Atelier Tanaka

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 3 (7)

Territory Pioneering 3

“If that dragon holds power over the town, I doubt anyone would be able to take it from her.”

“That is an interesting point.”

“But this is still your town, right?”

“I’ve spoken to Christina-san already, and I’m sure she understands the situation.”

Ester-chan’s concern was understandable.

However, I’m sure the loligon has grown as attached to this town as I have and I’m sure she’s overjoyed that I’ve agreed to give her a position of power in the town and it’s one where she can watch over the town and continue to improve it.

“By the way, Fahren-san, I wanted to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“How long does Stone Wall typically last?”

The loligon might become annoyed if I allow Ester-chan to continue doubting her, so it’s best if I just change the subject.

He mentioned something about Stone Wall’s duration earlier and it’s been weighing on my mind ever since.  When I think back on how it felt to use the magic, it was noticeably different than the feeling I get when I use my flight magic. This detail will decide the future of Dragon City.

“I can’t give you an exact amount of time, but wall magic of any kind would come with a time limit. It’s similar to flight magic in this way.”

“I see….”

So around an hour for the average person.

That’s even shorter than I was expecting.

But our town is a clear exception. The last of the bathhouses were completed days ago and they’re still standing, but this just means it’s a matter of time till they collapse. Even the noble mage who spends most of his time learning about magic can’t tell. Me how much longer I have left. I feel incredibly uncomfortable being in a town filled with buildings that are guaranteed to collapse at some point presumably soon.

“Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about you little guppy.”


Christina snapped back at the noble mage’s claim and in response, the ossan’s shoulders trembled. I quickly attempted to follow-up on what Christina meant by this.

“Are you saying the magic you used is different?”

“Isn’t that obvious? It’s not even funny to try to compare the magic of a human to someone like me. This town is likely to last until at least the end of your lifetime, human!”

The loligon’s face returned to its normal smug appearance.

“I’m sorry for doubting you, but what does that mean for everything I built…?”

I know that her Stone Walls are stable.

One even withstood one of my fireballs.

But what about the walls I created?

“Eh? O-Oh…well, t-they’re no match for mine! Your walls are just too weak! Yeah, they’re fragile! Super fragile!”


That isn’t good. I’ll need to come up with a solution.

Staying in one of my buildings would be similar to living in a home that was built prior to 1981 in Japan. They may appear safe from the outside, but they’re lacking the modern protections from earthquakes that newer homes and buildings have. I doubt anyone would want to stay in a building if I told them there’s a chance it could collapse at any moment.

The loligon spoke again as I was silently worrying about this.

“But that d-doesn’t mean it’s bad, you know. I mean it’s definitely weak compared to mine, but i-it will still stand for your lifetime, human!”

“So it should be fine for now?”

“It still doesn’t compare to mine! M-Mine is definitely superior!”

“I’m fine with that, and thank you.”

“Fwaah!? A…a…ah!”

“Is something wrong?”

“O-Oh…well, if you’re going to be so grateful, oo~….”

Anyway, I’m glad that all of my work won’t go to waste and I can continue with my plans without worry. I’d also feel bad for the members of the Twilight Company if everything they worked so hard on were to crumble into dust.

To be honest, I never thought the day would come when the loligon would turn into a follower of mine.

It makes my chest warm thinking about it.

It’s also nice to see her appreciate my gratitude so much, but I know that I still need to be careful about what I say around her. Also, if I thank her constantly, I’m worried that she’ll either stop being as appreciative or my thanks won’t have as strong of an effect on her.

“O-Oi, Tanaka!”

When Christina had calmed down, Edita Sensei called out my name.

She actually used my name.

I feel like I haven’t heard her use my name in a long time. Or is this the first time? No, using my name like that doesn’t mean the same thing to her as it does to me, but it still makes me happy.

“There’s something I want to ask!”

Edita Sensei was more impassioned than usual. She was leaning forward with both hands on the table in front of her, her small chest was hanging down towards the table.

How great would those feel cupped in my hands? I want to grope them with all my power while Edita Sensei uses her own saliva to lube them up.

“The mana potion that you’re selling here, did you come up with it on your own!? And was that bath additive your creation too?”

“I wouldn’t call it my creation as much as I’d call it yours. I only made a few changes while referencing the book you allowed me to read. I didn’t really change that much.”

“So you could call it a child of our research…?”

“I guess you could. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”

I’m not sure if patents or anything similar exist in the Penny Empire, but I would like for us both to receive the credit for creating this potion.

There’s also something that Edita Sensei still doesn’t understand. She could take all of the credit for the potion and have anything else she wants from me if she were let me admire her thighs and occasionally give me a look at her panties when she crosses her legs.

“Does that sound okay?”

“Oh, right. A potion made from our joint research….”


“Eh? Wh-What is it?”

“About the research on pessari grass….”

“Oh, there needs to be a book! That’s right a book!”


Sensei’s strangely tense right now.

Is she okay?

“Researchers combine all of their research together and write it down in a book!”

“Yes, I suppose that makes sense.”

