Atelier Tanaka

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 3 (8)

Territory Pioneering 3

That same night in one of the bathhouses —

The noble mage and I had left the others and entered the bath on our own. With no one else here, and the bath being so large, the silence filling the room created a strangely serene atmosphere. It was nice just allowing my body to slowly sink into the water.

This must be what it’s like to have your own private bath.

“Today went well.”

“I may have been trying to force things….”

“No, you’ve helped set a clear goal for me. It was a good start.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

And the reason for the noble mage and I bathing alone together is none other than Christina. Part two of the noble mage’s love consultation where we evaluate what has happened so far and how we can continue to progress their relationship. We were both soaking in the water a few meters away from each other, conversing through the steam-filled room.

“If it’s you, Fahren-san, I know you can do it.”

“I hope so. There was also one other thing I’d like to confirm with you.”

“What’s that?”

“Have you tested out the strength of those walls yet?”

“No, I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“I see….”

“I don’t intend on challenging her claim.”

I don’t want to admit that I already tried once and failed miserably.

That would just make me more insecure which isn’t what I need.

I’ve noticed a glimmer in the noble mage’s eyes that I’ve never seen before. I can tell he’s been holding back how excited he is at the prospect of being with someone he cares about. Love is a scary thing. It can turn a middle-aged man into a young and pure maiden.

Love truly is scary.

“Thank you…for everything.”

“You don’t need to thank me. We made a promise after all.”

I have to keep my promise to support him.

This is a nice feeling. Two guys hanging out in a bath talking about love. It’s about twenty years too late but I’m finally experiencing a true youth. I didn’t think the thought would affect me so much, but I really would have given anything to experience a moment like this a decade ago in my previous life.



No, this is even more than I could’ve asked for.

This is more than this busamen deserves.

An unattainable dream that I could only experience vicariously through movies or TV shows.

Although, the hymen is the true unattainable dream worth reaching.

“But wings, a horn, a tail, and enough destructive power to destroy city gates. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility. It’s now just a matter of deciding which method is best to achieve these requirements.”

“That’s just what I’d expect from you.”

“If I possessed enough magic power, I could’ve impressed her with my destructive power right then and there.”

“I know you’ll eventually reach your goal, Fahren-san.”

“I don’t think it will be that simple and I know myself best.”

“Because she’s a dragon? For someone normal, I don’t think I could ever see it working out. A human and a dragon are two very different beings that under normal circumstances would never coexist, but this is exactly why I believe only someone as eccentric as you would ever have a chance of making it work.”


I don’t think it will be possible for him to convey his feelings to her unless he goes into this with a strong will. It’s possible Christina won’t notice how he feels until he’s pushed himself to the very limit. This isn’t the type of problem that requires a simple solution.

“Don’t you agree?”

“…yeah, I’m sure you’re right.”

“I know it will work out.”

“Yeah. I have been feeling nervous. Whenever I’m around her, whether consciously or unconsciously, I’ve been holding myself back.”

“That’s not at all like you.”

“I don’t want to hear that from you.”

“Am I wrong? You’re a completely different person than when we first met.”

“I guess that’s true. Thank you.”

“It’s not something I need thanks for.”

“It’s not for that. I can feel my heart opening up to others more, and it’s not just for that dragon.”

“So there’s still some life left in you.”

“Fufu~n, I can’t lose out to all those youngsters.”

“If there’s anything else I can do to help you, just ask.”

“I know you’re always willing to help…but, I think I’ll be alright on my own.”josei


“I can see my goal before me and I know I’ll reach it some day. If I can’t do it on my own, then I don’t believe I deserve her anyway. Sometimes it gets to a point where you have to realize that you need to push on alone and the help being offered to you that used to act as a crutch now only serves to hold you back.”

We fell into silence for a moment after this. The only sounds were the water occasionally dripping from the faucets and the occasional ripple sent through the bath whenever we moved.

“You’re much closer to being her equal, but I’ll never allow myself to quit. I know I’ll reach her some day.”

The noble mage’s powerful declaration reverberated off the walls of the bathhouse.

“…I’m sorry.”

I can’t argue against that. The loligon and I are closer to being equals.

“You don’t need to apologize. This is the choice I’ve made and I won’t give up.”

“Because you’re strong.”

It’s the same way I feel about Sophia-chan. I know she’s in love with Allen, but that hasn’t changed how I feel about her. You can’t help who you fall in love with and you don’t need a reason to love. However that person you love may feel, the feelings you hold for them are real, even if they aren’t reciprocated.

The noble mage loves the loligon with all of his heart.

Isn’t that what makes youth beautiful?

This may be the first time in my over thirty years of existence that I’ve fully understood why high school girls enjoy talking about love.

“And you can’t start holding back either. Keep pushing forward to whatever dream you wish to achieve. And know this: no matter what hardships you choose to take on or how dangerous the path you choose to walk becomes, I will always be by your side ready to offer you my hand. That is until I’ve surpassed you, fufu”

I guess he’s declaring me his rival in love.

“I’ll just have to do my best to make sure that day never comes.”

And I gave him an appropriate response.

Whatever the case, I think this will be good for him. I’ve learned over the past couple weeks that having someone to compete against acts as a wonderful driving force.

Click for two bros just bein’ bros in a bath

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

A confident reply.

The noble mage’s love, first act complete.

Even though he said he no longer needed my help, I’ll keep doing whatever I can to support him.

After all, a promise is a promise.


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