Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009

How can someone who can be an assistant to the leader not observe his words and colors? Yu Miao's thoughts are clear. Of course, assistant Liang won't accept this gift. She didn't answer the connection:

"Yu accountant, you can't hurt me. I'll lose my job if you do this."

Yu Miao was worried when she didn't accept it: "it's nothing, just a little wine, assistant Liang. Just help me."

Assistant Liang waved his hand straight and said with a straight face, "Yu accountant, you will cause me to lose my job, and our unit expressly stipulates that I can't accept gifts. You let people see that it's a small matter for me to lose my job, and general he will be punished by the top. Yu accountant, to be serious, you're not here to apologize, but to harm general he."

All these words were said. If yu Miao still said anything, he would really have no eyesight.

After working for so many years, Yu Miao couldn't have any eyesight. Seeing assistant Liang say so, he had to apologize and leave with a gift.

Without seeing Mr. He, he couldn't send the gift out. There was no way to apologize. Yu Miao bent down with a deep sense of powerlessness.

If she had known earlier that her daughter had offended Gu qiaoyue, she could go to school to block people to apologize to her, but now it's a holiday. Where can she go to find her.

The only thing you can find is president he.

She stood at the gate of the factory for a long time. She bit her teeth and didn't go anywhere. She waited at the gate of the factory.

Unfortunately, she didn't wait until late at night.

Gu qiaoyue and he ronghua made two calls and agreed to eat in Wisteria garden. When they got home, they drove back with Si Moyan. He ronghua also hung up the phone and arranged things and went back to Wisteria garden.

At the moment, the family is having dinner. I don't know there are people waiting for her at the gate of the factory.

After dinner, when he ronghua and Gu qiaoyue went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, they asked about Jiang Yuqin. josei

Gu qiaoyue was also impartial and did not hide the matter.

Hearing what Jiang Yuqin did, he ronghua shook his head again and again: "fortunately, you called me, otherwise you recruited such a person to the unit. I don't know how to do it in the future."

Again and again, it's hard to guarantee that you haven't done it again and again, in case you frame your colleagues for a promotion.

Although the workplace is actually much more complex than in school, it can be so in school. In the workplace, various means must emerge one after another.

A company fights all day without thinking about how to make progress, and the leadership and management are also laborious.

He ronghua doesn't like it anyway.

When Gu qiaoyue called before, she thought it was rare for Gu qiaoyue to call her and ask her to help. She must help without hesitation, so she won't care who Jiang Yuqin is.

But now, knowing what happened, I'm really glad Gu qiaoyue called her.

After cleaning up, the family chatted for a while. Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan went back first.

"Do you want to take a walk?" Si Moyan said suddenly after the car was very good.

Gu qiaoyue shrugged and nodded indifferently, "well, go to the park."

The community where they live is a park for a long time. It is said that they didn't know which King and grandson noble family's back garden before. After repair, there are lakes, arch bridges, rockery and flowing water, and tree lined trails. The environment is very good.

Simoyan smiled and took her hand. They walked directly to the garden.

Those living near here either have money or power. There are not many people and are not complex. Young couples can occasionally be seen walking hand in hand on the Boulevard in the park.

However, there are not many bold people like Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan in this era. Most people hold hands quietly. When they find someone, they will release it quickly, and even subconsciously get together.

No, just passed by a little couple, the little couple quickly separated, which made Gu qiaoyue feel a little embarrassed, as if their passing had disturbed their good deeds.

Then I heard the boy say, "it's okay. Look at them two."

They didn't say anything, but combined with their appearance before, it's not difficult to guess what he meant. It must be Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan who don't shy away from others' hands.

The girl blushed and didn't speak, but she heard the boy say, "it's okay. We're as big as them."

Gu qiaoyue quietly turned her head and looked at the girl's eyes. Then she saw the girl blushing and quickly took her hand out of the boy's hand.

Gu qiaoyue: "..." she seems that I have disturbed others.


Gu qiaoyue looked up at Si Moyan: "what are you laughing at?"

Si Moyan quickly shook his head, pointed to the front and said, "there's a pavilion over there. Do you want to sit down?"


But when they walked in, they were embarrassed again. In the shadow of the pavilion, there was a couple holding together. As soon as they came, they scared others to run away.

Gu qiaoyue: "

Si Moyan: "

They were relatively speechless and half a ring. Gu qiaoyue said, "it may not be the right time for us to come out."

Si Moyan stared at her with deep eyes.

Gu qiaoyue's scalp was numb when he stared at him. He couldn't help asking, "what are you doing?"

"Do you want to try?"

Gu qiaoyue: "try what..."

As soon as he spoke, he thought of the couple who had just hurried away. His face turned red. He directly raised his foot and stepped on his foot: "I'm not ashamed."


Gu qiaoyue's foot is really not light, and the painful Si Moyan grinned.

Gu qiaoyue also hurriedly raised her feet, snorted coldly, and walked directly ahead. Just two steps later, there was a sudden chill on her neck. When she looked up, she saw snowflakes floating in the sky.

"It's snowing," she murmured.

Sima Yan nodded, "it's the twelfth lunar month, and it's time for snow. Let's go and go home." then he took Gu qiaoyue's hand.

Gu qiaoyue nodded. Just about to leave, he saw that he was still in place. He looked at him puzzled: "what's the matter?"

Then, he stumbled and fell directly into his arms. His lips were blocked, and his hot breath sprinkled on his face, directly facing him with hot eyes in his smile.

This guy... Really


It snowed heavily. By the time I got home, a thin layer of ground had fallen.

Heating was laid in the villa. When he entered the house, he took off his coat and hung it at the door. Gu qiaoyue was about to go over and collapse on the sofa, so he was grabbed by Si Moyan again.

Gu qiaoyue turned to look at him.

The next moment it was blocked again.

Sima Yan said with a smile, "I didn't finish it just now. Now continue."

Gu qiaoyue: "

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