“C-Could I be the one to write it? Oh, of course, I’ll put your name on it as well, right behind mine, so can I write it? A book written by my own hand.”

Edita Sensei is desperate to do this.

She must really enjoy writing books.

“If that’s what you want to do, Edita, then I don’t have a problem….”

“Aah! Really!? Then I’m going to get started! A book based on our joint research!”

She looked incredibly happy.

I could be completely wrong with this, but I’m guessing Edita Sensei has always done her research alone and she’s became quite isolated over the years. Which is why she’s so excited by the prospect of collaborating with someone.

It’s similar to how I felt about creating this town with Christina and Gon-chan.

It may be nice most of the time working on your own, but it’s nice to shake things up on occasion as well as get fresh, new ideas when working with someone else. My squishy, loli Sensei must be experiencing that joy right now.

“W-Wait a moment! I-I can write something for you!”

Ester-chan, who must have been growing anxious after not speaking for a while, suddenly interjected in a conversation she had nothing to do with.

I feel like I haven’t seen this side of her in a while, but this is the Ester-chan that I hate the most.

What is she even going to write? Nobody needs a manual explaining how to fill every hole at once.

“Ester-san, what would you even write about?”

“An epic poem that describes our beautiful future together! Fifty volumes in total!”

“Do whatever you like.”

She’ll get bored within three days anyway.

Even if she finishes it, nobody will read it.

I think my priority right now should be to focus on the noble mage. The loligon and him are going to be in close together while they’re here and I can’t waste this opportunity.

I even mentioned to her earlier that the noble mage was looking for her. I’m sure she’s feeling appreciate towards him. I won’t get a better chance than this.

“Christina-san, there was something I wanted to ask.”

“…what is it?”

The loligon was greedily drinking juice as she turned to me.

Her lips had turned orange.

“It’s about something you mentioned before….”

“What is it? Just spit it out already.”

“How exactly do dragons, not just Ancient Dragons, go about choosing a mate?”

“…a mate?”


“So you really are trying to mate with me. A human and a dragon….”

“No, you’re mistaken.”

I don’t want her misunderstanding anything or causing Ester-chan to jump to any conclusions either. That would just cause problems if she was to become jealous of the loligon. And if her opponent is the loligon, even if it’s her, I doubt she’d come out alive.

“Humans or any human-like species chooses their partners based off appearance and financial status. So how does a dragon go about choosing a mate when they don’t put any weight in financial or social status? As a student of the academy, I can’t say I’m not curious.”

This isn’t completely untrue either.

The loligon’s face brightened up when she heard this.

“A-Ah, of course you want to know more about a superior being. Well, first a big horn is nice as well as large wings! I can’t decide which one I prefer! There are also some dragons that put a great deal of importance on the length and thickness of the tail.”

She seems excited that someone is interested in her existence.

“So wings are important and some dragons care about thick tails?”

“Exactly! And any dragon that ever hopes to find a mate should easily be able to destroy the walls of town! In a single blow too! A dragon that takes more than one attack to do something like that is hopeless.”

That’s a very dragon take on things.

It makes sense that their sense of beauty would differ from humans.

That’s a lot to ask of the noble mage, but if there’s anyone I can see doing it, it’s him. Maybe one day a horn will sprout from his head, wings will grow from his back, and he’ll sprout a tail. I don’t want to think about what kind of magic that will take.

This is a fantasy world, after all. Nothing is impossible.

“So the archetypal dragon?”

“Yes, you can’t be lacking in any of those points!”

“Thanks, this was very informative.”

The loligon looked satisfied as well.

She even sent spit flying as she excitedly went on about the attractive traits of dragons.

Edita Sensei, who was still leaning forward on the table, looked more annoyed than I had ever seen her. Uwaa, that’s a scary look she’s giving the loligon. But Edita Sensei doesn’t have to compete with the loligon for my attention. I’m fine with her sleeping in late and pouting like usual.

If she wants me to worship her, I’d gladly do so with my tongue.

Or…Edita Sensei covered in the loligon’s saliva.



“T-There’s also kind…kindness is important too….”

“You think so?”


So she can be honest.

She’s probably not even aware that she does that.

“There may be someone close to you now that could meet all of those points.”josei

I glanced over at the noble mage.


He gave me a small nod to indicate he knew where I was going with this.

It’s nice to see that even someone middle-aged can still feel passion for someone. I can see a strong will in his eyes. In fact, now that he knows getting the loligon to love him requires the use of some strange magic, I’m sure his passion has increased by thirty percent.

“By the way, who created the walls of the town?” [Fahren]

“The outermost walls were created by Christina-san and they easily surpass anything I made.” [Tanaka]

“That’s right!” [Christina]

“Hou~, they’re impressive.” [Fahren]

The noble mage was praising her with a big smile on his face. He’s looking motivated and this is his best chance.

“Wait…a-are you the one he likes!?”

Ester-chan decided to speak up now as if she was waiting for the perfect moment to ruin everything.

“No, that’s not what’s happening. I wouldn’t have the courage to directly speak with the person I like.”

“I-I see….”

With this, Ester-chan abruptly brought an end to the noble mage’s love conversation.


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