Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1008

Chapter 1008

Yu Miao saw that she was struggling and finally reluctantly dialed manager Zhang.

She doesn't know if Gu qiaoyue is from the company, but it doesn't mean that others don't know.

Maybe manager Zhang just knows?

And manager Zhang does know.

He may not know why Yu Miao's daughter Jiang Yuqin offended president he, but he does know if there is a daughter-in-law surnamed Gu in the Si family.

He is a personnel manager and his family is ordinary, but he is lucky.

Last time, shortly after Xiangyue's mobile phone was opened, Mr. He called him once and said that he wanted to count the number of people the company wanted to buy mobile phones.

You should know that although Xiangyue is a private enterprise, it has a scale no lower than that of a state-owned enterprise, and its products, whether BB machines, mobile phones, or Xiangyue's electrical appliances, are very popular, especially BB machines, mobile phones and mobile phones, which are basically new every time. It is difficult to book in advance or if there are acquaintances in Xiangyue.

Hearing that Mr. He asked to make statistics, he asked curiously.

At that time, president he said, "Xiangyue is my daughter-in-law's industry. If someone wants it, it will be given priority."

When he heard it, he was really shocked for a long time.

Is Xiangyue's big industry owned by President he's daughter-in-law?

Since he is president he's daughter-in-law, he must be young. Out of curiosity, he really asked someone for information. It's amazing.

Xiangyue's boss turned out to be a little girl, only in her twenties, studying at Kyoto University.

He was also shocked and speechless for a long time, but President he didn't publicize it. Of course, he wouldn't talk about it everywhere. It was pressed to the bottom of his heart by him.

At that time, when general assistant he informed him not to accept Jiang Yuqin's internship, he didn't think much, but he immediately thought of it when he received a call from Yu Miao.

Yu Miao's daughter Jiang Yuqin happens to be a student of Kyoto University and a school with Xiangyue's boss. If she offended these Xiangyue's bosses, it's really possible.

But should he say it or not?

After hesitating for a while, he said vaguely, "I don't know anything else, but I heard that President he's daughter-in-law is Xiangyue's boss."

"Xiangyue's boss? Who is it?" Yu Miao asked quickly.

"I don't know anything else. I just know it's like Gu." after that, it doesn't mean Miao hung up when he was talking.

The phone has been amplified. Yu Miao heard it and Jiang Yuqin naturally heard it.

He is always a member of the Secretary's family. She has a daughter-in-law who is Xiangyue's boss, and Xiangyue's boss happens to be Gu

Gu qiaoyue is also surnamed Gu. It is also rumored that Gu qiaoyue may be the Secretary's family

Jiang Yuqin's last hope was completely extinguished.

There is no doubt that Gu qiaoyue called President he, although she didn't know how Gu qiaoyue happened to know that she was going to practice in president he's company.

"Mom, what should I do?"

Jiang Yuqin looked at Yu Miao powerlessly. This call can be said to have drained her whole body. All she didn't want to believe became a try.

With such a powerful Gu qiaoyue, it's really difficult for her to find an internship unit in Kyoto. josei

Yu Miao was also shocked by this phone call, although he had guessed that his daughter might offend someone, who might have something to do with President he and had a lot of relations.

But I didn't think that

Yu Miao couldn't help but slap him again. He couldn't help shouting angrily: "cry, cry now? What have you done?"

Jiang Yuqin covered his face and dared not speak.

She really didn't expect Gu qiaoyue to have such great energy.

If she is really the boss of Xiangyue, it doesn't seem to matter that she won the quota personally given by the University of Tina in country y.

More importantly, if she had known this earlier, she wouldn't have bothered her again and again.

It's all her fault. She just reads her jokes on purpose.

If she had said so, how could she have offended her.

Maybe, when she watched herself offend her like a clown step by step, she still thought how stupid she was. Why should such a bad person like her have these.

People like her will never be aware of their problems and will only attribute all their mistakes to others.

When she didn't get the quota, she attributed the problem to Gu qiaoyue and thought that Gu qiaoyue stole her quota.

When she was rejected by the internship unit and isolated by her good friends, she felt that Gu qiaoyue had exposed her. If Gu qiaoyue had not exposed her, all this would not happen. Her friends would not encourage her, and the internship unit would not refuse her.

So she went to Gu qiaoyue again with anger.

After being dealt with by Gu qiaoyue, she complained that Gu qiaoyue didn't tell her identity earlier. If she had told her identity earlier, she wouldn't have done these things.

Such people are hopeless.

Looking at Jiang Yuqin's angry face, Yu Miao didn't care.

When her daughter makes a mistake, she will beat her and scold her angrily, but it's her daughter. After being angry, she still has to find a way to make up for it and minimize the loss as much as possible.

She can't find where Gu qiaoyue is, but she knows he Zong.

She gritted her teeth, took the money and went to the largest shopping mall in Kyoto. She bought the wine and tea she was not willing to buy at all. After thinking about it, she bought a bag of the best cakes and went directly to the company.

She took her things all the way to the door of general manager he's office. She summoned up her courage and told herself that no matter how hard he embarrassed herself, she asked for her forgiveness.

She knocked on the door of general manager he's office with something.

He ronghua's office is a large suite. Outside is where the assistant and secretary work, and inside is her office.

The first thing you see when you enter the office is an assistant or secretary.

"Yu Miao?" the assistant of president he frowned.

There are many people in the whole factory. She may not recognize them all, but she can recognize all the people in some special positions, such as personnel department, finance department, procurement department, etc. She often greets them.

At this moment, seeing Yu Miao and the things she is carrying in her hand, she can't understand what she is doing here. She has heard from manager Zhang that Jiang Yuqin, who was called by President he and said no, is just Yu Miao's daughter.

"Is he always there?" Yu Miao asked humbly with a smile on his face.

"Mr. He is not here now," said the assistant politely.

Yu Miao was disappointed. After thinking about it, he wanted to give all the gifts in his hand to the assistant for her to hand over: "assistant Liang, can you please hand over these things to president he?"

She thought that as long as assistant Liang gave these things to president he, he would know what she meant.

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