Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013

I stayed in Daqing for more than ten days. In addition to dealing with the work here, I spent most of my time with my family, shopping and playing everywhere. Otherwise, the whole family went to find delicious restaurants and had a big meal.

Several old people became a country of their own. They followed Zhang Tianhe to the small park to play boxing, chess and cards with the old men and women nearby. Don't mention how comfortable they were.

Until the 15th day of the first month, when he wanted to return to Kyoto, Mr. Si was still reluctant.

Although he quarrels with Zhang Jingqi when he's free, in fact, if they have a good relationship, they can wear a pair of trousers. It's really not happy to be separated.

"Old boy, first say when you will go to Kyoto."

The night before he left, Mr. Si didn't know how many times he had asked this question.

Zhang Jingqi was also wilting and replied, "if you don't go, what's fun in Kyoto? There's no entertainment except playing chess with a few old men every day. Don't go back at all. Just stay here."

On hearing this, master Si immediately dared not. He stood up and pointed to him and said, "you old boy playing with me? Just now he said he would go to Kyoto for a few months, but now he won't go? You can't go again."

"Did I say that? Why don't I know?" Zhang Jingqi looked at him lazily and didn't admit what he had just said.

Mr. Si sat down on the sofa angrily, snorted and ignored him.

Although these two old people are very dignified at other times, if they want to get together, it is definitely two old children who can quarrel over a problem several times.

Gu qiaoyue and others have long been used to this.

Although Mr. Si is humming angrily at the moment, he can discuss other issues with Zhang Jingqi in only two minutes.

Sure enough, he didn't arrive for two minutes. Zhang Jingqi said, "why didn't Lao Wang downstairs ask us to play cards today."

Mr. Si immediately changed the topic, got up and said, "go, go down and play cards. I'll go tomorrow. It won't pay if I don't play cards today."

So, the two old and one older went down to play cards together, leaving the people in the room speechless for a while.

When starting the next day, Gu qiaoyue, Gu Qiaowan and Sima Yansi went back to Kyoto together. As for Zhang Tianhe, he stayed here comfortable these days and didn't want to go back. He said that he would go to Kyoto with Zhang Jingqi next time.

Gu qiaoyue and others are happy to do so. Zhang Tianhe is Zhang Jingqi's father. It's easy to say when he didn't know each other before. Now he knows each other, and it's unreasonable to let him stay up the mountain alone.

Back in Kyoto, he sent Gu Qiaowan to school, and Gu qiaoyue went to school to sign up.

After signing up, go to country y with the other three people.

In addition to Gu qiaoyue, the other three are Jin Tiantian, Hu Yifan, Wang Yuanrui, a woman and three men. They are also senior students of this year and are the leaders of Kyoto University.

Knowing that Gu qiaoyue was a specially recruited student of the Tina University, they were also quite polite to Gu qiaoyue and did not regard her as an ordinary student sister.

"There will be only four of us left in the next semester. Take care of each other."

After the three introduced each other, Jin Tian said with a smile.

Jintian can get the quota this time also has a certain relationship with her being the president of the student union. This time, when she went to country y, there were only four places for them. There was no tutor to lead the team. The school also chose Jintian out of various considerations.

At Kyoto University, where learning tyrants gather, kanada's study is not outstanding, but his diplomatic coordination ability is quite outstanding, and kanada is also the leader this time.

The other two boys, Hu Yifan and Wang Yuanrui, also smiled: "take care of each other." they all turned their eyes to Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue smiled: "take care of each other."

After a simple communication, they all get familiar with each other quickly, perhaps because in the next semester, the four of them will live in a foreign country, and they all want to get familiar with each other quickly, and they all work hard to integrate into this group.

By the time the plane was about to board, the four were already very familiar, like friends who had been together for many years.

Jintian, in particular, is worthy of being the president of the student union. He can always take care of everyone in the chat and make people feel very comfortable.

After boarding, two of the four seats were together, and the other two were not bought together.

After getting on the plane, just two boys sat together. The two girls were separated by a corridor. The two boys might want to take care of the girls. One of them said, "why don't you two girls sit here and we two sit there?"

Of course, Jin Tian has no opinion. He wants to ask Gu qiaoyue's opinion.

Just looking at Gu qiaoyue, I saw a tall and handsome man sitting beside Gu qiaoyue. The man was putting Gu qiaoyue's luggage on the luggage rack. They looked at each other and smiled. They seemed to know each other.

"Gu qiaoyue, who is this?"

The other two boys also looked at Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue introduced with a smile: "this is my husband. He will go to country y with us this time."

People: "

Gu qiaoyue has been married. Although there are rumors in the school, for these senior students, their focus has never been on these gossip. They know that Gu qiaoyue is only because Gu qiaoyue is on this list, because of the exchange of students, Gu qiaoyue and Jiang Yuqin.

As for Gu qiaoyue's marriage, they really haven't heard of it.

And now it's not the first few years of college. There are some married and older college students. Now most of them are school-age students. They rarely hear that they have been married in school.

Before Jin Tian came, he knew something about the other three people, but it was only limited to basic knowledge, such as Gu qiaoyue's marriage.

When I heard it, I was surprised that Gu qiaoyue's other half would go to country y with them, but soon calmed down and said with a smile, "this is Mr. Si?"

"Hello, I'm Si Moyan." Gu qiaoyue nodded to the three before sitting down. josei

"Hello, hello."

Looking at Si Moyan's calm appearance, Hu Yifan and Wang Yuanrui were a little embarrassed.

But Jin Tian still smiled calmly: "Hello, I'm Jin Tian, President of the student union of Kyoto University, and one of the exchange students who went to country y this time."

This is a girl who can sell herself very well. When she met Jintian on the first day of the first day, Gu qiaoyue commented like this, thinking that it would be good if she could have further communication with her and pull her into Xiangyue company.

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