"

"Well they say they change when the sun goes down."

"Are they scummy men?"

"Yes and some of them have a carriage driving ban."

"Right it looks like the information we received recently is correct, can you contact the council members as I need everyone to know what's happening and to get ready."

Faye nodded her head before heading out. She didn't know what the situation was herself yet but knew Kyle would inform her during the meeting. The council was something Kyle put together a little while ago and composed of the division heads along with their nearest subordinates.

"Hey Elena you wanted pancakes didn't you come on I'll make you some while the others are still eating."

"Yay Kyle you're the best can I have whipped cream on top." Elena asked with excitement on her face which brought a smile to the faces of everyone one around them.

"Yes whatever you want."

"Whoopee!" With that she lunged towards Kyle bringing him into a hug and suddenly kissing him solidly on the lips.

Silence, everything suddenly became dead quiet and still Clara and Miranda were still seated with shocked and scandalized looks on their faces, Alena and Bruno were moving their sight from one of their friends to another without stopping or rest.

After a second somebody in the surroundings suddenly wolf whistled which broke this trance and everyone began babbling and laughing all at once.

"I wondered how long it would take."

"The boy has become a man."

"Are you going to take responsibility?"

"Take me too."

"My baby missed her chance it seems."

Kyle could hear all of this but didn't know how to process it so he just dismissed it and just looked at Elena who had a confused look on her face. Even though she had absorbed the memories of the other Elena she couldn't always understand them due to her incalculable time spent in the chaos realm.

"Elena why did you kiss me?"

Elena tilted her head sideways slightly and pondered for a few seconds before she responded.

"Well it seemed to be the right situation to do it. I've read some books and they seem to have bits like this in them and once the characters kiss the man picks up the lady and carries her to the bed and then *uumpppfff*."

Kyle had placed his hand over her mouth preventing her from continuing before looking around. He could see the amusement in the adult's eyes and the confused looks in the kid's eyes while a few had different looks to them.

"Elena I'm going to take my hand away and all I want you to tell me is the name of the book okay?"

Elena nodded her head so Kyle slowly took his hand away.josei

"The book was called 'The lonely mistress and the fast finger'."

*Cough* Kyle was amazed at the title and now felt a burning curiosity as to the content of the book and how such a story would end. This was purely for scientific reasons and wasn't because he had recently started puberty. Ah the joys of going through puberty twice but hey at least this time he knew what to expect.

"Okay everyone I want to know who brought in that book because it isn't from the library. Just so you know if I don't know who brought it in everyone will be having 'move or die' training for the next 2 weeks."

With Kyle's proclamation everyone at the table began to look at the others around the table with accusing eyes. Very slowly a shaking hand was raised which drew everyone's attention. Seeing who was attached to the hand everyone could only face palm because of course it was everyone's favourite idiot Dylan.

Dylan had Mavis sitting next to him who was red faced and seemed to be trying to not be associated with him in any way, shape or form. Dylan wasn't red instead he was whiter than mayonnaise as he knew this time Kyle was going to put him through hell. Unfortunately Dylan seemed to have some special ability because every time he got punished he seemed to become stronger while still being as air headed as before.

"I brought it in Lord Kyle but I didn't leave it around the bastion."

"Oh really so who did leave it where any innocent child could just pick it up?"

Dylan didn't say anything but his eyes couldn't help but dart to the right and lock onto Randall before moving away. This wasn't missed by Kyle who turned towards Randall and stared directly at him.

"Um *sniff* I may have had a little too much to drink and there is a chance I may have left it in the lounge when I went to bed."

Randall tried his best to play this off while looking like he wished he could be somewhere more pleasant like in a volcano.

"But I didn't find it in the lounge." Elena voiced out which surprised most of those present, Kyle began to scan the faces of everyone present and finally saw a shifty look with a red face.

"So it was you, would you care to explain yourself?"

"Well I was just curious and when I realised what kind of book it was I tried to hide it."

"So it was your fault so you, Randall and Dylan are all going to receive the extra special training as this is all of your fault."

With that the three lowered their heads while they lamented their fate when suddenly a voice piped up.

"Mom I can't believe you would read something like that." This was from a red faced Clara who was staring at her mother with wide eyes.

"Clara calm down these are things adults sometime look at but they shouldn't be on view for unprepared minds. Can you promise me you won't look into these things until you are at least 16?"

"I promise, there is no way I'm looking at something like that!" Clara stated with finality but Kyle who had been with her so much could also see the curiosity in her eyes so he could only sigh and hope she didn't find any books with reverse harems in them.

"We still need to deal with Elena, Clara lets go it's girls talk time." With this Miranda grabbed Elena and headed off with Clara and Alena followed behind her friends not wanting to miss out on this talk, who knows it may help her with Bruno. As they left all that remained was a mournful wail.


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